《Darker Than Love | ꪜ》Darker Than Love | 25
Weeks, weeks had gone by and finally today I get to go to Ryder's trial.
Over the past few weeks, a group of students miraculously found footage of Damien and Ryder pulling me into the empty classroom and them restraining me. It showed everything down to when I held the knife against Damien's throat, and instead of actually hurting them worse than I already did, I walked away.
The class that I was pulled into was a science lab and Mr. Gretchen was filming a plants progression throughout the weeks and it ended up recording the entire thing.
My parents thanked him with a million dollar check and I'll tell you I've never seen someone this happy in my entire life.
Why so much money? Because my father may be an asshole sometimes but he's a generous person and that was kind of his way of saying thank you because if it weren't for Mr. Gretchen I would have been the one on trial right now, not Ryder.
So as a thank you for basically saving my life without even knowing. . .a million dollars.
I tumbled into the family room and stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of everyone either leaned against the wall in distress or pacing the room. I cleared my throat and all eyes snapped towards me. "A-are you ready?" My father asked and I nodded my head stiffly.
Without another word, I pivoted on my heels and stalked out of the house with everyone trailing behind me. The chauffeur opened up the door to the limousine and with a thank you, I slipped in, followed by everyone else.
"Hey, you ready for this baby?" Sebastian asked in concern and I nodded my head slowly. "Yeah, I am, I'm ready for him to spend some time behind bars because he'll have a worse fate if he stays out." I spat and Sebastian snickered as he draped a hand over my shoulder.
"I'm glad all you guys are here, supporting me, it means the world to me." I said and Tristan smiled, "well who knew you were such a badass?" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes playfully. If only he knew.
"Don't worry we've already won this, at the preliminary hearing there was enough evidence for us to go on trial. It's clear as day in the video what their intentions were. Now we just need Ryder to tell his story and let the judge. . .well judge him." Sasha exclaimed and I nodded my head in agreement.
I snapped my gaze towards Mason and frowned. He hasn't been himself ever since someon-well ever since Kaleb threw that rock into my window. At least I think it's Kaleb, it might not be but who else would do this?
Still, for some reason, Mason has just been quieter than usual. He wouldn't have any snarky remarks towards me, he would barely converse with me, not even about the trial. If he did talk to me it would be for a few minutes and that's it.
Also, I need to break up with Brandon. We've been texting for the past weeks and we've met up a few times but it just feels wrong. It is wrong, I cheated on him and I barely act like we're together. I've barely been able to kiss him without recoiling back.
I need to break up with him because my feelings - whatever it is I was feeling for him, to begin with, is over.
Or maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to hide the real reason why I'm going to break it off with him.
There's only one reason and it's Mason.
"Will the defendant please rise." I watched as Ryder rose from his chair and straightened out the crinkles of his shirt. We've been in here for over 30 minutes. Witnesses have come up, people who saw them pull me into the classroom and finally found the courage to come forward.
I was called onto the stand and told them everything. Including the fact that I beat them up and held a knife against Ryder's throat despite the fact that they already knew that. It was already deemed an act of self-defence but still, the jury needed to see what he did to me.
"Ryder Daniels you are under oath. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, God? " My attorney exclaimed and he nodded his head as he placed his hand onto the bible. "I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
"Mr. Daniels, would you say Michelle White was a threat to you and Mr. Travolta prior to the incident?" The prosecutor attorney asked him. He bowed his head lowly and ran his tongue over his lips, "y-yes." He mumbled and I scoffed under my breath.
"Would you say that this act was premeditated by yourself and now deceased Damien Travolta?" She asked and he gulped nervously, his eyes darting around the courtroom then towards the jury.
"N-no." He whispered and I watched perplexed as she clenched her jaw tightly and glared at him. My father got the best attorney in town, she's never lost a case in her life and has been doing this for thirty years so she can tell when someone is lying.
"Remember Mr. Daniels, you are under oath. Lying under oath is a federal crime so I suggest you start telling the truth." He ran his hands over his forehead and cleared his throat. "I will ask again, did you or did you not plan this ahead of time?"
"I-I, yes we d-did." He stuttered and she snapped her head towards him, her jaw ticking impatiently, "next question, was it fun holding a girl against her own will in an empty classroom while you try to sexually assault he-"
"Objection!" Ryder's attorney exclaimed as he shot up from his chair, his hands slamming down onto the table.
