《Yanderd Dream SMP x Reader Oneshots》🖤𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕌𝕤🖤
Threats of animal abuse, Choking, Blood, Physical abuse, Kidnapping,
MC is introduced to the egg and doesn't like it. Mainly a BBH x reader oneshot with a bit of Antfrost mixed in.
Song: Christmas Kids by
0:39 ──o───────── -2:15
⇄ ◃◃ Ⅱ ▹▹ ↻
You woke up with a tired yawn, your eyes still slightly blurry from only just opening them. You stretched your arms until there was a satisfying pop before releasing the pressure. You did a few leg stretches and finished by doing some sit-ups and push-ups. Feeling satisfied with your small workout routine, you changed into your daily attire. You brushed your locks of hair to the best of your ability. You messily made your bed before heading downstairs and grabbing some breakfast.
You gracefully hopped down the stairs one step at a time while humming a light and airy tune. "Good morning, Melon!" You giddily chirped out to your lime green parrot that sat on the bottom step. He ruffled his feathers slightly and whistled back, his black eyes staring up at you expectantly. He hopped closer to your feet and raised a clawed foot in the air. He was asking for you to pick him up. It was a routine both of you knew by heart. Every morning he would wait at the bottom step, and you would place him on your shoulder and go eat breakfast.
A fond smile found its way onto your face as you carefully scooped the lively bird into your arms. He nuzzled into your chest and clacked his beak in a happy gesture. You cooed and coddled the parrot who was basking in the attention. You've had Melon for over a year now and had formed a tight bond with the colorful parrot, him being the only companion you had. It was safe to say that you would burn down the entire kingdom if anything happened to your baby boy.
You gently moved him onto your shoulder and walked into your kitchen with a spring in your step. Melon grasped your shoulder tightly so he didn't plummet. Your humming increased slightly as you swayed a bit to the unknown tune. The sun peeked through the windows above the sink, illuminated your figure, and showered you in a warm glow highlighting your (h/c) locks.
You loved mornings like these. Everything just seemed so perfect! The air felt fresher, and the colors popped out brightly. Everything in the world just felt right. There was no violence or disturbances that ruined the fragile atmosphere. It felt like you were living in your own world. Maybe that was why you had chosen to live farther away from everyone else in the Badlands kingdom. Of course, it got a bit lonely sometimes, but that was why Melon was there to keep you company.
You snatched a slice of cake and plopped it onto a clean plate from the drying rack. You grabbed a fork and a dull butter knife and made your way to the small table near the kitchen entrance. The smell wafted into your nose and made your mouth water. You could practically already taste the soft and buttery flavor accompanied by the sweetness of the white frosting. Of course, it wasn't a healthy breakfast, but you didn't feel like cooking anything.
Before, when you had lived in L'Manburg, Niki had taught you how to bake cakes. You had spent most of your time there helping her in her quaint little bakery, so your culinary skills had definitely benefited and improved.
You hummed to yourself as you thought about making her a cake. It had been a while since you had last stopped by her bakery. You wanted to check up on her soon. You knew how brutal the war had been on L'Manburg and its citizens. You wouldn't be surprised if she needed some help rebuilding her bakery after Wilbur had lost his mind and blown everything to bits.
Your eyes widened, and you let out an exasperated sigh while you internally scolded yourself. You had almost forgotten to feed Melon because you were so wrapped up in your thoughts and future plans. You apologetically patted his head and tried to remember where you had placed the seeds. You knew they were in a chest located somewhere in the kitchen; you had just forgotten which one. You let out a groan and decided to just pick a random chest. Hopefully, you'd get lucky, and it wouldn't take twenty minutes to find them. If only you weren't so forgetful.
The red carpet beneath your feet muffled your footsteps as you approached an out-of-place chest by the furnace. You shuffled and sorted through the items inside the wooden box until you triumphantly pulled out some melon seeds. With a loud creak, you opened the lid to the chest and hoped that this was the right one. The parrot latched onto your shoulder, chirruped in joy, and bobbed his head around wildly, his eyes focused solely on the seeds in your hands.
