《Head Over Heels》(Updated) Chapter 12- Poker Game
"Thanks for letting me borrow your jacket up there. Here you go." I take off Tyler's jacket and try to hand it to him.
"That's alright, you keep it the rest of the night. You need it more than I do." Tyler smiles his crooked smirk at me.
"That's nice of you but I'm totally fine, really." My arm's still extended to him. Suddenly the night breeze comes sending a wave of shivers up my exposed skin causing visible goosebumps we both notice.
"Is that so?" Tyler laughs. "Will you quit the tough act with me and put the dang jacket back on?! I can see the goosebumps from here." Tyler grabs the jacket from my hand and swings it over my shoulders once again.
"I don't know what you're talking about, I never act tough. I am tough." I give Tyler a playful smirk. "But if you insist......" I push my arms through the giant arm holes, feeling instantly so much warmer wrapped in Tyler's jacket. "Thank you." I say genuinely when our eyes meet again.
"You're welcome Lila."
"But if your fragile little body gets too cold, just let me know. I can give you your jacket back because like I said, I'm really not even that cold." I joke. Maybe I'm being petty, but I couldn't resist the chance to dig at Tyler again. I don't want him thinking he's won. It will only inflate his ego further.
"Fragile?! I've easily got a hundred pounds on you!" Tyler scoffs. "You're just lucky that I'm such a gentlemen, even to stubborn girls who never want to accept help from anyone." Tyler winks at me with a big grin.
Did he really just wink?!
There's no time to try and over analyze what just happened because Kelly and Chase are walking down the exit ramp towards us. Not far behind them are the rest of our friends coming in pairs off the ride.
"Everybody ready to get going?" Payton asks the group. She looks completely smitten, her hand resting in Jakes. She must've had a nice time on the Ferris Wheel.
"Sounds good." Tyler answers for the guys.
"Yep, let's go." Kelly agrees.
Our group begins heading back to the Johnson's house. All the guys take the lead on our walk which is totally fine because all of us girls are dying to hear how Payton's ride went.
"So! How'd it go?!" Kelly asks excitedly as soon as the boys are out of earshot.
"It was.....perfect." Payton says with a sigh. "Jake asked me at the top if I would go on a real date with him next Saturday! I of course told him I needed to check my calendar." She pauses to look us each in the eye and then bursts out laughing. "Just kidding! I told him yes, obviously!"
We all squeal along with Payton in her excitement.
"Did he say where he would take you?" Claire asks.
"He told me he wanted it to be a surprise so I have no idea what he has planned, but I can't wait! I've been hoping this day would come for so long that I would be happy with just about anything. But if anyone wants to drop him some hints that I hate movie first dates, feel free." Payton laughs but is completely serious at the same time.
"What's wrong with going to the movies?" Kelly questions.
"Nothing.... It's just they aren't worthy of a first date. First dates are special. You can't ever have another first date with someone. No do overs. You only get one. So it better be a good one."
We all look at Payton with blank stares so she continues her explanation.
"...I'm just saying I want to be wooed a little on a first date. Something more special than sitting in a dark room staring at a screen and not talking to each other for two hours. That's a total cop out. I'd rather do something more thoughtful. You know, something like a hand packed picnic dinner on the beach with star gazing afterward....." Payton looks lost in a daydream before she comes back to reality. "I'm just saying, first impressions are important. You can tell a lot about a guy based on how good his first date is."
Payton says it so matter-of-factly it's sort of funny. I'm almost positive Payton is like me and has had zero dating experience prior to this.
"Well don't stop now, Pay. You've got us all curious about this elaborate theory you've concocted. Go on, explain yourself." Rachel says.
"Well ok, maybe I don't have a ton of experience on the matter, but it just seems to me if a guy is really into you he's going to show it by how well he plans the first date. He might not spill his guts to you on the first date, but you'll know how he feels based on how well he pays attention to the details is what I mean. Like for example, does he know the things you like or even more importantly what you don't like? Does he walk up to your front door and meet your parents before the date or just text from the car? Did he pick the activity based on his own interests or yours? It's all the little details that shows how much he cares about you."
She does have a point. This all makes a lot of sense. Noted for whenever I finally get a first date.
