《Head Over Heels》(Updated) Chapter 3- Crash into You
My first three classes are over. They went by pretty fast and I like all of my teachers so far. True to her word, Payton continues to have my back between each period. Every time the bell rang she was there, right outside my classroom door, waiting to pick back up where we left off. Her effortless friendly demeanor makes conversation easy between us and with each passing hour I'm feeling a little less like the "new girl" and more like normal Lila. Payton does most of the talking between us, unsurprisingly, but that's actually how I prefer it. Having her fill in the gaps in conversation takes the pressure off me. What is surprising is how I can already feel myself getting comfortable enough to open up to her. I never would have expected so soon after meeting that I'd feel this way. It's like I've known Payton a lot longer than just one day. Maybe Payton is right, I think we actually could turn into really good friends like she says which has me feeling pretty optimistic about moving to Romeo at the moment.
Payton wasn't lying when she said she knows everyone in this school. Everywhere we walk she greets and gets greeted by students passing us. They all seem to genuinely know and like her, no matter what clique, sport, club or whatever they are apart of. I hate to say it, but when Payton first mentioned she was a cheerleader I instantly judged her. I thought she'd be some popular girl whose a stuck up snob but that couldn't be any further from who she is. I'm learning Payton doesn't have a mean bone in her body and I feel bad for judging her unfairly.
"Alright chicka, here we are. Room 302. I'll be back to get you after. Can't wait to introduce you to my girlfriends at lunch. They're gonna love you!"
"Alright sounds good." I say with a smile.
"See ya in a bit!" Payton calls over her shoulder, walking away.
Before I step into my Advanced English class I watch Payton grab the arm of a cute senior guy she introduced me to earlier. I think his name was Jake, maybe? He blushes a little when Payton's hand lingers on his bicep and I don't miss the way her cheeks also get a little rosey when he smiles at her. I'm not certain, but looks to me like there's a little spark between them. It's funny, after all the things Payton has shared with me today she failed to mention having a crush on anyone. I guess that just proves we all have some shy parts in each of us.
My English class is only a few doors down from my third hour Spanish II class. Which means it only took Payton about fifteen seconds to escort me from one room to the other. I probably could have handled that one on my own but I won't tell Payton that. She's taking her job as my chaperone very seriously and I appreciate it, even when it's unnecessary.
Rather than get into class obnoxiously early, no doubt having to suffer through awkward small talk with my teacher, I decide to head to the bathroom down the hall. On my way I notice a freshman girl standing at her corner locker. She looks completely overwhelmed which I instantly recognize and can relate to. She's petite, probably no more than ninety pounds soaking wet but she's tryin to stack giant textbooks one on top of the other into a lifesize game of Jenga. I decide to see if I can help her out since I have the time. After all, if it weren't for Payton being a friendly face to me today I'd be in a lot worse shape myself. Before I can reach the girl, the top book in her stack begins to fall off the edge. An impending avalanche is imminent. Instinctually I leap into action without thinking. I'm not joking, I literally leap.
I'm catapulting myself through the air as if I'm on the competition floor performing one of my tumbling routines. I grab the falling book in mid air before my feet can even reach the ground. I'm feeling a little bit like a hero in this moment. In my mind I'm giving myself a metaphorical pat on the back for helping this poor girl out and saving her from embarrassment.
I hit something, or shall I say someone, like a frate train. The unsuspecting person was coming around the corner at the exact moment I was landing my epic leap. All I saw before impact was a blur of dark clothing, then we tumbled to the floor. After a very ungraceful thud, we both settle on the ground in a heaping pile of books, papers and tangled limbs. I am mortified. Just dig me a hole right here and bury me. That'd be better than opening my eyes to face the person I just tackled like an NFL linebacker in front of countless passerbyers.