You chuckled and held the tiny seeds up to his slightly hooked beak for him to take. You weren't afraid of him accidentally biting you. He carefully picked the seeds out of the palm of your hand with tenderness, making sure not to nab any skin. You scratched his head feathers with a content look. He quickly finished off the seeds and looked into your eyes. You shook your head lightly and said, "I'll give you some more seeds later. I don't want your stomach to get upset, Melon."
Before you could sit down and enjoy your own breakfast, a loud knock from your front door caught your attention. You tilted your head in curiosity and wondered who would knock on your door this early morning. Before answering the knock, you gestured for Melon to rest on his perch near the table. The parrot happily obliged and looked at you expectantly. "I'll get you some more seeds later, you silly bird. You better not eat my cake, or you'll pay for it!" Your tone was gentle and sweet as you gave him one last head pat before going to answer the door.
You reached for the cold doorknob and twisted it carefully. The dark oak wood door creaked slightly, but other than that, it was quiet. It swung open halfway, which was enough room to peek your head out and see who was there. You poked your head out and let out a surprised gasp. Without hesitating, you opened the door all the way, wincing slightly as it slammed against the side of the house. Whoops!
"Sam! I'm so happy to see you. It's been a while since you last visited. Please, come in. Make yourself at home!" Your words were slightly rushed due to your excitement, but Sam seemed to understand the gist of your comments. He had a slight, almost unnoticeable frown on his face, which you missed. You were already through the door and swiftly making your way towards the sofa.
You plopped down onto the comfortable cushions and crossed your legs politely. You ensured Sam had enough room to sit down before placing your full and undivided attention on him. You took a moment to look at his outfit. His usual jeans were slightly dirtied, but you assumed that was due to him being at the construction zone for Tommy's hotel. His work boots were scuffed somewhat, and the laces were messily tied. His creeper mask was nowhere to be seen, which concerned you slightly. He never went anywhere without it.
The taller male shuffled further inside your cozy oak and spruce-themed cottage and respectfully hung his coat by the door. He hesitated a moment before going and taking a seat on the sofa. The fireplace pressed against the wall a few feet away from the two of you crackled and fizzed, filling your home with soothing heat. It also added background noise and ensured the cottage wasn't eerily quiet. It wasn't necessarily cold outside, but you liked being warm.
"Would you like anything to drink? If you want a slice or two, I also have a freshly baked cake," you offered, smiling a cheery smile. You anxiously brushed a few hair strands away from your face and looked away from Sam, slightly embarrassed. Your cheeks were tinted a rosy pink, which you prayed he would overlook.
The male shook his head lightly at the offer, which disappointed you. You really wanted him to try a slice of the cake you had made. You shook off the negative emotion and decided to ask a question. "How has the hotel project with Tommy been going? I checked up on the building site yesterday, and I must say, I'm extremely impressed with how much progress you have made!" Sam muttered a small 'thank you at your kind words. Red coated his cheeks, but you didn't notice as you still weren't looking at him.
He shifted around a bit before clearing his throat. He breathed in deeply and opened his mouth before quickly closing it. The real reason why he had stopped by was important. Sam knew that. But he assumed you wouldn't react well to what he had to say. That didn't mean Sam couldn't try, though. He nervously fiddled with the golden bracelet that circled his right wrist instead of looking at you. It glowed due to the firelight, which caught your attention.
Sam needed to choose his following words very carefully, or he would only make things worse. Finally deciding on what he would say, he stopped messing around with the bracelet and looked down at you with a worried frown adorning his face.
What was that one saying? Hope for the best but prepare for the worst? Something like that.
"I don't mean to be blunt or rude, but the purpose of my visit is urgent. I fear you may be in danger, (Y/n)." His voice had a serious tone to it which made your heart sink. Have you made anyone angry or upset the past few days? Your mind was drawing up blanks as you thought it over. You didn't really have any enemies you knew of, so you couldn't see why anyone would want to hurt you. Of course, some people on this server didn't need a reason to harm people.
Sam saw the confused look in your (e/c) eyes and let out a heavy sigh he had been holding. He sounded so... worn out and spent. You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, which he greatly appreciated. He had been debating whether or not he would come to you with this warning. He was already here, so there was no point in backing out now. Even with those thoughts of encouragement, he was still worried. What if he ruined his friendship with you? He didn't want to lose anyone else.
