《Visions from Volterra》chapter 10:Hungry for chaos and blood[Edited:04/06/21]


Author's Note: Hey guys,Chapter ten is here.I added a sneak peak of chapter 11.I wanted to double and triple check everything I think this chapter look fine.I shouldn't need to go back to edit this one unlike the other I had to take a break from editing to get back into the righ head space.Because sometimes that happens when you write which causes you to be a little messy.Any enjoy and and I added the trigger warning. For those that might want to skip over.Everything is on here including the playlist as always.Don't forget to comment and follow for updates.I added an update on my profile yesterday for follower just so they were aware I was nearly done.


Mira Ch.10 outfit

Song playlist :

1.Glitter and Gold by Barnes Courtney

2.Ricky Montgomery Line without a hook

3. In this moment - half god half devil(from the sneak peek )

4.Bring Me The Horizon - "Can You Feel My Heart"

5. Panic room by au/ra

6.Please Set Me on Fire - Estelle


As Tiberius and river went to speak mira gasped as she got a vision. Alarming everyone especially Demetri who goes to comfort mira.Mira observes in her vision. First ...To outlines of shadowy figures. Then two pairs of red eyes. Finally, Grace smirking with Atticus watching behind her. Both had sinister smiles and predatory eyes. Grace whispered something then. But all mira could make out was ''soon''.

The vision ends and mira shakes a little before Demetri gently tries to ask,'' What is it il mio sole(my sun/star)''.

Mira gulped turned weakly smiling at him before saying,'' I'm fine la mia luna(my moon)'', She began then her expression turned serious as she added,'' I saw grace and Atticus ...very much alive. And I think they want to do something bad''.

Chapter 10

It's been two weeks since the battle, the Volturi were still in a panic so was the rest of the supernatural world. Grace and Atticus were still on the loose they were smart to say back mira had underestimated them. After reviewing memories and visions,mira realized that they essentially played dumb. They made themselves look weaker. Mira tried to find them using her ability but soon realized that they had learned of the blind spots in her vision.

Mira was in the throne room with Demetri and the masters. River had just left to go to their room. Demetri was there, so she didn't need to worry about being unprotected. Aro was pacing around nervously, rubbing his hands together. He was very nervous that Grace and Atticus were still out there. Although He seemed to be happy with mira; He had been ecstatic with her joining his ranks, aro had been after Alice for so many years. He finally had a person with her ability join them. He finally crossed that power off his mental list of powers he wanted for the Volturi. Not only that mira was paired with Demetri so he felt more secure about her position. And not only Mira's but Demetri as well all aro had to ensure was one of them stayed and the other would stay. It made aro very happy just thinking about it. Although it was one of the few things that currently made him happy.

Caius like aro was very unhappy, he was furious that Grace and Atticus were on the loose. Though ever since mira joined arrived in Italy he appeared to be more at ease. Having a seer who can tell the future came in handy for peace of mind. Caius wasn't even that upset that she was still human. Aro decided to put off turning her until grace and Atticus were dealt with. As aro pointed out they don't want to be dealing with a newborn at the moment. After some argument, caius realized aro was right. But the whole grace and Atticus situation made him very concerned. The only thing that put him at ease was...Tiberius.Who still wasn't officially a member since he was still staying with the Cullens mostly spend time with his relative Rosalie. But also to separate from river and mira, it was understandable he needed space. It was difficult to look at them without thinking of bad memories.


Luckily he doesn't seem to stay away too long because he visits for an hour a day. The masters particularly aro and caius very pleased with Tiberius. Not only did he have a useful power he had two. Teleportation and illusions paired together rather well. It could make him like he was never there a very wonderful addition. But for now, Tiberius just came once a day to check-in and update any findings. That he, the Cullens, or any other vampires from that side of the world found about Atticus and grace. So far nothing, despite coming with no information Tiberius's trips didn't bring something.

When Tiberius comes he continues with a routine he began: Update on Grace and Atticus, visit mira and river, and then he uses his illusion abilities on any of the Volturi who request it(Though it mostly seems the masters have been hogging his powers. Aro and caius have used his ability to revisit their ''glory days''.While Marcus on the other hand discovered he can relieve happy memories with his beloved.

All three of the Volturi leaders seem rather pleased with this arrangement. Mostly aro and caius because Marcus seems to slowly come out of his state of depression. He most likely would not come out of it completely but it was some kind of solution. Marcus on the other hand was in bliss being able to see and somewhat enact with his beloved again eased the weight that had been on his shoulders. He seemed to be in a somewhat better mood and his interest shifted back towards being involved in his duties more.

Overall it was a win-win situation for the Volturi despite the problem with Grace and Atticus.

