"Oh, dilute me, gentle angel
Water down what I call being grateful
Oh, you kissed me just to kiss me
Not to take me home
It was simple, it was sweetness"
"Can I have uhhh an iced uh-" Calum drawls, sticking his head out of the car window to talk into the receiver of the drive-thru speaker. "Actually never mind can I have a hot latte." He corrects. "With oat milk, please. I have stomach problems."
Michael thumps his head against the window of the backseat, creating a loud thud that makes Arlo wince. "The drive-thru lady does not care about your stomach issues Calum."
"Whatever." Calum rolls his eyes before turning to Ashton who sits slumped over in the passenger seat. He shakes him awake rather harshly, causing the older boy to groan. "Ash, what do you want?"
"A cappuccino." He mumbles, though his words are muffled by the way his cheek is pressed against the glass of the car window.
Calum promptly leans his head back out of the window of the car to shout into the speaker. "A cappuccino please!"
Arlo sits in the middle back seat, Michael on her left and Luke to her right. She hadn't planned on sleeping, really, she hadn't- but when Luke noticed the slight redness in her eyes from staying up all night the boy wasted no time in encouraging her to lay her head on her shoulder.
If she wasn't so exhausted she may have heard the way the other boys were teasing Luke for the way Arlo was wrapped up in his hoodie. The blond boy didn't give a fuck if he was being honest. Even if the rest of his band was annoying the shit out of him, at least she was warm
She can barely hear the worker's muffled response to Calum as Arlo doesn't even bother to open her eyes. The girl wasn't hungry or even thirsty, she just wanted to sleep, and with Luke's arm subtly wrapped around her waist, slotting her body against his very warm one, she didn't even want to move.
As her head lays on Luke's chest she hears him speak, the vibrations of his words echoing through his chest to her ear. Suddenly, the hood of Luke's jacket that's draped over her head, blocking the streetlights from waking her, is pulled back just enough for him to lean down and whisper in her ear.
"Arlo, baby." Luke hums, his voice soft.
Before she can help it, a small grin tugs at her lips. Luke was so different in the morning, she noticed; in a good way, of course. He was so much gentler, softer even, like the weight of his life hadn't had a chance to weigh him down yet.
Arlo decides that Luke in the mornings is her favorite even if she had only experienced it a few times now. It was a hard decision to make because well, stage Luke exists, but morning Luke felt strictly hers. As ridiculous as it sounded, when he was on stage she was sharing him with however many other people were in the audience.
If only she knew his eyes were only ever on her, as was his mind. That wouldn't change even when he began to play for millions of people all around the world.
"Hm?" She responds sleepily, her eyes not even bothering to flutter open.
Luke takes advantage of this, gazing down at her with so much fondness in his eyes that if the girl saw how he was looking at her, she might actually melt. "Do you want anything? We're at a coffee place."
Just barely, Arlo peeks open her eyes only to find it still dark outside. It was just barely after four in the morning after all. "What coffee place is open right now?" She mumbles groggily.
"Some twenty-four-hour chain." Luke pulls her a little closer, fearing that she might be cold as Calum has his window wide open, arguing with the drive-thru worker about something he doesn't care to tune in to. "Mikey doesn't drink coffee though, so I think we're gonna stop at a gas station and get energy drinks if you want to wait."
Luke's voice had risen just enough for Ashton to hear from the front seat, causing him to turn around. "Arlo, I don't think energy drinks are a good idea. Don't you remember last time?"
Instantly, a scowl tugs at Luke's lips and he almost tells Ashton to fuck right off because Luke knew he would never, ever suggest something that may hurt his girl. But then again, he's not too stubborn to admit that Ashton had been in her life for years before he had. As much as Luke wished he did, the boy didn't know everything about Arlo.
"I know." Arlo peeks her eyes open a little wider. "I wasn't going to get one."
Calum turns around in his seat with a roll of his eyes, a look of pure attitude on his face. "Alright last call, this ladies getting impatient." He turns his head back towards the window. "Even though we're the only ones here! Because it's four in the goddamn morning!" He yells so the worker can hear.
Luke looks down at her expectantly, quirking a brow to check one more time.
