《Visions from Volterra》Chapter 7 War is here...[Edited:March 11th,2021]
A/N: Hey guys so here's the long-awaited chapter 7.So enjoy!
Song one: Herd O'Death
Song two: All the king's men by the rigs
Song three: One more night by from the ash
Oregon near the border of Washington state
Tiberius held mira on his back as he sped through the Forest. Suddenly Tiberius stopped running mira sleepily raised her head. She glanced around where Tiberius had stopped. He let her down,'' Food and water break''.he told her reaching into his messenger bag to grab the sandwich and bottle of water. He handed them to mira who smiled at Tiberius,'' Thanks''.She said with a small smile. Tiberius warmly smiled at her as she went to a nearby rock and sat down to eat and drink.
Tiberius took a moment to look around the area to check it was safe. Before turning back to mira who had devoured her sandwich and was nearly done with her water. He chuckled before saying,'' Better?''.Mira meekly glanced over to Tiberius nodding with bits of sandwich in her mouth. Before chewing and gulping down the rest of the water. Mira finished chewing before shaking off any crumbs before she paused her eyes show Tiberius that she saw something. Tiberius moved closer before placing his hand on her shoulder.''Ro is everything okay''.He asked a look of concern on his face. She snapped out of her trance-like state before turning and smiling,'' Yeah it seems everything is going according to plan''.She says in a cryptic tone. She smiled at her friend she liked the nickname ro...Raphael had given the name of mira even though her real name was Rosie ...she liked the nickname ro or even the nickname mir mir . But she learned to live with the name mira.
Tiberius faintly smiles before nodding. His smile drops as he sharply turns his head to the side sniffing the air. Mira didn't have the ask she knew what was there or rather who.
Three figures drop down from the trees further away. Before speeding over to where they were.
Raphael...the tall intimidating vampire leader of the newborn army walked up to the two of them. He tilted his head eyeing them both before he flashed her a sinister smile towards mira,'' Ah my...mira belle ''.His tongue clicks as he placed it between his teeth. She cringed at the way he said it. Raphael looked at her as if he was studying her,'' Did you see anything...I heard you say something...hmm''.He moved quickly behind her. As she sat on the rock she froze stood behind her but crouched before placing both hands on her shoulders to keep her sitting. He gently moved on side of her hair to the side moving it out of the way...he moved his face as if he was going to bite her. But he stopped before whispering in her ear,'' Hmm...well and don't lie to me ...you know how unpredictable I can be''.He said with a sickly sweet tone. He had said it in an almost taunting manner. His eyes locked on her small figure he looked over the small blonde girl.
Mira glanced to Tiberius who was being watched by grace who had sparks coming out of her fingers she looked as if she was daring him to make a move to help. Mira then weakly said,'' I saw a vision...''.She began shrugging. She looked like she wanted to cry. Raphael grew interested he cocked a brow and asked,'' And? What did you see''.He said this with a bit of harshness in his voice. But said the last part almost in a cooing tone. Ro{Mira) continued,'' And said that everything seems to be going according to plan. I just saw again what I had seen before just after river ran away...about the battle in the field it was pretty much the same with only minor bits add nothing to be concerned about''.She said softly before glancing from the corner of her eyes to look at him.
Raphael paused before he started cackling finally releasing her shoulders. She felt relieved she knew they'd be bruised when she looked. Raphael moved from behind her jumping over the rock before casually walking away. His cackling turned to more of a chuckled as he sighed and placed his hands on his hips before turning back to mira.''Oh, mira what do I have to worry about you for...we both know you are an awful liar. I'd know if you were lying in two seconds. I was just checking...''.He said biting his lip. Before glancing her over one more time before looking to Grace,'' Down girl...head back to the army ahead of me I'll be behind you shortly'', He paused before glancing at her fondly,'' In more ways than one maybe ''.Mir tried to suppress her disgust. While grace playfully smiled winking at him. She flipped her hair before remarking as she left,'' With pleasure...master''.She said this in a seductive tone. Before she sped off with Raphael smirking as he quickly followed behind her. Atticus had quietly been observing the whole scene that had unfolded. Tiberius and Mira noticed he was still there watching them. An amused smile on his face. Tiberius moved to be in front of mira who peeked from behind him.''Try something Atticus I dare you''.Tiberius growled towards Atticus he positioned himself in front in a defensive position.
