《Head Over Heels》(Updated) Chapter 9-Friday Night Lights
My whirlwind first week at RHS is already coming to an end. Payton and the girls made it their personal mission to make me feel comfortable which has been extremely nice. With how busy the week has been, hanging with the girls, meeting more new people, navigating the school and starting cheer practices I haven't had any time to miss Chicago. Oh and I can't forget all the time I've spent trying to distract myself from how cute Payton's brother is. I'm a little ashamed to admit how easily my palms get sweaty anytime Tyler's near me. I've found my best defense is to try and act like he doesn't exist, which is easier said then done. Yesterday in English our class had to partner up with the people who sit around us to discuss the book we are reading. That meant Mason, Tyler and the snobby red head who sits in front of me, Quinn Davis, were in a group together. Quinn basically only payed attention to Tyler during our discussion and acted like Mason and I didn't exist. Even though I get the sense Quinn doesn't like me very much, and I don't know why, it did at least make it a little easier to keep my feelings in check during class. After all, Payton is my closest friend here and I won't let some stupid crush on her older brother come between us.
Another way to distract myself from Tyler is focusing on cheer. At practice Coach Kim has had me dive right into learning chants, fight songs and routines with the team. Our first game is tonight and although I haven't learned everything yet, Coach is happy with what I have managed to learn and wants me to cheer on the sidelines with the rest of the team. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely nervous about it. Romeo is a small town and football is a big deal so everybody comes to the games. Mix in my moderate social anxiety with being brand new to the sport and it feels like a recipe for disaster. I've second guessed my decision to join this team probably one hundred thirty-two times this week. But even with all my fears, Payton has done a great job reassuring me that everything is going to be great. She's even been putting in extra time working with me one on one at night to try and make me feel more at ease. I don't know what I did to deserve this girl but man am I grateful she's been so loyal to me since the moment we first met.
"So Pay, you never filled us in on how your talk with TJ went the other night.....How'd he take the news about you liking Jake? Was that the issue?" Kelly asks.
Kelly, Rachel, Claire and I are all up in Payton's room doing our hair and makeup before we have to head to the stadium for warm up before the game.
"Oh.....about that....well I tried to bring it up, a few times actually. But then you see, TJ was always at practice, or I was at practice, or with Lila getting in extra reps before today. My talk with TJ may have never happened. But it definitely wasn't because I was too nervous to bring it up to him." Payton wears a guilty smile.
"Payton Marie, I never knew you to be a scaredy cat!" Rachel teases her.
"What?! It's a lot harder than I thought it would be. TJ and I are close but we've never talked about stuff like this before. Plus there was never a good time to bring it up because we both have honestly been really busy. Don't judge me. I'll do it, eventually...."
"I'm so glad I have sisters." Kelly deadpans and we all burst out laughing.
"Ok changing the subject, let's talk about how good Lila looks in this uniform! I feel like a proud mom." Payton starts waving her hands at her eyes like she is about to get emotional.
"Oh stop it! .....But do you guys really think so? I feel a little like I'm playing dress up." I say, brushing my hands down my uniform. It's red, white and black with the bulldog mascot across the front.
"You look great Lila. We don't want you to feel nervous about tonight either. We all have total faith in you. I've never seen someone pick up material as fast as you, truthfully! You're a complete natural! If you do get a little nervous though, just remember we will all be right by your side the whole game. If you forget something all you need to do is ask or follow us, we'll take care of you." Claire smiles at me through the mirror while she finishes putting the red bow in my hair.
"Exactly what Claire said. Oh and also, try to have some fun!" Payton adds with a wink.
We get to the stadium an hour before the game is supposed to start. Besides the boys on the field doing their warmups, there's only our team and the dance team stretching at the far end of the track that surrounds the football field. Just outside the gates are hundreds of Romeo fans tailgating before the start of the game. I can hear the marching band giving their pre game performance for fans to enjoy before entering the stadium. My body has a mixture of butterflies and adrenaline coursing through my veins, the same way it used to before big gymnastics meets. Coach Kim wastes no time running us through our warm ups so we're prepared for tonight.
