《ddlg/lb, mdlg/lb tips for beginners》beginning



DDLG is a relationship between a Daddy Dom and a Little. Now, to understand the nature of a DDLG relationship, we will need to understand a Daddy Dom and a Little. One thing to remember, before we start, is that Daddy Dom and Little are identities of the individuals who choose to enter a DDLG relationship. The "Daddy Dom" and the "Little" are roles. Roles means pretending to be something or taking the characteristics of something. Identity means it is who they are. Now the identity of a Daddy Dom and a little can mix with other identities like Slaves, Masochists, Submissives, Masters, Sadists so on.

DDLG is also used as a umbrella term for other relationships like DDLB, MDLB, MDLG, DDLG, and so on. We are going to focus our attention on DDLG as a single term first. That way, we will lower all the confusions. If we try to explore all of them at the same time here then it will only create confusion. With that said let's start.

DDLG stands for Daddy Dom and Little girl. Daddy Dom is the identity of the individual who has Daddy space. The little girl is the identity of the individual who has little space. Daddy space is the state of individual where he becomes a caring, nurturing and protective figure for the little girl. Little space is the state of the individual where she becomes a human being that is in stages of development but with full grown body of an adult.


That is because terms like baby like, child like, infant like creates confusion and gives DDLG a bad reputation. Those terms should not be used and they should be to avoided to remove confusion. "The stages of the development" is divided into ages. Based on the age of the development, the little becomes middle and big. In little space, when she is in the early stages of development, she is called a little. When she is at the middle stage of development, she is called middle. When she is the last stages of development, she is called a big.


As she is in stages of development, she needs care, nurturing, protection and guidance. But she is also an adult, she needs love and a mate. The Daddy Dom is the individual who gives her the care, nurturing, protection and guidance. He is also gives her love and is her mate. When they get in a relationship, the relationship is called DDLG relationship. The Daddy with his Daddy space has the urge and need to take care of the little and little has the need to be taken care of.Together they complete each other. That creates the DDLG experience.


No. In age play, the adult pretends to be a lower then their age. The little is not pretending. It is her identity.


No. Age regression is where the person's age regresses. No regression happens in the little. Instead that is her identity. She does not regresses in age. When she enters little space, she becomes one with her identity as a little.


The DDLG is in default a power exchange relationship. But when the Daddy chooses to be a submissive instead of a Dom and the little chooses to be a Dominant then the Daddy becomes the submissive and the little becomes Dominant.

If they both choose to not do any power exchange at all, the DDLG relationship becomes a relationship without any power exchange. Not all littles are interested in power exchange.


A Daddy can be a Dom, Master, sadist or anything else. The identity of Daddy can mix well with other identities. But not all Doms, Masters, Sadists are Daddies.

The main difference is the existence of Daddy space and the urge and need of a Daddy to care of a little.


A little can be a submissive, slave, masochist. The identity of a little mixes well with other identities. But not all submissives, slaves, masochists are littles.


The main difference is that the little has little space and the urge and need to be taken cafe by a Daddy.


DDLG can be sexual and non sexual both. It depends on the Daddy space and little space. Some Daddy and little are non sexual in their space and others are sexual in their place.


Certainly not. Littles can be males and other genders. Genders are never fixed. Same with Daddy Doms. Some females identity themselves as Daddy Doms rather then Mommy Doms.


They are a part of umbrella term of CGL. The CGL term has two meanings, in single term, it means the relationship between a Caregiver and little. In umbrella terms, it means all the relationship that had similar identities as CGL in single term meaning.


Caregivers are individuals who give care to the littles and same individual with similar identities.

They can be Daddy Doms and Mommy Doms. They can also be normal individuals. Even a little can be a caregiver for other littles.


No. That myth comes from people who misunderstand the terms. A single term can have different meanings in vanilla and BDSM.


DDLG is a vast and big umbrella term. This article should give you enough idea to start your journey into the world of DDLG. As you gain experience, you will realize everything. For now. Welcome to the world of DDLG."

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