"Something warm, please." Arlo asks gently. "I dunno how it's cold in the summertime." She pouts, angling her body away from the vents distributing freezing cold air conditioning and consequently, closer to Luke's body.
Luke nods before leaning in between the gap that separates the front of the car from the back. "Get me and Lo a coffee."
Once Calum is done arguing with the worker and all of the coffees are paid for, Calum peels recklessly out of the parking lot of the coffee shop in search of the nearest gas station. Luckily, he finds one not even a minute down the road and the entire group spills out of the car, stretching their legs in order to try and wake themselves up. There were still four hours to go and despite their nerves, everyone was exhausted.
Luke subtly intertwines his hand with Arlo's much smaller one as they saunter through the store. Neither of them particularly want anything, but wandering around was better than listening to the boys bicker.
"What was Ashton talking about earlier?" Luke asks.
Arlo averts her eyes away from the candy aisle they're walking through to look up at Luke. She chews on her lip nervously, her hand tightening around his unconsciously. What happened really wasn't a big deal, but she also hadn't learned how to talk about things of that nature with anyone other than Ash and her parents.
"Ashton and I decided to stay up all night a couple of months ago and we were struggling so we went to the store to get energy drinks. I'd never had one before, but I wasn't really expecting anything to happen." Arlo explains, nerves coursing through her veins as Luke looks attentively down at her, hanging on to her every word.
"I guess all of the caffeine just heightened my anxiety, or maybe it was just a random panic attack, I dunno." She shrugs. "I just didn't react very well. I got all shaky and really, I think Ashton was overreacting and that made me get even more worked up. It wasn't a big deal though."
"What do you mean it's not a big deal?" Luke frowns, his lip ring jutting out at the movement. "Fuck, do you think the coffee-"
"No, I'm fine." Arlo shakes her head. She hated the concerned look on his face. He should be thinking of his important meeting in a few hours, not something as trivial as a girl who can't control her anxiety. "Stop worrying about me." Arlo nudges his hip with her own, hoping to lighten the mood.
But, Luke's face stays serious, even as he brings her into his side, his free hand tracing the curve of her cheek before he places a gentle kiss on her lips. "You're my girl. 'M always gonna worry about you. Deal with it, sweetheart."
Arlo's cheeks flush as she rolls her eyes, pulling away from his lips just enough to find his blue eyes. "Then I'm allowed to worry about you?"
"Nope." Luke says, popping his lips at the end of the word. He begins leading them towards the door as the boys finish checking out at the register. "I'll be perfectly fine as long as you're happy, sweet girl. No need to worry about me."
Arlo huffs at his words, slightly frustrated by the fact that he could make her weak in the knees so easily. "Well, I guess you're lucky that you make me happy."
"Yeah?" Luke grins, catching his lip ring between his teeth. "Guess I am, huh? Pretty fuckin' sick how that works."
Calum doesn't fail to tease Arlo for her flushed cheeks as everyone piles back into the car causing Luke to flick him rather harshly on the forehead before settling back in his seat. Although the excitement of the road trip had everyone pretty alert, it seemed that as soon as they got on the highway, everyone passed out.
Except for Ashton, who Calum had forced to stay awake so he had someone to talk to.
Even Luke is slumped over in his seat, his head resting on Arlo's lap as she drifts in and out of sleep. Her fingertips thread themself mindlessly in Luke's wavy blonde hair causing a pleased groan to leave his lips.
It's when he readjusts himself, his arms looping under her hoodie to take advantage of the heat radiating from the bare skin of her torso, does Arlo really wake up. How could she possibly sleep when Luke is laying in her lap looking more perfect than she imagined even angels would?
The sun has just begun to come up, painting his skin golden and highlighting every feature of his. From the sharp curve of his jaw to the smooth slope of his nose, the sun marks on his skin, and the slightest bit of stubble on his jawline.
As of that moment, Arlo considered herself utterly obsessed with the boy sleeping on her lap.
Half an hour later, dark clouds settle on the horizon, causing Calum to whine. "It looks like it's going to rain guys." He says to the only other members in the car who aren't asleep, Arlo and Ashton.
"I love the rain." Arlo smiles, eager to hear the sound of rain pattering against the car window. She especially loved thunderstorms and how pretty lightning made the sky look.
Calum laughs, a smirk on his face. "Luke's going to be pissed, he hates the rain."
