"She took my heart, I think she took my soul
With the moon I run
Leaving me stranded all in love on my own
Do you think of me?
Where am I now? Baby, where do I sleep?"
With a little less than three days before the competition and only two songs completed, the boys were beginning to panic. They'd had two failed writing sessions as a group and they were beginning to think that they'd have to drop out.
That's exactly why Arlo Abbott finds herself balancing four cans of soda in her hands as she makes her way into her living room where the boys sit.
After last night's failed writing session, Ashton suggested a change of scenery. Staring at the walls of Calum's basement was getting a little repetitive- not to mention the boy hadn't done his laundry in two weeks and it was beginning to smell like dirty socks in the small room.
So, Arlo offered up her living room.
In preparation for the boys' arrival, she'd lit a few candles and pulled out blankets, hoping to make the space comfier. She didn't really know how the creative process worked if she was being honest.
Arlo sits down on the floor of the living room where Ashton, Calum, and Michael are already spread out with notebooks and pencils. Luke had to work at the bookstore and claimed he couldn't make today's writing session, which disappointed the brunette girl, but it may have been for the best.
She knew how she felt about Luke and she knew she definitely couldn't survive being just friends, but she didn't know how to go about it. Arlo needed time to gather her thoughts.
"Guys, I really need us to get this record deal." Calum exhales, quickly taking a can of soda from Arlo's hands and sending the girl a grateful smile. "I'm telling you, when I move to LA I'll be in my final form."
Michael rolls his eyes. "We have to figure out how to write a song first." The red-haired boy points out before taking a sip of his own soda. "Even if we do manage to get this song done we have to win the competition too. How many bands are entered?"
"Around twenty." Arlo answers, having memorized the details of the competition. She took her managing job very seriously.
"What's so good about LA, anyway?" Ashton raises a brow. "If by some miracle we do end up with a record deal we might end up in London or New York instead."
"What's so good about LA?" Calum scoffs, struggling to pull his phone out of the front pocket of his tight black skinny jeans. "I've been following this cat on Instagram for like a year and I need to meet him at least once. He lives in LA."
Ashton scoffs. "You want to move to LA for a cat? One that's not even yours?"
Michael gasps suddenly, sitting up straight as if he remembered something. "Is it the same one you showed me the other day? The little black kitten? What was his name...?"
"Cup." Calum flips his phone around proudly, slowly showing the screen to each and every person. "He's the cutest cat in the world and I don't even like cats." The boy explains, scrolling through pictures of the small animal.
Arlo frowns, suddenly wishing she weren't allergic. She'd always wanted a pet but if she even got close to a cat her throat would close up before she even got the opportunity to pet it.
"Okay." Ashton shrugs simply. "So we steal the cat and then leave LA."
Arlo winces, hesitantly cutting in. "I don't think that's ethical."
Michael shakes his head, giving Ashton an incredulous look. "The cat has famous parents, dude. There's no way we're getting past that security." He points out. "Calum what do they do?"
Calum shoves his phone back into the pocket of his pants as he twists his lips to the side in thought. "Cups owners?" He questions, to which Michael nods. "I dunno his mom is a model and I think his dad plays tennis or something- overrated if you ask me, the guy seems like a real jerk."
"Let's get back on topic." Ashton suggests, picking up a notebook and a pencil. "I have dinner with my mom in a few hours and I can't be late.
Calum holds his hands up in surrender. "Fine, okay." The boy grins, mentally patting himself for not making a joke about Ashton being a mommy's boy- which he was simply aching to let slip. Instead, he picks up his own notebook, forcing himself to think.
"Should we come up with a melody first?" Michael asks, an apprehensive look on his face as if he's worried his suggestion isn't good.
Arlo shrugs. "I mean that's a good idea, I think." The girl says hesitantly. She never knew if her purpose was for moral support or if the boys actually wanted her suggestions. The girl wasn't very musically inclined, after all. "We've spent the last few days trying to work on lyrics only, so a different approach might work."
"I agree." Calum nods, hurriedly grabbing his bass from where it lays on the couch behind him. The tan boy exhales heavily, flexing his fingers in preparation. "Okay, we've got this."
They did in fact, not have it.
An hour and a half had passed with absolutely nothing of substance being produced between the four of them. Ashton had written a verse about chocolate milk, Michael managed to snap one of his guitar strings after zoning out and accidentally strumming too hard, and Calum had downed four cans of soda and kept distracting the groups thinking process by belching every few minutes.
"Okay, we're getting nowhere" Calum declares once the hour and a half mark passes. "I have one last idea, but you might not like it." He turns his attention to Arlo.
The girl's lips part in surprise, suddenly nervous with all of the attention on her. "What? Me?
