《The Holiday Homework |Christmas Book |》f i v e
Do you that look mothers give when you haven't told her about something that she was supposed to know?
That was the look on Emma's face.
We were in Ryan's car, Jasper sat in the passenger seat while Emma and I sat at the back. Jasper and Ryan were having their talks but we were silent. More like she wanted me to start to explain the whole 'knowing Jasper'.
"You guys seem to be quiet at the back. All okay?" Ryan asked as he looked at us through the rear view mirror
"We're good!" I speak up.
"Okay. So Holly and Jasper, how do you two know each other?" Ryan asked us.
"We met at the writers club." I answer. "Yeah, we're in the Writers Club." Jasper agreed to my answer.
"How long have known each other?" Emma asked.
That question sounds like as if I hid my boyfriend and never told her about him. I looked at Emma wondering where that question came up from.
"We met about three weeks back for one of our meetings." I hear Jasper answer.
"But that was it, after that, we meet today." I add to his answer. I saw Ryan nod his head and then he went back to watching the road he was driving on.
"You never told me about that meeting!" Emma pokes me and whispers. "Ouch! That's because you were so excited for your date you didn't ask!" I remind her as I whisper back.
I heard the boys' chuckle but both Emma and I had a frown for each other.
Ryan parked the car alongside Central Park. All of us got out of the car and we crossed the road and walked on the pavement. The two boys were walking in front and Emma was on my right.
We walked for five minutes and then we stopped in front of a restaurant. "We've arrived." Ryan sighs and the doorman opens the door to welcome us in.
"Reservation for Richardson," Ryan informs the front desk. The man checks his computer and nods his head.
"Good Evening and Welcome to Three Guys Restaurant" the man greeted us.
We were directed to our table, a table for four. Ryan made Emma sit on a chair, I sat next to her. Ryan sat opposite Emma and Jasper sat opposite to me. Jasper wore a sweater over a shirt and had an overcoat, dark blue jeans that were almost similar to his eyes and ankle high brown boots.
He did look good.
Two waiters came over to our table and started serving our dinner. It was a typical Thanksgiving dinner. Grape juice instead of wine because we did not want to get drunk tonight also because we weren't of legal age to drink wine, perfectly cooked turkey with some lovely well-seasoned stuffing. Along with that was my ultimate favourite, Mashed potato which was rich and smooth served with some sautéed green peas and French beans. A basket was placed right in the centre of the table with freshly baked dinner rolls.
It was an absolute delight to have this dinner for Thanksgiving. I was thankful that Ryan did not do the tradition of giving thanks because I had nothing to give thanks for.
Emma and Ryan had little romantic talks while they had their meal but between Jasper and me, there was silence. I did not initiate a conversation, nor did he. We both concentrated on our meals and I occasionally looked up to see him.
His dark blue eyes had a lot untold but he wasn't the creepy mysterious type that you would get scared of.
A slice of pumpkin pie was served to each of us. There was no better way of ending a Thanksgiving dinner without a slice of pumpkin pie.
Back in California on Thanksgiving night, my neighbour, Mrs Harret, would bring over some fresh pumpkin pie and because I was alone on most Thanksgiving nights, I would end up eating it.
Once we were done, Ryan paid the check and we left the restaurant.
"I was thinking if we went for a walk in the park." Ryan asks us. "That sounds fun!" Emma got excited as she placed her arms around his. I saw her excitement and knew she wanted to spend some time with him.
"Why don't you two go for it." I say.
"Oh don't worry about us, come on!" Ryan says again.
"No, you guys go ahead." I stick my words.
"What are you two going to do while we're away?" Ryan looked at Jasper who stood silently the entire time.
"We're not five, Ryan. Spend some time with your girl." Jasper tells him. "If you say so." Ryan sighs; Jasper nodded his head and had a small smile on his face.
My best friend was very excited to go for this walk and soon the couple set off for their walk into the park, leaving me with Jasper.
Now that they left, I had no idea how I was to keep myself occupied.
I turned to look at Jasper and I found him checking his phone. Checking my phone was an option but considering how long a romantic walk can be, I would get bored.