Luke, who had secretly been awake for quite some time, shifts in Arlo's lap, tightening his arms around her. "It's not too bad." He mumbles sleepily, barely loud enough for anyone to hear. "I think I'm starting to love the rain, actually."
Luke Hemmings is nervous beyond belief.
Even with Arlo's hand in his own resting discreetly under the large table, he can't stop the anxious tapping of his foot. The large board room they sit in is lined with large windows looking out onto the city. They were on the tenth floor of the building which made him feel even more sick to his stomach than he already was- Luke hated heights.
The blond had been struggling all morning to wrap his head around how fast his life seemed to be moving all of a sudden. In the span of a few short hours, he was no longer just a boy who lived in a bookstore, but the lead singer of a band who may be getting a record deal.
"We want to offer you a record deal."
The man in the suit said it so simply. He had just told the group of five his name and offered them water before sitting them down in the board room. Everyone was in shock, their minds reeling as they tried to keep up.
"I think we need a second to, uh... process." Ashton was the first to speak.
And so, the man in the suit left them alone in the large boardroom with big windows that overlooked New York City. He promised to be back in a few minutes, this time with the conditions of their deal if they were to accept.
Calum Hood looks like he may puke as he rests his elbows on the big wooden table, his head in his hands. "Is this real? Are we sure this is real?" He mutters to no one in particular.
Arlo, who sits on his left puts her free hand on his back, rubbing soothing circles. "Isn't this what you wanted, Cal?"
The tan boy shakes his head, sitting up straight in his chair. It was the kind that had wheels on the bottom, the kind that he usually would take the opportunity to spin circles in like a middle schooler. "Hold on, I'm not sure I'm alive."
"Oh, we're alive." Michael grins, wide-eyed. "Guys this is happening! This is really happening!" His voice raises in excitement as he suddenly stands from his chair, his red hair messy beyond belief from where he'd been running his hands through his hair in stress.
"Let's not get too excited." Luke says suddenly, snapping himself out of his shocked state. "If they want us to change who were are and be some sort of industry plant then I'm out. I'm only down to do this if we can be who we want to be."
"Of course." Ashton nods instantly. "No need to panic now, let's just see what he has to say."
Eerily on cue, the door of the boardroom opens again, and in walks not only the original man they'd met, but two others. One being a woman and the other being an older man. They take a seat in the chairs across from the band, causing every one of the boys to stiffen.
"So." The man, who introduced himself as Matt, begins. "We've already met but I'd like to introduce you to Jess and Scott." He gestures to the people on either side of him, daunting clipboards and folders laid out in front of them.
"Scott here is in charge of the legal side of things and Jess is going to be your manager if you choose to sign-"
"We already have a manager." Calum blurts, causing Arlo's heart to drop. She really, really wasn't qualified for managing a band, she simply helped out here and there. "We don't need a new one. No offense Jess."
Arlo opens her mouth to tell Calum that it would probably be best to utilize Jess, though as soon as her lips part, Luke squeezes her hand. The action catches her attention and Arlo averts her eyes to the boy, finding a pleading look on his face.
Matt's eyes find Arlo and he gives the girl a once-over before shrugging simply. "Alright, then. I can respect that" He clears his throat. "Now that we've got that settled let's discuss your contract."
Although Luke's palm is clammy with nerves, Arlo never releases her grip. The two teenagers are practically clinging to each other for dear life, their hearts rising in their throats. This band that was only meant to last for one competition had suddenly become very serious, very fast.
"If you choose to sign..." Matt begins, glancing at everyone in the room. "We want to start by releasing a single. Our representative recommends She's Kinda Hot. From what he reported the crowd took to it incredibly well." The man in the suit explains, shocking all five of the teens to their core.
"Guys, if we're being honest what's really going to set you apart from all of the other bands out there is your looks. You appeal to the most giving audiences- people your age who are willing to take to social media and come to the concerts."
Arlo swallows thickly. The man in front of her certainly wasn't wrong. It was clear as day to see how the crowd reacted to the boys and not just their voices.'
"Because of this, we'd also like to release a music video for the single. How does that sound?" Matt looks up from his papers to glance at the band.
"Us?" Michael stutters. "In a music video with cameras and shit?"
