《The Bone Cutter》Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten
The ride was awkward. I knew I should get used to sitting next to Inanis for hours in a cramped vehicle, but still, the very thought of it made my skin crawl.
He. Was. So. Close.
I didn't even have to reach out in order to touch him.
It didn't help that he looked as impatient and uncomfortable as me. His foot rapidly tapped the floor as he stared out the window. He looked lost in thought and I wondered what it is he could possibly be thinking about.
And then his head turned to me, and he caught me staring at him. I quickly looked away, angry at myself for wondering about what he was doing anyway.
I could feel him staring at me, and my rebellious side wanted to stare right back at him. To be the victor of his creepy staring contests.
But I was also a bit of a coward.
"Have you ever dined with the president?" He finally asked.
I snorted, "Do I look like the Queen of England?"
He rose his eyebrows, though he didn't look surprised, "No? One would have thought your father would have been close with the president, seeing as his ways of politics are just as appalling."
"No." I gritted my teeth at him talking about my father like that, "I have never met the president."
He sighed and leaned back in his seat, but only for a moment before he sat up and began fiddling with the car's ceiling light.
Like a kid.
I couldn't believe this was the man who the entire country looked up to and feared.
"Are you five years old?" I asked him, swatting his hand away as he had been reaching over me.
"Do I look five years old?" He had an amused grin, like he knew he was irritating me and it brought him genuine entertainment.
For a short while, anyway.
"You know, now that you mention it, you do have quite the babyface." It was such an obvious lie. There was nothing about him that looked childlike.
But acted, on the other hand...
He sighed, "If only I had a match with me to burn your lying tongue."
"If only I had a match with me, to burn you from my life."
He feigned hurt, placing his gloved hand on his chest, "Ooh, your words are such daggers to my heart."
"Please." I said with a scoff, "You have no heart."
"My chest is a hallow cavern of despair, you are quite correct." He said matter-of-factly, "But that doesn't mean I can't pretend to care, after all, you pretend to be confident."
"I do not."
"I am itching for a match."
I frowned, "I'm not lying!"
He waved his hand, the very gesture he does whenever he gets bored of a conversation and is done with it. I didn't bother to continue, seeing as it would only make me angrier.
The rest of the car ride was silent. Inanis shifted so many times, I actually found it humorous that he was so uncomfortable when it came to sitting still.
So long as he was uncomfortable, I was happy.
We finally arrived, and when I exited the car, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
"The White House?" I said to Inanis, "We're having dinner at The White House?"
"Where else would we be dining with the president?" He said as if it were so obvious.
And maybe it was obvious, so obvious that I didn't think about it.
I'm going to eat dinner with the president, in the fucking White House.
I didn't fail to notice the mass numbers of security surrounding the building. The patted us both down to make sure we didn't have any weapons or other dangerous things up our sleeves, and we walked right it.
Inanis walked in as if he owned the place. As if this was just another casual Thursday night for him, and honestly, I didn't doubt that it was.
I, on the other hand, was shaking in excitement, and nerves. Despite standing beside The Bone Cutter, and inevitably announcing to the world that we will be getting married in less than a week, I was still terribly jittery, and my heart was pounding in an anticipating way.
When we were inside the White House, it was even more immaculate than I had thought. Everything was old, and I wondered just how much history lived in this one building.
We were greeted by a bunch of people that I didn't recognize. They all were dressed in gorgeous clothing making them look incredibly rich.
Of course, they all probably were.
And then I watched as they practically worshipped Inanis. I realized, despite his age, he was the one person in this entire room that had the most power.
These people gave him their fake smiles, and kind words, but that didn't mean anything. He could still be the one to kill them in a month's time.
Even the president himself wasn't safe from the Bone Cutter's cleaver, albeit, it was rare, but a president has been executed in the past by the previous Bone Cutter. I was only eight years old at the time. I remember the shock of it as it was the only time America had gone silent during an execution. The only time the country was living on a gasp of disbelief. It was a dark, dark day. I don't remember ever seeing my father drink as much as he did then.
I watched as Inanis took in the compliments of the people around him. He knew very well that these people were only trying to get on his good side, and it seemed to amuse him. One woman complimented his attire, another man told him he was a 'big fan' of his artwork, AKA his murder choice.
None of these people were 'big fans' I guarantee that.
I scanned the room, wondering where the president was because I wanted to see him.
And then my eyes landed on a familiar face. A comforting face I adored with all my heart.
My father was here, and he was staring right at me.
I went still beside Inanis, my heart dropping onto the floor.
"You never told me my father was here." I told Inanis, my voice breathless.
Inanis glanced at where my father stood, somehow, he knew exactly where he was without having to search. He knew, this whole time he knew.
"Oh yes." He said simply, his tone bored and unamused, "I must have forgot." He didn't forget.
He just didn't want me to see him.