Mira was very worried despite the romantic bliss she was feeling with Demetri. She had a huge weight on her shoulders...she felt so guilty for not being able to see that she had blind spots that could be taken advantage of. Demetri was very good at..comforting her. Which did make her feel better but she still had a gnawing feeling in her gut. Something bad was happening and she couldn't see what it was. She knew it was connected to Grace and Atticus but she didn't know what exactly.

Demetri was frowning he looked upset at mira he wasn't upset at her exactly. It was because mira was so upset. It bothered him that she was bothered. His frown then turned into a slight smile at the thought of when he had first met her. His world his perspective had changed the moment he had met her. He had met the part of himself he never knew was missing. She was turned away from him. He could see her small frown. Her brows furrowed in frustration. Mira tucked a hair behind her ear. Even though it had only been two weeks. Demetri learned two dozen things about mira. A hand full that comes to include: One included how she tucked her blonde hair behind her ear when she was trying to think of something or got nervous. Two she likes her favorite snacks are gummi bear/worms and ice cream specifically triple fudge swirl. Three of her favorite seasons were autumn and spring. Four she was scared of spiders, the dark (or rather what's in the dark), and ducks(he tried asking about that one but she didn't want to talk about it). And five she's terrible about lying (which is why she was obscure about details with Raphael. So when Demetri saw Mira's expression.

The smile he had fainted and his expression changed to concern.''Mira are you okay?''.He asked.


Mira turned to look at him a frown still on her face. She shook her head before replying,'' No it isn't ''.Her voice croaked. Demetri walked up to mira wrapping his arm around mira shoulders, which seemed to automatically relax at his touch. They had only known each other and been physically near each other for two weeks but it's like they had always known each other. A faint smile formed on her lips.

The masters glanced over at them, aro stopped pacing while caius and Marcus who were sitting in their respective thrones looked over to the two love birds. Faint smiles crossed each of their faces. Demetri gently rubbed her back before asking,'' What is it then my moon''.

Her smile grew when he spoke but when she began to think about his question she thought of the subject that had been gnawing at her.

Mira looks at Demetri before she furrowed her brows and in a worried tone asks,'' Where could they be ?.... Where are Atticus and grace.''.

Demetri then adds,'' And what have they done wherever they are''.A shared worried expression.


A group of campers in Yellowstone national park were settling down for the night. It was a calm and cool evening, there were six of them in their group chatting and laughing while music from their portable radio played. One of the guys stood up and began walking away from the group.

Another male glanced at his friend walking away,'' Where are you going gus?''.A concerned tone in his voice. Gus chuckled before replying,'' those burritos went right through me man besides I also had a whole keg of bud...I got to take a leak and dump Jack''.Jack wrinkled his nose in fake disgust then laughed before turned back to his friends. Their other friends had overheard the comment chuckling mostly but one of the girls Amanda made face before sipping her beer. The other three campers Finn, Daphne, and Phillip were playing a card game to kill time. All six had taken this trip as a reunion of sorts. All of them were college friends who recently graduated, they wanted to go off the grid a bit. So they told their families where they going which was this national park. For two weeks of bonding and catching up no phones besides the park's emergency phone which was a couple of miles away. Just a short and peaceful camping trip for the six of them or so they thought.

Unbeknownst to the group of humans, they were being watched by two very irritated vampires who wanted to take out their aggression on someone. But first, they were very Hungry...hungry for chaos and blood.

Gus walked to a tree and glanced behind him to check for anyone. Before turning his head back to face the tree. He reaches down and undoes his fly. Proceeding to relieve himself. He closes his eyes then lets out a sigh.


Gus gasps and looks around before calling out,'' Hello you guys...that's not funny''.

Silence. Gus listens for a moment before faintly hearing his friends still chatting and laughing at the campfire. Gus wides his eyes as his breathing begins to become heavy. He frantically puts himself back in his pants zipping himself back up. As he begins to hurry back to camp, all the while the snap of sticks nearby and noises increase. Then out of the corner of his eyes, he sees a shadow...a very human-looking shadow that wasn't his.

Gus runs as fast as he can and he begins to shouts,'' Guys! Help! Help! thee...ere's ...there's something in the woods!''.He says frantically. A look of horror on his face which when he nears the edge of the woods, coming into sight of the woods his friends come within sight.

When his friends see him most of them have a look of concern. All the shouting had alarmed them. But Jack on the other hand chuckles,'' Gus how drunk are yo-''.He begins to say before his face drops. Just as gus who stopped running when he neared the edge of the woods darkness behind him. He is suddenly and violently yanked back by an unseen force.

Jack yells''Gus?! ''.

The others all scream and become panicked. Gus had yelled in surprise as he was pulled back then screams in what sounded like confusion then terror. Suddenly the others in a frantic state, the girls ran into their tents while jack went to try to run to their vehicles. Which he stopped short of when he realized someone had slashed all their tires. Jack whipped around before frantically looking around the other boys had started looking for weapons but the park only allowed them to bring one gun with blanks in case they need to scare off any animals. But this was no animal, jack thought to himself. He was a hunter and no animal could do this.

