《Fate of our life (Niall Horan - Completed)》NINE


All the way to the venue, I can't get rid of the bad feeling in my stomach. My palms are sweaty and I don't know how I'm going act once I'm there. I'm planning on ignoring Aaron for the whole night and I know that the others will notice that. They'll see when I ignore him. After all, I'm not going to talk to him, greet him, not even look at him. It's going to be so obvious.

"Are you alright?" Mum asks all of the sudden. I snap out of my thoughts and nod.

"Yeah, when are we there?" I want to know and move around in my seat.

"Few minutes." Ethan says, looking down on his phone. I look over to him and see that he's texting, but it's not Jazzy.

"Who are you texting?" I ask him and try to sound as casual about it as possible.

"Niall." He says and my heart warms up. But then I remember that Niall's probably driving. He shouldn't text while driving, not even with me.

"Tell him to not text when he drives!" I say and want to take Ethan's phone, but he doesn't let me. As usual, we start to fight. "Ethaaan!"I squeal and hit him in the arm.

"Ouch! You can't just hit me!" He whines and rubs his arm, holding up his phone with the other hand.

"Ethan! He's my boyfriend!" I tell him and reach for his phone but I can't come even near it. "Ethaaaan!"

He then slaps my hand down and I poke him in the ribs "You just did not!" He glares at me.

"Afraid, I did." I laugh and he starts to tickle me. I try to hit him but I can't.

"It's enough!" Mum then exclaims and we both stop instantly. "Ethan, text Niall to not text while driving and Olivia let Ethan have his OWN phone. Yeah, Niall's your boyfriend but it's Ethan's phone. Jesus christ." She rolls her eyes and leans back in her seat. Mr.McAllister chuckles quietly.

"What's so funny?" Ethan and I ask at the same time.

"Nothing, just that you two are like little kids." He says and Ethan and I exchange glances.

"She's little." Ethan smirks.

"And he's a kid." I smirk and mum just shakes her head at us.

Then we finally arrive at the venue and Mr.McAllister parks the car. Ethan and I get out first and race each other to the another car that stands near the entrance. I win.

"That's not fair, you go running every week." Ethan says, out of breath. I just shrug smirking at him.

When mum and Mr.McAllister finally reach us, we go into the building and up the stairs. We bring our jackets and coats into a little room, which is already full of things, and then go into the big hall. Loud music is playing and people are talking loudly. Mum and Mr.McAllister turn to the left and starts greeting mum's friends, while Ethan and I go back out of the hall again, turn to the right and walk along the corridor until we stand in front of the door with a sign on it: Backstage. Just like every year, me, Ethan and our friends hang out here. No adults and no little kids. We enter the room, that's normally used for normal backstage things, and walk past the 12 to 16 year olds to our friends.


"Just took you 10 years, didn't it?" Sam laughs and hugs me first and thenEthan.

"Give Ethan the fault, he had to make a stupid joke." I laugh and then hug Jazzy and Kimberly as Ethan greets the boys.

"Nice skinny jeans." Kimberly smiles. "What a shame that Niall isn't here to appreciate them."

"Actually, he's on his way to appreciate them." I wink at her and we both laugh. I turn around to face Hannah and see her pale cheeks as she stares down to the floor.

"You alright?" I ask her and open my arms to hug her. She just nods and we hug before I start to hug the boys. Sam, then Calum, Jason, Peter and lastly Finn. Just when I stand right in front of Aaron, Ethan calls my name. Thank so much Ethan!, I think and turn around, perfectly avoiding Aaron.

"Yeah?" I walk over to him and Jazzy, who stand the furthest away from Aaron.

"Come!" Jazzy smiles and takes my hand. She leads me away from the others and out of the room. They all don't seem to notice that I didn't hug Aaron and don't say anything when Jazzy just drags me out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I ask her as she leads me further away from the room.

"Don't be mad at Ethan, but he told me what happened between you and Aaron. Just so, you know, so I know what's up and can help him and Niall to bring you as far away from this dick as possible." She explains, making me giggle and super thankful for having Ethan and Niall.

"Aaron's your cousin." I laugh just as we enter the woman's bathroom.

"Third cousin." She corrects me. "That doesn't really count."

"Same shit." I say as she looks under every stall to make sure that we're alone before I get into one.

"I can't believe he actually said that, you know..." She starts to talk, tells me what I already know since it happened to me, but I stop listening to her. I put the toilet seat down and take my phone. Once I sit, I text Niall.

As soon as the text is send, I stand up, flush and get out again.

Jazzy stands in front of the mirror, leaning against the sink and talking.

"You know what I mean? I would have never ever excepted that from him. Like never." She says and I think she's done. I nod agreeing and wash my hands.

"Neither did I." I say and wonder if that was the right answer.

