《Visions from Volterra》Chapter 11:Never cry again [Edited:May 5th ,2021]
Author's note: Hey here is the long-awaited chapter 11. I made it as long as possible. Enjoy another more detailed author's note is at the end. Also will have a slight trigger warning.
Mira's chapter outfit
1.Alice Kristiansen-Moon and Back
2.before you exit-clouds
3.In this moment-in the air tonight
4.The Rafferty Coven theme: Death don't have no mercy by Delaney Davidson And Marlon Williams
5.Nothing but thieves -hanging
6.Devil's worst nightmare-Fjora
7.Adam jones-You can run
River wrapped their cloak around their shoulders fastening in place. River glanced at their reflection before sighing.
'' I'll never get over these eyes.''River muttered to themselves. River then chuckled as river remembered how Tiberius would often make jokes to make river feel better if they felt bad about themselves especially if it was because of their eyes. River smiled at the thought. Before glancing at their reflection one last time.Taking a moment to fix their hair before finally turning to leave. River walked to their door.
River opened the door only to be greeted by jane who looked as if she was about to knock. River and jane both step back in surprise then both chuckled,'' Oh sorry...''.They both apologize at the same time. Both awkwardly smile at each other. They look at each other for a moment before jane speaks,'' Oh um I was just coming to check on you I just left the throne room the masters and mira are still discussing what to do they're gonna be a while...they um didn't want to be disturbed''.She explained.
River looks at Jane surprised she came all this way just to check to see if they were okay.''And I guess it was a good thing too '''.River thought to themselves,'' I didn't have to waste a trip if they don't want to be disturbed''.
River smiled then spoke,'' Um thanks for coming all this way and letting me know''.River observed jane who smiled which from what river had heard rarely happened. While river on the other hand had only seen her smile when she was inflicting pain, with her brother hanging out ...or...wait a minute. River thought,'' Jane would smile at me ...omg omg omg...wait does she''.River frantically was trying to think and say something.''Omg damn, what is wrong with me am I not able to figure out if a woman is into me anyone too? Ugh!! omg, what if likes she... likes me more than a friend. Oh shit, what do I do?''.River panics before a now confused Jane replies,'' Um you're welcome River''.
River smiles and relaxes her body a little bit.''Okay, river plays it cool...be cool '''.Jane smiles when she sees river smiling.
''Omg...why is she so pretty it hurts ''.River thinks groaning internally.
River then awkwardly asks,'' Um jane?''.Jane looks curiously at river before replying,'' Yes?''.
''Do you want to ...um come in a bit?''River asked hopefully. Jane smiles then looks almost bashful. Nodding then replying,'' I'd love to '''.River steps to the side allowing Jane to walk in. River almost giggles with happiness before shutting the door behind them.
Outside the door and further down the hall is a puzzled Felix, who peaks his head outside his door having seen the entire awkward conversation. He raised a brow in confusion then he shrugs before goes back into his room. He closed the door before rushing back to open the door then stares at river's door. Only to hear rushed footsteps then the sound of the door locking. Felix then appears to understand,'' Oh shit ....okay,''.He says. Felix then thinks before heading back into his room.''Good for both of them...but dear god poor river. Possibly in a relationship with JANE ...of all people. Dear gods, I pity river. Let's just hope they never have a couple's fight because that would be bad''.Felix thought to himself as he goes back to his chair to read.
End of recap
Chapter 11 :
The Masters had dispersed after they conversed in the throne room with Mira and Demetri. Most of the guards were in their room or walking the halls monitoring. Jane had gone to river's room to inform them. And she was ''hanging'' out with river, according to Felix. From the look Felix had on his face, they might have been doing more than hanging out. Felix had swung by once the meeting was done to let mira and Demetri know that river was ''busy'' and to try talking to them later. When mira asked Felix; If he'd seen river. Demetri and Mira left the throne room and headed to Mira's room. Once, they headed inside to spend some much-needed alone time.
Demetri and Mira were sitting in the bedroom she was given. It still felt weird. It was A light blue with lighter furniture. Demetri still had his room, for now, to give her time to adjust and to so he could slowly move his stuff in. Mira glanced around her room. In the room, there was a dresser which had a few of his books and magazine on them. A bathroom was in the corner; the door was open. Inside was a beautiful clawed bathtub in pearl shade. The Towels were blue with lace trim and pink flowers.
The Sink was a simple cabinet with marble on top. But the vanity was a nice addition. The bathroom had plenty of space it wasn't too large. Her room was one of the newer rooms that had been renovated. So in addition to the bathtub, there's a shower. The walls and flooring were the oldest things in the room. All hand-done tile and detailing work.
Although her actual bedroom particularly, her bed was her favorite part.
It was soft like sleeping on a cloud Mira knew that vampires did not need a comfortable bed to sleep on although they still used them mostly for lounging and other reasons...