Atticus tsked glaring at Tiberius before tilted his head before looking to mira. He blew her a kiss,'' I'll be seeing you soon love''.Before he glanced her up and down before he turned to leave. Mira felt her skin crawl. She felt her body shiver with fear. Once he left mira breathed a sigh of relief. Tiberius turned around before crouching down to look into Ro's eyes asking,'' Are you okay ro ?''.He gently placed his hand on her arm in a reassuring manner. Ro had tears that were brimming from the corners of her eyes. She nodded before saying,'' He's gotten worse ...Atticus he's been trying more every since river left. Not to mention even Raphael now is trying things...mostly looks''.She said with a shaky voice her eyes looking down at her hands. Before her eyes move to stare at Tiberius.''I just want everything to be over already''.She said with tears slipping down her face. Tiberius wiped them away before hugging her which she returned. She started sobbing into his shoulders as rubbed her back as he said reassuringly,'' Shh it's okay things are almost over''.He said softly with a reassuring tone.
Rosie muttered and 'Alright'.As Tiberius continued to hug her. Ro stilled which Tiberius didn't seem to notice as he continues to hug and comfort her. Ro stared off into space as she receives another smaller vision.
Vision starts-
She stood on a hill overlooking the sunset she turned to the man she had been waiting for. Demetri his bright red eyes have almost a sparkle in them. He had a warm smile as he gently grabbed her hand and placed them into his. He pulled her close this noses almost touching. He whisperers,'' Finally''.As he stares lovingly into her eyes.
Vision ends.
Ro faintly smiled at the sight but she knew deep down to be careful because she had to wait just a bit longer. And make sure all that she previously saw in her visions ...She then finally spoke again.'I really hope ..everything happens just as I've seen ...''.She said more to herself. She said it in a pleading tone.
End of recap
Song 1
Meanwhile in forks, Washington
The Cullens were already getting ready for the Volturi's arrival, they had sent word that they would be staying and using the field. Alice of course already saw them coming but only knew a little bit of the situation. She knew there was some army coming and Demetri's mate was involved as well. Alice was both relieved and intrigued to learn that she was a seer. They also warned the pack about them coming. Carlisle had already reminded them that no one in the town or surrounding area could be harmed and if they needed to feed they would need to hunt elsewhere. Jacob had grown his small pack to 30 other wolves. And occasionally joined up with sam's pack. Which made them stronger...Sam was hesitant at first but with Jacob's prompting realized that if they didn't help the town could be endangered.
It was sunset when they arrived, the wolves had been on patrol on the Cullen property. When they arrive, Bella and Edward had sent charlie and sue on a nice fishing/camping trip in Canada. The Canada coven had kindly given their property which was still being developed by Alden. The Cullens had gathered their witnesses from when they had to gather some to witness for Renesmee years prior. Minus the Romanians who were pissed when they heard the Cullens were helping the Volturi. The Volturi on the other hand did the same but also included others that they hadn't been able to come to.
A row of the Volturi and their witnesses arrived in the distance before they sped up to the front of the house. Aro leads the way followed by caius and Marcus. Then the highest guard member included the twins, Demetri, Felix, Reneta, Chelsea, and now river. Volterra was being watched by a few of the lower guards. Corin and a few of the guards were watching the wives. The Denali coven had let them use their home as a safe house while the rest of the Volturi took care of the newborn army. Aro walked forward stopping below the steps he took in the Cullen's home when they went to fight the Cullens they were in a field. He'd never saw Carlisle and his coven's actual home in forks. He had heard that they had several properties ...
