《Visions from Volterra》Chapter 12 Revelations and Blood....


Author's note: Hey guys, here is chapter 12. Now a heads up, Jane and River will be a feature in this chapter. And if you don't like LGBT storylines and characters, kindly bugger off. Slight intimate scene/hints.(Heads up, I made jane as well as alec since they are twins, both 18. Although even if I left it at the movie age, jane's still the one robbing the cradle.)

Song playlist :

Song 1-Sinners and Saints by Andrea Wasse

Song 2-Everybody knows by Wild fires

Song 3-Throne by Saint Mesa

Song 4-Make Me Believe by The EverLove

Song 5 -Wicked as They Come by CRMNL


She gently places her glass on the countertop before she glances over her reflection in the mirror. She rakes her long fingernails through her long dark hair. She smiled at her reflection, admiring her appearance she was so perfect she thought to herself. Grace had always considered herself to be beautiful more than the average girl. But she never knew how truly stunning she could be until Raphael turned her.

''Raphael'', Grace scoffed at the thought of her creator. He was an idiot which is why Atticus and herself had stayed away from the battle. Shortly before that traitor river had left to rat them out to the Volturi grace had observed Mira, River, and Tiberius's suspicious behavior. She never said anything. She liked watching from the shadows and liked waiting. Raphael never was patient like she was.

And low and behold the three little traitors ruined everything. She could have been a queen. Well, that's what Raphael told her anyway, once they crushed every vampire that dared stand in their way.

Raphael, oh how stupid he was. He was a hell of friends with benefits but a terrible leader. The only reason he was so successful was because of his little human. Mira.

Disgust filled Grace's face,'' That little bitch ruined everything''.She muttered to herself. Grace's nails gripped the side of the bathroom counter. Deep claw marks cover the edges, grace stops herself from crushing the marble countertop. Easing her grip. Grace then smiled as she thought,'' no... it's not over. That little bitch isn't getting off easy.''Grace snatches her glass before walking over to the bathtub. Inside was the dead body of the male occupant. They had just finished him. Cuts and bit marks littered his body. He was in a white t-shirt and boxers which were now soaked in blood. He was laying on one side of the tub.

Grace's gaze fell on the woman who was staring out the bathroom door towards the master bedroom. She was sobbing a gag in her mouth. Tears fell down her face.

The Woman, Nora finally looks at grace, she mumbles a plead through her gag. Grace just smiles at her before crouching next to her.

Like the man (who was called Simon) the woman had cuts all over her body. And bite marks they had been careful not to release venom that could turn either one. Grace and Atticus did follow some rules. Not to turn people recklessly. Grace raised her free hand and racked her nail across in a teasing manner over Nora's cheek. Before swiping her sharp nail drawing blood. Nora tried to scream but the gag keeps her, so all she can do is cry as grace pressed her glass against the cut. Quite a bit of blood pours into the glass filling the glass halfway. Then pulling away grace stands up with her glass and takes a sip before going back to her previous train of thoughts.''Ah where was I ...yes'', She began to chuckles a bit as she took another sip.''Hmm yes, mira...that little bitch is gonna pay...and she'll never see it coming''.Grace exclaimed.



River laid in bed covers wrapped around their body. River glanced to the empty bed. Jane was in the bathroom freshening up redoing her hair which had gotten tangled. River smiled to themselves before getting up releasing the covers from their body. River strolled in all their naked glory towards the dresser. Opening one of the drawers sliding on their underwear first then put on a sports bra which they used instead of a normal bra most of the time. Glancing behind her river took in her clothes which still were on the ground. Normally, river would have put on her old underwear at least but those were torn to pieces. Jane and river had gotten a little carried away last night. River thought to themselves,'' Hmm does this mean we're like official''.They questioned to themselves.

River had never dated anyone. Hooked up a few times yeah but never dated. For a while, they were trying to figure out what they liked.

And what she liked was jane.