Calum knew Luke extremely well. He was beginning to know Arlo too and he had a feeling that if they were in the same room, they could do incredible things. Both of them loved literature, both of them felt their emotions deeply, and both of them wanted the band to succeed. It was a recipe for a perfect song if Calum has ever seen it.
"What if you go to the bookstore and try to write with Luke? While we stay here and practice our timing?" Calum suggests, flashing the girl a pair of brown puppy dog eyes. "It's our last hope, Arlo."
The girl pulls her knees to her chest, her eyes darting around uncomfortably. "I don't know why you're acting like I wouldn't want to be around Luke. We're... friends." She says, the last word tasting sour on her tongue
Michael audibly laughs at her comment. "Oh come on, Arlo." He smirks, watching as the girl's cheeks flush. "We weren't born yesterday, we know something happened." He gestures with his hand to the two other band members.
"Honestly, you're shit at hiding your expressions- both you and Luke are." Ashton says matter of factly, narrowing his eyes at the girl. "So what happened? An awkward kiss?"
"Did Luke get a boner at an unconventional time? Did he confess his love? Did you spill something on him? Or puke at the party?" Calum throws accusation after accusation, causing the poor girl's head to spin. "C'mon, spill. We know something happened."
"No!" Arlo splutters, shaking her head frantically as heat creeps up the back of her neck in embarrassment. "Nothing happened!"
Having thoroughly distracted the girl, Calum continues on with his plan. "Just a few hours and I'll come pick you back up." Calum practically begs, leaning forward to rest his palms on the girl's knees "We need this song, Arlo. You and Luke are our only hope at this point."
The girl looks at the three boys, all of their faces filled with hope. God, they really knew how to make a girl feel guilty. Arlo exhales, Calum's hands falling from her knees as she stands up from her living room floor.
Arlo chews on her lip nervously, her hands clasped in her lap as she gazes up at the familiar sign with Luke's last name on the front of the shop. It seems to be taunting her, especially after she entered the very same name into her laptop the other night.
From the moment she'd followed Calum out of her house and planted herself in the passenger seat of his fancy car, she'd been on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She didn't know if she had more anxiety over the fact that she'd be alone with Luke for the first time since that night or from the way Calum seemed to be playing real-life Mario Kart on the drive to the bookstore.
"I don't know if he wants to see me, Calum." Arlo admits, causing the tanner boy to furrow his brows.
"Why would you say that?" He gapes. Calum had actually been meaning to ask Luke what was going on between him and Arlo- because it was obviously something- but due to how busy they'd been with band practice every day and trying to write, he hadn't gotten the chance and he knew Arlo would never give up the story.
"I just... do." Arlo rolls her lips into her mouth, trying to work up the courage to get out of the car.
It's just Luke. She tries to remind herself. The same Luke who calls you good girl, throws pebbles at your window, had you pressed up against his chest in Calum's hall closet, shotgunned a blunt with you, and said he had his sights set on you.
Well, fuck. That didn't help.
"Listen, Abbs-"
"Abbs?" Arlo asks, her brows furrowed.
"Yeah." Calum shrugs, pushing a dark strand of hair away from his face as it falls in front of his eyes. "Your last name is Abbott, so Abbs." A grin tugs at his lips. "I can't call you "Lo" unless I want to get my ass beat."
Arlo swallows thickly, choosing not to acknowledge the last portion of his statement. Only one person bothered calling her "Lo" and they both know it.
"I know I was drunk in the pool the other day." Calum begins, suddenly seeming cautious as he remembers the information he spilled. But, he trusted Arlo to keep a secret in the end. He had a feeling Luke would tell her soon anyway. "I meant everything I said."
"I'm serious." The normally playful boy places a hand on Arlo's knee over the fabric of her jeans, looking at her sincerely. "Luke hasn't been truly happy for a long time- he's been coping at best. Whether it be drugs or alcohol or girls..."
Arlo winces at the last part of his sentence, doing her best to ignore the way her stomach stirs at the thought of Luke with someone else.
"He looks like he's living when he's with you." Calum says bashfully, almost as if he's nervous to admit this. He knew Luke would probably kick him in the balls if he heard what he was saying, but Calum figured in ten years when Luke and Arlo were married with twenty kids and a cat or two, they'd thank him.
Arlo's speechless, her throat feeling as if it's constricting in on itself with every word that leaves Calum's lips. She had gone from feeling nothing, to feeling everything for this blonde boy and she didn't know if her head would ever stop feeling like it was spinning.
"I-" The girl stutters, not knowing how to respond. How do you respond to something like that? "I'll get the song to you by tonight. One way or another " She forces a smile, subtly changing the subject as her hand finds the handle of Calum's car door. "Thanks for the ride, Cal."