I broke away from him, figuring I'd yell at him later. All I wanted to do was to hug my father, to be held by the only person in the world who cared about me. I wanted to make sure he was doing alright, and that he wasn't as terribly lonely as I was. I just wanted-
"Ah ah ah," Inanis gripped my arm so tightly I could feel the bruises forming. I didn't care, I tried to jerk out of his grip anyway. "You are mine tonight, not his."
I whipped my head to face him, my voice venomous and dangerous, "Let me go."
He pretended to think, and then he pulled me closer to him, our bodies touching, "No."
My blood turned to liquid fire. I felt my skin burning against his touch. I opened my mouth to threaten him, to spit out the worst insult I could muster.
But he stopped me before I could speak.
"I suggest you hold yourself together, love." He wrapped his arm around my waist as he leaned down to whisper in my ear. To everyone else, we must look like a couple in love.
It couldn't be farther from the truth.
"You don't want to make a scene in front of the president, do you?" It was his own personal threat. He wanted everyone to believe we were in love. I just wanted to see my father.
"Please." I set all my pride aside as Inanis breath was hot on my neck as he waited to hear my plea. "Let me speak to my father."
"After." He said, after a moment of thinking, "I need you on your best tonight. I need these people to believe our relationship, and if you start spitting out tears then they'll know it's a façade."
"I won't cry."
"Yes, yes, I can see your tears from a mile away." He led me deeper into the crowd of people, and I realized it was to block my view from my father. Clearly, he didn't want me to see him, and though every part of me wanted to disagree, he was right, I would most likely burst into tears the moment he held me.
We met a few more people, even the vice president was here, speaking to Inanis like he was his very own son.
I could barely mask my irritation.
There were cameras all around, everyone was waiting for the president to make his entrance, so Inanis could make his speech.
Our speech.
And announce to the world that we were to be getting married in three days.
The very thought made my head spin.
Apparently, this was tradition. Every Bone Cutter who ever lived announced their engagement in front of the president himself. Not that it meant anything, considering Inanis could kill the president and get away with it.
Suddenly everyone was clapping. Inanis, with his arm intertwined around mine, began to walk towards front entrance, where the president himself was coming from.
The president was only a few feet away from me. He was staring at me, smiling.
It was a strained smile.
My own smile fell.
He was scared of Inanis, just like everyone else.
"Inanis!" The president said with a wide grin, shaking his hand professionally. "Do I sense an engagement tonight?"
Inanis placed a gloved finger on his own lips, "Shh, no spoilers."
He laughed in response, and turned to me, "Your Mirea, Mansel Dhalmi's daughter."
Of course he knew me, the whole country knows me after my stunt with Inanis on live television. "That's right." I said, faking a light tone. "It's an honor to meet you, sir." He shook my hand, and I was shocked at how big it was. He was a tall man, even taller than Inanis. I felt like a child standing next to him.
"Well, congratulations on your engagement." He said the word lowly, as if he knew it was against my will.
How weird it was to have the president take pity on me.
He turned to Inanis, "Well then, shall we get started?"
I noticed how Inanis had barely been paying attention, he seemed to have been in his own world, thinking of God knows what as his head whipped over to the president when he spoke to him, "Oh yes, let's."
The president walked into the center of the room, onto a platform, cameras flashing all around him as multiple reporters began filming. Everyone was getting ready. Everyone already knew what tonight was all about.
Inanis and I stood beside the president on the platform. I felt uncomfortable to have so may eyes on me, and even Inanis seemed to be thinking of something else.
"Hello everyone." The president spoke with his voice as bold and dominating as usual. "Tonight is a very special night, and I am very grateful to have you all here under such short notice." I swallowed, " But I guarantee all of you, it was worth the trip. Many of you have come from all across the country to hear what has to be said tonight, and for that, I thank each and every one of you." He paused, "Tonight, Inanis Messor," He beckoned at Inanis, "America's Bone Cutter, will be announcing an imperative update to the public. I do believe it is what we all have been waiting for, for quite a few years now."
Inanis bowed to everyone, as he took a step forward with me still clinging to his arm. I felt like I was going to be sick. When he spoke, his voice was smooth and sweet like milk and honey. He certainly knew how to fool the public, "Many people have been asking me through the years, when the time would come when found my Bone Harvester. I admit, I had no plans to marry anytime soon -that is, until a brave young woman challenged me in front of the nation."
There were a few cheers, a few snickers, I wondered if these people were on my side, or Inanis's.
"I have given my heart to her since that day." He continued, "She has become my everything, and I do hope America will fall in love with her as much as I have," -I cringed,- "as she will be joining me on stage every month, by my side as my darling Bone Harvester."
The crowd of people cheered and clapped. It was all so fake. I spotted my father in the mass of people, he looked at me with such fear and regret.
I had to look away from him, or else I'd cry.
"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Mirea Dhalmi," it was weird to hear my name on Inanis's lips. "My true love."
White. All I saw was white as everyone's camera was flashing, desperately trying to take the best photo of us for the headlines. I felt dizzy all of a sudden, as everything had only just then became too much. My eyes were beginning to spot, and I felt my skin dampen from sweat.
