《The Roseguard's Odyssey: The tale of the hunted》Epilogue - The Shadows of Defiance


The day she was escorted with Diana and Nikolaus into the Reichshall, Elizabeth, Willow, and Shiny almost ran up to hug her, had she not been stopped by her aunt. Diana did her best to separate them, but the three of them always snuck out to see Luna, so a compromise was reached. The four of them can meet with each other, but only for three hours a day and under heavy surveillance and surrounded by guards.

When the Chancellor said that there would be heavy limitations, he really meant them. Luna was free but only within the compound of the palace, and she was always surrounded by the chevaliers, and all her movements were carefully watched and monitored. Her messages are heavily read by the sentinels, and she was working as a gardener while the Chancellor and the Warden Commander came to an understanding and a plan on what to do next.

Reichshall was a magnificent marble and iron palace that was carved into a lonely mountain. From its colossal pillars, bridges and its own personal skyport, it was an impressive creative and engineering feat. Even in winter, the massive palace had numerous domes where the weather was regulated, preserving the beautiful gardens that Luna enjoyed working on, especially when she saw that the Reichshall gardens had some plantir plants as well. The other gardeners who were released from the hospital soon wondered why all the plants Luna took care of seemed to be in bloom and seemed healthier than theirs.

Her friend in the prison returned as well. The mouse returned with its friends and always kept visiting her. They did not approach her anymore, but Luna always saw them, watching her in the shadows. Once they visited her and brought with them crumbs of cookies as the mouse with the scar gave her fingers a lick. She did not know why, but seeing them close made her feel safer as well.

Luna also sees the Iron Chancellor jogging through the massive gardens with his chevaliers escorting him along the way. He would give her a wave as he enjoyed his newfound mobility.

Elizabeth also forced Nikolaus and Diana to share Luna's meals with them. Diana was strongly against it, but when the child told her grandfather that she wouldn’t eat again, Nikolaus immediately caved in.


Her first dinner in the splendid private dining room was awkward and painfully silent, with only Elizabeth the one to talk to her while Nikolaus’s attempt at any conversation was met with icy stares from Diana and the Chevaliers who watched Luna’s every movement.

When dessert finally came, Diana moderated Elizabeth’s sweets, but Luna snuck her some afterwards. Ever since then, Diana and Luna have been in a silent war, winning Elizabeth to their side, with the child clearly the winner.


After a week, the day Luna waited for was here. She was given proper formal attire as it was the day the ambassadors of Defiance would finally meet with Chancellor Nikolaus and the Warden Commander. They stood at attention at the top of the steps of Reichshall as the carriages finally arrived, and Luna could not help but grin when she saw who the ambassadors were.

The first to come out was Baldric, wearing a magnificent new black, fitted, three piece suit. The moment he saw Luna, he gave her a wink through his new gold-framed glasses. His hair was different now as well, with it being shorter and cleaner and his beard now carefully trimmed.

Next to come out was Oichi, and she looked absolutely regal in her Riyax formal dress, a beautiful bright green silk long flowing robe, with loose sleeves topped with a fur coat. Her hair was in a beautiful tight bun and every detail on her made Oichi exuded grace. Luna knew Solomon spared no expense when it came to her. She also smiled at Luna when she saw her.

Luna looked at Elizabeth, who beamed back. Both of them were excited to meet with both of them. Baldric escorted Oichi up the steps, and they bowed before the Chancellor.

"We greet Otto Nikolaus Von Stahlblut, the Stalwart Iron Chancellor of Aspana. We greet Princess Elizabeth Balder Van Stahlblut II, the second princess of Aspana and the third sun of the Braenarim Republic. We greet Princess Diana Van Balder, the Warden Commander of the Braenarim and Aspana Sentinels and the fourth sun of the Braenarim Republic." Oichi addressed them.

"I welcome Ambassador Baldric Faraday and Ambassador Oichi Grugnir of the state of Defiance. As the Chancellor of Aspana, I welcome you to the North." Nikolaus kissed Oichi’s hand.


