《Everhearth》Interlude 2 : Other Dreams


Gideon fell down, his palms bruised and blistered from the spear below him, the cuffs and chains around his arms glued him to the ground.

A gentle nudge of Elric’s foot turned him over, “It’s only been a week you need to suck it up more if you want to Awaken.”

Between panting breaths, “I taste… blood…”

“That means you're on the right track, now again.” Elric waited by the side of the rock after their runs.

Gideon was raising his spear again, keeping it steady - a sudden thrust with his right and guide by his left, attempting another piercing straight. Though he was off ever so slightly, twisting improperly, a frown appeared on his face as he got back into position. And with a single step, the process started over and continued till the sun breached the forest line.

The sun was high overhead, as Gideon stared half-heartedly before Elric’s silhouette overlapped the sky.

“A few more days like this and you should be able to use the movement.”

“Why… do… I need to… get this… first…” Gideon trying to catch his breath.

“Because this is the basis for the style and you're going to be doing a lot of it from now on.”

“But… what about the other ones… they still had piercing…” Gideon questioned as the scores of books they went through had details of piecing movements.

“They had, yes, but they also detailed more finesse and cutting, but this is grounded in thrusting movements.”

“Then what am I… supposed to, just follow these steps for the rest of my time training?”

Elric shook his head, “This movement is only made to set the ground for you to learn. You will develop your own ways, though you will need a lot more practice and experience.”

“When can I get… there?” Gideon slowly rose.

“Rushing ill-prepared can only hamper your growth right now, just focus on this first movement. You’ll need to be ready for the fall.”


“For the Commencement, of course, I cannot teach you everything and you’ll need to expand your own experience soon enough.”

Picking up his spear he looked down and he openly spoke, “Will I be ready then?”

Shrugging, “Who knows, you need to learn the spear and dual dagger styles before anything I say.”

Looking with hopeful eyes, “Will I have Awakened En by then?”

Elric laughed, to which Gideon frowned heavily. “If you did that I’d say you’d be gifted in the ways of En.”

Frowned even harder, “Then can I not be?”

Shaking his head to relieve his smile, “What kind of talent for En couldn’t get an inkling of the first movement in a week. It's the body, Gideon, a good body fixes itself to the best movement but we are not that, we need to train - and train a lot we do.”

From under his breath, “All I see is you sit on your ass.”

A pulse of blue spread from the sole of Elric’s shoes, sliding underneath Gideon and ripping the ground from under him prompting a thud to his back.

Elric’s silhouette was over with a grin, “Better be ready next time. Who knows what can happen or what I would hear.”

Gideon haphazardly got up with a spear thrust, though another pulse of blue came at his stomach that sent him tumbling to the ground and a laugh in the background as they carried on training.


Within the Bismar House, Nollan was within the training chamber - meditating. The lavish display of goods and condiments decorated the reinforced room. Water Aether seeped from his skin and coagulated around himself as it slid down his arms to his hand, he slowly went up and threw the Water within his palm. A blue orb launched with force, exploding along the only barren wall.


Nollan let out a long breath as he felt progress, a lesser version of the Art of Aqua; Water Ball. A knock on the door caught his attention, as it slowly opened to a well-dressed goblin.

Biv called out, “Sir Nollan. Your Mother wants to see you in her study.”

His gut dropped as he quickly got himself cleaned, and dressed in proper wares. Quickly he followed Biv at pace through the decorative halls of paintings, ornate furnishings, and art pieces that showed great wealth.

They came to a two-door entrance as Biv knocked on the door before a soft voice allowed entry. Biv opened as he stood by, gesturing only for Nollan to enter as he waited outside.

In the room surrounded by a great number of filled bookshelves, a large desk was in the back with a chaotic assortment of documents. Though off to the side, there was a wall of windows - drapes of immaculate fine fibers covering most of the light. And to its center, a high-class divan stood wast there as a resting spot for a lavish woman laying down, reading her book.

Her delicate fingers turned the pages as she gave a brief look to her son, “The Hule House has staved their child’s involvement in this coming Commencement.” Her lingering off-stare intensified, “You will be the only one of the Houses to be represented, the other… lesser nobility will still attend but there will be no one else.”

“I didn’t… know that…”

Scoffing, “Of course, you didn’t know. If you actually spent even a morsel of time with those bought for our estate you would.” Closing her book she sat up properly, staring intently. “Not loafing around and spending your time within the training hall.”

With an unsteady voice, “But Mother… I can’t be as strong as you want me to be if I could-”

A menacing frown appeared on her face as she threw the book at him to slightly dodge at reflex. Garnering greater wrath, Air swirled around her fingertips as she shot up and called forth the wind to slam him down to the floor. Nollan could defend or develop to the point to envelop himself with Water but the oncoming wind disrupted his concentration while a sudden pressure put him to the ground.

The sound of heels echoed through his ears, as the clear voice of his mother spoke. “You are a noble, first son of the Bismar House of Fretic, after the great powers of your father’s line and my blood. You should be greater than us, after all the elixirs, teachings, medical baths, and the beast core that your father wrought out from an Adventurer. All of this, and yet you are still this weak after a year of delay.”

“Mother- please- I can't- breathe…” Nollan was losing his breath as he shed a tear at her words.

The pressure slowly released, but he didn’t dare to meet her gaze as he got up.

