《One Thing - A Liam Payne Fan Fiction》Chapter 18
final chappie eh?
I would just like to thank all of you for reading this stupid story. It means a lot.
I'd like to ask you to check out my other stories and also read the sequel to this story. It's called Stolen.
Thanks again.
I love you Liam x
What the hell was going on? If Danielle was pregnant then would that mean that I’d have to break up with Liam? I wasn’t ready to handle another break up, not especially with Liam who I loved to bits. But what if the baby wasn’t Liams?
The news hit me like an electric shock. Danielle was pregnant. My fingers began to tremble and my palms were sweating a sea. If the baby was Liam’s then that meant that they had to stay together for its sake, but , but what if I’m the father of the baby Danielle was carrying in her womb?
She glared at the doctor in utter shock, hoping that somehow the words she had heard coming from his mouth were a mistake.But this was real,and this was true. Danielle was a mother. But who among us was the father?
Danielle’s POV
My heart was knocking hard against my chest and I was running out of breath as seven pairs of eyes were fixed on me.
‘’Congratulations guys! ‘’ Louis exclaimed irrelevantly as he tapped Liam on the back.
‘’Wait, I’m pregnant? How could that be possible? Doctor there must be a mistake,’’ I said,exasperatedly.
The expression on Liam’s face was daunting, he looked scared yet worried. He looked the way he did when he saw a spoon.
A/N: Liam Payne has a phobia of spoons called Koutaliophobia.
‘’Miss Peazer, there is no mistake; you are almost a month pregnant. It is vital that the baby is kept safe at this stage of gestation,’’ The doctor continued.
Harry was at the back nodding his head in disbelief. Zayn, Niall, Angela and Eleanor looked surprised. Liam was thoroughly contemplating something before he looked up at me, his eyes stinging with anger.
‘’Who’s baby is that Danielle?’’ he asked calmly, a tone of anger in his voice.
‘’What are you talking about Liam?’’ I muttered.
‘’We haven’t …you know…. for months Danielle, I want the truth!’’ he exploded.
Those words scared me; I didn’t know what to do. Saying the truth would mean losing Liam forever, but lying would mean I’d keep Liam for a while before him finding out the truth.
Everyone’s eyes were fixed on me.They wanted anwers. Liam walked towards my bed, his chocolate brown eyes boring into mine menacingly. My heart was running a marathon.Tears ran down my cheeks in fours.
‘’I'm going to ask you one more time Danielle, who’s baby is that?’’ he said, a bit more calmly, leaning over so that his face was opposite mine. Now it was impossible for me to lie.
‘’Liam….it’s just…you were always away and I thought I had lost you. I didn’t know what to do, I was so vulnerable and then he came over and I just ..-‘’ I trailed off.
‘’Uhhh……WHO IS IT DANIELLE?’’ he bursted.
‘’It’s me,’’ Harry’s murmured from the corner. Liam gestured his disappointment. He then kicked the dustbin which fell to the ground noisily.
‘’Harry?’’ Zayn and Niall said almost in unison. I could imagine how confusing this was for them.
‘’Liam, I…I’m sor-‘’
‘’Here I was, worried that I would hurt you, that I was being an awful boyfriend, shutting down my feelings for Angela, because of you, but what were you two doing? Fooling around behind my back!’’ his Wolverhampton accent distinct as he spoke angrily.
‘’Mate, calm down,’’ Louis said.
‘’Don’t tell me to calm down okay? I just found out that my then girlfriend cheated on me with my bestfriend and bandmate, when I was doing my best to keep our relationship together. You know what? C’mon Angie let's get out of here,’’ Liam blurted, calming down abit.
‘’Liam! Mate c’mon, all this was a mistake cause clearly even after what happened it’s you Danielle loves, and not me, so don’t be a drama queen,’’ Harry commented,his eyes glowing with emotion.
Liam didn’t say a word, but instead turned and punched Harry in the face so that he fell to the floor with his back.
‘’LIAM!’’ Angela cried, with her hands covering her mouth in awe. She pulled him closer to her as they watched Harry fighting a nose bleed on the floor.
‘’Relax man, fighting isn’t the way to go,’’ Zayn mediated as Niall helped Harry off the floor.My face was wet with tears as I sobbed and cried for Liam’s pity and forgiveness. My heart felt as if it were literally breaking. I had lost him, forever.One stupid mistake and the love of my life was gone.