The person underneath me starts moving around with light groans. The rumbles from his chest are vibrating against my cheek that's currently resting on him. I slowly start to pick my head up, rubbing the back of my skull which hit something hard when we fell. When I look up I'm nose to nose with the most gorgeous guy I have ever laid eyes on. Seriously. He's super model level good looking. He's looking back at me with his crystal clear blue eyes and an irresistible side smirk. I keep starring, taking in his appearance while I'm lost for words. He has olive skin that's tanned from the summer break, making him glow a golden hue. His dark brown hair is tousled in the effortless kind of way that looks messy but perfect all at the same time.
"Uh hey...You alright?"
I'm lost in a daydream looking at him. I see his lips moving while he speaks but I don't hear a word, too distracted by how attractive he is and how utterly embarrassed I am. I vaguely feel him grab the sides of my face with his large calloused hands.
"I think she might have hit her head when we fell. Maybe she has a concussion. Do her eyes look glossy to you?" Mystery hot guy says to his friend that has crouched down next to us on the floor.
Wait, what? Concussion? Oh crap. They're talking about me! Pull yourself together Lila. Words, you need to speak words.
I clear my throat that is suddenly extremely dry.
"Nope, I'm ok....All good here." I'm not sure who I'm trying to convince at this point, them or me.
"Hey! She speaks! Welcome back." Hot guy says with a chuckle.
When I make eye contact with him again I notice he's starting to drip a little blood under his eyebrow from a small gash.
"Oh my gosh, you're bleeding! Are you ok?! I can't believe I knocked you over. I'm so sorry! I was just trying to help out a girl...well actually that doesn't matter. I didn't mean to hit anyone! I'm so, so, so, sorry."
The embarrassment, adrenaline and nerves are making all of my words pour out of my mouth in rapid succession. I'm practically hyperventilating as I scramble to find anything around us to stop the bleeding. Mystery man doesn't seem phased by how embarrassingly awful this situation is. Instead he laughs quietly to himself at how frantic I am acting. Clearly my attempts to find any first aid on the hallway floor are unsuccessful but my brain isn't functioning properly at this point so I continue to look anyway.
After a moment he grabs my arm which makes me stop in my tracks. His large hands feel strong and safe when he slips them into mine, instantly sending a shockwave through my body at the feeling of his touch but also simultaneously calming me down. When I look up to meet his eyes again he's smiling at me, revealing two dimples, one on each cheek.
"Hi, I don't think we've formally met, I'm Tyler Johnson. A lot of people call me TJ. But you can call me whatever you want." His blue eyes sparkle down at me. "....and your name is?"
He's deep voice is soothing, I almost forget to respond to him again.
"Uhhh, I'm Lila Daniels. Most people call me Lila. My oldest brother Charlie calls me 'Lies' but he's the only one that does that and I actually really hate the nickname, he mainly does it to annoy me. I don't know why I just told you all of that. Sorry. Forget I said anything. My names just Lila, that's it." I take a giant breath in for the first time. The word vomit thing is happening all over again. My cheeks feel hot from blushing so much.
Tyler squeezes my hand gently. "Nice to me you, just Lila."
"Nice to meet you too, Tyler."
"....And I'm Mason Sterling, this guys official wing man, best friend and Romeo's best Running Back in the school's history." He beams with confidence.
I hadn't even noticed Tyler's friend crouched next to us until he introduced himself to me. Mason sticks his hand out to shake mine.
"Hi Mason, nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand.
Before Mason lets go he pulls me up to my feet in one abrupt tug. Landing my small frame directly into his giant chest. Mason is a large guy built of solid muscle and he towers over me easily. He's got to be at at least six foot compared to my much shorter five foot three and a half inches.
Mason then helps Tyler stand to his feet while brushing off his shoulder like the wing man that he is. To my surprise, Tyler is even taller than Mason. I'm guessing he's six three or six four. Tyler is also a very chiseled, athletically built guy, but not in the bulky way that Mason is. His broad shoulders and lean waist make him look like he should be a professional lifeguard or something. I know I wouldn't mind him rescuing me on the beach... Alright Lila, that's enough! Pull yourself together already!
