《Yanderd Dream SMP x Reader Oneshots》💙𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕋𝕖𝕒💙
Mild poisoning, Kidnapping, Forced affection,
George gets rejected by his best friend and doesn't take it so well.
Song: I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire by
0:30 ──o───────── -3:26
⇄ ◃◃ Ⅱ ▹▹ ↻
The sound of socks thumping against a wooden floor filled the room. The person creating the unnecessary ruckus paused every now and again, only to resume the frantic pace a few seconds later.
His hands were deeply buried within his soft locks of brown hair. He occasionally tugged on the strands but quickly stopped seeing as that wasn't helping.
The blue shirt he wore was wrinkled and untucked, which gave him a messy appearance. His bloodshot eyes didn't help. The dark bags that rested underneath them stood out from the pale color of his cheeks.
George groaned and sat on the edge of his bed with a twisted frown pulling at his lips. His legs were beginning to ache with the constant back and forth motion, so he decided that a quick break wouldn't hurt.
The restless brunette grabbed a fistful of the blue comforter that sat underneath him and tugged at it in frustration. Not being able to sleep was becoming unbearable for George.
He had been awake for two days, and even when he had tried to get some rest, all he could think about was her. She plagued his dreams, invaded his thoughts, and plagued his life. Not that he minded! It wasn't her fault that she was all he could ever dream about. But it was starting to take a toll on his physical health.
The male abruptly sat up, grabbed a glass of water that sat on his nightstand, and chugged it down, letting a sigh of relief as the cold liquid slid down his dry throat. His hand was slightly damp due to the condensation on the outer layer of the glass. He hastily wiped the palm of his hand on his shirt to get rid of the lingering moisture.
Feeling refreshed, he set the empty glass back down on the wooden dresser. He hummed slightly in irritation as he tried to think. What would help him get some rest? Maybe it would be a good idea if he went out on a walk to clear his mind and make him want to rest. It was a bit chilly outside, but that wouldn't deter him. He actually preferred the cold. It might take his focus off of her and help him think about something else for once. Yeah right. He rolled his eyes and chuckled at the ridiculous idea. Like he would ever willingly want to think about something that wasn't related to the girl of his dreams.
With a specific place in mind, he put on his black tennis shoes and grabbed a dark blue hoodie with black stripes on the sleeves and a black hood. After he slid the hoodie on, he made his way down to his front door while grabbing his house key in case he got locked out. His phone was in the front pocket of the gray sweatpants he wore, as he never left the house without the small device.
The moon was high in the sky and illuminated the slightly cracked and worn sidewalk he walked on. In between a few of the cracks, strands of grass managed to grow. He kept walking down the sidewalk while humming a familiar tune stuck in his head for the past few days. He smiled and let out a content sigh as the fresh air hit his face and filled his lungs.
I don't want to set the world on fire. I just want to start a flame in your heart.
A lonesome flower that sprung out of one of the broken slits in the concrete caught the man's attention. He smiled brightly as he noticed it was a light shade of blue. His favorite color. Oddly enough, it reminded him of his best friend (Y/n). The flower was delicate, yet it was resilient and found a way to survive in a place where it wasn't meant to be. He was tempted to pluck it from its stem and take it with him, but he decided to let it remain where it was unscathed.
The sleep-deprived brunette continued his way down the path as a few overhead street lamps cast an eerily dull light over the empty streets. It was quiet, which was a bit abnormal for his neighborhood. Usually, some crickets constantly chirped in the background or a dog barking somewhere far off in the distance.
The uncanny silence would be a bit unsettling for most, but George loved the peaceful atmosphere it created. It helped him to relax and think about things. It also made him feel like he was the only person left in the entire world, which sent shivers down his spine.
His thoughts wandered back to what he had been thinking about earlier. A thick blush coated his cheeks as he ruffled his brown locks of hair with his right hand. A sickeningly sweet smile pulled at his lips and only served to add to the lovesick expression on his face. His eyes, which were the color of milk chocolate, held a dark and downright disturbing look in them as his thoughts swirled around and around.
George had been trying to decide if he would confess to his best friend or not. Of course, he was terrified of rejection, but he was almost sure she felt the same way. How could she not? She complimented him constantly and always got all shy when he brought up the topic of relationships. She didn't really talk to anyone else(he ensured), so who else could she be in love with?
With his heart beating in anticipation, he stopped right in front of an oh-so-familiar house. The outer walls were painted a soft yellow that stood out from the neighboring homes' usual dark and gray shades. The pathway leading up to the front door was newer than the cracked and worn-down sidewalk that he had used to get there. The familiar white door with a shiny brass doorknob begged him to open it. He was tempted to go inside, but he knew that it was probably locked. That didn't matter, though! He didn't need to go inside. He just needed to go around to the backyard like he usually did.
He made his way through the freshly cut and lush green grass to a fence that stopped just above his hip. It had a smooth and flat top that connected the pieces like a porch railing. The soft top made it easy to climb over. With a practiced and fluid motion, he hopped over the fence and made his way to a familiar tree.