"...I view it sort of like an interview honestly. So if he bombs the first date then he's probably not worth my time." Payton nods her head assertively.
"Geesh Pay, way to not put any pressure on the date?!" Kelly teases. "I think you have watched way too many chick flicks and Hallmark movies. All that pressure is going to make him super nervous!"
"What's wrong with a little pressure? I'm sure I'll be nervous too, but that's ok. I know what I want and don't want to settle for anything less. What's wrong with that?" Payton retorts.
"Absolutely nothing! I agree with you, Payton. You're completely right. I'm sure Jake will pass your test and make your first date really special. I've seen the way he looks at you. He's not like most guys that are too lazy to put in the effort." Rachel comforts Payton.
"I don't know.....I don't think Jake is the only one who's smitten. Seems like Mason is trying pretty hard to win you over too Rachel." I tease, eyeing the giant stuffed animal she's carrying that Mason won for her.
Rachel blushes ever so slightly. "Yeah yeah, he can keep trying. He flirts with half the girls in our school. I'm not going to fall for his cheesy one-liners knowing he probably uses them on every other girl who breathes too."
For the first time I see a hint of sadness in Rachel's expression. It's hidden under her blunt exterior but it's there. I think she may truly like Mason but doesn't know if she can trust her feelings or him.
"To his credit, Mason may be a big flirt and have a history of being a ladies man from what I hear, but I've noticed the way he lights up around you. It's seems different." I tell Rachel sincerely.
"Maybe.....but either way I told myself I was going to focus on school this year. Junior year is brutal and I want to get into an Ivy League after graduation. Mason would just be a distraction." Rachel says trying to sound convincing.
"Speaking of distractions...Was anyone else distracted by how flirty TJ was being with Lila on the Ferris Wheel?! Chase and I were having a fun time, just minding our own business when we noticed somebody looking pretty cozy tucked under TJ's arms in the cart beneath ours. Care to explain anything to the group Lila?" Kelly asks with a grin.
"Oh stop!" I can't hide the blush from all my friends who are smiling big cheesy grins at me. "You're all misreading the whole situation. The truth is much more embarrassing, really. I am pretty terrified of heights and was basically acting like a giant baby whenever the cart would swing so Tyler was just trying to be nice while I was scared. That's what you saw, nothing more."
"And TJ's jacket just magically wrapped itself around you too?" Claire pointedly questions.
"Dang Claire! You're gonna call me out like that?! I'd expect it from anyone else but you? I thought you were on my side." I say with a laugh.
Everyone is giggling. We're walking down the sidewalk with our arms linked together in a row. Nobody else around as we walk in the light of the street lamps.
"You know we're just teasing you Lila, but I'll say it again just so we're clear. I'm one hundred percent ok if you wanted to date my brother. I think you'd be really good for him actually." Payton says sweetly when the laughter dies down.
"Thanks Pay. We'll see..... I'm going to leave it at that." I say with a blush.
We get back to Payton's house a few minutes later. The Johnson's have one of the massive historic homes in town that they've completely updated. It sits on top of a hill so when you walk around to the back you can see the walk out basement. All the guys are already inside raiding the downstairs kitchen for snacks when we walk in the sliding doors. All of the walls are filled with tons of family photos from over the years that catch my eye. I'm quietly looking at each of them when Tyler walks up behind me.
"That one's from our trip to Colorado when Payton and I were in middle school." He points over my shoulder at him and Payton standing with their parents at the top of a mountain, everyone in skiing attire. When his arm brushes the top of my shoulder my heart skips a beat.
"Colorado looks beautiful. I've never been but have always wanted to."
"You definitely need to go at least once in your life. It's got the best skiing out of all the states I think."
"That's cool. I wouldn't know, I've never been skiing before." I say shyly.
"What?! How is that even possible? We live in Michigan. It snows like fifty feet each winter!" Tyler looks surprised.
"Well, I never really had the time before to try." I shrug. "I was always training or in school. That was my whole life. Plus my old coach was really strict. She didn't allow any of us to do stuff like that during the competitive season because she thought it was too risky. She didn't want any of us ending up with a broken leg, dislocated knee, sprained wrist, you get the picture."
