《Elysia in Another World》Evelyn Barrett, Part 2


Kye sat down and began to think. Eve had already brought them back to the Nexus, so the tombstones were gone. Three things are bothering me. She looked up at Alethea. “Do you think Allison really has the power to destroy a planet?”

“Depends on what level of destruction we’re talking about.” They turned to Eve.

“She didn’t blow the planet apart. That’s all I’ll tell you.”

Even then, to destroy the entire surface of a planet... that’s no small feat. Even my more powerful past incarnations would have had a rough time doing that. Is it a fabrication? Surely not. Eve wouldn’t lie, she just wouldn’t say anything she didn’t want us to know. Still though, in that worldline, I died first. It must have been the lack of the ‘weight training’. 275M to 950M is a big difference, and I may not have been even that high in that worldline. There’s no telling what I was at. What could be so powerful that everyone here would die and only Allison with aether could survive? A SS or S+ beast would do it. Astarte is the strongest of the group with a tombstone. Even with Aether, she wouldn’t be able to take on an S+. Shiro is another possibility, but I suspect he’s actually stronger than Allison. That’s a variable, though, so no point in dwelling on that.


“Huh? What?”

“I can tell you’re having a big think right now.”

“Yeah, gimmie a few.”

I’m not certain if Allison would win against an SS. I know Apollyon was able to fight one to a standstill, but to my knowledge he didn’t fight alone. He had a whole slew of strong individuals with him, including some that died. The SS survived that battle, too. I should assume even Allison isn’t living through that solo. So, an S+ then. The one we fought in January was S-. It was strong, but not high on the S Class totem pole. Aether is much more potent than mana, so I have an advantage right from the start. Add the new technique I’ve been working on... Fighting off an S+ might be possible if handled right. I’m certain Overdrive would give me a significant edge, but that’s out of the question with the pregnancy. I wouldn’t survive the recovery time and pregnancy together. Kye glanced to Astraia. The soul bonding is significant, too. I really don’t know how much power I can wield with it.

Astraia smiled. Kye stood up and began to think about the next thing that worried her. So, aside the enemy, whatever it is, there’s also what Eve said. She said I’m restraining myself and I haven’t figured out why this particular world is significant. What...? She glanced over at Eve.



“Tch. Fine.” She turned back to Alethea. “What do you think she meant by restraining myself?”

“Hmm... What about me? Lady Eve, am I restraining myself?”

“You are, yes.”

Alethea looked around at everyone, wondering if any of them had any ideas. All of them shook their heads, but Alethea noticed something different about each. “Shi-chan... look at them.”

“Hmm. Their auras? I’ve been so obsessed with the other problems that I overlooked that. That’s soul aether, just like...” Her eyes widened. “Huh.”

Alethea fell over backwards, having realized it at the same time. “Shi-chan... how did neither of us figure it out?”

“What did you figure out?” Astarte asked. “Wait, you’re thinking it really loud...”

Kye and Alethea jumped up and their bodies began glowing in a radiant gold and radiant pink, respectively. ““Soul aether!””

“Your output is...” Astraia said. “It’s not overwhelming like when we were in your soul sparring with Jouten, but... it’s the same feeling!”

“Very good,” Eve said. “You have solved the self-restraint problem. Now why is this world so special?” Eve moved around on her throne, switching which hand was holding up her head and switching her crossed legs.

“Is it because it’s so rich in mana and aether? The people in it are much longer lived than in most worlds. And the world peace they’ve acquired is nothing short of a miracle.”

Eve closed her eyes and ignored Kye’s verbal thoughts.

“Nothing is really unique to it though.”

“I don’t have any ideas, either.” Alethea shrugged.

Astraia and Astarte exchanged glances, and Astraia walked up to Kye. “I may have an idea.”

“What is it?”

“Do you know the name of our world?”

Kye shook her head and glanced at Alethea, who also shook her head.

Astraia raised her hand and a visible screen appeared for everyone to see. Kye covered her mouth and gasped.

Alethea had the same reaction. “Wow...”

“This changes everything.”

The two reincarnations turned to Eve, who had opened her eyes when Astraia revealed the screen. “It seems you understand now. Let us return.” She snapped her fingers, and suddenly the scenery changed. Everyone was back in the beach shop in their seats with the world still frozen except for them. Their auras had also dissipated. “Now, I’ll give you a minute to calm down before I un-pause the world.”