"Ladies, remember you are here to do a job tonight. I want to see you focused and bringing the energy. We should have a big turnout since it's the first home game so let's make sure to look impressive. This game sets the tone for our season. And always remember, if you're having fun, then the crowd will have fun with you."
I like Coach Kim. Her coaching style is both parts disciplined and relaxed. She expects a lot from her team but also allows her athletes to have fun along the way. I found out from Payton that Coach Kim used to be an all star gymnast in high school and because of it she got recruited to cheer in college for a small all girl team. Knowing that we're cut from the same cloth and that Coach also learned how to cheer later in life makes me feel more connected to her already.
"Alright, if you're fully warmed up, hit all your stunts with your groups and practiced your standing tumbling then I'll give you the next twenty minutes to freshen up before the game starts. Here, each of you grab a bulldog tattoo. You can put them on in the locker room." Coach Kim hands Payton a basket full of temporary tattoos. "Make sure you're on the field ready for the boys entrance at five minutes left on the clock."
As we make our way down the track I see the massive crowd flooding into the stadium. My pre game jitters are growing out of control with every step we take. Right on cue Payton senses my apprehension and links her arm with mine. She doesn't have to say a word, she knows what I'm thinking. This girl always knows how to support me, it's an undeserved gift. We reach the entrance of our locker room arm in arm when we pass by some members of the dance team exiting. Quinn Davis, the red head from my English class is leading their pack. She shoots daggers at me. Looking me over head to toe, never saying a word, only showing her disgust for I guess being in my presence? This is now the third time this girl has outwardly made it clear she doesn't like me very much but I don't know why? It seems like me merely existing annoys her. I decide to try and brush it off since I have more important things on my mind at the moment but I'm not the only one who noticed the rude looks from Quinn.
"What was that look for? Payton whispers to me as we enter the locker room.
"I have no idea.... She gave me the same look on my first day in our English class and ignored me all class yesterday. " I shrug.
"Ugh, don't take anything personally from Quinn. She's just threatened by you probably. Ignore anything she says to you. At least that's what I do." Rachel states matter of factly, she also caught the icy stare I got from Quinn.
"You can't be serious. She's stunning. Why would she ever be threatened by me?!" I say in disbelief.
"Uh because you're HOT Lila!" Kelly cuts me off "Plus you're new so you're new and hot, which is extra scary for someone like her. Rach is right, Quinn doesn't like other people stealing her spotlight. She's probably jealous because everyone has been so curious about you all week. I know at least half of the guys at this school are dying to ask you out. I'm not just saying that either, they've told me."
I can't help but blush. No one has ever referred to me as hot before and I definitely didn't think anyone would be interested in dating me, I hardly even know anyone yet!
"I don't know about all that. I guess I just wish Quinn would get to know me before judging me. She doesn't know anything about me yet and I don't know anything about her either besides we share the same English class. Seems silly to dislike people just because."
"Trust me you're not missing out. There's not much to know about Quinn Davis. She's the Captain of the Dance Team and only associates with her small inner circle of seniors." Payton eye rolls to me as she applies the bulldog tattoo to my cheek. "She's had the hots for my brother since middle school. Gag me. They've gone out a few times here and there but it never lasted more than a few dates, thankfully. At least TJ was smart enough to listen to my advice when I told him Quinn was awful. If you ask me, she never got over him the last time he dumped her."
That explains why Quinn is always drooling all over Tyler during English then. She used to go out with him and by the sounds of it, isn't over him.
"I see." I think to myself. "Enough about Quinn! Good vibes only tonight. Somebody turn up the music, I need to get out of my head!"
"That's our girl!" Kelly yells while turning the stereo up excessively loud.
The feeling in the stadium is electric. Our boys are about to take the field and I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The stands are packed and more people are still filing in. The sun is setting over the giant scoreboard and the giant field lights are illuminating everything around us. It's an exhilarating atmosphere so I'm trying to take it all in. We're standing on the field making a runway tunnel for the boys. I can hear the guys chanting and pounding helmets just out of sight, behind the giant paper banner we painted for them. A moment later they are tearing through the banner like a herd of wild animals to the roar of the crowd. Leading the pack is, you guessed it, Tyler Johnson in his red number thirty-three jersey. He looks so strong and in control. It's hard to pay attention to anyone else as the boys take the field but I try my best.
