《Reverend Insanity(But it was me DIO!)》Chapter 26: Law Experiments.


On all the story of the Gu world there have been 10 Venerable figures, who stood at their peak of their paths.

With an eleven, future female Venerable, who was said that would be born in the great, chaotic era and would eventually become the strongest of all the Venerables.

But, were all those Venerables so easy to surpass?

The feats of many Venerables were simply incomparable.

Spectral Soul, a crazy man who found purpose in killing, who saw the meaning of life was so that there could be death, naturally was a genocidal maniac.

When he was bored, he would kill, when someone bothered, he would kill, when he wanted to experiment, he would kill.

It was such the amount of corpses behind him, that their grudges took shape, countless begrudging spirits appeared one after the other, at the end of his era.

Some of those spirits and creatures became Immemorial Desolate Beasts!

Others such as Genesis Lotus or Primordial Origin guided countless waves of Immortals through their words and biographies, they explained carefully the methods of Immortal ascension and management of the aperture.

It was due to those two that there's such a relatively high amount of Immortals in the present.

All the Venerables held their ambitions, some wanted eternal hereditary monarchy and conquered a whole continent for themselves.

Among them, there was a figure with a boundless ambition, with only a single dream on his heart, the pursuit of eternal life, that man was of course Limitless.

He was a curious person since he was a child, stories of him tell that it was such his curiosity that he acquired the equivalent Dao marks of a rank 8 whilst he was still a rank 6 just to see what would happen.

Currently, this Venerable was immersed in his new 'study.'

The nature of Stands.

When Limitless saw all the memories of Dio he saw the Vampiric powers, Stands and other supernatural phenomena.

It only took him a few minutes before replicating the Stone mask and improving it accordingly, suiting his new needs.

Afterwards he delved in the study of 'Stands', inside those countless worlds of his, he slowly poured an absolute dense Soul aura.

He did this to slowly increase their Soul Foundation and eventually create his own Stands.

And now?

He had already created over a million Stands!

With them he deciphered countless amounts of new 'laws', which increased his Law path Foundation tremendously.

Yet, among all of them, the most interesting Stand he had created was a variant of Dio's Stand.

The truth!

This was the perfect Heaven-Law path chimera with just the perfect amount of Dao marks to deduce and derive new contents, he could create his own new truths, he could see the truths of the Heavens.

Thanks to such a wonderful Stand Limitless research grew boundlessly, due to this, he managed to 'carve' new truthful stones.


"Crck." Yet another stone was carved.

Limitless heaved a sigh.

This thirdiary will which specialized in carving a dozen of truthful stones contacted the secondary will, which then contacted the 'main' will.

As the info passed side to side, multiple lights were activated and dozens of Formations were activated and reformed.

Among them, there were multiple rank 9 and quasi-rank 10 materials, they had all shapes and forms, some were even shapeless.

'Black' flames, which became white, red, purple which resembled a water, but at the same it didn't, something devoid of logic which couldn't be described into words other than chaos.

Limitless main's will chuckled lightly.

"Who could have expected that the materials and Formations that I had painstakingly gathered to get rid of Spectral Soul would be used like this.

Truly, I am grateful for the aid that Dio gave me."

"Entropy Distortion, Entropy Creation, The Primordial State of All is to be reduced to ashes.

The Chaos shall take shape, and be given a form and state.

Such is entropy the thing which forms both Chaos and Order."

Limitless recited.

This 'Killer Move' or Formation he made, had a strange nature.

It was a Law path technique which followed the principle of 'Entropy', both to create and destroy.

Basically, he was planning to target Spectral Soul on a way that all his Soul particles would be accelerated so far on the 'future', that 'Entropy' would take place.

Entropy then would reduce his massive-mass and semi-stable body into an incoherent particle soup, devoid of meaning.

However, he could also 'accelerate' things to create order, to force Chaos to take shape and stability to things.

This was the power of Law to mimic Time!

After activating this Killer Move a unified dark-purple stream surged, like the stream of a river towards the stone.

However, as the time passed the beam began to deform, some sprouts of this liquid would spill, some would evaporate.

Some would lose its way, and some would spin and form tornados inside of it.

By each second, the abnormalities increased, up to the point where the beam was reduced to a mere 'gas' with just a few particles, and the strength of the Killer Move was reduced up to a 99%.

When it was at its lowest point Limitless was forced to reactivate the Killer Move and waste even more resources.

That was the nature of entropy, to not reduce everything to an incoherent blur, it required a constant supply of energy.

Luckily for him, at the center of that truthful stone, multiple enigmas were revealed before him, which became clearer by the second.

Finally, Limitless summoned over a ten-thousand dark chains to forcefully drag a peculiar Gu towards the center of this stone.

