《Childhood Sweethearts》Chapter Twenty Three
Thank you to Vanessaantonio36for saying that Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra reminds her of Childhood Sweethearts!
The photo is of the dresses Lacey and Anna are wearing! They're not exactly what I had pictured in my mind but they're the closest I could find haha. Also that's not the right blue for Lacey's dress but anyway, better than nothing!
After purchasing my now favourite item of clothing, I looped arms with Anna.
"Thank you for putting up with me."
"What are best friends for?" She asked with a playful smile. "Besides, it was worth the time finding the perfect dress. We're going to look killer."
"Hell yeah we are." I grinned.
It was funny how one dress had abruptly changed my mood. I now felt relieved, satisfied and excited. The dance was going to be awesome, I was going to make sure of it. I was going to drink enough to be buzzed and enjoy my night. With Anna by my side, I was going to most certainly have fun.
Nerves bubbled under the surface of my happiness, as Carter and I didn't leave things on good terms. We had been texting and agreed to give each other space until the dance. Afterwards, we would have a 'talk'.
I'm not looking forward to that.
"Shall we have pre-champagne toasts at your place before the dance?" Anna asked, a shine to her eyes that I hadn't seen before.
Thursday couldn't come quicker.
Twice in my life, I have seen my father cry. The first time was when I was admitted to the hospital after cutting. The second time was today.
He stared at me with such admiration that even I was choking up. He beamed at me, his eyes watering.
"I am so proud of you, Lacey." He said to me, his voice breaking slightly. Tugging me forward, he roughly pressed his lips to my forehead.
"Thanks dad," I laughed, lightly pushing him. "Don't go getting too soft on me now. I'm not even in my dress yet!"
"I know," he laughed, wiping at his eyes. "It's just a proud moment in my life. To see you grow up into an amazing young woman. Just as amazing as your mother."
Rolling my lips into my mouth, I blinked away the desire to cry. Mum had just spent an hour perfecting my make-up, I wasn't going to go ahead and ruin it now.
As Anna was getting her make up professionally done, she wasn't here yet. I have been demanded to not get in my dress under any circumstances. We were meant to be doing that together, apparently. We still had two hours until we had to be there, so we were running well with time.
The nerves had begun to bubble in my stomach. I was ready to pour myself a drink soon to calm myself.
I hastily walked to the bathroom and leaned against the sink. The nerves that were ferociously bubbling in my stomach made me feel nauseous. I gently pressed my hand to my stomach, as though that would ease my worry. Dragging my eyes up, I gazed at my reflection.
My skin was glowing. It was smooth and clear, contrasting with my golden locks perfectly. My hair was draped around my shoulder, twisting down my collarbone in a stylish but messy braid. I had a simple, diamond clasp at the bottom that matched the beads at the top of my dress. My make-up was simple but elegant. The dark eyeliner around my eyes enhanced the green, making them appear to have a sparkle to them. I must say, I was impressed with my own appearance. I couldn't usually say that. The desire to run and put my dress on was increasing with every moment. I wanted to feel perfect.
There was a loud knock down stairs and my stomach clenched slightly. Anna was here. It was time. Rushing down the stairs, I almost knocked dad over.
"Slow down, hot stuff!" He cried out, finding his feet.
"Sorry," I laughed, wrenching the door open. My jaw fell to the ground.
She. Looked. Amazing.
Her fiery, red hair was piled into a bun, loose tendrils spilling around her face. They were curled to perfection, contrasting with her porcelain white skin. She had smoky, grey eye shadow and her lips were as bright as her hair. She looked stunning.
"I know, I look hot." She smirked and I snapped myself out of my trance. I rolled my eyes at her, taking a step back. "You don't look too shabby yourself!"
"Well? What are you waiting for?" She asked me, stepping inside. She brushed non-existent dirt off her shoulder and beamed at me. "Let's open the champagne!"
Two glasses later, my head was beginning to spin. I had just slipped the silky, smooth fabric of my dress over my skin. Anna's cool fingers brushed the back of my neck as she did up the clasp.
"Well don't you look gorgeous." She said to me quietly.
I grinned in response. I stared at myself and couldn't wipe the smile from my face. This colour was killer on me, not meaning to sound conceited. As expected, Anna looked like a Goddess. Her dress clung dangerously well to her petite figure. I couldn't take my eyes off her. In that moment, I wished we weren't arriving together.
"Let's go get photos before you get too drunk," she teased, clutching at my arm, pulling me from my thoughts.
She was right. I was already beginning to feel the alcohol take its course in my body. I had to slow down or I wouldn't be allowed in the dance. When I'm drunk, I'm not too good at hiding it.
The camera lights put me in a daze. I was grinning so wide that my cheeks were hurting. Dots dancing across my vision so I just smiled, unable to see exactly where the camera was.
After getting a thousand photos with Anna and some with my parents, it was time to go.
"You girls really look beautiful." Mum beamed at me, rubbing my arm soothingly. "Now Lacey, don't get too drunk tonight. That dress is way too nice to ruin."
I rolled my eyes. "No promises."
"Do enjoy yourself though," she said with a smile. She glanced sheepishly at dad. "I know I did at my senior dance."