It isn't until I'm standing that I notice all the other sets of eyes starring at the three of us. Everyone in the hallway has stopped whatever they were doing to watch my epic fail. The tiny freshman girl whose book I tried to rescue is standing off to my left in the crowd of people and gives me the biggest sympathetic look I have ever received. We have an unspoken conversation between the two of us and I know she feels bad for what just happened. Not that any of this was her fault at all. I was the idiot that was overzealous and crash landed into another person, not her.
I spot her textbook on the floor near my feet. I quickly hand it to her. She grabs it from me mouthing a quiet 'thanks' and then takes off as quickly as she can. Man I wish I could run away from this situation like she can. Mason and Tyler are picking up Tyler's dropped notebooks and other items from the floor around us that must have fallen when I ran him over. Most of the gawking crowd that had formed starts to dissipate because Mrs. Fox is running down the hallway towards us. I guess Payton was right, Mrs. Fox does know everything that goes on in this school.
"Oh honey I saw the whole thing on the cameras. Are you ok? Do you need to lay down? I can call your parents if you want to go home..."
Mrs. Fox is trying to be kind and nurturing, especially since it's my first day, but I can't help feeling like the preschooler who wets their pants in class and has to go to the office to call their parents to pick them up. I think going home due to embarrassment would just make the situation worse. I know that I need to pull up my big girl pants and power through. Ugh.
"No it's ok. I'm fine. The only thing bruised here is probably my ego. I'd rather just go to class and pretend like this never happened."
Mrs. Fox keeps scanning my body for injuries like she doesn't believe me.
"You sure honey... it's no trouble."
"I'm positive, the person you should be helping is him." I point to the gash on Tyler's face and Mrs. Fox takes a look at the boys for the first time since coming over to us.
"Oh my heavens! TJ honey, you're bleeding!" She grabs Tyler around the shoulders and gives him no choice but to go back to the office with her to get cleaned up.
Tyler gives me one of those cool guy head nod things as he walks in the opposite direction from Mason and I. I smile and wave as they disappear down the hallway. I close my eyes for a second and take a deep breath. Man that was humiliating. Why did I just wave to him?
The hallway is clear now except for Mason and I. The bell rings to signal the start of fourth hour. Mason is still by my side and hands me my notebook, pen and schedule that also fell when I collided with Tyler. He peeks at my schedule as he's handing it over.
"Looks like you're headed to Mrs. Sanders for Advanced English right now, me too. Should we get going?"
Oh good. I get to share a class with the best friend of the guy I just flattened. Lucky me.
"Sure let's go." I fake a smile.
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The Blue Tower
When I heard a soft, and gentle voice, asking me if I'd like to go to a new world, far away from here... I didn't even think twice about it. My life on Earth could hardly have been any worse, right then - and the chance to start back over was more than I could have dreamed of. But now that I'm here, I'm starting to discover that this new world is really nothing like what I had been expecting. Right now, I'm all alone, in the middle of a huge, and darkened forest, with nobody to tell me where to go, or what to do next. And somewhere, far off in the distance... I can hear something huge, and strong, moving slowly through the woods. Before, I was hoping to get the chance to start my life up all over again. But now, I'm just hoping to make it safely through the night. Maybe once I achieve that, then I can finally start to think about what's going on... ... and then, maybe, I can figure out just why it was that I was brought here, exactly - and just what sort of a world it is that I've arrived in.
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I Won't Die!
Rama Leeroy had been chosen by a deity to get summoned to another world. In order for it to happen, he'd have to die in his old one. Unfortunately for the deity, Rama has no intention of dying.