It was modern yet wasn't too outlandish in its design like some modern homes are. The front door opened out walked Carlisle he was wearing a comfortable yet stylish creme sweater and dress pants with more casual dress shoes. Carlisle glanced at Aro which caused him smiled up at his old friend. Despite everything that had happened before a few years back. A small part of him hoped he could rekindle their friendship. The Blonde hair leader of the Cullen coven gracefully walked out of the door.''Aro... so good of you and the rest of the Volturi to have made it. Alice told me you should be here sometime today we weren't sure what time''.Carlisle said with a warm smile. Behind Carlisle, Esme walked out from the front door. Esme smiled down with the usual welcoming smile she always gave to everyone when they arrived or were welcoming guests. She wore a practical yet stylish grey business dress with black heels. Her hair was pinned up in a bun.
A lavender shawl was wrapped around her shoulders pinned together with a brooch with the Cullen insignia. Carlisle and Esme quickly strolled down the steps walking up the Volturi. Standing in front of the three leaders which was lead by aro.
Aro smiled then spoke softly,'' Well hello Carlisle my old friend is so good to see you ...and luckily on slightly different terms''.He told Carlisle adding the last part with a bit of a chuckle. Carlisle chuckled back then nodded. Aro then glances at Esme,'' Esme my dear it's lovely to see you''.He says in a cheerful tone.
Esme smiled before softly saying,'' why thank you aro we are all so glad you contacted us. Of course, Alice did see you coming we weren't sure the full story''.She had a reassuring smile but her eyes did hold a bit of concern. She turned to her husband who gently rubbed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Caius spoke up,'' We need to discuss more what is to come''.He paused smelling.''Are those beasts here''.He said with bitterness oozing from his voice. He glanced to see Sam the leader of the pack walking up with Jacob and a few others. Sam was in wolf form as were most of the pack however Jacob was in his human form along with Leah and Seth. Casually walking up to the house.
Carlisle chuckled then said,'' Yes caius our shapeshifter friends will be assisting especially since the newborns will be coming onto their territory...''.Caius went to object but Carlisle interrupted by waving his hand then stating,'' Let's go into the house...we have much to discuss''.
The Volturi entered Cullen's home most of the lower guards that were there stayed outside the house. The Cullens had set up nice tents which they could stay in. Along with some of the witnesses. The witnesses included mostly nomads like Makenna and Charles who is aro's bodyguard reneta's relative. The three leaders plus the highest guard stayed in the house along with the Cullens guests. Edward's old room was empty mostly since Bella and Edward plus renesesme moved into their cottage nearby. The Denali coven was staying inside the cottage with them to save room in the main house. Also, the Egyptian coven, who reluctantly had come mainly because of the Amun, stayed in the cottage as well.
Though as Amun soon learned that the Canadian coven who also stayed in the cottage, had a member henry who had not only been a former newborn of the army they had come to help deal with but was gifted control over the elements.
Henry and benjamin hit it off with benjamin helping henry with learning more control over the other elements. Amun was both happy and relieved that aro seemed to be interested in henry. Amun began to think it could be a good thing to be here. Amun could finally be free from any fear of having benjamin being taken like Demetri. Who speaking of was the second reason he stayed away from the main house. It was too much to see him Demetri had been like a son to him before he was taken.River also hung out after asking their masters if they could stay in the cottage. River mainly wanted to hang out with the Canadian coven. Mostly Margo and Gil. Who chatted and caught up on everything since they had left the army.
Meanwhile....back at Cullen's house...
The rest of the nomads and the amazon coven were fine with staying outside with the Volturi guard the house wasn't their style anyway. On the inside of the house aro and the other two Volturi leaders, Caius and Marcus made themselves at home. Caius was silently judging some of the modern decors but like the library Carlisle had. He most stayed inside of Carlisle's library/Esme's office. He glanced at the portrait of the four of them that had been painted back in the glory days. Aro came in to join him soon being followed by Marcus who had a book in his hands of classic literature. Marcus walked over to a comfortable yet stylish-looking chair in the corner of the room sitting down. Aro had walked to stare at the portrait. Carlisle soon knocked then walked in the door,'' Well I figured you find this room sooner or later.''He said with a chuckle before gracefully walking up to his to aro and caius.