‘’Liam please!’’ I shouted as the only man I had ever fallen for grabbed his new girlfriend’s arms and together they walked out of the room and banged the door after them. Eleanor immediately rushed to my side.
‘’I thought you were clever enough to use protection Dani!’’ she mentioned, wiping the tears from my face.I couldn’t reply, I was immersed in feelings of regret, sadness, pain, anger and jealousy. I couldn’t handle the pain.
‘’You knew about this?’’ Louis said, creeping up behind Eleanor. She turned to him anxiously, her eyes widening with shock.
‘’Eleanor J. Calder! You knew about Harry and Danielle and you just played along with it?’’ he shouted angrily. An angry Louis Tomlinson was not a good sight.
‘’Louis….babe….you know I was going to tell you.. I just …I just,’’ she mumbled.
‘’I can’t believe this Eleanor, you know what, you three are just pathetic!’’ he shouted, gesturing at Harry, Eleanor and I.
In a matter of seconds he had flinged the door open, given us one last glance, shaken his head with disaapointment and walked out. Eleanor sat on my bed and began crying hysterically. I couldn’t comfort her as I was also pretty emotional. Harry was at the window staring outside motionlessly. Zayn got a call from what I could guess was his girlfriend, and then walked out of the room to pick it. Niall just glanced at us and exclaimed,
‘’Anyone want food?’’
I rolled my eyes at him then he realized that he wasn’t helping and hopped out of the room. So it was just me, Harry and Eleanor in the room.Les Miserables.
What a mess!
I didn’t know what I was feeling. Mad, dissappointed, sad or bitter? I just knew that I had been betrayed, and although she wasn’t my girlfriend anymore, it still hurt. I was just lucky that I had Angela to make me forget about everything. She held my hand as we rode in the car, going to her apartment.I couldn’t go back to the same house, same room, same bed where Danielle and Harry had been fooling around. I needed to be with the one person I could trust at this time, Angela.
‘’Don’t worry about it babe, I’m here,’’ she said, gently massaging my shoulders. Her fingers hit all the right spots and in a matter of minutes I was feeling calm and relaxed and I leaned back to kiss her pink lips.
‘’Oh! What a dramatic day,’’ I continued, removing my shoes and hopping on top of her bed.
‘’Tell me about it,’’ she agreed, as she changed into a tank top and shorts and joined me on top of the bed.We stared at the ceiling for a while then I glanced at her. Her eyes shot up and she glared at me.
“I love you,” she said.
“I love you more,” I replied.
Talk about a dramatic couple of days. On the bright side, Liam and I had eachother even when the world had turned against us.
Newspapers and magazines just couldn’t leave us alone. The internet was full of rumors, stories, propaganda of all sorts about our lives. On radio and television we were the main subject of discussion. It was insane.
‘’Be strong Angie, we love you. @angelamay’’
‘’Liam + Angela= True Love’’
‘’Danielle screwed herself up, don’t worry about it. Be there for Liam. Xx’’
Liam chose you, he loves you. We love you too babe xx
You are such an amazing girl @angelamay . Be strong, I will always support you.
I #believe in you @angelamay J We need to catch up. xx
The tweets, e-mails,messages and texts I was getting were mostly really encouraging, except a few who ofcourse, hated me for reasons I wasn’t quite aware of.
‘’Damn Angie, who knew that one night at a club could lead to an endless sea of drama?’’ Zara said, from the living room. I was in the kitchen, fixing breakfast.
‘’Haha, well, at least I got one thing from all this,’’ I replied.
‘’Liam, you got a great guy. Hold on to him,’’ she said.I just blushed and continued making a Spanish omelette.Scott would have killed me if he saw me fixing myself a Spanish Omelette. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Zara rushed to get it.
Seconds later she returned holding a parcel.
‘’It’s addressed to you,’’ she said, placing it on the coffee table.I put the omelette on a plate and then rushed to open the parcel. I teared off the seal and revealed the issue of Italian Vogue that I featured on.
‘’Zar! My cover is here!’’ I exclaimed.
She grabbed the magazine from my hand and her eyes widened as she saw me on the cover of the magazine.
