《Cole Johnson x Reader》25


"Y/n" Bee smiles, as she rus over, then starts to cut the ropes.

"Big Carl was right" cole starts, then Bee gets my hands free. I phew, then rub my wrists. "I just needed to get laid"

I chuckle at this, but run over and hug him tightly. Which he quickly returns. I scream though, as he wraps his arms aroundmy waist and spins me around. I laugh. but soon places me on the floor and kisses me, which i return. But after a few seconds, we pull away chuckiling, as i ruffle his hair, but then we turn to Bee who's smiling.

"Wait, so. you rigged this entire thing just to save us?" Cole asks. She chuckles.

"When you figure out what you want, you'll do anything to get it"

I chuckle, but hug her tightly.

"Hi" She giggles.

"Thank you Bee"

She laughs.

"No need to thank me N/n" i look up at her with a smile, as she boops my nose.

"Wait." We both turn to Cole. "How were you certain that uhm.that we would uh.. Y'know. Render myself uh. uhm n-not an uh. Innocent?" he stutters, making me chuckle.

"I wasn't" She replies. "b=But i always said that when the right girl came along she would appritiate your weirdness. Turns out it was a girl who's just as weird as you" She chuckles. I smile, then stand next to Cole, hugging his arm, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I've missed you" Cole smiles.

"You changed me that night Cole.Y'know when you hit me with the car" We all chuckle.

"So this is it, it's finally over. We can just go?" Cole smiles.

"Not yet" Bee sighs.

"COLE!!" We furrow our eyebrows, but look up at the top of the mountain, seeing Mr Johnson.




"Hey Mr Johnson!" She smiles.

"Hey? Where have you been?!"

"You've raised a fine man Mr Johnson" Bee smiles, then turns to us. "You two take care of eachother okay?"

"What?" I ask, but she grabs the cup.

"Wait no! What are you doing?" Cole says.

"This ritual. has winners and losers. It's you or them, there's no. Draw with this devil shit. Defeat your demons or you die"

"But their defeated" Cole akwardly chuckles.

"Not all of them" Bee sighs. "i'm the last demon"

"What? Bee no" i say.

"Bee, there has to be another way" Cole panics, as she places the cup to her lips. "Bee no! Please! There has to be!! Please!!"

She clears her throat, then places the cup onto the table. Then turns to me.

"Bye N/n" She says, booping my nose.

"Bye Bee" i do the same, making her chuckle. But then she lifts her finger up to Cole.

"Bye Cee"

He cries. But connects the fingers.

"Bye Bee" She chuckles. But takes some steps back. Cole cries more, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. But i pull his hands down and hold one tightly, him returning it.

She smiles to us. But suddenly the floor around her starts cracking. We yelp, and take a step back, but watch as she gets surrounded by black smoke, and she slowly starts to melt away as well. Cole cries, but i tighten my grip on his hand. Until she's completly disappeared, and everything goes back to normal. We pant, but hug eachother tightly.

"What the fuck was that?!?!" We hear. We pull away and turn to see Mr Johnson standing their, his jaw dropped and his eyes wide.

"Wait, wait, wait. You saw that?" Cole asks.


"What?! That the babysitter just evaporated into black smoke! yeah! Yeah i saw that! it was pretty hard to miss!" We both smile. "Oh.. Oh, so. So everything you were saying to me. It was all true. it was all true. Oh god! And Y/n! You got sent to a psycatric asylum for nothing?! Oh man!! I am so sorry!! Now! i gotta tell your mum that you're not nuts! Not that we ever called you nuts son, but you get the point. Oh god"

"You believe me!!" Cole grins.


"You believe me now!!"

"Yeah son" Mr Johnson smiles.

Cole chuckles.

"Let me show you something you won't believe" i furrow my eyebrws, but yelp, as he spins me round, then catches me before i fall, me wrapping my arm round his neck.

"Cole?" I chuckle, but he kisses me. I gasp, but kiss him back, pulling him into me more. Ignoring what Mr Johnson's saying.


I smile, as i pat my outfit down, looking in the mirror.

i chuckle adjusting my hat, but walk outside the girls bathroom and walk down the halls. Waving at everyone who waves to me with a smile. I giggle, but stand outside Big Carls office.

"You got some pussy didn't you? Aww i can see it on your face! Hahaha!!" Big Carl laughs. I chuckle, but grab the door handle, then knock on the door, before opening it to reveal Cole and Carl hugging. I chuckle again.

"Coley, we gotta go. We have Mr Goldfinch now and he'll kill us if we're late"

He smiles.

"Her?! Her?! Oh lord! You are one lucky dude!! whoop whoop!!" Big Carl laughs. We join him, then Coley walks over.

"It was nice talking to you" He smiles.

"You to, you magnuim XL mother fucker" He laughs. We chuckle, but walk out and walk down the halls, me interlocking my arm with his.

"We're not actually going to class right?"

"Pfft no. I got people to please!! I got clients i need to attend to!! We can study at the libary, we learn shit in school anyway" I chuckle. He smiles, then we walk out of school.

"Hey!! You brought your dads car!!" i grin, as i run to it. He follows and we get in.

"ONWARDS!!" I laugh, then we drve away.

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