You scooted closer to him on the sofa while still mindful of his personal space. You removed your hand from his shoulder and decided to twiddle your thumbs idly as you waited for him to give you an explanation. You quickly got impatient and decided to ask him to elaborate.
"What do you mean when you say that I'm in danger? Who is trying to harm me?" You questioned anxiously. Sam shook his head and held his hands in his lap while biting his lip. "Listen (Y/n)! Bad and Ant haven't been the same for the past few months. I wouldn't be surprised if they pretended to be normal around you, but I need you to trust me when I say this. They aren't safe to be around anymore," Sam insisted, a severe tone to his voice. His eyes were full of worry, and a well-placed warning was hidden in them.
"The Ant and Bad you once knew are gone."
You swore you could feel your heart stop beating in your chest for a split second. Your mind swirled with mixed emotions as you desperately searched for something to say. You were in shock at the bomb he had just dropped. Your heart squeezed painfully tight in your chest, making you want to scream. It felt like you had or were having a heart attack. Was this how Schlatt had felt in his final moments?
You didn't think Sam would lie to you. You were close with him... it didn't make sense for him to be dishonest! But could you really think poorly about your two best friends you had known since the beginning? They were like your older brothers (Get friend-zoned idiots-). They would never dream of hurting you. They had always protected you from the constant wars and chaos. Sure, they had threatened your friends to stay away from you, but they were doing that to be helpful because they were bad influences. They just didn't understand that that was wrong.
They constantly reminded you that they knew what was best for you. They told you that everyone else would eventually hurt you one way or another. Everyone but them. You never had a reason to question or defy them before, so why would you start now?
You refused to believe that Bad and Ant weren't the same old, lovable friends you had known for so long. In fact, they visited you three weeks ago. They had seemed perfectly normal. Change doesn't just happen in three weeks. Sam either had to be confused or lying.
You abruptly stood up from the couch and backed away from Sam with a gleam of suspicion sparking in your wide orbs. The male seated on your gray sofa quietly watched you with an unreadable look on his drained and tired face.
"(Y/n) they tried to hurt Puffy! They tried to hurt Tubbo and Tommy," he paused briefly before his plea continued, "it won't be long until they come for you! You need to leave the Badlands before it's too late. You've known me for how long? You know I wouldn't lie to you. (Y/n) you need to trust me on this! I don't want to see you get hurt." Sam's voice cracked and wavered near the end of his speech and was thickly coated with desperation.
Maybe if he tried hard enough... he could save you. He swore to himself after they had attempted to manipulate and kill Tubbo and Tommy that he wouldn't let them get to you. Sam would never be able to forgive himself if they did. And if you didn't believe him, he didn't know what he would do. He hadn't thought that far ahead.
You had never felt so conflicted before. You didn't think Sam would lie to you, but you trusted Bad and Ant. Those two hadn't ever hurt you! They promised they would protect you and keep you safe from everyone else. Sam... you didn't believe him. You had no reason to.
You didn't know why he was so suspicious of them, but Puffy would have told you if they tried something like that! In fact, you had spoken to her yesterday, and she hadn't ever mentioned anything wrong with your friends. She would have told you, right?
You didn't want to do this, but the confusion and pain wrapped around your brain were crushing your heart. You wanted him to go away. You willed it to go away.
You acted out on instinct and said the first thing that came to your mind. "Please leave, Sam. I think you've overstayed your welcome." You hadn't meant for your statement to come out as cold as it had. Your heart ached even more, but you couldn't take back those words. Did you even want to take them back? You weren't sure anymore.
Everything seemed like a big and confusing mess that had spiraled out of control. You clenched your fists and looked away from Sam, shame, and guilt weighing you down. You couldn't even face the person whom you had just kicked out. You were a coward. Pathetic.
The brunette lowered his head in defeat and slowly stood up; his face was full of regret. "It was nice seeing you (Y/n). I hope we can revisit each other sometime soon." With that lame farewell, he trudged over to the front door and left, the click of the door shutting making your guilt worsen. You noticed that he had left his green creeper jacket behind but decided it would be best to leave him alone. You had already done enough damage.