‘’This is phenomenal Ang! You look sick! Oh My God!’’ she continued.I looked amazing on the cover.I was definitely proud of myself. I removed my cell phone and texted my boyfriend immediately.
‘’OMG See me on the cover of ITALIAN VOGUE!’’
Seconds later I got a reply.
‘’Okay okay I’ll buy like 500 copies.’’
I bursted into a fit of laughter, then began eating my breakfast. Liam was so funny, not a day went by without me almost cracking my ribs from laughter. He was my best friend, he was my lover, he was my boyfriend. I cherished him.
‘’So when do I get to meet Liam?’’ my mum texted.
I just chuckled.
‘’Soon mother, soon.’’
I missed Angela every second that passed without her in my arms. I was crashing at Niall’s place as I house hunted for a new pad. A place far away from the apartment Danielle and I had shared, and possibly close to Angela’s condo. Work was so awkward with Harry getting me pissed with everything he did, and Zayn trying to make peace between us. I wasn’t ready to forgive that jerk.He could have a good life with Danielle and their child, far away from me.
The media had obviously blown everything out of proportion. Some people were saying that it was Angela’s fault because I fell in love with her. What the hell was that? The heart wants what it wants.
‘’What an eventful couple of days, thanks for all of your support guys xx To be clear, this was nobody’s fault. Love you all :)’’ I tweeted to all my lovely fans who were hungry for answers and an inside story.
Just then, Niall entered the room.
‘’Can’t wait to hit the shops in LA and forget about all the drama here,’’ he mentioned. Then I remembed that in a day’s time we would be going to Los Angeles to perform for the VMA’s. I was so unstable but I had to face the fans.
‘’You okay mate?’’ his Irish accent pierced across the room.
‘’Yeah, just thinking,’’ I replied.
‘’You need to chill out man, call on your girlfiend or something before we go to America,’’ he continued.
‘For once Niall, you’re actually right!’’ I teased, then I grabbed my jacket and exited the apartment. I entered my car and drove to Angela’s house.
‘’You guys wouldn’t be laughing if it were you performing on that VMA stage and to millions of other people watching all over the world,’’ I said, after Zara and Angela had teased me for being nervous.
‘’Oh c'mon, it couldn’t be that bad, aren’t you used to it by now?’’ Zara said.
‘’Well, yeah, but anything can happen on stage. We don’t want to screw up on our first VMA performance. There’s a lot of tension in the group right now you know,’’ I explained.
‘’I bet you’l do great! Zara and I will be on this couch cheering you on as hard as we possibly can,’’ Angie mused, as she joined Zara and I on the couch.
I kissed her temple and then we continued chatting away. Sooner than later, Zara left to meet Andy for lunch and it was just Angie and I in the house. We ordered Nandos and then played with the food when it came, before actually eating it. She was feeding me french fries and carrot sticks. We were laughing hard with all the mess we had made with the food.
‘’You know what? You really make me happy Ang,’’ I said, solemnly.
‘’I know,’’ she mused, before leaning in to peck my lips.
With her everything was just right. Perfect. Even if the world came tumbling down, I’d be fine as long as she was there by my side. I was in love with this girl. I could spend the rest of my life with her.
I escorted Liam to the airport together with the other members of One Direction. He was going to LA to peform for the VMA’s. I was going to miss his presence for a few days, but I was ready to bear it. Well, as long as he texted me every minute.
‘’Break a Leg! Sure y’all will kill it! Don’t disappoint us!’’ I said, pulling him into a bear hug.
‘’Thanks love, we’l do our best! Fingers crossed for an award haha’’ he replied, his warm breath hitting the back of my neck, sending an electric shock down my spine.
‘’Your fans are voting like crazy, you’l prolly win everything,’’ I joked, before letting go of him.
Aaaah,I was going to miss this.But work was work.
‘’Bye babe, I’ll text you when we land, see you soon,’’ he said, smiling suspiciously as he walked towards his bandmates who were already on their way. Why was he smiling? I was pouting like a baby and he was busy smiling? Oh Liam, what a happy child.
I waved back my goodbyes and then made my way out of the international departures terminal, and then out of the airport and back to my apartment. I was gutted, bored.
I took a nap before waking up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. I opened the door to find a box on the floor. I wondered what it could be for a while then picked it up and carried it inside my apartment.
