《Visions from Volterra》River Mood board (with playlist)[Edited:11/25/20]


Name: River (Riverea )Alexis McCarty

Age:24 (physically ) vampire age over a year old

they/them (though is fine if referred to as she/her)

Bio:[Full as of 11/25/20,] River had always been different.River was okay with that,Deep down could tell what a person was capable of.It was like a gift they had.Sometimes that got them in trouble,however after being turned(against their will). River quickly learned the extent of their power which Raphael forced river to use in order to help him recruit humans.If only he knew this would back fire.Mira and river were the only ones that seemed to have any useful powers.Out of all the members of his army. Most of the people recruited ended up with average strength and speed for a newborn.

And despite both their circumstances , River and Mira found comfort and trust in each other. River ended up acting as a bodyguard of sorts for Mira at the suggestion of Raphael, however river really made sure it happened...they always felt protective of Mira. Quickly becoming best friends, the two of them developed a sibling-like bond. After Mira and river find out the extent of Raphael's plan ,Mira sends river to the Volturi to help put a stop to Raphael and the newborns.

Power: Power/skills (Ability)identification (Like Eleazar ), enhanced vampire speed, and some enhanced strength thought not as strong and fast as Demetri and Felix.Self control...

Notes: If you annoy/irritate river too much they will come for you...with words hurtful words...and...some violence.Well maybe more then some...

Bff: Mira and Tiberius

Future bff....Felix and Demetri.Demetri because Mira and him are mates. And Felix because ...he's cool and funny.

Portrayed by:Bex Taylor-Klaus


River's playlist

-My last breath by Evanescence

-Younger Hunger by dead inside

-Killer inside of me by willyecho

-I like it heavy by Halestorm

-Hungry like the wolf remaster by hidden citizens

-You call me a bitch like its a bad thing by Halestorm

-nervous by:Lola blanc

-Born for this by Paramore

-All around me by flyleaf

-Animal in me by solence

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