"I think no one does." She says and proofs that it was the right answer. Proud of myself, I follow her out of the woman's bathroom again and instead of going to back to the others, we go to the hall to get – of course – food. The buffet isn't open yet, but the little snacks stand free on a table. Jazzy and I look at each other, shrug and take each a hand full before we go back out the hall. No one even noticed that we came in nor that we leave with a lot of food. Parents are talking loudly and kids are running around like this is a playground. Same as every year, I think as Jazzy and I go down the stairs, out of the building. In front of the front doors is a fountain and to the left and right of it are benches. Right in front are few steps, going down to the pavement. Instead of sitting down on a bench like other, normal, people would do, we sit down on the steps and look up to the dark sky.


"Hannah and Aaron broke up, didn't they?" Jazzy breaks the silent and starts to eat.

"They did." I say and take a deep breath. "I don't want to sound mean, but seriously though, she's better without him." I take a little pretzel and eat it before I continue. "And to be honest I don't even want to be in the same room as Aaron." I laugh short and Jazzy and I move to the side of the steps to let people go up between us. We wait until they are inside and then I add "That sounded meaner than I thought it would."

"He doesn't deserve any better, Olive." Jazzy says and it kinda lifts my mood a bit.

"What did you say about you, Ethan and Niall wanting to bring me as faraway from Aaron as possible?" I ask sounding more curious than intended.

"Since you told Ethan about all what happened, he and Niall started to make plans how to bring as much space between you and Aaron as possible. Ethan... he literally drew a plan on paper." She laughs and I just have to laugh too. It's such a Ethan thing to do.

"There you are!"

Speaking of the devil, Ethan is few steps behind us. I turn around to face my twin brother who's walking towards us. I reach my hand out for him, but instead of helping his sister up, he warps his arms around Jazzy from behind and pulls her up, without telling her. She moves around in his arms until her feet hit the floor.

"You can't just pick me up like that." She tells him, brushing off dust and street dirt of her jeans.

"And you can't just leave for half an hour." He rolls his eyes at her as I still wait for him to take my hand and help me up. I shut my eyes slightly and glare at him.

"Half an hour?" Jazzy asks and he nods. She shrugs and they turn around, ready to go back inside without me.

I clear my throat loudly. "Hello?" I wave at them and then they remember that I'm here as well.

"Sorry, Olive." Ethan says and reaches out for my hand, but I'm don't want his help anymore.

"Fuck off." I laugh and my pull hand away. I stand up, burst away the dirt on my jeans and walk ahead of them.

"Okay then." Ethan chuckles as he and Jazzy follow me back inside. "Sassy Olive." Ethan whispers but I heard him anyway and can't help it but laugh.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes at him and go upstairs, followed by him andJazzy. We go back to the backstage room but and just as we can approach our friends, a friend of mum calls me back.

"Olivia!" She exclaims. "Come here." She smiles as I walk over to her. Ethan and Jazzy follow me, both as unaware of what's going to happen as I am.

"Yeah?" I ask but she doesn't answer and just takes my hand. She leads me through the corridor and into the hall. Before I can turn around and escape, she pushes me up the stairs of the stage .

"Singa bit, will ya?" She smiles and gives a sign to the man who's incharge of the music.

"No ,I-I really don't..." I can't finish my sentence before 'All I WantFor Christmas' starts playing and spotlights are shining at me. Everyone turns around as the others who were backstage just come into the room. I have no other choice than to sing.

"I don't want a lot for christmas...." I start to sing and my cheeks start to turn bright red and burning rot. I look to Ethan who's just smirking and give him a come-up-here-and-fucking-help look. He understands it and his smirk fades away but instead of coming up onstage, he just shrugs. Then I look back to the door and see Aaron approaching the stage. Aaron has got the hint that was meant for Ethan. I look back to Ethan, as I keep singing and raise my eyebrows quickly, my way of telling him to look back. Aaron is coming closer and closer and I know that he's going to join me if Ethan isn't. Ethan turns around and takes a deep breath. Jazzy turns around as well and pats Ethan on the shoulder like she's telling him good luck, knowing that there's no way out for him.

Ethan turns around again and starts walking towards me as he rolls his eyes. "Oh I won't ask for much this Christmas, I won't even wish for snow..." He starts to sing and everyone cheers. When Ethan finally stands next to me, singing, a rock falls off my heart and I feel better. We keep on sining until the end.

Once it's finally done, I see Niall standing at the door, smirking and my heart makes a flip, happy to see him. Ethan and I get off the stage and Calum is the next one to get pushed up the stage and sing. "Yeeah Calum!" I cheer making everyone else cheer as well. He glares at me as he walks pass him. "I saw you laughing." I whisper and wink at him. Then he's up and starts to sing yet another Christmas song, chosen by a parent.

I walk through the table and people, pass Aaron who stops and stares at me, as I find my way to Niall. He opens his arms for me, but instead of hugging him, I take his hand and lead him away from the hall and into the corridor that's leads backstage. Something just comes up in me and I push him against the wall, before kissing him like I haven't seen him for years. When we pull apart, he chuckles and places his hands on my hips.

"Everything alright, gorgeous?" Niall asks smirking and I nod, before kissing him yet again.

"I missed you." I smile and hug him tightly.

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