The marching band is finishing up the school's fight song as the announcer welcomes both teams over the loudspeaker. We settle into two lines on the track in front of the student section. Payton is to my right and Claire to my left. I scan the crowd, my parents are here somewhere but I haven't been able to spot them yet. The game kicks off, the energy palpable from the field. Tyler and the rest of the team are making strong plays against their opponents, the Blue Devils. I feel as though I'm having an out of body experience watching it all unfold. I don't know what I expected tonight to feel like, but it certainly wasn't this. I've never felt more alive than I do right now cheering along with my teammates.
By the end of the second quarter our boys are up twenty-one to seven. My nerves have calmed significantly and I'm actually having a lot of fun. Mason wasn't wrong when he told me the cheerleaders get the best view of the game. Coming from a house full of boys I've been forced to watch a lot of football over the years, but this is definitely the closest I have ever been to the action. It's easy to cheer for our Bulldogs, they are playing really well and the game has been exciting. I can see why Tyler was named Captain. The way he calls plays and commands the field is impressive. He's a natural leader with good instincts as my dad would say. Payton said he's had college scouts watching him since his sophomore year. After tonight I don't doubt it. I get caught up in the excitement of watching him barrel down the field when I hear Coach Kim calling out to us.
"Alright girls, make sure you're ready to go when the clock runs down. I want your halftime routine to be explosive, tight and clean. You only get to make a first impression once, so make it count!"
There's 20 seconds on the clock. Coach Kim's eyes connect with mine and she gives me an encouraging smile as if to say 'You've got this.' With such little time left before halftime we begin getting ourselves lined up so we can take the field as soon as the boys get off. Payton squeezes my hand one last time for good luck.
The clock hits zero.
The ref blows his whistle and I know it means we're up. The boys are heading back to their locker rooms for halftime as we begin running onto the field. I catch a glimpse of Tyler before he gets too far. I'm not one hundred percent sure but I think I see the slightest head nod and grin which instantly sends a shudder down my spine. Was that smile intended for me? There's no way. Get a grip Lila, you're turning delusional!
Now in position on center field my heart is pounding against my chest. Seconds feel like hours as I wait for our routine to begin. Suddenly our music pumps over the loudspeaker jolting my team to life. This is it, all eyes are on us. We have two minutes and thirty seconds to show this crowd what we can do. The bar is set high from the reputation Coach Kim has built over the last decade at Romeo and none of us want to disappoint her or the town.
The first stunts go up in perfect time with each other making my teammates look confident and strong. Having only joined the team this week, my role in this routine is very simple. I tumble a few times and mainly try to stay out of the way. That's easy enough for me. I honestly love getting to watch my teammates perform this routine. They are all so talented at what they do that I still get chills watching. The crowd is loving it too. Their excitement radiates through the stadium in a tangible way. We make it to the dance portion of the routine which is my favorite part. I never really got to do stuff like this during my time as a gymnast so to get to do it now is surprisingly really fun. The crowd must agree with me since they all start clapping along to our music. We're almost to the end now, I have one final tumbling pass to throw. It's my most advanced sequence to throw. Coach Kim wanted something really strong to cap off the end of the routine while the rest of the girls are hitting their pyramid. I take off running from the far end of the field. I start with a front tuck, walk out to round-off double spring, full twisting layout. The crowd goes wild when I land, ending the routine. All the adrenaline I have running through my body leaves me pulsing. I couldn't feel any happier than I do right now. As we run off the field Payton practically leaps into my arms with excitement.
"That was incredible! Did you hear the crowd when you landed your full?! How do you feel?" Payton screams to me over the roaring crowd.
"Amazing! Now I get why you love it so much. It's such a rush!" I shout back to her.