Mira had a Queen bed with a wooden headboard, It wasn't too old because apparently, they changed them out every once in a while. Because they had the tenacity to break although her headboard was old since no never used that room; so they never needed to replace it. Well, maybe not yet. But mira had plans for the future. Demetri and Mira had been taking it slow but mira didn't plan on being that slow for too much longer.
Mira snapped out that line of thought.''I better stop before I start blushing''.She thought. Mira began to play with the comforter on the bed. It's was a beautiful Creme color with soft pillows that matched that piled up on the top of her bed...
At the end of the bed was a pile of blankets with Mira's bags she had brought with her. It held some of the few things she still had in this world. Among the few things she had in this world included: A few dresses, t-shirts, a few pairs of socks and undergarments, her journaling, and art supplies. And ...
Around the room wasn't much to write home about. The walls were rather bare and the dressers were rather empty. The top was bare other than some of Demetri's things. Demetri had put away a few of his clothes inside of the dresser or inside the wardrobe that was near the bathroom.
Demetri gently nudged mira while glazing at her.''You okay my love?''.He asks.
She smiles and softly replies.'' Yeah, I'm fine...it's just I haven't had a bedroom in a while. Since you know...''.Demetri gives an understanding expression while replying,'' Oh right sorry''.He chuckles after he says sorry. Mira nods then spaces out staring at nothing in particular. She began to think of the empty walls of her new room and began to wonder if she should paint something to put on them.''I wonder where I should put the easel?''.Mira pondered. When her train of thought was interrupted with a gentle hand turn her face. Her gaze switched to look, Demetri. He chuckled a bit at how surprised she looked. She gave him a puzzled look,'' What?''.She asked.
He smiled while observing her face.'' You are the best thing to ever happen to me you know''.Demetri sincerely exclaimed; His dark red eyes lock onto her blue. A smile formed on her face. Mira then replied,'' And your the best thing to happen to me...you were the start of my life...my new life. My Universe...''.
Demetri's hand gently cupped her jaw, Demetri's eyes flicked to look at Mira's lips. He looked back to her as if silence requesting a kiss. Mira smile then nod gave him his answer. She glanced at his lips all the while leaning in. A soft kiss greeted her which she could feel him smile as she did.
Demetri tilted his head and pressed into the kiss deeper. Mira wrapped her arms around Demetri's neck pulling him closer. After a moment they both turn away to look at each other. Both of them gaze into each other eyes then softly smile at each other.
''I never knew...'', Demetri began,'' Love before I meet you''.He whispered. Mira Blushed before smiling, her dimples began more prominent. Demetri chuckled.
Mira gazed into his eyes then spoke lovingly towards him,'' And I knew if love, at first sight, was real until I meet you''.She stated.
Demetri admires his mate's lovely eyes when she smiles. Her expression then changes to a look of sadness. Demetri furrows his brows,'' what's wrong ?''.
Mira sighs,'' I just realized how quickly my life just changed. Like when I first met Raphael...well meet is a strong word''.She said. Demetri tilts his head then gently asks,'' Do you want to talk about it''.
Mira looks at Demetri briefly biting her lip before answering.
Mira finally spoke,'' Well, river was made first before her there had been a couple of failed attempts that Raphael destroyed. Then he made Grace and Atticus.A few others of other newborns from the army. Then Raphael found me through river''.Tears brimmed her eyes she looked down but Demetri gently grabbed her chin tilting back up so she was looking at him.
''You don't have to...''.Demetri began to say. But mira held a hand up placing it gently on his cheek. He closed his eyes before smiling.
When he opened them again mira assured.'' I'm can tell you it okay''.She paused then wiped away tears that have fallen on her face. Then began reciting her story,'' It was almost two years ago, Raphael started his army back up a year ago with most of his army but began forming his most useful recruits including river. I was living in chicago, I was going to college ...community college I was still figuring things out''.
Rosie was walking back to her small apartment. It was nearby the college so she didn't have to walk far. Her cellphone buzzed she smiled and pulled out her phone. Her phone case was blue with white clouds with her initial ''R'' on it. Rosie read the caller id ''Mom''.She chuckled then asked,'' Hi momma I'm just walking home what's up''.She asks curiously. The soft and reassuring voice of her mother was on the other end.''Hiya mon bébé Rosie I was just checking on you how was art class going well''.Rosie's mother Vivian asked. Rosie's mother had always been a worrier. Her father Arnold was less tense and strict, Rosie heard her mother object over the phone then heard the stern yet loving voice of her father.''Aww don't mind your mother Mein Liebling Rosmarin she's been worried lately she been reading her tarot cards too much''.He said.
Rosie chuckled then shook her head. Her mother was French and Italian but mostly french as she always told her. Her mother Vivian had married her father Arnold when they meet at an art exhibition in France. Long story short they fell in love at first sight. Then eloped and even had Rosie's brothers and her. Her father was a German-American was a professor in history who had been invited to the exhibition where he meets Vivian who was an art curator.
Rosie smiled at the thought of her parents with fondness. She had a wonderful childhood. She was born in Boston ,Massachusetts but she remembers spending summers in France, Germany, and occasionally Italy.