"No problem Abbs." Calum smiles, easily being able to spot the flush of the girl's cheeks. "Let me know if you need a ride home, but I have a feeling Luke will want to walk you back."
The girl merely shoots Calum a thankful smile, her hands shaking slightly with nerves as she steps out of his car and watches him pull away. Arlo stands on the curve for a moment to collect her breath before making her way towards the door
Luke had seen Calum's car pull up to the curb as soon as it arrived.
The front of the bookstore had a large window that Luke always appreciated for the way it would allow the sunrise to flood in during the morning hours, painting the room golden. He'd set up a small table in front of the window where he often sat and read and drank his morning coffee.
Luke was sitting at the table, flipping through his notebook when Calum's flashy car arrived. Despite the tint on the windows, he could clearly see the silhouette of a girl in the passenger seat. He knew it was Arlo.
Luke watches as she nervously approaches the door, a small backpack slung over her shoulder. He stands from the table, reaching the front of the shop just as the girl enters.
Arlo freezes, not having expected Luke to be right in front of her as soon as she stepped in the door. "Uh...hey." The girl smiles, though it looks more like a wince. "Do you want to try and write for a while? Writing sessions with the band haven't been going anywhere and I don't know-"
"Is that the only reason why you're here?" Luke cuts her off swirly, hope brimming his tone.
Arlo swallows thickly, her hands fiddling with the sleeves of her jacket that are just long enough to hide her hands. "Maybe." She shrugs, her eyes struggling to find his when he's looking so intensely at her. "We can talk too. If you want."
Luke clenches his jaw at the familiar material covering her body. It's the same grey jacket of his that he'd offered her that night in her room. The boy had completely forgotten about leaving it with her and just assumed that he left it at Calum's house or something.
Luke cocks his head over his shoulder, signaling for her to follow him. He takes a moment to flip the sign on the door to "closed". It was getting late in the afternoon and he never had customers anyway.
Luke leads them to the table he'd been sitting at before she arrived, his notebook and pen already spread out onto the surface. As he takes a seat at the wood table, his eyes catch his half-empty coffee mug.
"I'll be right back." Luke promises, watching as Arlo brings her legs up in the seat, hugging her knees to her chest. He noticed how she always seemed to sit like that. He liked it- it was cute, it was Arlo.
The girl nods, doing her best to swallow her nerves as Luke disappears towards the back of the shop. Being in his presence is suffocating in the best way- she doesn't quite know how to cope with the feeling but the lightheadedness it brings is far too intoxicating to stop.
She looks around the shop, trying to imagine Luke living there. Now that she knows what she does, Arlo can't help but see the shop differently. Being here suddenly felt more intimate. This is Luke's home, his personal space. She'd never even seen anyone else in the shop.
Only a few moments later Luke returns with two steaming mugs of coffee in either hand and a carton of creamer tucked under his arm. He sets them on the table, sliding one of the mugs over to Arlo.
"I didn't know how you'd want it." The blonde boy shrugs, ignoring the surprised look on the girl's face as he slides the creamer in her direction.
Arlo swallows, guilt flooding her stomach at Luke's kindness. She knew she had accidentally upset him and now was her chance to fit it. "Thank you." She says shyly, pouring a small amount of creamer into her coffee while Luke opens his notebook.
"Mhm." Luke merely hums. He was trying his best to pretend like being in her presence wasn't the equivalent of treading water in a hurricane. It was almost painful to be around her, yet not be able to have her the way he so desperately wanted.
"Luke..." Arlo begins hesitantly, boldly extending her jacket-covered hand out to rest over Luke's. Luke freezes, his eyes zeroed in on where her skin rests over the top of his own. "I'm sorry."
Luke clenches his jaw, doing his best to act like the feeling of her small hand on his much larger one wasn't making him dizzy. "For what?" He diverts, his voice low and smooth.
Arlo winces, taking his impartialness for anger or maybe even hurt. "For what happened at the party-"
"You're sorry it happened?" Luke fires back, his eyes narrowed. "Is that what you're saying." Despite the harsh nature of his tone, the boy was truly just scared- scared that he'd made every good thing between them up in his head.
He was scared that she regretted what they'd done or that he'd gone too far. From the words he said, to transferring a drug past his lips to her own. Luke had never been so unsure about something yet so sure of it all at once.
"No." Arlo says sincerely, her breath hitching as Luke's burning blue eyes make contact with her own brown ones. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I'm sorry I let you think that I don't feel the same way as you do for so long."
Arlo shakes her head, her words coming out more rushed than she intended. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I want you too."