You looked at the cabin floor and tried your best to process what had happened. Maybe you should have let Sam explain himself more. But at the same time, Bad and Ant haven't given you any reason to fear them, so you thought that he was being irrational and paranoid. You felt yourself frown with all of the sudden stress you were feeling. You sluggishly made your way into the kitchen with a tired sigh and sat down. Maybe some cake would be enough to cheer you up.
It wasn't. The slice of cake didn't taste as good as it usually did. You chalked it up to being distracted and tried not to let your disappointment crush you. After finishing your sorry breakfast, you put the rest of the cake away for later. You lazily set the dirty dishes in the sink and left them alone. You didn't have the energy or the drive to clean them.
Maybe you should take a walk to feel better! You could probably visit Puffy or take a stroll on the beach. You could also go see Ant and Bad. You waltzed over to your front door with a nod of confirmation and slipped on a comfortable sunflower hoodie.
"Be good while I'm gone, Melon!" You shouted over your shoulder as you exited your home.
You let out a hum of contentment as you stepped into the sun's rays. Your hair cascaded down your shoulders as you didn't feel like putting it up today. It felt nice against your exposed face. You were thankful that it wasn't windy as there was nothing more annoying than hair flying in front of your face.
You made your way towards a familiar and slightly worn-down wooden path and stepped onto it. The wood creaked beneath your feet but otherwise remained sturdy. The familiarity of the trail brought some much-needed comfort, and it even managed to make the corners of your lips twitch up slightly.
Oddly enough, the Badlands felt ominous and deserted today. It was a bit unsettling. Usually, you'd see at least one or two people out and about, but you couldn't spot anyone. You shrugged it off and assumed it was far too early for most people to be awake. You were more of a morning person anyway, so you weren't too bothered. Hopefully, Bad and Ant will be awake at this time. You definitely wanted to see them. Maybe you could figure out what Sam meant by them not being themselves.
You needed answers, so it made sense that you'd want to see them. You could just leave immediately if you found out there was something wrong with them anyways.
It took you five minutes of light jogging to finally reach Bad's home. The tall, modern building towered over your figure, slightly intimidating. The sheer white of its walls heavily contrasted with the earthy colors of the ground and made it stand out from the landscape. That and the fact that it was huge. Why did one guy need such a big house? You weren't sure. But hey! Who were you to judge?
Your eyes caught sight of a red poster that piqued your interest. That was definitely new. Everything else was the same as when you last visited, from what you could tell. Your eyes darted around Bad's home to see if there was anything else that you hadn't seen before, your eyes sparkling with curiosity. Interesting.
You cautiously walked up to the poster while squinting your eyes to better look at it. It had the words, 'Join the Eggpire today!' written in big, bold letters with an image of a red egg hovering above the text. You tilted your head in curiosity and touched the sign lightly, your eyes soaking up the artwork. The smooth and glossy paper crinkled under your touch. You didn't know why you had the urge to touch the poster, but you didn't question it. Why name an empire after an egg? It didn't make much sense to you.
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I pressed my chest onto her now exposed skin. She moaned from both the feeling of my boner digging into her lower region and from the feeling of her harden nipples pushing against my skin."Daddy..."She moaned as I wrapped my lips around her left nipples.This amount of pleasure, unexperienced pleasure, caused her to gasp and moan. I have barely touched her, yet I was almost sure the rooms around us would be able to hear her any second.I seemed harder and rolled my tongue around her bud as her finger gripped my hair.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the age of 18, Brennan Cole is finally coming back home to Apple Valley in California. He left when he was 6 and left behind his best friend.Olivia Gray is the shy girl of the school. She hasn't been the same since her best friend left her 12 years ago. Will they be reunited again? Will Brennan and Olivia remember they were best friends? Will their friendship turn into something more?Find out by reading "The bad boy wants the shy girl"••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Top Rankings:#1- lovers (17/04/2022)#1- California (03/05/2022)#1- completed (28/06/2022) #1- shyness (29/06/2022)#1- reunited (11/08/2022)#2- badboynextdoor (11/10/2022)#4- romance (28/05/2022)
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