He pulled himself up using the lower hanging branches without wasting any more time. He climbed until he could see through a separate window. Doing this as often as he did make his upper arm strength good enough to pull him up effortlessly.
He squinted his brown eyes a bit as they adjusted to the looming darkness with difficulty. Luckily for him, she had kept a lamp inside her bedroom so he could easily make out her figure amongst the objects that decorated the small room. Her curtains also weren't closed tonight, which made him giddy.
George's eyes snapped towards her bed, and a small 'aw' escaped his mouth as he saw her form wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets. He could barely make out her closed eyes and peaceful face as she dozed. The same lovesick grin rested on his face as he let out a content and happy sigh. If only he could hug her close and never let her go. He just wanted to play with her silky strands of hair, wrap his arms around her, and hold her tightly so she could never leave.
That's why he had to confess how he truly felt. He needed to make his fantasies a reality. He would go insane if he couldn't! He wanted- no, required the real thing. He needed to be able to experience it for himself.
His grin slowly fell as another barrage of thoughts ruined the happy moment. What if she rejected him? Well... he'd lose his mind. He simply wouldn't be able to handle the idea of her not loving him. Or- God forbid, someone else already has her heart. She needed to love him. It was as simple as that. Deep down, he knew she did, even if she were to openly reject the idea. They were meant to be together, right?
With a steely resolve, he leaned against the tree's trunk, which caused a few flakes of wood to flutter to the ground. He held his head in his hands while he brought his knees up to his chest and rested his elbows on them. He never took his eyes off her sleeping form as if she'd disappear the second he looked away.
It was going to be a long night. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
(Y/n) let out an irritated huff as she scrolled through the endless supply of emails sent her way, her eyes flicking to and fro with inhuman speed. Seeing that most of the emails were unimportant and spam, she selected all of them and moved them into the trash with no remorse. She gently closed the lid of her laptop and leaned away from the device with a tired huff leaving her lips. She massaged her temples as she could feel a minor headache starting to form. What a great way to start the day.
Figuring some painkillers might help with the inevitable pain, she walked into her bathroom and pulled out the bottom drawer. It squeaked slightly but otherwise opened without much complaint. She shuffled through the different assortment of medication that was haphazardly placed in the drawer before finally pulling out a white pill bottle. The bold words 'Tylenol' greeted her eyes as she unceremoniously twisted the lid off.
She turned the faucet on with a swift movement and waited until the water was cold before popping a single pill into her mouth. She set the pill bottle down on the countertop and cupped her hands to catch some of the running water. She winced at how cold the water was but shrugged it off.
Once her hands were overflowing with the chilling liquid, she brought her cupped hands up to her soft lips and swallowed the water and the single pill. She cringed as she felt it go down her throat, the urge to gag overwhelming.
She screwed the lid back onto the pill bottle and shoved it back into the drawer while closing it before she exited the bathroom.
Today was going to be a terrible day. She could feel it in her bones. Maybe it was something about the darkening skies outside, but today definitely felt off. She wasn't one to trust her instincts, so she ignored them.
A sudden knocking on her door shook her from her weird thoughts, which she was thankful for. (Y/n) hastily made her way to her front door while almost tripping. She opened the door and smiled gently as she saw who stood behind it. The weird thoughts from earlier disappeared as a warm feeling replaced them.
"Hey, George! Come on in. Have you eaten breakfast yet? I haven't," her words were sweet as she gestured for the taller male to step inside. He did so gratefully and followed her farther into her home. He cleared his throat before replying with, "I already ate. I actually came over to tell you something." She looked over at him in curiosity before turning her attention back to her kitchen. The brunette watched as she shuffled around the small area while gathering things to make a bowl of cereal. Not the healthiest option, but she wasn't in the mood to make something better.
Once she had her bowl of chosen cereal in hand, she gestured for him to sit down at the island in the middle of the kitchen. He took a seat across from her and nervously fiddled with his thumbs. He was trying to figure out what he should say to her, but no ideas popped up. His eyes flickered over to her form every so often before darting away when she caught him looking.
(Y/n) glanced at her best friend expectantly while shoving cereal into her mouth, not too worried about manners. "Listen... I- I..." he cleared his throat nervously, his face turning red as his body flushed with heat. "I think I like you, (Y/n)," he blurted out. She swallowed the mouthful of cereal that prevented her from speaking and tilted her head to the side in confusion. "I'm glad you do. We're kinda best friends after all! It would be awkward if you hated me." She giggled lightly before raising another spoonful of cereal to her lips.
George shook his head and let out an embarrassed groan, rolling his eyes in disbelief. How could someone be so pure? "That's not what I meant (Y/n). I... I romantically like you!" He didn't mean to raise his voice, but he couldn't help it. The tips of his ears were painted a cherry red as he looked away.
(Y/n) spluttered and slammed her hand against the white marble countertop while trying her best not to choke on the cereal she had in her mouth. She was surprised she hadn't spit it out all over the table and made a huge mess.
George glanced back over at her with a concerned look as he watched her struggle. "Are you-" She swiftly cut off his words by holding her hand up, still slightly choking. With great difficulty, she swallowed the food in her mouth and breathed in deeply to try and calm herself down. She definitely hadn't been expecting a confession of love today, especially from her best friend.
