《Visions from Volterra》Chapter 3 :The Dreadful life of river ...[Edited:9/14/20]


Aro then turned to river,'' River, dear one would you like to join us?The Volturi would be more than happy to have you here''.River looked surprised though a little cautious. Then thought of Mira. Mira was the closest thing river had to family. And since it seems Mira will be joining the Volturi mainly because of her mate. It seems the best way to make sure Mira is safe. River then looked to the three ancient vampires.''I will join the Volturi '', River simply said with a faint smile. Aro smiled pleased with river's decision and clasped his hands together in an excited manner.''Wonderful ,Felix please escort river to their new quarters let them settle in while we go over the plan of what to do and prepare for the newborns''.Felix gently grasped rivers arms as he began to escort them out.The large throne room door opening and shut quickly.

As they left aro mentally noted to himself to assign river to Mira when she is brought back to Volterra since they have seemed close. It would be easier since they seem to be close friends almost family. From searching river's thoughts, Mira and river seemed like they have a sibling-like relationship.River seems to be very protective over Mira which aro was very pleased with. That would come in handy it was always better if people assigned together were at least friendly.Aro then glanced back to the rest of the guard including his prized tracker Demetri then lastly his brothers.

''Now, where do we begin...''.He said with slight sinister intention in his voice. They did have an army and creator to eliminate. And aro wanted his prize. He wanted Mira.

Felix was leading me down the corridor which was dark ,except for various burning torches along the corridor. Antique furniture lined the hall including wooden tables and benches. I glanced at Felix he was a giant of a man not just in height but in size.He was around 6'7 with large build with intimiadating shoulders.He had Dark brown hair with pale skin though it has a slight skin probably from before he was turned. Like aro indicated I could read someone to determine whether they could be useful whether they had an ability like a gift or enhanced speed or strength.However I could also see other things if they would be trouble.If they'd be missed which raphael found rather useful when hunting.I could pick the humans that wouldn't be missed that wouldn't be mourned.The kind of human that could just vanish without a trace.

I knew only a little bit about the Volturi because of what Mira had about described them. Like it was indicated by Caius how newborns were bought about was rather reckless. My creator Raphael never bothered to tell us much only to not draw attention to ourselves and to clean up after we feed.Which is why they hadn't detected us.Raphael was always careful no liabilies so we can't be detected.

I glanced at Felix I accessed he had no ability, well at least a gift ,but he was extremely strong for a vampire.He was the strongest in the guard which is why he was keep on. Felix glanced at me and then awkwardly started making small talk.''Um so...sorry about that back there just following protocol...''.He said with an uncomfortable expression on his face. He seemed a little embarrassed probably stemming from the fact he was fully ready to kill me. I debated whether I should egg him on but decided against it. I didn't want him feeling too guilty.


I deadpanned while staring at him for a moment Felix cringed while continuing to walk. Almost immediately after I dropped the deadpan and chuckled.''I'm just kidding, relax it's cool you were just doing your job''.I told him while flashing him a reassuring smile while shrugging my shoulders. Felix immediately seemed to be relieved. He chuckled a bit awkwardly,'' Ha yeah thanks...''.Hmm I thought at least he has a good sense of humor.

I continued to smile and replied,'' Anyway ...''.

I awkwardly continued to walk with Felix until we made our way down a hallway with a large door towards the end.The door was gothic in design as was the hallway with old statues placed around it. Felix glanced towards me. Cracking a small smile...''So anyway that door on the end is your room''.He began pointing at the door, then gesturing to the door a little further down.''And...that's my room so guess we'll be neighbors''.I smile a little bigger which seems to make Felix smile a little more comfortably. Felix seems like a nice guy with a sense of humor.

Over the past couple of minutes, he seems to have come out of his shell a bit. From the outside, he seems like he is all bark but seems to be more of a softy. But...Just a mental note never to get on his bad side. Felix walked me down until we got to the door which he gently open. I glanced in to see a mostly black and red color scheme.''Hmm seems they really like those colors''.I began then quickly wanted to facepalm. Felix chuckled relaxing his body position gently against the door frame. I awkwardly turn to Felix then say'' I said that out loud didn't I...''.Felix smiled which reached his red eyes almost in a warm manner which is odd all things considered. Felix gently shook his head then spoke,'' Umm yeah you did..but anyway let me just show you around your new room''.He said very obviously trying not to laugh.


Felix and I enter the beautiful and very expensive looking room. I look around in awe I have never been in a room,this nice in my whole life.Not even hotels ...well motels in my case.