Jack ran back to the group who were all huddled together terrified. Gus had stopped screaming. And now the air was silent...not even the crickets were making noises. It's like something scared them too. After a tense moment, the silence is cut short. Then suddenly something in flung into the air and lands nearby them almost at their feet. After a moment the group looks only to realize ...it was gus. He looked pale with terror plastered on his face. And his neck had ...bite marks that were very bloody. The girls were the first to scream in terror. Then the guys who mostly yell and curse. Jack glances up to see from out of the shadows appears a woman and then a man.

The Woman was stunning like a statue straight out of a museum of a greek goddess. She had long dark hair that cascaded down her shoulders and back. Her pale skin was ghostly in the moonlight it was flawless. She had strong cheekbones and lips which were forming a smirk which was a strange red color, jack couldn't quite put his finger on what it reminded him of. The woman was short and wearing [insert outfit].

The Man on the other hand was tall and built well with dark hair and a cheeky smile. Like the woman, he was very pale too pale as if he were a ghost. He was leaning against a tree observing the group. Although his eyes seemed to linger on something causing him to tilt his head as a cat would. The man was wearing [insert outfit]. This is odd to jack because of how warm the park can be at night.

The woman slowly approached them then finally spoke,'' Well...hello there folks seems like you had a bit of...trouble '''.She emphasized the word trouble.

An Alarmed Phillip exclaimed nodding his head,''' Ye-yes please help us there's something in the woods''.

The strangers remained silent. Leaving everyone including Phillip confused.

The group then all looked in horror as the woman walked closer with the man now following behind her. When they reach the fire the light finally reveals to the group's shared look of horror. Red eyes.Deep red eyes. Which turns black as both the man and woman breathe in as if they smiled something pleasant. They both smirked then looked at each other before turning back to the now cowering group.

The woman spoke up first,'' Well then unfortunately for you ..poor folks...we are the trouble.''She proclaimed with a chuckle.'' I'm grace...and this is Atticus''.She continued.

''And oh you folks were very unfortunate to cross us because Atticus and I well we are in a ...monstrous mood '''.She Declared with an evil smirk. She states this as she held information they didn't know...yet.

In what felt like seconds the camp fell into chaos...as Grace and Atticus began to rip into the camp throwing the men into fight mode. Despite trying the men are thrown to the grown knocking out Phillip. The woman grace throws jack back breaking his leg. While grace throws Finn then crouches around him. Jack's vision becomes somewhat hazy as he sees her lowers her face to his neck. Jack then hears him scream a second later. Then frantically looks for the man who is looking at the girl's tent. With intention. The girls look on in horror. Atticus's mind had a few things it was thinking of. Jack realized what he had been observing earlier. It looked like he was debated something but had come to a decision that leads him to begin to approach the tent.


Trigger warning ahead for some sexual assault themes-

Begins ...now...


The Man Atticus held a smirk as he glanced at the girls who were still in the tents. They screamed and scrambled out of the tent as he speeds over to their tent only to push them in before shutting them in.

First Confused then terror-filled screams filled the tent. Jack is nursing his broken leg while he helplessly has to listen to his friends in the tent. Their cries die down only to return in terror once again as jack's eyes widen at the sight of blood squirting from the inside of the tent. First Daphne then Amanda cries die down ...then silence.

Jack looks on in shock as the man steps out of the tent by ripping it open. He strolls out with an evil smirk on his face. His once black eyes now bright red blood dripping down his mouth and his chin. Jack's eyes then see him adjusting his pants then his vision moves to inside the tent. Inside he could see Daphne and Amanda they were laying in a pool of blood. Daphne was naked wrapped in a blanket while Amanda had her shirt ripped up. Her once lively bright eyes were now dull and lifeless.

End of sexual assault themes now-



Jack looked away from his friend's lifeless bodies to look at the man. Then glanced back to the woman who was finishing off Finn. She pulled away from him then smirked at jack. Fresh blood was on her lips. She looked like she was wearing red lipstick.'' No'', Jack thought it wasn't lipstick it was blood. Bite marks were visible on his friend's neck. Jack then realized something. These weren't people...humans.They were monsters. Monsters that killed his friends ...jack then realized. They were monsters that were going to kill him.

The woman...grace threw Finn's body to the ground. Before sharply standing up from her crouched position. Jack felt like he could breathe as she walked towards him slowly. The way a predator stalks their prey focused and intent in their eyes. Jack tries to move but he ends up grabbing his leg in pain. He could see the bone and he was bleeding heavily. Jack whimpered in pain clutching his leg. Grace stops and crouches down close to jack.

Grace could practically smell the fear in his blood. She smirks before tilting her head,'' Are you scared...hmm?''.She asks.

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