Tyler pauses to think for a moment.
"Well that settles it, this winter we'll take you. There are some small local slopes around here. I'm an excellent teacher." Tyler says with an arrogant smile.
"Uh isn't skiing like one of those sports you need to start as a child?!" I say apprehensively. "It doesn't really seem like something I should just randomly try now. I'd probably end up leaving in a body cast." I laugh.
"Maybe for most people I would say that is true, but I've seen your athletic ability. I'm sure you'll catch on just fine. I'm not worried. Plus we can start small. Just the bunny hill, nothing too steep. Payton has a whole bunch of extra gear you can borrow."
Is he seriously asking me to go skiing with him sometime? Or is this one of those occasions where you make plans with someone knowing full well you never intend to go through with them? He's probably just saying all this to be friendly.
Just then Payton calls to us from the table across the room.
"Hey Lila, TJ, I'm dealing out cards for poker, you guys want in?
"That depends. What kind of poker?" I call back.
"Texas Hold 'Em."
Bingo. I love Texas Hold 'Em. Charlie and I used to play all the time. He taught me when I was in the 5th grade so I've had plenty of years to practice.
"I'm in." I raise one eyebrow toward Tyler waiting for his response.
He looks straight at me and says, "I have a feeling I'm going to regret this, but yeah, deal me in too."
Claire, Kelly, Brady and Chase decided not to play. They are chatting on the couch next to us. I'm seated at the poker table between Payton and Tyler. Mason, Rachel and Jake are seated on the other side of the round table from us.
The first few rounds of the game I purposely play more conservatively than I normally would. It's part of my strategy. I'm gauging my opponents skill levels. Nobody here knows that I've been playing since I was a kid and I want to use that to my advantage. Charlie always told me "You win poker not with your cards, but with your long-term game strategy. You have to know how to set the trap and when to pull it." Charlie is the best poker player I know so I'd be dumb not to take his advice. From the first half hour of game play I've learned Mason is flashy and not a great bluffer. His tell is scratching his head if he has any halfway decent cards. Tyler is more calculated but still has an ego which makes him take risks he probably shouldn't and I can definitely use that to my advantage. Jake is the opposite. He always folds if anyone throws in more than four chips to the pot. Rachel's calm and collected but an inexperienced player overall. Lastly, Payton is a smart player who flies under the radar. She is probably my biggest competition of the bunch. I knew I liked this girl.
It's Payton's deal. She passes me the Ace of Hearts and Ace of Spades. Perfect. Now to set the trap and wait. Two more times around and everyone is still in play besides Rachel and Jake who folded. Cards on the table are the Ace of Diamonds,Ten of Clubs, Ace of Clubs and Two of Hearts.
"I call your four and raise you six." I say to Payton when it's my turn again. Throwing ten chips into the pot.
"Well things just got interesting." Payton lifts her eyebrow at me. Everyone's bets have been pretty small so far, never more than six chips.
Tyler cocks one brow at me and tries to hide his arrogant smirk. "I'll bite...." He throws in ten chips on top of mine at the center of the table.
Mason, who I don't think has any business still playing in this round does the same as his buddy. The guy doesn't know when to quit, which makes him the perfect target. I don't mind racking up more of his chips in the meantime.
"I'm out." Payton folds. She gives me a pointed look telling me to take the boys down without using any words.
It's down to just Tyler, Mason and I.
Payton lays the fifth card down. It's the Six of Diamonds. I take a moment to ponder my next move, trying to make myself look hesitant. I really want to sell the act so I get the boys right where I want them.
"I'm all in." I slide my chips towards the center of the table.
Tyler has his evil grin again. He must have something decent, but I'm guessing it won't beat my Four of a Kind.
"All or nothing baby." He says looking directly at me. "I'm all in too." Tyler pushes his chips in next to mine.
"Man I'm out, ya'll are nuts!" Mason finally folds. It's probably the first smart move he's had this whole game.
Tyler looks at me before we reveal our cards, the most cocky half smirk peaking out that he's doing a poor job hiding. Whoever doesn't win out of the two of us is out of the game. The room is silent, all our friends watching intently. Tyler flips his cards over first, clearly too excited with what is in his hand to wait for me.