"Um...Jasper?" I look at him. He looks up from his phone and looks at me. "Do you like uh... Have any idea to keep ourselves occupied till they get back?" I ask. I wasn't sure of his answer but I really did not want to hear an "I Don't Know".
"I was thinking of reading my book in here." He showed me his phone. "But if you have any other idea then I might consider it." He tells me.
Reading a book?
"I don't but reading a book on such a lovely evening?" I ask him.
"We could go for a walk, maybe?" I suggest. "Uh yeah, that's cool." He nods his head slightly.
A walk would be a lot better than just staring at a phone whose battery could run out.
We crossed the road and turned to the opposite direction of what Ryan and Emma took.
There were people walking up and down the path. There were couples walking hand in hand and staring at each like there was no tomorrow. The lamp post at every interval made this Thanksgiving night more winter.
Jasper had his hand in his pockets and walked beside me in silence. I realised that if I did not start a conversation he would probably take his phone out and begin to read his book.
"What program are you graduating in?" A small simple question to begin with.
"International Business." He replies. "Interesting." I say.
"You've taken Marketing and Human Resource, right?" How did know he that?
"How did you know that?" I turn to him. "Library gossip groups. You and Daniel Justin are in the same class." I slightly nod.
"How is it that you aren't seen around?" I ask him. "Don't like being a part of unwanted gossips and get distracted." He replies and looks at me.
"Got your entire future planned?"
"Worked on it and making it come true." He tells me. "What about you? Got any plans?" He asks me.
"Planning for a future of uncertainty is a waste of time. I try to live and survive every day." I answer.
"By planning you can create your future."
"You are bound to change them when life takes over your plan." I look at him. "Having a stubborn plan just makes life boring." I tell him.
Well, what an advice. I have no plan and my life is boring.
"You've got a point there." I hear him say. I smile a little.
Remember when I said that tonight had an unusual weather. Now I'm freezing. The food I ate seems to have disappeared and nothing was keeping me warm. This was not how I wanted my evening to turn out, me turning into a popsicle!
I rub my hands together to keep myself warm. I tried to not let him see but I wasn't very good at it.
"Are you cold?" I heard him ask.
"I-I'm fine. Don't-t w-worry." I tell him and continue to run my hands together.
"Don't be crazy, you're freezing." He stops me and looks at me. "Here, take this coat." He begins to take off his coat and he handed it to me.
"I'm fine, J-Jasper." I stop him from giving me his coat. "No you're not, please take this." He offered his coat again. His eyes were soft and I could not possibly deny his offer for those gorgeous eyes.
I nod my head and take his coat.
"Do you really think you would be breathing after their romantic walk without the coat?" He asks me.
I did not reply and carefully wore his coat.
We continued to walk, how long was this path? Living here I do know that the park was big but this is just too long a walk. I crossed my arms over my chest and snuggled a little under the coat, to get myself comfortable.
"Are you feeling better." I nod my head. "Thank you." I smile.
"No worries although I'm pretty sure turning into a popsicle is not on your bucket list." I laugh which made him laugh.
We walked on to a small bridge and stood there for a bit staring at the night sky and the frozen stream.
"Are you going home for Christmas?" He asks me.
"I'm not; I'm staying in to finish off my work. What about you?" I ask.
"I could never miss Christmas with my family. I'll be heading home for sure." He had a bright smile on his face.
A family guy, something different I've seen in guys.
"That sounds good." I smile in response; he smiles back and then looked to the other side.
"Have you had the hot chocolate made by that man?" I turned around to face the direction he was facing. I found a man standing behind a small stall handing some cups to some people.
"What's so special about? It's just hot chocolate." I shrug.
"That man sells the best hot chocolate in the entire New York and for Winter, he uses a secret ingredient that makes it more special." He begins to explain.
"Seriously, a secret ingredient?"
"I'm not kidding!" He shook his head. "You would choose him over Starbucks just for the hot chocolate." He tells me.
"What if I don't?" I look at him.