Anna snorted and covered it up with a cough when I glared at her. Mum glanced down at her watch.
"The boys should be arriving within the next few minutes. Have you got everything you need?"
I did a quick scan through my bag. It was a tradition at our school for the parents, friends and relatives of the students to watch them arrive at the dance. Everyone was very cliché with the whole arriving in a limo or fancy car. Therefore, we decided to go in a done-up kombi. It was awesome. It was painted like it was the beach and was so realistic as well. As it was shaped in a ute, Carter was driving with Ryan in the passenger seat whilst Anna and I would sit in the tray. As mum and dad were coming to watch, dad was going to drive it after we exited, so that the next car could come up. We were definitely going to stand out, not being so traditional.
The sound of the ute made my bubbling nerves erupt like a volcano in my stomach. I looked at Anna and let out an embarrassing squeak. As expected, she was at total ease. She grinned at me. With our arms looped together, we emerged from the house. The cool hair hit me and an automatic shiver ran down my spine.
My mouth went dry as I gazed at Carter. He was leaning nonchalantly against the kombi ute, an easy-going smile on his face. He pushed off the ute and strolled towards me.
"You look amazing." He said, entwining our fingers and planting a kiss on my cheek. A blush crept up my neck as I awkwardly stared down at my shoes. His finger gently prodded my chin, lifting my face so that I was staring at him. He leaned down and kissed me softly. I thought I was going to melt. He inched back, his lips still brushing mine. "You may look stunning, but we still have to talk."
The happy rush of feelings inside me froze. He stepped back, his smile unfaltering as he stared at me. I swallowed uneasily.
"You look gorgeous, Anna." He said charmingly, as Ryan and her had stopped gazing at each other adoringly.
"You don't look too bad yourself Carter," she smirked back, basking in the attention.
"Shall we?" he asked formally, gesturing to the ute.
I pushed my troubled feelings aside and forced a smile onto my face. With a lethargic wave in my parent's direction, I let Carter help me scramble into the back of the ute. It was quite difficult in heels.
The trip was only short to school, but the wind was enough to give me goose bumps. I rubbed my arms, nervously nibbling at my bottom lip. I hope my hair doesn't get too messed up before we get there. The bump of the tray made my already queasy stomach feel worse. I was beginning to think I was going to vomit over the side soon.
"Hey, you okay?" Anna asked me, squeezing my shoulder.
"Fine." I smiled.
Looking unconvinced, Anna gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. Soon enough, we were amongst the rest of our peers in the long line waiting to enter to dance. It was getting beyond cool now and I was shivering uncontrollably. I desperately wanted Carter's jacket but there wasn't much point, seeing as I would have to take it off in a few minutes.
My nerves were burning holes in my stomach by the time we were a few meters from the door. This was probably a terrible idea. What if I get tangled getting out of the ute? Why did I want to stand out? If Carter drops me I'm going to cry and never show my face around here again.
The questions whirling around inside my mind seized as the ute jerked to a stop. Carter smoothly exited and glided around to the back. He undid tray and gave me a heart-stopping smile. It was the smile I needed to see. Even if we weren't in a good place right now, he was with me. I slowly got to my feet, scanning the crowd. I met a bunch of eyes, all watching me. I tried to breathe normally. My head was spinning.
Mum and dad were there, a phone in one's hand, a camera in the other. The flashes were making my light-headedness worse. I leaned down and Carter gripped my waist, easing me down from the ute. I felt a dizzying sense of relief when my feet met the secure ground. I heard the light thud of Anna landing beside me. We all posed for the professional photographer, before making our way in. Carter looked completely at ease, of course, while I was having a mini meltdown with everyone's eyes on us.
As we entered the hall, the music was vibrating the floor underneath us. I needed another glass of wine to settle myself. Clearly the previous two glasses weren't enough.
"You look like you're going to pass out." Carter murmured. I strained to hear him over the loud music.
"I said you look like you're going to pass out." He repeated, gripping my shoulders. "Are you okay?"
"I need alcohol."
"Let's see what we can do about that." He laughed, rubbing my arm and guiding me towards the punch bowl. "I'm sure it's spiked."
He was right. I winced as whatever the mixed alcohol was slid down my throat. I downed the drink like it was water and refilled it. Carter laughed, doing the same.
"Let's go get a couples photo before we dance." Carter urged, tugging at my arm. I let him drag me over to the booth where another photographer was set up. There weren't many people on the dance floor yet anyway, as most were still arriving.
I awkwardly sat on the uncomfortable chair, Carter taking position behind me. He rested a hand on my shoulder. Trying to keep my eyes focused on the camera, I grinned.
"You guys make a gorgeous couple." She said, beaming at us.
My stomach clenched. Carter shot her a charming smile, before helping me to my feet. My shoes were already digging into my skin. I needed more alcohol to numb the pain. I began to head towards the punch bowl, but Carter snaked his hand around my waist, drawing me to him.
"Let's dance."
How could a girl resist that? I let him pull me towards the dance floor. I was a shocking dancer. My feet were always in the wrong spot, my eyes always cast down and my rigid posture made everything look awkward. Carter, of course, was smooth and elegant, as though he took regular lessons. He probably did just to show off at events like this.