Never in their 24 years had they felt the way they felt about jane. River smiled as they shuffled to the other drawer opening it. Grabbing an under t-shirt before closing the drawer. River strolled to the wardrobe opening it before grabbing a button-up and a pair of bottoms. Quickly throwing it on before walking to the mirror.

Pale unblemished skin and Bright red eyes meet river.

River had gone fishing with Heidi recently, so all of the volturi were very well feed. Besides guarding mira the other duties river had included going on missions, patrolling the guards but river's most important duty besides protecting mira was going out with Heidi.

With river's help fishing is a lot easier for Heidi.Less trouble for the Volturi too. With river's help, they have picked out targets that wouldn't be missed. River liked to pick the people who had the desire for death that way they were killing two birds with one stone. Also while river was out they could keep an eye out for possible recruits. The masters were pleased, to say the least.

As river slipped on socks and boots. They felt arms wrap around their waist as they stood up smiling. River glanced behind them to see jane smiling warmly at her.''Morning love''., Jane remarked. River turned around to face jane. They matched in height practically. Though River was a little taller than jane. Jane gazed into river's eyes before sincerely saying,'' Last night was nice. I hope we can spend more time together''.Jane then glanced down biting her lip nervously. River smirked a little at jane's nervousness. Knowing her reputation this was very out of character for her.

River saw how vulnerable she was. River's brows furrowed and their face changed to a sympathetic expression. A gentle finger grasped jane's chin lifting it so her eyes met rivers. Jane's expression changed to confusion then surprise as river swiftly kissed jane delicately on the lips. Jane's body relaxed and her arms pulled river's body closer. Both of them kissed each other passionately for what seems like an eternity before they both reluctantly pulled away.

Unfortunately, they couldn't stay like this.

Both sighed dramatically.

''We should head down'', Jane prompted.

River agreed with a nod,'' Yeah we should''.

River finished getting dressed. While jane had changed back into her clothes from the other night.After leaving the bed to head to the bathroom.

River reluctantly released their hold of jane to grab both of their cloaks. Jane met river by the door reaching to grab her cloak only to have river wrap it around her. Jane giggle and smiled warmly at river,'' Thank you ''.She said.


River kissed jane on the side of her head. Then helped her secure the cloak before throwing their cloak on. Wrapping it around their shoulders.

River grabbed the handle gently opening it gesturing to jane to go first.''My lady''.River said while holding the door open.

Jane giggled and looked like she wanted to blush(if she could). She left first with river following quickly behind her. Shutting the door behind them.


Throne room-Volterra,Italy 7:25 am

Aro was casually sitting glancing through one of the numerous art books they had. Aro was dressed in a well-tailored black suit with a burgundy tie. His Volturi crest is proudly displayed around his neck. His Black hair fell gracefully over his shoulders. He was reading about early renaissance art when the large doors for the throne room swung open. Jane and River walked in side by side. Aro looked up then smiled happily greeting them,'' Jane...River, it's so lovely to see you both''.He exclaimed. Aro then glanced an eyebrow at jane.''Hmm is she wearing the same clothes from yesterday ...strange''?He thought to himself. His face changed to a thoughtful expression. Then shook his head pushing any thoughts away,'' It's none of my busy really''.

River and Jane's faces remained neutral simply nodding,'' Masters''.They both muttered. Indicating to aro and their other masters caius and Marcus.

Both the other masters acknowledged their presence with more than simple head nods.

Marcus usually made noises of discontent ...and internal agony occasionally. Smiled towards Jane and River spoke first,'' Hello my dears how are you''.Which both vampires replied a simple,'' Very well thank you, master Marcus''.

It was still very strange to hear him talk for this long. Jane found it much harder to deal with since she had been there for so long.

Jane and river turned their attention to master caius who simply said hello to jane and river, who replied accordingly.

It was concerning how quiet caius was he usually would openly complain but he shockingly had been in a good mood.

Tiberius had finally arrived this morning around 5:30 am, He had been in his room unpacking and only had arrived at the throne room shortly before jane and river.