The sound of her quick breaths was looming over him. “There will be something special this Commencement for the participant scourge for. See to it that you make sure the line of the Bismar is not one to be challenged.”

Nollan nodded with deep fire within his heart, I can do it. This is my chance for my blood, for my family to stand true to all of its history and the greater power within us. Because I am better!...


Near the slums, a lone goblin ran through the streets, dawning his robe and cradling a sack of goods. He had gotten away and came to a shabby little house, having opened the door silently to the large room. An old and worn-out goblin, with grey hair and many half-healed bruises, was snoring on the couch with a bottle of liquor.


Carefully he tip-toed his way through the few stable pieces of wood and made his way up the stairs just the same. There were a few rooms but he had made it to the far end of the hallway and opened it to appear in a tiny bedroom.

A young female goblin sat on the edge of her bed as she twiddled her feet in wait. When the door opened a smile bloomed on her face, carefully she got up as her brother came home. With what she could she gave him a great hug as he closed the door.

He got out pieces of dried meat, bread, and canteens of water for their meal.

In a whisper Sark, “We should be okay. For now, we can eat.”

“Yay, are we okay today?” Kir replied as she took some meat with a smile.

“Another hour and we can leave for the day.” Sark hesitantly partook.

The past few years have been long as their father, Bimil worked his days near the dockyard. Spending what he had on alcohol and food for himself at the bar, leaving very little for the siblings as Sark took it upon himself in trying to gain what coin he could. The week turned out to be a poor harvest as a scavenger in the streets - having a forced hand to steal some rations from some of the other scavenging poor.

The siblings ate quietly, once there were four - now two, they were left to each other as they cared little for anything else. Sark gently patted his sister's head and crept to his own room, much shabbier as it was falling apart with broken cobwebs. Underneath his bedside, he took out a small leather pocket wedged between his frame and took out a small black orb.

He laid down with the bead in his palm, found on his careless expedition to the third layer of the crypt, feeling a faint attachment to it. Buried underneath a pile of dirt and bones a luminance in the darkness that he took for himself. He didn’t know what it was, but the faint fluctuation in its appearance led him to keep it to himself.

Soon, I can leave this rotting place when Fall Commencement starts there my own life can be free. Smiling he cradled it even more so to rest.


In the Fourth Quarter, the Guild ran an orphanage by the wall. The complex was huge, with an open lawn in the back as there were a dozen pairs training.

A pair fought, a male Hobgoblin named Arken, and a female Human, Brigette were training more aggressively. Arken with his dual war hammers, and Brigette with her sword. The last exchange pushed Brigette back as Arken had a small smile.

“I win,” he said.

“Ha, Sure if you say so.” She replied, stowing away her weapon and wiping the smirk away from his face. “We should end soon, our literature class is about to start.”

Frowning, “You can go- I don’t feel like it today.”

“Oh come on… Arken you know you can’t miss so much. I think you would become illiterate if you keep this up.” She took him to the side of the building where there was a line of clear benches to sit.

“I don’t want to read all that stuff. What good is it anyway, it’s not like I am going to have any trouble reading the text within the Guild?”

Brigette gave an expressionless look, “You just had a problem with our Mystical Forces book.”

“When do I need to know the effect of two concentrations of different Aethers conflicting with each other in a spell?”

“You never know what could happen out there. Besides, anyone can use a Spell with the proper resources and chants.”

Scoffing, “Like I’m going to waste my time on that. I would rather learn Arts than do with a Spell.”

Covered a subtle chuckle, “Well, there is still a lot that we have to work for. Only when we have enough coin and strength can be alone together.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, “Come on, let’s go!”

Energetically rose from her seat and made her way to clean herself off. Arken gave a half-smile as he didn’t want to go, but to spend time with her a little bit more. Their life, their home from all they could remember would change as they would be given six months after the Fall Commencement to leave this place. They only had each other, and only survived within each other’s arms as they hoped to build a life in a different city - one not plagued by the edge of the wilds.


Within a Small Temple Square, in the Fifth Quarter near the inner wall of the Third Quarter stood the temple of Oivle; God of Forest Creeks, and First Spring Showers. A young man sat in the study as he turned the pages of the scriptures that the Priest had left.

‘…The time of rain brings the most to flourish, but the first spring shower is the most important…’ The text of Oivle went on, Nile dragged his fingers across the pages - the conflicts of his heart expressed the anxiety of his age.

Taken in from a young age and raised with aspirations of the wider world Oivle played a part in, Nile grew within the cradle of hope and comfort of his prays. However, the time when he would go out into the world was approaching, off to find himself and the teachings of Oivle.

Cleric… A path laid one with rich experiences and power, but great pitfalls along the way. I need to find it, find the nature of Oivle for myself.

Nile looked around the shelves of books and sighed, What is wrong with me? There is so much left… so much more to learn about.

Stuck within a constant cycle of reading, the Clergy left him to find his own answers - that would be challenged in the upcoming Fall Commencement.

The Adventurer's Guild worked with the smaller Temples, giving them a place to send their Clergy to grow their own understanding of their gods. This year it was his chance, resolving himself to take it with a full heart - preparing for anything and everything that he would find. Practicing his Miracles in his free time to solidify his sign to his endearing creeds and teachings.

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