The final score is Bulldogs thirty-five, Blue Devils fourteen. Tyler and his teammates killed it. If tonight's game is any indication then I think the Bulldogs are in for a very long, successful season. Maybe even a ring on their finger by the end of it? The stadium is still buzzing with crowds long after the final whistle is blown.
"I'm really glad you persuaded me to join the team, Payton. I haven't had that much fun in a long time." I tell her as we gather up our stuff, walking down the track to leave.
"See, I told you you'd love it! Now comes my favorite part! We go get milkshakes in town, it's tradition when the boys win!"
"I think I can get behind that kind of tradition."
We see some of the guys exiting the locker room as we get closer to the concessions area where people are still gathered after the game. Jake is walking out with another senior I don't know. Payton immediately gets a big smile on her face when he looks over at her.
"Go! Tell him good game. I'll be fine for five minutes by myself. I want to try and find my parents anyway before we leave."
"You sure?"
"Yes!.... promise. Believe it or not, you don't have to continue escorting me literally everywhere we go, I'm a big girl, Payton." I gently push her towards Jake.
With the encouragement from me she's off to catch up with Jake. The same goofy grin I saw on her face a moment ago is on his face now. The two of them are cute together. I hope it works out for her. I understand the tough spot she's in with her brother though, it can't be easy. I'm texting my parents to see where they are when something tall casts a shadow over my phone.
"Texting your boyfriend?"
"My wha..." I look up to realize it's Tyler who's standing next to me. My mouth is instantly dry like cotton.
"A girl like you must have a boyfriend."
A girl like me.....what is that supposed to mean?
"...Definitely not my boyfriend...." I manage to muster out. "I was texting my mom to see if my parents were still at the game."
My phone dings and I'm happy for the distraction.
: We just left. It was so packed down by the field we couldn't make it through the crowd to you so we decided we'd see you at home. You did great though honey! We're so proud! 💗
: Ok. Is it alright if I grab ice cream with the girls?
: Go have fun with your friends. Be back by curfew. Love you.
: Love you too.
I realize Tyler hasn't left and is still standing next to me silently, watching me on my phone.
"You coming to the Dairy Barn with everyone after this?" He asks.
I peek around his massive body to look for Payton. I don't see her or Jake anymore.
"Uhh yeah. Payton invited me along, said it's tradition. I just need to find her since she's my ride." I'm looking around the crowded concessions area for her without any luck. In fact I don't see any of my friends at the moment. How did they all vanish on me?!
"I'll drive you. You can meet up with her and the girls there." Tyler says nonchalantly.
"Oh you don't have to do that, I'm sure she's around here somewhere."
Just then I see Payton and Jake around the corner by the entrance. She's leaned up against the brick wall and he has his hand resting beside her head. She looks really giddy chatting with him. I don't want to go over there, ruining the moment they are clearly having with each other.
".....Really Bruiser it's fine, I'm texting my sister right now.....Done." Tyler hits the send button on his phone. He can see the slight hesitation on my face when he looks up. "I promise, I'm a good driver if that's what you're worried about. Waaay safer than Payton is." He laughs. "What do I have to do to get you to trust me?"
I think about it for a second when an idea strikes.
"I have two conditions. First, you've got to stop calling me this awful 'Bruiser' nickname." I say in air quotes which makes Tyler laugh a little. "I'm serious!... That is not a flattering nickname for a girl. Plus it reminds me of one of the most embarrassing moments in my life." I begin turning red in the face remembering our first meeting when I tackled him on accident.
"Alright, don't get embarrassed Lila. What's the second condition?" Tyler asks with a grin.
"....And second, you need to tell Jake it's ok to ask your sister out on a date."
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Tavern Cat
Dying and being reborn in a fantasy world as a hero destined to kill the Demon King to prevent a great war is some people's greatest dream. Others, however, may prefer to sit around, relax, take a few naps, and ignore the impending doom. And hey, if such a 'hero' gets reborn as a cat, what's gonna stop them from doing all that? Finding a warm home filled with food, gossip, and comfort sounds a whole lot easier than putting in the work to stop a war. Updating weekly, allegedly. Constructive criticism is appreciated as this is my first story!
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