Marcus glanced up from reading to acknowledge Carlisle, nodding at him, then glance at the portrait for a moment fondly before glancing back to his book. Aro smiled at Carlisle who smiled back. Aro then replied,'' Yes it is a lovely study. Caius and I were just admiring this portrait...it was ...wasn't it when it was painted. I believe we had a ball to celebrate one of the local fall harvests''.Carlisle thought for a moment nodded in agreement. Aro hummed a bit to himself as he added,'' Francesco solimena was brilliant too bad there aren't too many painters like him nowadays''.He says with a pout. Caius grows a smirk nodding in agreement.''Very true brother''.He says with a chuckle.
While Carlisle and aro, as well as, caius started talking a bit of old business.
Esme on the other hand was busy welcoming the Irish coven and the french coven. Jasper was chatting with peter and charlotte who caught up on everything that has happened since the last time they saw each other. Alice had her arm locked with jaspers while listening to the conversation they were having. Peter then said something that made jasper look shocked.'' Yeah, we would have gone to Monterrey in Mexico but ever since the incident''.He said in a calm tone. Jasper then said,'' What incident''.He exclaimed with concern. Alice tried to calm him but his alarmed voice caused every vampire in the house to speed to where they were in the living room. Carlisle came in with the aro,caius, and Marcus who all looked worried.
''What is it? Jasper are you alright..''He began looking concerned. Jasper shook his head before frantically looking at peter before asking,'' What happened in Monterrey Mexico...''.Before Peter could answer aro interrupted asking,'' What is in Monterrey?''.Jasper turned to aro and the other members of the Volturi including the other two ancients who all were gathered together now looking on in curiosity...Jasper then spoke with concern his face twisted in a tense expression,'' My creator ...maria...she had moved there last time I heard. But we're not close...for reasons but we are on good terms since I departed from her.''.He said with a faint smile on his face. It was true despite originally being angry for leaving the coven maria and jasper were on good terms. Although the last time she saw her it was in Calgary which prompted them to move. The Volturi looked on with an understanding expression on all of their faces.
Aro looked concerned but understanding as well. Jasper then turned back to peter asking,'' You said there was an incident what kind of incident''.All the vampires in the room looked concerned when the word incident was said. Especially the Volturi in particular the three leaders. Aro frowned while caius looked upset and lastly Marcus keep a mostly neutral expression however his eyes showed concern.
Peter finally spoke he looked genuinely confused looking at charlotte then back to jasper and Alice,'' You...you don't know''.He began.''We figured with Alice she would have seen it happen...''.Peter then looks to jasper with a sad expression,'' Jasper...you really should know...maria is dead''.He said with a frown before he placed a sympathetic hand on jasper's shoulders. Jasper looked horrified. As soon did the rest of the vampires in the house. Jasper asked,'' What...what happened?!''.Jasper looks confused and alarmed.
Peter sighed glancing at charlotte who frowned then bit her lip. Peter then said loudly,'' Maria was killed ...only until recently we found out...that it was Raphael''.He declared to the whole room. Adding the last part with an angry tone. Raphael's name was spoken with disgust.
All the vampires in the room looked on in shock. Alice then froze as a vision came on of a possible future if they did not win. Alice said in a startled tone,'' Raphael...''.She began to say which directed everyone's attention to her. She continued with everyone watching her,'' If he had continued especially without everyone being alerted about him. He would have gone to coven to coven...killing them. Unless they joined him...he wants not just territory but revenge for his mate's death and...power lots of power.''.She turned to look to aro,'' He was planning to finish in Volterra ...he wanted to kill everyone including the Volturi''.Alice said alarmed as she goes over what she saw. Slaughter, every coven or nomad who refused to join him would be killed. She then looked to jasper,'' Raphael started with a few other small nomads then moved on to maria.
The vampires in the room then realized ...Raphael must be stopped. Or else every vampire was at risk of destruction.
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