《pears for breakfast》the sun vanished


i gleefully approached the sun today

and she greeted me with indifference

i assumed that all this time apart

would result in much more than belligerence

so i sat beside her and watched her shine

lounging with a novel in hand

waiting for the right moment

when she would understand

but i guess her rage ran deeper

for i boiled with her stare

blood rose to my nose and cheeks

and my shoulders that were freely bare

"whatever have i done to warrant such hate? i've missed you and so long i've waited"

she scrunched up her nose

and gazed a fire so bright

that my retinas would know

only her eyes for the next millennia

i was fated

to her, to summer, to all of the heat

"i would think it obvious" she jutted out her molten chin

"the whole of winter i've been alone

hanging glumly in the sky

where have you been?"

"but my love, where were you?" i pleaded

"i swear on the moon, you didn't appear,

through the snow and the clouds

and the wind,

he slapped me silly till it stung"

her ultraviolet lips pursed

cradling her response on her tongue

"you've found me now"

"yes" i smiled "yes. because all is clear

the sky is blue once more

and winter's chill has melted

love, my fever has broken

all of the light you've given off has worked

and we can be together once more"

"once more, but for how long" she asked cautiously

"well, i should hope forever"

i opened my arms

ready to embrace her

and without fear or hesitation, the sun stepped into my arms

with a great sputtering of light and a splash to end the fishes

the sea swallowed the sun

as all finally became one

a/n: a light so bright she killed us all.

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