《Spike Hellsing Autobiography: The Chosen》Chapter Five - Roots of a Demi-God


As a reward for restoring her essence, Fate granted us all with two soul-powers each (because our magi-tech would not work beyond this universe). I was given hemomancy, the power to detect the presence of blood & manipulate it with my thoughts; and technomancy, the ability to sense & control technology with my thoughts.

I decided to stay in this universe, in The Kingdom of the Chosen, to protect the white hole. But that got boring, and considering I could travel anywhere in the blink of an eye, I decided to have a little fun.

I started by taking my organic spaceship to an uninhabited world to process the gases and eat trees. It started at about the size of a desk and within a week it was the size of a bus with enough room inside for a crew of 5 people. I eventually boarded the living ship and took it into space. With my new soul-powers I was able to interface with the vessel on a profound level. I began by having the ship eat space junk but quickly moved on to absorbing the atmosphere from a gas giant. After about a month the vessel was just as big as our airship so it needed a name. T.H.E. B.O.S.S. Technological Hybrid Engineered Biological Organic Space Ship. Now I decided to fly it into a star, it could absorb heat, light, and radiation, collect gas and eat plasma.

I chose to rest within the star our abandoned desert planet orbited (and yes I do see the irony of a vampire living in the core of a sun.). This junkyard world eventually became a prison world, we built yet another castle atop the mountain that had once held our kingdom far above the dry desolate world, a sister kingdom. We created a city around that mountain and set up a second gate system within. This was the home-world of the chosen after all, even though it was a junkyard/prison/dessert world.


While I rested inside the solar mass I conceived incredible contraptions, armour capable of transforming at will (much like my own nano-refractive armour) but improved upon this concept with life support, a full helmet with a H.U.D. and took this yet another step further with space capable shell pods. Then Improved both these ideas by adding holographic projections accompanied by forcefield technologies granting them the ability to take the form of any spacecraft desired. The potential was near limitless, Halina could project a spaceship capable of holding an atmosphere, creating warmth, and even replicating food, air, and water. All you needed was enough energy-credits (EC) and a single holographic companion drone sphere, and the universe could be at your disposal.

I also used our new prismatic magi-tech to upgrade my weapons. Not wanting to take the lives of innocents', I decided to start by modifying my magi-tech beam-sword. I enhanced it using the mysterious perception magi-tech, in conjunction with storage & information magi-tech empowered with amplification & source magi-tech crossed with life/creation & death/destruction magi-tech, and finally concentrated with focus magi-tech; granting it the ability to trap and store the consciousness of anyone slain by it. Upgrading my blood-drinking katana with space magi-tech allowed me to store the blood (or whatever genetic/cybernetic material was available) from my katana's victims. Halina was then able to pair the "bodies" & "minds" in a data base forming a complete essence of any one I kill with both blades. Next I integrated both weapons with time magi-tech, retroactively gathering the essence of those killed so far. Finally I unlocked their true potential along with my own, infusing my bones, my symbiote's carapace, and both blades with prismatic magi-tech trapping souls of anyone ever slain by my hand.

Of course I didn't just want to trap souls in my blade forever, they needed redemption, compensation, or rehabilitation. Long story short, I used the same magi-tech as before to improve my pocket dimension sheathe, basically creating a V.R. afterlife; Where my victims could prove themselves worthy of re-existence; The soul-trap sheathe. I allowed Halina to judge the lives and morals of those undergoing the process (Mostly she uses assholes as N.P.C.s' in my V.R. cantina, as a part of their rehab. And she grants the few pure souls I trap citizenship in The Kingdom of The Chosen).


We began sending seed ships across the universe to build more gates, and welcomed all peoples into our kingdom. With the establishment of Hellsing Corp. I granted all immigrants a 100,000EC welcoming gift, and 10,000EC monthly allowance. I began to run my V.R. cantina on a much larger scale, integrated with perception magi-tech and the web; I created a synthetic universe. I would pay people for working in my world, and allow them to purchase digital goods for a fraction of the cost of their real world counterparts. Actually 1/10th to be precise.

I decided I would synchronise my age with the age of our kingdom, but we all have three or four types of age. Physical age, one can preserve or accelerate one’s body to adjust this; Mental age, one can synchronise this one by over or under clocking one’s consciousness; Calendar age, this one is rather trivial; And soul age, I’m not even totally sure how this would work, but it seems logical that it would exist.

Eventually I decided I would attempt ascension. I didn't want to rely on magi-tech to fuel my abilities, I needed to be self sufficient. I would enter my lucid dream, and sever my connection to the multi-verse; Creating my own pocket dimension that could be developed into my very own universe. So I began to prepare for my great slumber.

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