"Objection sustained." Judge Carl said as he slammed the gavel down onto the block. I sucked in a harsh breath and flickered my eyes towards my attorney who suddenly began to crack her knuckles. She cleared her throat and peered into Ryder's eyes.
"The evidence we've sustained clearly shows you and Damien Travolta dragging Michelle White into the classroom and pinning her against the wall, am I right Mr. Daniels?"
She already knew yes was the only answer that would have been coming out from his mouth today.
That only made her more confident.
"Y-yes, that's what happened," Ryder said, his eyes suddenly watering. I frowned deeply and leaned over, my eyes penetrating through his. I want him to see me, I want him to regret it, I want him to know that I won't take this lightly.
"And Mr. Daniels. . .were you willing to sexually assault Michelle White or stand by and watch Damien Travolta do it himself?" The courtroom fell into dead silence and Ryder rose his head, tears streaming down his cheeks rapidly as his eyes interlocked with mine.
"Yes, I was going t-to let him have his way." He exclaimed, his eyes never leaving mine. The silence was numbing, I could feel it creeping its way all through my body and numbing me all over as I looked into his eyes. I fought the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes and composed myself as I cleared my throat.
"I have no further questions." She muttered, a smirk sliding onto her lips as she pivoted on her heels and marched back towards the table. She lowered herself down beside me and I sucked in a harsh breath, never tearing my eyes from Ryder.
"Can I say a few words?" He suddenly blurted out and my eyes widened in shock. My attorney rose from her chair and turned towards the judge, an unpleasant look on her face. "Your honour I-" she began but he rose his hands in a halting motion and she pursed her lips in a thin line.
"Go on Mr. Daniels." Judge Carl exclaimed and Ryder gulped as he flickered his eyes towards me.
I held my breath and gripped onto the table tightly as our eyes interlocked.
Was he going to apologize?
"Michelle, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything, I-I wasn't thinking when I did what I did, I was angry, angry for my best friend, angry for myself and I wanted you to pay for humiliating Damien and I. But that's no excuse for what I was about to let him do that day. I swear on my life, I swear under this oath that I never thought of touching you myself but allowing Damien to do it is just as worse.
I'm sorry for violating you, for making you and many other women feel unsafe. My apology may not mean anything to any of you. . .to you, Michelle. But I am, and whatever the consequences, I accept them because I did something unforgivable. I hope that one day you can forgive me."
The courtroom once again fell into silence and I turned towards my parents and friends, watching as they all had their eyes focused on Ryder intently. Mason especially appearing as if he could murder him with his bare hands.
The judge excused the jury for five minutes to come up with the verdict and I fiddled with my hands nervously as I waited. Even though Ryder stood there, his eyes darting around the room frantically. . .a part of me felt kind of sorry.
The part that sees the good in all people. And to me his apology was sincere. But that doesn't change anything. Nothing at all.
After five minutes the jury came back into the room and I held my breath as they took their seats. "Will the foreperson of the jury please stand?" Judge Carl exclaimed. A middle-aged woman suddenly rose from her seat and turned her attention towards the judge.
"Have you reached a verdict?"
"Yes, your honour."
"Will the defendant please stand." He exclaimed and Ryder rose up from his seat, his eyes meeting mine once again before he snapped his head towards the jury. Judge Carl motioned towards the woman, "you may read the verdict."
I flickered my eyes back towards my friends and caught Mason staring at me, his lips pulled into a thin line. I could see his leg bouncing up and down nervously as he looked at me, and the nervousness was clear on his face.
I tore my gaze from him and flickered my eyes shut as I listened to my heart hammering in my chest. "We the jury, in the case of Michelle White versus Ryder Daniels, find the defendant guilty of the charge of attempted rape."
And then I felt it, my heart dropping into my feet as I snapped my eyes open. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and cried out in relief as my grip on the table loosened. The jury was dismissed and Judge Carl turned his attention towards Ryder.
And then I watched in slow motion as the Judge began to speak, I listened as Ryder was sentenced to 18 months behind bars with the possibility of parole. I watched as the handcuffs were slapped onto his hands, as tears streamed down his face when they dragged him out of the room and when arms came around me, hugging the life out of me.
I thought that this. . .that this all would have derailed me somehow, derailed me from going on a destructive path, but it didn't.