Matt laughs lowly, clearly used to this reaction. His entire career was built off of giving people a shot to make it big, after all. "Yes, with cameras and shit." He flips to a new page. "We'll do promo, get your social media accounts out there and give the single a week or two and see how it does. If it performs well enough you'll need to get to work on an album with at least two more single-worthy songs."
"An album?" Luke gapes, his head spinning. It was the first time he's spoken in quite a while and his throat felt dry beyond belief.
"An album." Matt nods. "You guys want to write it on your own, am I correct? You certainly seem capable based on the few songs you performed at the Battle of the Bands."
"Of course." Calum nods rapidly, resisting the urge to jump out of his chair and take a few laps around the room. The boy was about to explode with excitement and it was written clear as day across his face.
"Depending on how this single performs it may be necessary to relocate the band." Matt says, causing shock to fill the room once more. "To speed along the writing process, we would set you guys up with a house in LA while the album is being written. It's closer to our studio and it would help move things along."
Before any of them have a chance to catch their breath or process what he's saying, Matt continues on. "Prime touring season is coming up, we need that album to gain exposure so you guys can really rock it."
"Touring?" Ashton gasps. "Us? on tour?"
Matt smiles nonchalantly. "If all goes well with the album of course." He stands from his seat suddenly, his eyes scanning over the band's faces. "I'll give you guys a day to decide. I understand you're staying in the city for the night?"
Calum nods, feeling as if he's operating on autopilot. "We're getting a room at the hotel next door."
"Perfect." Matt flashes his perfectly straight teeth. "Enjoy your day in the city and meet me back here tomorrow bright and early with your decision." As he walks towards the door he pauses, glancing over his shoulder.
"I have a feeling you guys are going to be monumental."
for letting me blow up her dms with questions while writing this
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Once Human, Now a Parasite
Arthur, a Rich businessman was kidnapped and tortured for months by men his wife hired. After months of this hell, he was given a second chance, a new life in a different world and, of course, Arthur would rather start a new life than stay and continue to be tortured, so he accepted the deal that was proposed by a mysterious individual, but when he finally was reincarnated, Arthur discovered he was a..... parasite? PS: This is not a novel about a kind MC, so read AT YOUR OWN RISK. .
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(OLD)Play On! My Lovely Goddess!
Link to rewritten story: https://www.royalroad.com/my/fiction/20813 Will write another story with this LitRPG + Superstar thingy on another fic once im done with the rewrite.
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Rise of Almighty
On a fateful day, A boy around age 16, was sitting on a tree, it looked like a normally peaceful day, but unexpectedly soon vast sky covered with flames and meteors fell one by one which he thought as his last vision, but destiny made him to survive and the next moment his life is changed.
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The Boy Without Fear - Tales of Horror And Adventure
These are the adventures of The Boy Without Fear, serial-style. Expect tales of horror fiction that range from cosmic horror to splatter, vampires and occult. Great for fans of shows like Supernatural, X-Files, Night Stalker or movies like The Conjuring, The Lost Boys etc. Read how the boy travels around the world all alone, hoping to learn how it feels to fear. Along the way he will encounter many monsters, both human and inhuman. He will make friends, enemies, fall in love, help people and sometimes doom them.
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A school getting summoned. A young man being left out and his cheat ability.The tale of a mere human rising from the bottom, to the throne of the strongest demon country of this fantasy world. What hardships will he encounter along the way?Tagged [18+] for Strong Language, Sex, Violence.There's also brother-sister incest. If you dislike that sort of thing, please refrain from reading this.More Information: I didn't put Comedy in the tag because I don't know if my humor would amuse readers. Though I said "hardship" it won't hurt your heart as much as Tate no Yuusha manga. Also, I'm not too used to western novels, resulting in me only being familiar to Japanese WN/LN. That's why please don't diss me for using 'honorifics' and Japanese things in my story.
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The Ex Best Friend
Jessica Bryans is perfectly happy with her life. She's working in the world’s most famous fashion company and she hasn’t got a worry in the world. That is until someone, that she never wanted to see again, shows up in her life—her ex best friend Jacob Marshall, hint: EX best friend. He’s all too willing to reconcile, and she’s all too willing wanting him OUT of his life. Or does she?
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