"I'll buy you one and then you believe or not believe in what I just told you." He had a grin on his face. "You won't regret, I promise." He tells me.
"Alright, I'll have one." I sigh.
He walked down the bridge and walked over to the man that sold hot chocolate.
"Two hot chocolate please." Jasper gives the order. The man had a warm smile on his face as he poured the hot chocolate into two medium sized cups.
He handed Jasper both the cups, Jasper paid him and he then came to where I was standing. He gave me a cup and he took a sip of his. I took a sip of mine and it was good, the best I've had so far, but it was just a hot chocolate.
"So, what do you think?" he asks me.
"It is delicious but it's nothing very special, to be honest." I shrug and take another sip.
"Oh come on, this is no ordinary drink. Can you not taste the special ingredient?" He asks me.
"You're seriously going to believe that? Next, you're going to tell me that fairy tales are true in some way." I mock.
"Well, fantasy is created from reality so yes there could be realistic fairy tales."
I did not respond to that and decided to concentrate on my hot chocolate.
The walk in the park was never planned, just like the night's weather. Talking to an almost stranger is not something you would do on a cold evening, but I did.
I had my very first conversation with Jasper, who according to Ryan doesn't get along with people. Jasper was a mystery and for some reason, I liked his company.
Thanks to Ryan and Emma's romantic walk, I got to know a little about him.
I, after all, have something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Over the weekend all Emma wanted to know was what I did while they were away.
She did tell me about her walk with Ryan but she wanted to know about mine.
Every time she asked I answered, "We just walked and talked on random stuff."
Somehow, she wasn't very satisfied with my answer but all those questions faded away when she remembered about her upcoming test and my submissions.
On a snowing Tuesday morning, Emma and I held our coffee mugs to keep us awake. We had more concealer to hide our tired eyes and thick eyeliner with mascara to let us look a little fresh.
Emma ran into her lecture hall after telling me goodbye and I walked away from mine and found a seat away from the main area.
When we were asked to, I submitted my assignment and then let out a sigh of relief because one of my assignments was done and I was very happy with my work.
While attending one of my other boring lectures, I checked my email and I received one from the writers club.
A friendly reminder of our Holiday Homework Assignment and greeting us, the members, a very Happy Holiday.
Just when I gave in one, here I get reminded of the other one.
I lean back on my seat and stare at the mail. If it wasn't for participation points and not been a teamwork, I would have probably ignored this task like what I've been doing for a while now.
Just as I was about close the app, my phone vibrates to indicate that I have received a new mail.
It wasn't from a usual sender but the sender reminded me of the best hot chocolate I have ever had.
Dear Holly Anne,
I happen to realise that we haven't worked on a theme for our Holiday work and as we have come close to the last working day, I think we should meet up and come up with something to work on. What do you think?
Jasper Anderson.
I wanted to reply to the email right there but my ears caught on to some important words that my lecturer was announcing to the class.
What great timings.
"You still did not tell me where you are going! You promised that you would come shopping with me!" I heard Emma whine.
"I did not say that I will not be accompanying you for that! Emma, I just want to go out for a bit and I will meet you at Topshop around five." I turn around and tell her.
"What are you going to do alone for a bit?"
"People have their personal stuff, Emma. After I'm done with that I will come where ever you want." I tell her again.
"Save both our energies and just tell me?" she requests.
"I'm just meeting Jasper for the Writer's Club Assignment at Starbucks." I say while I put on my boots. "So you're going on a date with Jasper?" she asks me.
"Why does everything turn to dates? Emma, I'm meeting him for this task that I am unfortunately in." I sigh and look at her. "I do not like dating." I state.
"One experience, that's all you had and you're making your judgement. I'm telling you, Holly, this winter, things will turn around for you."
"And like I said before if that needs to happen then let it happen." I fake a smile and walk out of my room.
It was a cold pleasant Thursday afternoon. Tomorrow will be the last working day before the university closes for the winter. This year, it's been snowing whenever it could, you need boiling hot water to warm oneself up in the morning.