George held his breath while he continued to fiddle with the sleeves of his blue hoodie. Why was he so nervous? She obviously felt the same way, right? He had no reason to be freaking out. Even with those thoughts coursing through his head, they brought him no comfort. The whole cereal fiasco wasn't a good sign.
Once she had processed what her best friend had just said, her heart sank with regret. George saw the crestfallen look on her face and frowned. There... there was no way. His breathing quickened as his eyes desperately pleaded with her not to crush his heart.
"George... I'm sorry, but I just don't see you that way. You're my friend and nothing more," she explained cautiously, praying to whatever God that existed she hadn't upset him. The room was coated in a thick tension that made her nervous. She swallowed thickly and lowered the spoon in her hand, and dropped it carelessly into the bowl. It clanked against the ceramic sides and made a few drops of milk splatter onto the marble counter.
The (h/c) female could see the gears turning in George's head as he tried to process what she had just told him. When his eyes widened in realization, she swore a flash of something dark and sinister could be seen in his eyes before it quickly vanished. His hands balled into tightly clenched fists, and she could practically hear his heart shredding and tearing in two. Her own heart ached for the pain he must be experiencing, but she just didn't love him romantically. There was no point in lying to him. There wasn't anything else she could do but tell him the truth. The last thing she wanted to do was lie to her friend and herself.
George abruptly stood up from the stool he had previously been sitting on, causing it to screech as it scraped along the floor. He backed away slowly, his eyes burning with unshed tears. A heartbroken scowl marred his face as he glared daggers into her unmoving form.
"George...?" She reached out to him, but he shook his head, making her halt her movement. "I'm- I'm gonna go now. Have a good day, (Y/n)." He swiftly made his way out of her front door and slammed it shut behind him. She flinched at the loud noise and stared at the door, hoping he would return.
He didn't.
She slowly pushed the now soggy and unappetizing bowl of cereal away from her and stared at her hands with a numb feeling crushing her chest. Had she really just rejected one of her closest friends? There was an unexplainable twang in her heart that she couldn't quite understand. It felt like the organ had stopped beating altogether.
(Y/n) was hurting, and she couldn't grasp why. George was the one who had just gotten rejected. What she felt was nothing compared to what he must be experiencing. It made her feel selfish and wrong for feeling this way. The rational side of her brain was trying to convince her that she had done nothing wrong, but that didn't make the guilt feel any better.
The (h/c) female dragged a tired hand down her face as she tried to find the bright side to the situation. Was there one? She could have just potentially lost the most important person in her life. All over some stupid crush, George had no control over. It made her want to cry and scream at how unfair it was.
She was an adult, and that was childish. All she could possibly do now was wait and see what happened, for better or worse.
If only she had realized sooner, it was something much worse than a simple crush.
George stopped when he was halfway home and squatted down on the sidewalk, his face twisted and scrunched in utter agony. It felt like his heart had been ripped right out of his chest. He felt like a walking corpse. Everything felt cold, and the world around him looked dull and colorless. He never thought he'd see the day when his entire world came crashing down around him. It felt just as lifeless as he was currently feeling.
This... this couldn't be right! She was supposed to explain how she felt the same way! This wasn't how it was supposed to be. His mind was tearing at itself, and all he could feel was confusion, irritation, and sadness.
The heartbroken brunette grasped where his heart was supposed to be as he felt hot tears burn his eyes. He didn't even bother with trying to hold them back. He let them cascade down his cheeks as a choked sob left his mouth. He probably looked like an idiot crying in the middle of the sidewalk. He couldn't contain his tears as they poured out of his bloodshot eyes. It didn't matter if anyone saw him. He was beyond the point of caring.
He didn't know how long he had been sobbing and having a mental breakdown. He sat there until his legs and ankles burned from the strain of holding his body up. He sat there until he had no more tears left to shed.
He decided he needed to go home and stop feeling sorry for himself. He shakily clambered to his feet while slightly staggering to the side. He wiped the remaining moisture and snot off his face with his sleeve, too exhausted and hurt to be disgusted. His vision was still slightly blurry, but he pressed onwards.
Soon enough, he was stumbling upstairs towards his room while keeping a firm hand on the wall, so he didn't fall. He carelessly opened his bedroom door with a bit more force than necessary. He flinched slightly as the door swung open and hit his wall with a loud bang. That would probably leave a dent. He wiggled out of his hoodie and tossed it onto the floor, not having the energy to care. He was left in his gray sweatpants and tight blue shirt.
George collapsed on his bed while pulling his knees to his chest. He felt so fucking pathetic. Was he really not good enough for her? How could... how could she only see him as a friend? There had to be someone else in the picture. That or she must be confused! There was no way she didn't feel the same way about him. He had molded himself into her ideal type. What else was he missing?
The heartbroken brunette lay in his bed while staring at the white ceiling above him with a blank look on his face. He let out an irritated sigh and raked his hands through his messy hair. Maybe some insomnia medication would help him relax and sleep.
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