Vivian's voice could be heard now on speakerphone along with her fathers.''I know what I saw there was death in the cards. My baby, please be careful.'', She begged.
Rosie sighed,'' Mamma I am fine I haven't seen anything in my visions lately''.Calmly she said.
Rosie was ''touched with the gift'' as her mother explained to her it ran in her family for generations. Her mother had American ties and one of her relatives had died who might have had the gift. Which made her mother paranoid she was next. She shook her head as her mother chatted her ear off about the cards but luckily her father told her to knock it off after a minute. Rosie glanced at the time on her phone.''Oh no mamma ...papa I have to go I love and I'll try calling you in the morning''.Rosie reassured. She heard both her parents sighed. Her mother then told her,'' Goodnight my sweet girl I want to talk to you bright and early okay''.Vivian told her.Her voice almost sounded sad but optimistic.
Rosie smiled,'' yes mamma goodnight talk to you in the morning''.She assured to her mother. Then she spoke to her father,'' Goodnight papa I'll talk to you both in the morning''.Rosie assured.
She heard her father Arnold chuckled then say,'' Goodnight my Mein Herz''.
Rosie told her parent for the last time,'' Goodnight I love you''.Rosie then heard her parents reply,'' we love you, Rosie''.
Rosie then hung up if she knew that would be the last time she talked to her parents she would have talked to them the rest of the night on her way home. Then maybe Raphael never would have approached her. But she also knows that wasn't true.
As soon as she hung up it happened. She gasped and froze letting the vision take her over.
Two pairs of red eyes. One predatory while the other was sad as they observed her.'' Don't Raphael this one''.A voice spoke. A person with short dark hair speeds in front of her.''Not this one I told you before we came down to let this one go''.The voice begged.
''tsk river you know better you spared that other human that walked back now either we turn or feed you know my rules''.The man Raphael ordered.
Then her vision ended.
Rosie frantically looked around then began to walk quickly. She heard voices. Oh no she thought just like my vision.No this isn't happening she thought. Her boot heels click across the paved streets. Her blonde hair fell over her face as she quickened her pace.
On a nearby rooftop stood River and Raphael who had been observing humans. River had just turned away a human man who had children at home. That's when river saw Rosie for the first time. River smiled to herself taking in the young girl's appearance. She had a sweet face with lovely blue eyes and a cascade of blonde waves that fell past her shoulders. But river then felt something. She was special...very special she hadn't encountered a human-like this before.
River had overheard her conversation with her parents. When river heard the words vision and the frozen look the young girl had after she hung up. River used their gift then looked on in amazement. This girl whose name was rosemary but goes by Rosie. River collected all the information they need about her in seconds. Including the most important...this girl was a seer she could see visions of the future. Something Raphael would want desperately want. River glanced at Raphael then spoke,'' not this one Raphael''.River insisted. Raphael already had a smirk,'' you know the rules dear you already picked''.The girl unfroze from her spot and started walking quickly which Raphael chuckled.''Raphael please I mean it, not this one I checked not this one the next one I promise''.River begged to glance at the girl who now was practically running.
Raphael then jumped down suddenly blocking the path for Rosie. Who screamed and moved backward. River panicked ran then jumped down in front of her.''I said no Raphael, not this one don't hurt her!''.River yelled at her creator furrowing their brows in frustration.''Move River!''.Raphael barked.
'' Don't Raphael not this one''.River said frightened. Rosie observed river for the first time.''Just like my vision''.Rosie thought. River had short dark hair speeds in front of her.''Not this one I told you before we came down to let this one go''.The river begged.
''tsk river you know better you spared that other human that walked back now either we turn or feed you know my rules''.The man Raphael ordered.
He paused then tilted his head observed Rosie. Raphael then spoke after a moment of observing her.''You know what you might be right...tell me river is this one special is that why you want me to not hurt her''.Raphael asked.
River bowed their head not looking Raphael in the eyes. Raphael then burst out into a cackle.''Ohh so that's why I see how about this if she so damn special I won't turn her...yet but if her gift isn't then I'll turn her''.He shrugged while speaking nonchalantly. River glared at Raphael before sighing then turned to Rosie.'' I'm sorry but I'll make sure to protect you I promise''.River said to a confused Rosie.
River then turned back before declaring to Raphael,'' She's is special...she's a seer''.She revealed to him. Raphael's eyes go wide in shock but his smirk changes into a grin. He lets out another cackle of delight.
''I knew you wanted to let a good one go!''.He began speeding over in front of river. He looked down at his creation then patted river on the head,'' Good job little one''.He teased.
River still stood in front of Rosie with a protective arm around a very frightened Rosie. Raphael turned his attention to Rosie.''Now my dear...What's your name?'', he asked leaning over river to observe the young girl.'' I'm Raphael little one and this party pooper is river.''.He proclaimed.
Rosie scrunched her shoulders the softly spoke,'' RoseMary but most people call me Rosie''.
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