He has the Ten of Spades and Diamonds. Add in the Ten of Clubs and two Aces on the table which gives him a Full House.
"Not bad pretty boy....but still not good enough." I say flipping my cards over. "Four of a Kind." I give Tyler my most smug smile.
Tyler's face drops from his arrogant grin to total shock. Everyone around the table takes a big gasp of air before bursting with laughter.
"I can't believe you played me!" Tyler says in disbelief.
I'd feel sorry for him if I wasn't so competitive and enjoying my victory. I start grabbing my giant pot from the center. Payton is laughing uncontrollably and Mason puts his hand on Tyler's shoulder in condolence.
"I can't believe you beat me again. I don't know how many more wounds I can take from you Lila, I'm gonna start taking it personally." Tyler holds his heart and pretends to be in pain.
"Better luck next time." Is all I say back with a shrug. Feeling zero percent guilty.
"On that note, can we pleeeease watch a movie now? You guys have been playing poker forever." Kelly begs.
"Yeah that's probably for the best. Give Tyler some time to lick his wounds." Payton continues laughing. Tyler gets up from the table to put her in a headlock like the typical older brother that he is.
"What does everyone want to watch?" Chase asks while scrolling Netflix. We all make our way to the couch to join them.
"Oooh that one! My sister told me it's super twisted and scary." Kelly points excitedly at some horror movie I'd never heard of.
"Ahh I've heard it's totally creepy. Let's do it!" Rachel echos the excitement.
To be honest, I'm not really into scary movies but I'm not going to say anything since everyone else seems to be down for it. I'd much prefer something funny or romantic. Even an action movie would be fine. Scary movies creep me out. I know they are usually super cliché and ridiculous but I hate the uneasy feeling they give me. All the suspense when you're waiting for the killer to pop out of nowhere is too stressful for me. I decide to tough it out for the sake of everyone else though when I find a spot on the couch. I'm sandwiched between Kelly and Payton. Tyler grabs some extra pillows and blankets from a nearby closet, turns out the basement lights and takes a space on the floor next to Mason right in front of me. His back is touching my legs just barely but it's enough to send a chill up my spine since we are so close.
Chase starts the movie up. I check my phone really quick. I'm thankful it's already eleven o'clock. My curfew is midnight so that gives me the perfect excuse to leave early from viewing this horrible film. If I'm lucky, most of the really scary parts will be towards the second half and I'll miss them.
Nope! Not what happens.
The movie is intense within the first five minutes of starting. Honestly, I've barely watched any of it I've had my eyes closed so much. Kelly and I have taken to holding hands for support, but it's not really working because she will jump, which makes me jump, and vice versa. I've lost track of the amount of times I've almost kneed Tyler in the head from startling. When I finally make it to eleven forty-five I'm so relieved. Right as I'm about to stand up and sneak out, the psycho killer jumps onto the screen and Tyler grabs my legs.
"AHHHHHH!" I scream louder than anyone else in the room. Tyler is rolling on the floor beside himself because he scared me so bad.
"Nice one!" Mason gives Tyler a high five. All the guys are laughing along with them.
"Well that's my cue to leave." I stand up and announce to everyone, trying to downplay my embarrassment.
"No, don't go! Tyler, apologize to Lila! You're making her leave you dummy!" Payton yells at Tyler and throws a pillow at his head.
"No, it's not that. I have to get going anyway. My curfew is midnight and it's quarter to." I explain.
"Oh." Payton gives me a frowny face in the glow of the TV. "Well ok.... Tyler, you still need to apologize though, that was not nice!" She defends me.
"I'm sorry Lila." He's still laughing. "Let me at least walk you out to your car." His apology doesn't feel sincere, more like he's baiting me.
"No thanks, I'm good." The sarcasm is rich in my tone. I'm still annoyed he got me so good.
"Suit yourself." His ego has fully re-inflated since our poker game. "Hope no psycho killers are lurking in the shadows out there waiting for you...."
The rational part of me knows that Tyler is clearly joking. But the irrational part of me is realizing walking out to my car, in the dark, alone, this late at night, is sounding a little more frightening than I'd care to admit.
Ugh....what the heck.
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