“I love steak!” Joseph exclaimed.

“I’m with you, brother,” Johnathan added.

Kye raised her eyebrow. They really ordered steak on a beach. Allison, how did you put up with these two? Kye and the others ordered hotdogs and fries. “Evelyn, may I ask a personal question?”


“Personal?” Everyone stopped chatting, curious why Kye spoke up that way. “I suppose, but I may or may not answer depending on the question.”

Kye nodded. “I was wondering what you do. Professionally, I mean.”

“Oh, I don’t mind answering that. I’m a medical professional. I travel around and heal people with severe conditions.” She glanced at Alethea. “Atalante has asked me about helping you.”

“She has?”

“Yes. She explained things and suggested I speak directly to you sometime about it.”

“Uhm... well... I’m not sure.” Alethea looked away.

“It’s okay, dear, it’s a difficult subject. Atalante gave me your contact information, so I’ll message you. Feel free to respond whenever you want, be it in five minutes, five days, or five years, whenever you are ready to discuss anything.”

Alethea smiled. “Thank you.” Evelyn nodded. Alethea looked back at Kye to thank her as well, but Kye was out toward the sea. “Shi-chan?”

December 11... today’s date. I’ve been sensing that strange mana since I got back. Is it the enemy that was supposed to kill us?


No matter what it is, I will protect everyone. Now that I know what this world is... I’ll never lose. Never. Nobody will die on my watch!


Kye jumped. “Huh? What?” Everyone was looking at her. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re the one staring off into space,” Hannah said. “Are you alright? Feeling hot?” She reached over and felt Kye’s forehead. “Seems normal.”

“Oh, no, I’m fine. I just...” She looked back toward the sea but couldn’t sense the strange mana any longer. “Never mind.” She finished up her meal and returned her plate to the staff. “Sorry, everyone, I’m going to run back to the hotel for a few minutes. I just want to go check on Kaede.”

“Oh, is that what you’ve been worrying about?” Ginchiyo asked. “Go. It’s fine! It’s quite normal for... well, I suppose I don’t have to tell you that.”

Kye smiled and started to teleport, but sensed the strange mana again, this time it was in motion and growing stronger. Everyone else sensed it at the same time and followed Kye outside. Kye quickly realized what was happening. “Evacuate everyone! Now!” She turned back toward the sea, her body now glowing in light aether, and raised an enormous barrier just in time to block a gigantic blast of red mana.

“What?!” Hannah jumped up. “Joseph, Johnathan, go to the hotel immediately. Your mother is there taking care of the baby. Take the baby and go through the world gate to Atlantis.” The two nodded and teleported. “The rest of you, help evacuate our people to safety!”

“Astraia!” Kye said. Astraia nodded and transformed into Hikarimaru.


“No! You two help with the evacuation!”


“I’ll take care of this.”

“But the other worldline!”

“It’s fine. I have everything I need to deal with it. I can sense its mana clearly now. It’s strong, and I can see how it would beat us in another worldline, but...” Her aura, eyes, and even the color of her aether refined. “Aether Drive!”


It’s quite a difference. Eve gave us nothing aside information about another worldline. She didn’t give power or knowledge... she... pushed us to open our eyes. She looked up at the beast as it arrived. It was much more humanoid than the last, to the point that it could feasibly pass for human if not for its eyes. It had skin, hair, clothing, and held a sword, but it’s eyes were different with black sclera and crimson red irises. Just like demons. They use long lasting illusion magic to hide their black sclera so as to blend in properly with humans. Red irises are common with them, too. Now that I know what world this is, I know what these beasts are. Shiro, you have done something unforgivable. I’ll have your head for this!

“Shi-chan?!” Alethea saw something in Kye’s eyes that she hadn’t seen in a long time. She’s angry. But... I don’t blame her. That bastard is messing with her world.

“Tell me, beast!” Kye said, using magic to project her voice. “Do you have any sense of self? Any memory of what you once were?”

The beast didn’t react.

“Very well.” She turned to Alethea. “Go. I will take care of this.” Alethea started to respond, but Kye cut her off. “I understand the mission now. This is personal now.”

“Okay. I trust you. Be safe.” Alethea ran off to help with the evacuation, leaving Kye alone to fight the beast.

Her aether was a raging tempest of golden radiance. The aethersteel bracelet on her wrist transformed, but not into a weapon. It transformed into a short purple kimono with short sleeves, black hem, and bound with a black obi.


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