“Hmmm, now how do you open this?’’ I mumbled to myself, manouevering the cover of the box.I finally opened it to find a long white gown, the price tag was written “Vivienne Westwood’’.
‘’What the eff?’’ I whispered to myself, searching to find a note to explain all this. I found the note and flipped it open immediately.
“I can’t bear being away from you even for two seconds, you’re coming to LA for the VMA’s, I hope you like the gown I picked out for you, hehe xx Love Liam’’
Attached to the note was two tickets to LA. I jumped up in surprise. Liam was just too spontaneous and also I was going to Los Angeles, how awesome was that?
I called Zara immediately.
‘’Get your ass here Zara, we’re going to LA in umm 5 hours!’’
‘’Yaaay, wait, what?’’
‘’Liam sent me tickets and a fabulous gown.I can’t believe this boy. I hope you have a dress xx’’
‘’I’ll pick up one on my way home, okay be there soon. Love you bye!’’
It was amazing how calm she was after finding out that she was going to attend the MTV Music awards and she didn’t have a dress for the occasion. I’d freak the hell out. But Zara was special.
Hours later she arrived at the condo holding her Gucci dress. What a spender! It was a beautiful turquoise, and it was a perfect colour for her skin. We were going to kill that red carpet.
After packing our things hurriedly, and preparing ourselves psychologically,we headed for the airport and embarked on our journey to Los Angeles.
The City of Angels was bright and sunny when we arrived. The Jet Lag was killing me as I was not used to the time difference. When we arrived, we saw a man holding out a board written ‘’Miss May and Miss Hamilton’’. Weird. How did they know that I was coming with Zara? Guess Liam knew me too well.
We climbed into the long limousine as our bags were put in the back. This is the life. I thought to myself. The hotel we arrived at was huge and had spectacular architecture. I was overwhelmed by the sights that beheld me whilst in the lobby of the hotel.
‘’Damn,”Zara commented as we stared at the massive chandelier that hang above us.
‘’Miss May, seems like your booked in the Deluxe Suite. They will take your bags to your room now,’’ the receptionist said.
Liam was crazy to have done all this.
The suite was huge and extremely spacious. It had basically everything we needed and we felt like queens.
‘’Marry him now,’’ Zara said, as we lay on top of the kingsize bed on my side of the suite.
‘’Haha, well dating a member of One Direction isn’t too shabby,’’ I chuckled, staring at the ceiling.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Zara rushed to open it.
‘’Umm m’am we’r here for the massages,’’ A short Asian woman said.
‘’Massages?’’ I asked.
‘’Yes, Mr Payne asked that we give any massage that you may desire,’’ the next lady added.
‘’Oh well, c’mon in!’’ Zara exclaimed.
The two ladies arranged their equipment as Zara and I got changed into nothing but our robes. Minutes later we lay on top of massage tables as the two ladies,penetrated and pressed their fingers onto our backs. The feeling was so good. It felt like all my stress was relieved just by a touch of their fingers.I could have just slept there.
After the massage we were bombarded with room service of all kinds of food. This was too much.
‘’Liam! Are you insane? Thanks for everything though babe! Love you!’’ I screamed over the phone.
‘’Haha anything for you, glad you had a safe flight. I’ll come over as soon as we’r done with these interviews okay?’’ Miss you,’’ he said.
‘’Okay, see you later then,call me! Bye!’’ I replied.
The night had been mega fun. We had all gone out for dinner in LA, Angela, Zara, me and the boys, ofcourse Harry wasn’t invited, so he stayed in the hotel or went out to look for another cheap girl to bang. I honestly didn’t care.
‘’So how much hair product do you use per day Zayn?’’ Angela teased, as we all giggled at Zayn’s reaction.
‘’Hmph! Y’all are just jealous of my perfect hair,’’ he replied.
‘’I am actually!’’ Zara said, making all of us to chuckle once again.
The night went fast but I was glad to be spending time with my mates,and my stunning girlfriend. The boys were already used to her and they adored her already, especially Louis, he and Ang were almost besties now. Everything was falling into place.
‘’Liam! Angela! Can we get an autograph? You guys are so inspring!’’ a voice said behind us, and within seconds a thousand other voices were screaming out our names us we walked down the street in LA.
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