Later that day after I received Jasper's mail, I replied to his by saying that it would be fine if we met up. We decided that we would meet up on Thursday after checking both schedule and convenience. My hands were in the pockets of my hoodie and continued to walk on the pavements towards Starbucks.
Every store on the way was decorated for the season, for Christmas. I never hated Christmas but I don't have any good memory to remind me of a good Christmas. Hence I never looked forward to it.
I walked past some people and finally reached the door of Starbucks. As I opened the door, I was greeted with the smell of fresh coffee.
Starbucks was busy like every other day at any time of the day. Nobody ever got bored of this place and if anyone did get bored of it, then they've got a weird head.
As I walked into the shop, I scanned the shop and tried to spot Jasper among the people who were seated. I soon found a familiar beanie. He had a book in his hand and I knew it would Jasper itself. I walked past the tables and stopped in front of Jasper's.
"I hope I did not make the wait too long." He looked up from his book and I was greeted by those gorgeous blue eyes.
"Oh hello. You're not late at all." He smiles.
"That's good." I place my bag on the chair opposite to his. "Is it alright if I got myself a coffee before we start?" I ask him.
"Yeah sure." He nods his head before taking a sip of his coffee. I smile and head over to the counter.
"One Grande Chestnut Praline Latte." I inform the man standing behind the counter. I told him my name and he wrote it down in the cup. I paid him and then moved to my right and waited till my drink got ready.
I walked back to the table when my coffee was ready. I sat down and he kept his book aside. I took a sip of my hot latte and waited for him to start the conversation.
"What are you thinking of writing?" He asks me.
"To be honest, I haven't thought about it." He looks at me. "I rarely even write, if it wasn't for the club's policy I would have withdrawn my name." I tell him.
"But since I'm in this, I have no other choice but to write for my grades."
"That's not an issue. We'll work on it." He tells me.
We both took another sip our coffee and then looked at each other.
"I might be right to think that you haven't got a theme to write it on." he starts the conversation again. "We need to work on a Winter Tale. We could work on one of our best memory of Winter or Christmas," he suggests. "It's a general idea but memories are always unique." he smiles.
"That sounds great." I reply with a small smile and took another sip of my coffee.
Winter Memories.
I don't have any except for the ones that I spent with my grandparents back when I was three.
"You don't seem to be happy with my idea." I heard him say.
"Nothing like that." I shook my head and looked at him. "I actually like the idea, memories are unique." I tell him.
"But there's more to that" I nod my head
"Can I be honest about something?" I ask him.
"Yeah, I like when people are honest." he tells me.
"Apart from Emma and me, nobody else knows about this." he nods his head. I sigh and speak up again, "I haven't the best of Winters and in a way, I don't like much of Thanksgiving and Christmas because I haven't experienced it properly." I look at him.
"You don't like Christmas." he looks at me with a serious face.
"I know you love it and it is crazy to even be of this kind. I'm not a Scrooge who hates Christmas, I'm just a person who hasn't enjoyed her Winter breaks well." I explain.
After that we, we became silent. We just continued to sit there. He drank his coffee, so did I, not a word came out of our mouth.
He probably will be thinking why he got me as a partner. Plus, I'm stupid to have told him all this. The strong image I wear every day just came off today.
My phone kept vibrating in my pocket while we spoke and it continued to vibrate during the silence. I finally pulled it out and checked.
Nothing new, Emma just kept calling me, but that's when I noticed the time. It was quarter past five and I was supposed to meet her at five. I messaged her telling her that I'll meet her at H&M.
I place the phone back in my pocket and drank the last bit of my almost cold coffee. I picked my bag and got up from the couch.
"Uh Jasper, I need to meet my friend at H&M so uh we'll meet up later." he looks up at me. "Oh, okay actually I need to go somewhere there." he says and got up and stood next to me.
We walked out of the shop, crossed the road and,walked down the sidewalk. It was a fifteen-minute walk to H&M. Jasper and I walked in silence.
We finally came on the street where H&M was. After walking for another minute or two, we stopped in front of H&M.
"I'll see you later then." I turn to Jasper.
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