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Of Souls and Rogues
When thieves Von and Lloyd are murdered, they wake up to find themselves not in the afterlife, but in the realm of the demigods. These demigods rule territories and hold sway over various domains, such as professions, elements, and more. The demigods vie for power, be it through military, economic, or diplomatic means. The roguish and jovial demigod of thieves, tricksters, and deception, Cadius, has taken a keen interest in the duo, and ropes them into his escapades, plots, and schemes. Just what kind of person is Cadius, and what grand designs does he have in store? From pickpocketing to infiltrating the personal quarters of the demigods themselves, Von and Lloyd have their work cut out for them. They'll need to support and encourage eachother if they want to survive. Check out the Discord! Note: This is my first work of fiction, and as such, there will almost certainly be issues with pacing, grammar, the writing as a whole, and the story as a whole. If I reach a suitable point to pause the story, I will most likely do a complete rewrite as a separate RR posting. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them here or in the discord. Thank you for reading!
8 196 - In Serial21 Chapters
The Tower of Opportunity
Criminals from around the world are summoned by "God" to climb to the top of the Tower of Opportunity, in which they can do whatever they please and gain powers and abilities beyond their wildest dreams, the only caveat being that their lifespan has been reduced to 3 months and every floor conquered gives each conqueror another two week extension to their lifespan. Watch our protagonist's journey to climb the tower, sentenced to endlessly repeat his struggles as he has been damned to never die, only start over his journey from the beginning if he does. *** Author's Note: This is the first story I have ever written, if you are tuning in when this is being written put some suggestions in the comments of the chapter, I will possibly incorporate them into the story in the future. I also occasionally do reader polls that involve how the story will progress, so make sure to vote on them, and thanks for reading. P.S. Thanks to gej302 for the cover. *** This story is currently being rewritten. If you would like to read it, click here.
8 157 - In Serial8 Chapters
Tales of Realms
A Cultivation World. A Young man named Scrifo with no knowledge of his birth parents, raised by a rowdy man, starts his journey in the world filled with complex relationships, plots and powerhouses that could bend the world to their will with just a glance. A Path filled with War, Honor and Helpless Sighs of Scrifo and his comrades. His brothers and sisters, who together with him will laugh with content at the World's Apex. A Tale of Brotherhood, Love, Tears and Oaths that will sometimes fill them with heart-warming joy while other times with heart-wrenching sorrow and would unknowingly lead them to the centre stage of the realms. Disclaimer: Though the book has Xianxia tag there will be no chinese names in the novel because it would be quite idiotic of me to try and use chinese names without understanding what they mean or represent and for that you have my apologies. What this tag represents is that you'll have a working cultivation system, fighting techniques, people on the quest to reach the top of the world, a world built around cultivation. Of course, everything with my own salt and pepper added to it. Hope you won't be veered off right here and will try a different take on the xianxia genre. I can assure you you won't be disappointed. Release Schedule - Ideally, Weekly Updates on Fridays or Saturdays. Chapter Size - Around 2200 Words Book Size - Honestly, I Don't Know. Reading Tips: 'Character Thinking in Their Head' "For Spoken Dailogues" *For Sounds* ||For Location And Timing|| [Attacks | Cultivation Techniques | Scriptures] Discord: https://discord.gg/zvGPYyb Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MunchingDevil
8 188 - In Serial51 Chapters
The Puppy Project
"Give me my puppy!" I demanded, my eyes ablazed with fiery anger."Correction, it's not your puppy. It's our puppy," He smiled, but it was anything but sweet nor happy."You know what? Damn you! You're nothing but a cold, emotionless, and heartless bad boy!" I sneered, glaring at him fiercely.He chuckled at my words, taking a step closer to me. He slammed his hand unto the wall, trapping me, before leaning in close. "You got that right sweetheart but I think you got one thing wrong." He said, his eyes piercing straight into mine."And what is that?" I managed to asked, my throat seeming to get drier the more he looked at me."I'm neither one of those when I'm with you," and with those words, slammed his lips into mine.#1 in Strong-Female Character - 1/29/21#1 in Sarcasm - 2/4/21#2 in BadBoy - 2/13/21#3 in Teen Fiction - 2/13/21#1 in Mysterious - 3/4/21Copyrighted 2017. All rights Reserved.
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