River glanced to first Marcus then caius who nodded towards them in acknowledgment. As both river and jane stood guard waiting for Mira's arrival.

Marcus was sitting in another chair, with his hands resting on the arms. Smile now gone replaced by a neutral expression on his face. He was dressed in his usual black suit with a black tie. His hair was down that fell on his shoulders. Caius was standing he had been looking over the books on the desks.

River internally sighed. Even with jane here, river felt a twinge of boredom.''I hope Mira gets up soon ''.River hoped.

Footsteps clicked softly against the stone the large throne doors swung open. River's head turned towards the opening door. A small smile on their face.''Well not Ro but just as good'', She concluded. River would have heard her heart beating.

The masters greeted Demetri similarly to Jane and river. Demetri walked over to greet River and jane.

''Hey jane...hey Riv how are both of you this morning?'', Demetri smiled warmly towards them.

Jane nodded and spoke a rather formal greeting,''Ah yes good morning Demetri I am doing very well this morning.''.

Then there was river...

River grinned at Demetri before hugging catching him a little of guard but he quickly accepted the hug. Before chuckling,'' Wow! You must have had a really good morning river''.He said in a playful tone.


Meanwhile else where in the volturi castle...

In mira and Demetri's room a soft breeze of cool air came through the cracked window by their bed it outlooked the courtyard which held a private garden. On the side table next to the bed held fresh flowers which Demetri tried to pick every other day.

Mira's eyes fluttered open to light from the windows entered slowly, she checked the clock next to her at 7:30 AM. Mornings in Volterra always were beautiful to watch. The warm sunlight poured into her room in the yellowish-orange hue mira had begun getting used to. Mira yawned then stretched lazily. She turned to the other side of the bed, which was empty. It was neatly remade by Demetri like he did every morning. Even though vampires did not need to sleep he would lay next to mira every night until she fell asleep. She smiled to herself before reluctantly getting up. She stretched her arms then slowly made her way out of her bed. She glanced out the small window she was lucky enough to have a view of the small private guard. She was higher up in the castle nearby the tower where the wives were.

Mira walked to her bathroom once inside she approached the vanity. Which she sat down and began brushing her tangled blonde hair. She hummed softly to herself. Then she paused before the same feeling she always got right before her gift acted up. Her whole body tensed then the vision took over. Her eyes widen. And shot up out of her seat at the vanity. Mira ran out of the bathroom and ran towards the bedroom door. She grabbed from the coat rake by the door her cloak. Her cloak would be described as pitch black, it was the darkest cloak the darker the cloak the higher the rank. Like her Demetri had a high ranking which increased when she joined. Having a mate with an important gift had its perks. Even if the Volturi found another more gifted tracker, Demetri wouldn't need to worry about his position.

Once mira grabs her cloak and slides on a pair of black flats before running out of the room. She was still in her nightgown but she didn't care. She wraps her cloak around herself and adjusts her Volturi crest necklace. And gently moves her hair, before letting her hair fall behind her back. Mira rushed to the throne room it was important. The masters had to know what she saw.

Mira clutched the cloak around her as she ran down the hallway. She felt sick ...she felt as if her stomach was in knots. She ran past the receptionist Quinn. She was the newest one.Quinn was pretty with Long red hair and green eyes which suited her face well .She was tall and slender wearing a well fitted dress that hugged her body.It was low cut and short like all the receptists wore mostly to appear more desireable.Cordelia was attractive yes (for a human at least)but attractiveness only gets you so far.Especially for the volturi if you didn't bring something other then looks you can kiss immortality goodbye.

Cordelia got up from her seat and began to ask if she needed help but mira waved her off.

Mira learned not to talk to her too much better not to get attached. Besides she had already seen her death.And her replacement. Who actly seemed to have a more promising future then cordelia does.Besides from what she's heard about cordelia she's surpised she's lasted this long.She also got the sneaking suspicion she was jealous of mira's status that she already had the volturi crest but was still human.Plus she seemed upset that demetri and her were mates.Apparently she had a flirtious relationship with demetri before river had come to the volturi.Not only to spill about the newborn army but that demetri had a mate.Well demetri dropped her fast.

