《Cynthia x Male Reader》A Close Call


Cynthia's Pov:

My eyes fluttered open. My head was pounding as I looked around wondering where I was. Then I remembered what happened. I noticed my hands were tied with rope as I tried to get up. Tears fell down my cheeks as thoughts and questions swarmed my head. Through my blurry vision, I saw a small campfire with my captors gathered around it. Each were sporting a Pokémon of their own. A Crobat, a Weavile and a Haunter. My captors had noticed that I was awake and laughed.

The taller one called out.

"You're our prisoner so don't get too comfortable". The other two laughed, as they all stood up and walked over to the tree I was bound to.

"However" he continued, smirking. "We could roughen you up a little."

The three captors' pokemon all closed around me. I shut my eyes, tears flowing down my cheeks.


"Garchomp. Draco meteor" A flash of blue light flooded the forest as countless meteors rained down on the Pokémon and the people surrounding me. I looked up to see a dark purple dragon towering over my captors. It was shielding me...

"Don't lay a hand on her" I heard a familiar voice growl. Y/N was stood in the clearing of the forest, his eyes glowing purple. One of my captors quickly held a knife to my throat. Y/N's eyes glowed a darker purple. The Garchomp backed off standing behind Y/N. I cried out but was met by the knife pressing harder against my throat.

Time seemed to slow down as I watched the face off in tears. Y/N whispered quietly.

"Garchomp, Mega Evolve. Incinerate them" A bright light surrounded Garchomp as it roared transforming into its mega evolution. Flames spewed from the Garchomp's mouth destroying all three of my captors in an instant. I stared at Y/N. Garchomp turned around returning to its master ball. Y/N ran towards me, the purple glow vanished from his eyes. As soon as he untied the rope I jumped and wrapped my arms around him. I cried into his shoulder as I felt Y/N wrap his arms around me. We stayed like that for several minutes, but it felt like hours. I didn't want to let go.


I looked up at Y/N, he was upset and tears started to form in his eyes.

"Are you ok?" Y/N whispered, putting his hand on my cheek. I nodded slightly. I felt really weak. My vision started to fade as I fell back into Y/N. Everything turned black.

Y/N's Pov:

I caught Cynthia as she fell back into my arms. I smiled and thought to myself 'She must be exhausted' I picked her up bridal style and walked under the cover of a huge tree. I sat down cross-legged against the tree and led Cynthia's head down on my lap. 'Still cute, even when sleeping' I thought. I took my jacket off and placed it over Cynthia to keep her warm. I could hear Cynthia mumble in her sleep and wrap her arms around my stomach, causing me to blush. I looked away and studied my poke balls closely. '2 Pokémon I can use normally. 1 for certain conditions. It could be going worse' I thought, looking down at Cynthia, sleeping peacefully.

"At least you're still here with me" I whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the tree, wondering how to beat the gym leader in Viridian. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the future.

I woke up suddenly, jolting forward. I looked down for Cynthia but she wasn't there. I jumped up and looked around trying to find her.

"Oh.." I stood in shock. Cynthia was on the edge of the lake. In her underwear. I quickly turned around and walked back to the tree sitting down. I shook my head violently trying to get rid of the image.

"Y/N!" I heard Cynthia shout. I slowly got up and walked back to the lake, shutting my eyes.


"Yeah?" I replied. I heard splashing around and frantic movement as Cynthia answered.

"I need you to come closer and pass me the towel." My cheeks burned red from hearing this as I picked up the towel and held it out in the lake's direction, still with closed eyes. I felt the towel be taken and waited a minute before opening my eyes again. I looked over at the lake. 'Where'd she go?' I thought. I smiled.

"You're behind me?" I said aloud. Without warning, Cynthia tackled me to the ground and led on top of me.

"Cynth?" I questioned, looking up at her smirk.

"Y/N?" She replied.

"What's this about?" I asked calmly.

"I need to tell you something" She whispered softly. I stared at Cynthia, whenever she whispered it always sent shivers down my spine.

"Tell me what?" I smiled. Cynthia glared at me.

"You know what" Cynthia pouted. I played dumb knowing exactly what she meant, smirking slightly.

"You're going to make me say it, aren't you?" Cynthia said, trying to sound as defiant as she could. I nodded in response. She leant in and hovered next to my ear.

"I think I love you Y/N" Cynthia said, in a hushed voice.

"You don't say" I laughed, gesturing to her body language.

"Be serious pleaseeeee" Cynthia sighed, kissing my neck gently. My eyes widened as I felt her lips on my neck.

"Look at me" I whispered. Cynthia sat up slightly and stared into my eyes.

"I love you too Cynth." I stared back. She buried her head into my chest, crying.

"Woah. What's wrong?" I panicked, thinking I'd said something wrong. Cynthia just looked up at me smiling.

"I'm crying because I'm really happy right now, idiot" she laughed. I smiled, wiping her tears off her cheeks. Cynthia leaned in closer until we were millimetres apart.

"What?" I whispered softly, looking into her eyes. Cynthia just winked and kissed me. I kissed back, putting my hand on her cheek. Cynthia broke the kiss and smiled.

"We need to get out of this forest" She laughed, getting up.

"Go put something on and I'll think about it" I smirked. Cynthia's cheeks flushed as she ran back to get changed under the tree. I sighed, feeling like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I grabbed both bags and walked to the edge of the forest waiting. Cynthia ran over 5 minutes later, wearing something this time. I couldn't help but laugh.

"What?" Cynthia said, glaring at me. I reached over and pulled a twig out of her hair, showing her. "Oh" She said quietly, clearly feeling guilty.

"You look beautiful" I smiled, kissing Cynthia softly. She returned the kiss and picked up her bag.

"Thank you Y/N. For everything" Cynthia said.

"I love you too." I smirked, holding out my hand. Cynthia took my hand laughing, and 'together' together this time. We made our way back to Veridian with one purpose, to always be together.

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