Luckily for me, we just settled on a slight shuffle-type-thing. I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling his warm skin radiate against mine.
"You truly do look beautiful."
"So do you."
He rolled his eyes. "Thanks babe."
He leaned down, gently pressing his lips to my nose, before drawing back. I glanced over, seeing Ryan dip Anna back, her laughter able to be heard over the music. A small smile danced on my lips as I stared at her. She looked so happy right now. It was good to see.
Suddenly, Carter stepped back. I pivoted on the spot as he gripped my leg, pulling it up. I gasped as I dipped, the back of my head almost touching the floor. My cheeks burned crimson as I hoped no one could see up my dress. I was flung back into standing position, my body pressed against Carter's. He ferociously kissed my lips. Electricity sparked down my veins as our lips moved together. Too soon, he drew back, making me almost beg for me. He smirked at my shocked expression.
"Couldn't have Ryan show me up."
I was exhausted. My feet were aching, my eyes stinging and my stomach churning from all the spiked punch. It had honestly been such a great night, but I was almost ready to go home. We hadn't even gotten to the after party yet. There was no way in the world Anna was going to let me miss the 'biggest event of our high school career', direct quote.
I let my eyes wander over the hall. Dribbles of different blue streamers hung from the roof. Blue and silver balloons were scattered across the walls, some having come loose, littering the floor beneath us. The decorations were amazing. The student council committee really had out-done themselves this time.
"I hope I get a good one." Anna's voice brought me back to the present.
It was a tradition at our school, for the couples to separate at 10, grab a mask and then find each other. The lights would dim and the music would get louder. It was just meant to be a bit of fun. You were meant to make it hard for the other person. Almost like a hide and seek type game.
Anna and I had been in line for about ten minutes now, waiting for our masks. Thank goodness we were almost at the front. My feet were killing me.
Anna tied her mask up and looked over her shoulder at me, smirking. Her mask was black and feathery, contrasting well with her dress. I stepped forward.
"Sorry, hun. We're all out of blue." One of the teachers was handing out the masks, but she wasn't someone who has taught me before. Typical. I sighed, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. "But we do have silver, to match your shoes."
She planted a smooth, silver mask in my hand. It had no embroidery or anything fancy. It was plain and simple, but I liked it. I shot her a grateful smile and slid the mask up my nose. I turned and froze. Mercedes was behind me, talking to another girl. Her dark hair was twisting down her shoulders in aggressive curls. She wore a dark, purple, floor-length gown wrapped around her once, petite body. Her baby bump was prominent but she still looked quite nice.
She glanced up and locked eyes with me. Even with the mask, it was quite obvious it was me. The blue dress stood out. I swallowed uneasily. I began walking past her, but she grabbed my arm. I flinched as her cold fingers wrapped around my bicep.
"You look really nice, Lacey."
My eyes were bulging through the cut out of my mask. I cleared my throat.
"Thanks, you do as well."
I pulled my arm from hers and continued walking. I needed more alcohol. Well, technically I didn't since I was kind of drunk already, but I didn't care. I was on my fifth cup of the punch. My head was well and truly spinning at this point. It made the pain in my feet more bearable though, so I wasn't complaining.
The boys were the hardest to distinguish. As they all had similar black suits, except for the odd few, and matching plain masks, it was hard to tell who was who. Therefore, I wanted to hide, to make it harder for Carter. The last couple who find each other, get free tickets to the theme park across town. It's one of the funnest places I've ever been to. This game lasts a while, unfortunately. The teachers chaperone to make sure people aren't cheating.
"Hey, what was all that about?" Anna asked quietly. Her eyebrows were furrowed over her mask as she peered down at me. "With Mercedes?"
"She said I looked nice."
"How thoughtful of her." She remarked dryly. "Oh, there's Ryan, gotta go."
She spun on her heel and briskly walked from me, covering her masked face. I glanced at Ryan who watched her in amusement. He turned, pretending to not have seen her. Cheat.
I took a sip of the punch and grimaced at the foul taste. As the drink got lower, the more spiked it became. People were putting anything they could in there, so now it tasted even more terrible. A yawn escaped me as I placed my cup on the table. I stumbled slightly to my left. A warm hand steadied me and I gasped, not realising someone was behind me. I was spun on my heel. His lips met mine in a rush. They moved together in complete synchronisation. He stepped back. I breathlessly looked up. The blood inside my veins froze.
The eyes behind the mask were dark brown.
Thank you to sydtomboy12 for the poem she wrote about CS!
They were friends
But then it failed
That one night
Had become a betrayal
Her newfound love
Or her ex-bestfriend
Who would she choose
In the end
Her parents had gone
Leaving her alone
Only with the neighbor
Chills covering her bones
All the stress
Went away quick
With only a few
Little slits
She had woke
And started over
As she began
To recover
Her choice was final
It was clear
All she wanted
Was a friend near
He got hurt
And she was sad
What he had done
Was really bad
When he was better
They left for camp
Her a mess
And him a champ
They were happy
Until her friend
Was found with
The ex-boyfriend
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