Mira ran past her and down the hallway.

The hallway was light by a few lite candles. The stone walls and floors were in immaculate conditions despite being centuries old. Mira flats make soft clicks. As she ran down the hallway descending the stairs that lead to the throne room. Mira walked down the stairs and quickly walked up to the door. Which immediately swung open.

Mira was greeted by river. Who smiling seeing mira,'' I thought that was you I heard you coming down...Good morn-'', River began but paused looking at mira. A look of confusion as she first took in her outfit,'' What are you wearing Ro- wait what's wrong''.River asked alarmed first at her she was concerned when she saw her friend's expression. River wrapped an arm around her friend gently pulling her into the throne room. Demetri immediately speeds over to mira who was looked just as alarmed as river. He had been standing by Marcus.'' What's wrong my love?'', He asked concerned.

Mira practically ran over to Demetri shaking off river who now looked more concerned. Mira who had tears in her eyes,'' I had a vision'', she sobbed into his shoulder. Aro got up alarmed as he walked up to mira, He looked concerned,'' May I ?'', He asked.

Mira looked up and gently removed herself from Demetri. She held out her hand. Allowing aro to hold it,caius and Marcus both moved closer to aro observing him as he took in Mira's vision.

Aro took in Mira's vision easily, he always eagerly took in her visions which were a marvel to behold. Even the past ones she had when she was still captured by Raphael. But as he took in this vision his eyes go wide in shock then a look of horror crosses his face.


Blood was the first thing mira saw. Then bodies a few humans that had been drained and dramatically draped around a house. Two figures were lounging on the furniture near a fireplace. Which was lit a glass full of blood is set down. One of the figures, which mira quickly realizes is Grace. She had a smirk on her face which then changes into a frown as she glances at Atticus who is on another couch with another figure. Grace glares at him ''Get rid of her already''.

A young woman appeared to be of college-age. Who had tears streaming down her cheeks. She was pretty with high cheekbones and pretty blue-green eyes. Blonde hair tangled on told of her head. Atticus shot grace a pout before complaining,'' Oh come on I just want to play with this one a little longer''.

Grace shoots him a nasty look which makes him sigh and give in.'' Fine...I'll get rid of her...she was getting boring anyway''.He exclaimed dramatically with a bored undertone.

The girl whimpered as he rough yanked her neck to the neck to the side.''Besides I'm a little thirsty''.He added. Before quickly sinking his teeth into the young woman's neck. The vision fades with the girl's screams.

Next mira sees the house that she soon realizes is a cabin on fire. And the two vampires speeding away. Another image of the two vampires in the woods approaching two figures.

Two very ancient-looking figures.One with dark curls and the other with pale blonde hair.Both grace and Atticus smirk as they look at the other two who look...intrigued.

Aro gasps in disbelief,'' The Romanians and the two rouges...Grace and Atticus are going to meet with . Caius looks at aro in horror than in anger,'' They're meeting with the Romanian scum unbelievable''.Marcus looks on with a small look of concern. But he remains silent.

Aro raises a hand to silence caius as he continues with the vision.

The Romanians are now shaking hands and nodding in agreement. Satisfied expressions on their faces.

The image wanes and another vision which made both mira and now aro very confused.

The castle and giggles small footsteps running around. Then out of the shadows a small figure. Of a child ...Mira and aro both are unable to distinguish what the child looks like as the vision is hazy.

Demetri playfully running after the small figure,'' I'm gonna get you!'', He laughs before catching up to the small figure scooping the small child into his arms. A squeal of delight before the small child exclaimed,'' No more daddy''.

The vision changes to the child hiding shaking in fear as mira hears to her terror the voice of Atticus,'' Come out poppet I just want to say hello... how about I take you so we can find mommy? huh..''.

The vision ends.

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