《Bakugo x Deku: "Damn Nerd"》The Call


I had completely forgotten what happened after I got home. The only thing I could recall is my mom giving me some Katsudon (which is my favorite dish) for dinner.

I woke the next morning to my mom shaking me awake.

"Wake up Izuku!" she said. She sounded really excited about something.

I groaned in response. I was not in the mood to open my eyes. All I wanted to do is spend the whole day in my beautiful bed.

There was a silence after that. I eventually gave in, and climbed out of my bed. As I rubbed my eyes and yawned, I noticed my mom was nowhere to be seen.

"Mom?" I called out.

No answer.

I was starting to get concerned and went downstairs to investigate.

"Mo--" I started to say.

"Happy Birthday to you" a voice sang, "Happy Birthday to you"

I spun around toward that beautiful singing and met my mom's face looking back at me, singing "Happy Birthday" to me. My eyes immediately grew big as I saw what was in her hand; it was a cake.

"Oh my gosh! Mom! This is amazing!" I said in surprise. I couldn't believe she made this huge cake just for me! I truly have the best mother in the world.

She smiled at my comment and continued singing "Happy Birthday" to me. Once she was done, I happily blew out my candles. After she gave me a big warm hug, we treated ourselves to some cake. Let me just say, that cake was delicious.

Just as I was cutting myself my second slice, I heard my phone ring.

Hmm...I wonder who--wait WHAT?!

The caller ID read "Kacchan".

Kacchan never calls me! Wait...what does he want? Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh.

I tapped the answer button.


"Come the park and don't ask questions. Just do it." a gruff voice said back to me.

Then, he hung up.

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