Her heart is steadily climbing up her throat as Luke's eyes go wide. She feels his hand stiffen under her own and for a moment, she considers pulling away. That is, until the blue of his eyes seems to sparkle with an indecipherable emotion and the ghost of a grin graces his lips, causing her stomach to turn in the best way.
"You mean it?" Luke asks, his tone brimming with hope.
Arlo nods, struggling to look away from his gaze. He was looking at her so intently that she couldn't bring herself to look anywhere else. "With all of my heart."
Luke's heart stutters in his chest, her words nearly knocking the breath out of his lungs. It was everything he needed to hear- every question he'd spent the last week replaying in his head has suddenly been answered.
He wants to have her closer, to feel her in his arms like he had in the park rather than having her across the table like she is now. Luke fights the urge to claim her lips as his own or let his fingertips wander her waist.
Instead of doing any of those things, no matter how desperately he wants to- the boy simply nods, taking his lip ring in between his teeth. "I think we have a song to write, Lo."
- In Serial32 Chapters
Drunks & Fanatics
Freshly anointed cleric Tessa Vivuk aspires to be a Hero after having been saved by one as a child. But when she attempts to join the Heroes' Guild, the doors are shut on her. Unwilling to give up, she joins the Adventurers' Guild and believes she can earn enough recognition to one day be recognized and become a Hero. But Hei Zhao and Torgrak have other plans for her. After quietly sabotaging Tessa's first quest, they offer to be her mentors. Promising to make her amongst the strongest in the world while secretly turning her into a living weapon. Unaware of what's to come, she accepts. However, Hei and Torgrak have been issued a special mission as Custodians of the Adventurers' Guild. The extermination of a cultist infested town. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, they kidnap Tessa in the night and drag her along with them to reforge Tessa's first weakness: her self-confidence. (1st Arc Done) 7/7/2022: All past chapters have been condensed into 17. The story is slightly shorter than before and one chapter has been removed from the series as of current. I will be doing some organization of details before I start any work on the next story arc. I hope you enjoy and I will be continuing the series. Just doing some cooling off at the moment. :D
8 99 - In Serial15 Chapters
Justice Rewritten (Isekai DBZ story of Gohan)
After the destroyer God Beerus destroyed his home the young saiyan Gohan was thrust into an entire new universe, now a Saiyan God Gohan struggles to accept the permanent loss of his family and loved ones as he tries to fit into his new universe.
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The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants
Eighteen year old Akira Katagiri applied to be a dormitory caretaker on a whim. Next thing he knew, his application was rammed through and the job was his. Akira now manages a dorm in which tenants from another world come to stay. However, his tenants may be carrying more baggage than what's in their suitcases. Some are scarred from war, others suffer from depression. Will this high school graduate be able to navigate his life as well as the livelihoods of others? Art by Nyxview First volume of the book, containing the missing chapters, available on Amazon!: Amazon.com: The Caretaker of Tenants from Another World: Vol. 1
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Steal The Male Lead
The main character always ends up with the male lead? Even if they're backstabbing, evil, and cruel, they will live happily ever after just because they are the main character? Even if they're so innocent that they cause countless deaths, they will still be treated with love and respect, with everyone groveling at their feet to help them.Well, the readers have agreed to disagree with this thought. It's about time to revolt!Alright then, we just need someone to destroy the main character.We need to take away the main character's golden thigh.Since that's the case, we need to Steal The Male Lead.AN: Hello everyone, so this is going to be my third book ever written on Wattpad. I've actually had plans for this book for a while and I also have many ideas for the other arcs but, please enjoy the book, and I will try to keep a constant update on it. *If any of the photos are yours or you know that the artist of the photos or characters don't want it up, please comment down right away so that I can delete it. None of the photos are mine and rightfully belong to the artist.*
8 1324 - In Serial24 Chapters
Heaven, or Max's Special Hell? (Dadvid)
This story will be about Max's new life living with David as his son. The new life where they live in a Blockbuster storeroom, in the mall where dreams go to die. At least all the campers live around there too and they don't cause too much trouble......at least he still has David, something Max is coming to appreciate more and more as time goes on. This is a sequel to my other story 'Adopt me, you son of a bitch!'. Fair warning this story is at this point 46,267 words, so if your gonna go on this journey get a blanket, a pillow, and some hot chocolate, and enjoy all the laughs and the feels to come. Also remember, comments give me life!
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The Witcher: Story of the Black Cat
Based on the original Netflix series, The Witcher. Each chapter relates to its corresponding episode.Excerpt: The story that you all have come to know, and respect is all true. That of Geralt of Rivia, his friendships, encounters, love, and of course, destiny...But what if there is a piece of his tale that had been forgotten? That critical piece is the story of one whose life intertwined with his. The story of another...Witcher.
8 170