The moment all of them entered the halls of the Reichshall, Elizabeth gave both Baldric and Oichi the biggest hug she could, With them tightly returning it.

Baldric and Luna did their secret handshake. “So how was prison?” Baldric said as they hugged.

"Cold, lonely, and relaxing." She then greeted Oichi with a big hug.

"Chi are you sure you are fine leaving Quinn and Finn? Is Solomon okay with this?"

"He wasn't, but I insisted. We are getting you home after all. Besides, Doctor Gerwulf, Shinaki and Annie have volunteered to watch over them."

"Here, sunshine." Baldric got out a present for Elizabeth, which she opened right away, and inside was a mechanical squirrel that climbed onto her and sat on her shoulder. "It’s from Annie and Tinkerton-G. Everyone wanted to be the ambassador, but Solomon and Oichi turned them all down. But everyone sends their regards, especially Annie."

As Oichi and Elizabeth caught up, Baldric updated Luna on everything she missed in the past weeks.

"So weird seeing you and Diana not at each other's throats."

"I decided to not give her a hard time." Luna crossed her arms and forgot she was missing her left arm. "She already has enough problems at the moment."

"I can’t believe they took your arm. But G and Ferris already have a new one, ready and waiting for you. Also, I got us four new members in our guild." Baldric said with a smile.

"What? You actually found people who want to join us?"

"Yeah, Elaine, Theo, Groti, and Thandos."

"Are they the…"

"Yep. Vhlad was not happy about them being poached, but what could he do about it. Max also wants to reunite the old guild."

"No way."

"Of course that is under your consideration almighty leader." Luna punched him in the arm. "We even considered changing the name of the guild."


"Yeah. A lot of names were tossed around. Nothing official yet though, but Chi, Elaine, and Annie seem to agree on the name: The Roseguard."

"…Rose… guard?"

"Yeah, I know it’s an embarrassment. I will make sure to vote against it."

Luna shook her head. "What about the other shadows?"

"Gaatz was not happy about being kicked out of my palace-"

"Excuse you? Your palace?"

"Fine, our palace. Solomon, Alexander, Fenia, Theobald, Filias, Gerwulf, Krax, all settled in nicely with more refugees from every country flocking to Defiance. Everyone agreed to form a Triumvirate with Solomon, Alexander, and you as the heads of state."

Luna rubbed her face with frustration. "Why do they always have to include me in everything?"

"The plantir’s only listen to you after all. Of course they need to put you in. If you weren't, I bet they will throw everyone off defiance."

"Found our house yet?"

"Nope. Vhlad was right, though. The whole hill was gone."

Luna groaned. "How did Gaatz take it being replaced?"

"Not too bad. Him, Vhlad, and Regis are opening a buffet restaurant up there soon. Although I will miss what Gaatz did with the palace, he filled the fountain with champagne-"

"He did what?!"

Baldric suddenly panicked. "I meant… uh… with champ…ions."

"Ambassadors, Lady Luna, the Chancellor, and the Warden Commander are waiting."

They bowed before Elizabeth, then followed an attendant, who then guided them to a massive room with a round table. Nikolaus, Diana, and a stern yet handsome-looking young man wearing an Aspana admiral uniform were already waiting for them. He had raven black hair, steel brown eyes, and Luna could guess he was only slightly older than Annie. But already, the Admiral had a battle-hardened look on him.

"Ah there they are." Nikolaus addressed them. "Shall we get this show on the road?"

"Of course, Chancellor." Oichi said, and all of them sat down.

"First of all, Admiral Matthew Fischer." Nikolaus gestured at the young man and he gave them all a curt nod. "Matthew, this is Ambassador Baldric Faraday and Ambassador Oichi Grugnir from the state of Defiance. They will help us lead the expeditions to find Princess Alicia and Catherine."

"Greetings Ambassadors. It is a pleasure to work with the Shadows of Defiance."

"Now…" Nikolaus smiled. "Let’s begin."

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