This made it worse. It showed me that I needed to have my guard up, that I needed to let her out.
To protect me. And even though she knew what she was capable of. . .even though she knew what she could do.
She'd still cause chaos In the town of Washington DC.
"Michelle! Oh my god, I saw the trial on the news, I'm so sorry I couldn't come, I just came off from work and I-I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He blurted out as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back hesitantly and lowered myself down on the chair before him. "I'm okay, and it's okay, Brandon," I mumbled.
"Are you okay? I thought you'd be more excited, that bastard got sent to jail!" He exclaimed and I smiled softly. It did feel good to know that Ryder will be rotting away. It may not have been for as long as I'd hoped but at least he'll learn a lesson or two.
"I am I just. . .oh my god, I-I need to- this is a horrible time to do this but I just can't keep lying to you or myself anymore. I'm sorry Brandon but we need to break up. I thought I knew what I wanted but not even days after we began dating I realized I should have never agreed to be your girlfriend. I'm so sorry.
You're an amazing guy, you're so supportive and loving but I don't do normal, Brandon. I-I'm not normal. . .you belong with someone who won't disregard your feelings and prioritize their own. You belong with someone who won't cheat on you," I whispered.
The table fell into silence and I looked upwards, dreading the look in his eyes as he peered into mine. He flickered his gaze away from me and leaned away, his hands reaching up to rake through his hair. "Brandon. . .I'm so sorry."
"No, it's okay." He suddenly said as he snapped his head towards me, "it sucks that you cheated on me and I can't force you to be with me when clearly your heart belongs to someone else. I appreciate you setting the record straight, many people would defend themselves first." He said and I frowned deeply as my heart suddenly grew heavier.
"Brandon I-"
"It's okay, Michelle. Really j-just go, it was good while it lasted. And good luck with everything, I'm happy for you." He said, his eyes lingering on mine before he lowered his gaze to his hands.
I rose up from the chair and sighed deeply as I peered down at him, my heart hammering in my chest harshly. "I'm sorry I hurt you and lead you on." I said and he chuckled softly as he rose his gaze towards me, "okay, apology accepted Michelle. I'm not angry really, we rushed things and it wasn't natural and I'm not your type I get it."
"Michelle, please. Just go," he muttered. Yet he didn't sound angry, nor sad. He seemed passive as if he didn't know which to be and that was even scarier. I nodded my head and mumbled that I was sorry once again before leaving.
I slipped into my car and drove home, my heart heavy with everything that's occurred over the past few weeks.
When I got home, I frowned at the multiple cars parked out in front of my house and slipped outside. I stalked up the stairs and pushed the front door open. When I stepped inside I was shocked to see the number of people littered across my house.
At the sight of my entrance, people began to approach me, shouting out their congrats, hugging me, commending me for being brave enough to stand up to Ryder and Damien. "I'm not gonna ask who threw this!" I exclaimed as I approached Sasha who jumped into my arms, squealing.
"Congratulations again, Michelle. I'm so proud of you." She sighed as we enveloped one another in a hug. "Come on, let's get a drink! We need to celebrate, you look too tense for a girl who just won a court case!" She exclaimed as she dragged me towards the kitchen.
I stumbled in behind her and directed my gaze towards the bottles of alcohol sitting on my counter. People were gathered around it, grabbing drinks here and there, swearing loudly over the music and I chuckled as I went to grab a cup but suddenly froze as my eyes locked in on the familiar figure leaned against the wall.
Her hands clasped against his cheeks as she smashed her lips down onto his.
And then that feeling, of distraught, anger and pain came rushing back in as my eyes zoned in one Kayla's lips against Mason.
I did the only reasonable thing I could think of at that moment. The only thing that was better than murdering the two of them.
I sprayed them with the beer hose.
For anyone angry and confused as to why Ryder only got 18 months, it's because he didn't actually rape her, and if he did he would have faced up to 3 to 14 years behind bars. If the crime was only attempted and not actually committed then it gets cut down in half. 3 years equals 36 months, half of 36 is 18 yah get it?
And I chose the 18-month sentence with a chance of parole bc it corresponds with the end of my story. This chapter is edited/rewritten. Originally he gets community service but I changed it after I wrote the entire book, so I gave him a sentence but a lesser one to correspond with the end.
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