Rank 9 Derivation Gu!

From the initial pure-white stone, an infinite spectrum colors surged, forming a rainbow.

Various truths of diverse paths were revealed, this was yet another successful experiment.


After reaching this point, Limitless stopped abruptly, he sighed.

"I could deduce further informations, however it would not be worth it, to receive an 3% deductions I would require around thrice the amount of Immortal Essence and materials."

Limitless glanced at the scattered thousands of truthful stones before him, which were floating around the chaos with a pained expression.

"I'd wish to persist, however, in life I only passed two Chaotic Apocalypsis, together with the twenty-thousand rank 9 Immortal-Essence beads I consumed, I only have a bit more of over 250 Immortal Essence Beads to derive more info."


Dio was observing a tiny letter which said.

"Beyond this location lies my inheritance, however, unless you prove to be fit for it you shall not receive it and you may die on the attempt.

I am, Feng Zhan, or as you may know me, the Gu master Set in Stone.

I am unsure if my methods have been lost to story, but I am the inventor of the Gu with the same name.

This Gu holds the properties of both Earth and Law path, and has the ability to prevent things from 'changing' of state.

My Gu can put other Gu's in hibernation, can prevent the change of an environment among many other things.

Yes, you may have noticed that despite many years have passed since my death my 'rocky' environment still perseveres, that is the power of my Gu which affects even the weather!

If you try to approach my Gu will also begin to petrify you, as is set in stone that you will not arrive where I am.

If you're defeated by my Gu you shall be assimilated and converted into yet more fuel to keep up my technique, if I am not wrong this is an impervious creation.

Alas, it was such its might that not even my enemies from multiple tribes could catch up with me, however due to the power of my same creation I couldn't leave in time!

Instead of dying of hunger or thirst I decided to petrify myself, together with all my Gu's.

Hence, to acquire my inheritance you must surpass me, its inventor prove me that you're able to defeat this creation!"

Dio looked with an ugly expression the text.

Then, he glanced at the corpse which stood at the center of this rocky environment.

"If all the inheritances are like this, I may leave with my pockets empty."

He touched his chin and inspected the field.

"As he said, there are many creatures and beasts who have died on their attempts to charge recklessly towards those rocky constructions.

However I am unsure if this fact still remains true, but how do I test this?"

From the ground a mole emerged, it tried to pierce towards Dio's heart.

"Hmph, this will do..."

He strangled the creature and threw it towards the rocky fields.

And as expected, the creature was petrified almost immediately.

"Now that I have tested this, what if..."

Dio carefully prepared a thin thread of bone-tissue which once again froze down.

But, even after it froze, Dio could control it from afar, and thus began to direct his efforts towards the corpse of that man, as if the bone-tissue was a fishing road and he was a fisher.

Yet, when he approached enough, even the movements began to froze down, and the air around began to turn solid.

Eventually the bone tissue shattered into countless fragments and he failed again.

"No matter, I have a lot of time to experiment, sooner or later I'll find my answer."

"Ding." "Ding." "Ding."

The sound of multiple bells ringing made Dio's expression freeze.

Those 'bells' were actually his own creation made of bone-tissue hiding deeply in the ground which would react and trigger a chain reaction when enough mass was moving towards him.

Based on the sheer strength and numbers of bell sounding there were two possible scenarios, one was a stampede and the other was that he was being pursued by an army!

But, even if it was an stampede it was most likely man-made hence his most likely culprits of those sounds were either Ma Shang Feng or Ma Pa Hung.

He needed to either leave or solve this in time.

"Bloody Hand of a Thief!"

Dio activated his new Gu, a crimson aura surged a suction force appeared which began to pull the corpse towards him.

Surprisingly it actually worked.

The corpse was slowly being moved, together with all the 'rocky fields', yes, all this field was on essence the creation of a few Earth-Law Gu's.

As the petrification began to increase in might Dio was forced to step back...

If he got any closer perhaps he may die.

"If this won't do, what about this."

Dio slashed his own body into multiple chunks of blood and meat, finally he shaked off all the blood sprouts which were shoot at all directions like rain, then he lifted his arm up and injected it with some Primeval Essence.

There was a tiny resonance between his arm and the drops of blood which reshaped themselves according to the form of the hand.

The pull force extended at all directions, forcefully splitting those rocky plains into multiple materials, however the material held strong, no matter what he did, an invisible forcefield would reduce all his efforts to nothing.

Before he even realized, Dio was already being pursued by multiple wooden statues, which meant that the enemy was close.

Without any other option, he reactivated his Bloody Plunder and used those blood sprouts to forcefully drag with him that mini-rocky area.

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