Inanis must has noticed how pale I had gotten as I thought I was going to pass out. He waved goodbye to everyone, and walked me off the platform, elegantly, but swiftly.
A crowd of reporters attempted to follow us, but Inanis's security wouldn't have it. As they fought of the mass of people, Inanis led me to a private room, where it was just the two of us.
I gasped for breath, wiping the beaded sweat from my forehead. The taste of bile was fresh in my throat, and I almost heaved stomach acid onto the White House floor.
"We are definitely going to have to sharpen your publicity skills." He said, after a moment of making sure I wasn't going to pass out on him.
"Shut up." I muttered, suddenly too exhausted to shoot him a decent insult. I noticed there were a few security guards in the room we were in. Most people wouldn't be allowed to move as freely from one room to the other in the White House. But Inanis was different.
Even the security was afraid to tell him no.
My legs shook, and they suddenly gave out from underneath me before I had time to steady myself. Inanis caught me, even though I would have preferred to hit the floor and get a concussion than be in his arms.
"As amusing as this is, I'd prefer you not pass out on me while at such an important event." His eyes were stuck on mine, and for a few seconds we stared at each other. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but for the first time, I realized his attention was completely mine.
I huffed, and shook my head, my vision beginning to blur all around me, "Yeah, sorry I'll just feel better because I have a choice." He sat me on the floor, and to my surprise, he sat beside me. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was trying to avoid going back out there as I was.
"I do believe they bought it." He said, as if he were speaking to only himself. "It was a bland performance, but they're all so simple-minded." He turned to me, "You should really get yourself together, we still have the whole night ahead of us."
"I know, okay?" I spit at him, "I just need a few minutes to breathe."
He was quiet at that, as he stared at me for a long, long moment. I didn't want to look at him, because frankly, him staring at me made me uncomfortable.
And then he stood up, told me to stay here, and began to leave the room.
"Wait what?" I called after him, "Inanis-" But he was gone before I could get another word out.
At first, I was angry at him for leaving me, how dare he just get up and leave when I can hardly stand on my own?
The fact that he'd risk leaving me alone, when he was trying to hard to convince the media that we were in love was beyond me.
I sat on the floor for a while, before trying to stand on my own. I used the wall as support, and though my legs still shook quite a bit, I finally managed to stand up.
With the wall's help, of course.
The door of the room opened, and I expected to see Inanis again, but instead, I came face-to-face with my father.
I gasped, and already the tears made their appearance.
"Dad?" I said nearly breathless.
"My baby girl." He said, taking me in his arms and holding me. I cried, I cried so hard my heart felt heavy.
"I missed you so much." I said between sobs, I didn't realize just how lonely I had been until this very moment.
"You have no idea how much I have missed you too, sweetheart." He said, kissing my forehead, refusing to let me out of his hold.
I wouldn't let him out of mine, either.
"How did they allow you back here?" I asked, wiping a tear, "Inanis just left, you could get in trouble if they find out you left the main room-"
"I know," His voice stiff at my mention of Inanis, "It's alright, it was actually him that told me to come in here."
"Him?" I looked up at my father, confused, "You mean Inanis told you to come back here with me?"
He nodded, clearly done talking about my future husband. "I've been so worried about you, has he hurt you? Is he treating you well?"
Still shocked that Inanis would show such kindness to me, I almost didn't realize I had to answer. "Oh, no." I lied, "Everything is fine, Inanis hasn't hurt me." As long as you don't count pushing me in a sticky swamp and having scalding hot coffee being thrown at me by his mother.
My father didn't look like he believed me, but he didn't press. "We shouldn't be in here for long." He said, taking a hesitant step back. I already felt empty with him near me.
"I know." I said, almost positive the cameras were all waiting for me to make an entrance back in the room.
He took my hands in his, and he stared at me, his eyes were full of an inifinity of love, and I was sure mine were the same. My father was the only person in the world who loved me. He was the only person in the world I loved back. "I love you, Mirea, you haven't forgotten, have you?"
"Never in a million years." I tell him, "I love you too."
"I know," He said, kissing my hand once, "You are the strongest young woman I know. You will get through this marriage, I promise you that."
I nodded but couldn't find the words to agree.
Suddenly, Inanis came rushing in, annoyance clearly visible on his face, "I will not wait any longer, and neither will the press." He grabbed my arm, and pulled me to him, as he turned to my father, "We will be leaving the room first, please wait a few moments before following us." He didn't wait for my father to object, as he guided me out of the room.
I swallowed, not entirely angry at him for doing so. I wanted to stay with my father longer, but I knew that was an impossible wish. People would begin to assume things, if I wasn't near Inanis tonight.
"Thank you." I find myself saying, shocked that the words even came out of my mouth.
Inanis seemed a but taking back as well, which was something he never seemed to be. Inanis Messor was never surprised, and yet, here it was written clearly on his face.
"Yes, well," He cleared his throat, "let's go fool some politicians."
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