Once in the room, I looked around if I was human I would find it extremely luxurious. The bed would have made a great place to relax but since being a vampire there was no longer a need to sleep.''So ...'',Felix began,'' I hope you like the room''.I smile and glance around ''Yeah it's nice I've never been in a place this nice before ''.Felix's brows lift,'' Really?''.He simply says.He seemed a little taken aback..intrigued.Most people are after they meet me.

I feel my lips form a pout as I nod,'' Yeah ...I grew up ...well not like this definitely...my life got crapper even after I turned well...''.I began before smile saying as I glance to Felix,'' that is exact for...mira''.I can't help but smile when I say Mira's name.

Felix thoughtfully looked at me then said,'' Not to pry but...I'm curious ...how exactly did Raphel well...find you''.I glanced at Felix in surprise I figured someone here would ask me eventually but gosh.Not this soon gesh new record.

I paused then glanced at Felix as I began to walk around the room gently touches and examining some of the items around the room. Felix then began to apologize,'' I'm sorry I don't mean to offend you...''.He began before I cut him off.''No! No, it's fine ...its just...its a long story...well kind of''.I began.


I then looked over to where the bed as I saw a bench on the end. I walked over to and sat down. I then glanced at Felix once again before sighing a bit to myself.''Well, obviously my life...or undead life that is ....started when I, unfortunately, meet a certain immortal...Raphael''.I narrowed my eyes then said the last bit with disdain.

''I was always a wanderer...I've never really stayed in one place for too long...no family living at least''.I said as I began to think back.


It was going to rain...River was walking down an alley, they always would go ways normal people wouldn't dare to go. They would get an adrenaline rush when they got into dangerous situations. River was just finishing their last day in the city. They would travel around from city to city as a bouncer mostly going to LGBT clubs around the country. River always had lived a bit of a nomadic lifestyle...River only would keep what she truly needed. They had only a backpack full of things a few photos of family mostly,One of their father and river.A few of the few ''friends'' they had made traveling.River never had many friends more of acquaintances. River had always found it easier not to make friends. It was always easier not to get attached. River shivered as they pulled on their jacket.''I need to get a better coat if I want to stay up north''.River thought to themselves.They were planning on heading north soon.Colder weather.Snow and worse rain gonna need a new coat hat ,gloves and a scarf.River smiled to themselves.Maybe head down south miami maybe.

River walked down the alleyway, A scream behind them startled river but quickly river was relieved when that screamed turned to laughter as they saw a group of college kids walk by chattering to each other. River sighed in relief as their heartbeat faster they could feel a rush of adrenaline fill their body. River smiled while shaking their head,'' Stupid kids''.They muttered to themselves. Even though they were similar ages to the college kids they had always been mature for their age.As the kids walk by they soon are out of sight.As river was about to turn they paused. Something didn't feel right...River always could get a sense of things mainly when it came to people but river was also good at sensing shady situations.Something or someone bad was coming. River glance around the alley. Rain slowly began to trickle down river gasped then smiled shake their head.''Scaring myself''.River said trying to calm themselves. River shook off the feeling as they adjusted their backpack then pulled up their hood then slowly began to walk down the faintly lit alleyway. River heard a rustle which made them gulped as they began to lightly jog suddenly they felt someone or something brush the back of their neck.Despite having their hood up it felt like a hand. River screamed then ran as fast as they could.

River felt utter dread and fear like they never had experienced before. River heard inhuman footsteps behind them. River heard someone laughed just before they felt someone grab them and fling them into a wall. River screamed and gasped as they felt their body ache. The wall was hard ...made of brick .River had heard something crack .River then realized ,'' god my ribs and my leg something snapped'', River thought panicked and confused ,'what just happened?''.River's eyes were a bit blurry from the tears that started to well up. 'Boom boom boom 'river heartbeat increased as sweat they felt their forehead begin to sweat.

River frantically tried to look but her vision felt off still.'River raised their hands in a defensive position but it was useless their vision was still wonky.All river could do was plead,'Who...who there...please I don't have much money just take it and go!''.River croaked out they felt tears fall down their cheeks as they tried and failed to get up.The pain from their broke leg and ribs were agony. River felt someone with inhuman strength push them with ease.

''Tsk tsk, I'm not after money young one...and ... as appealing as your blood smells to me I think I could get some use out of you''.River heard a voice began. Blood what..what are they talking about.River thought confused at this person's choice of words.

As river's vision returned ,they looked around until a man...no, not a man river felt this person was more then what they appeared to be. River scanned over the man until they looked into his eyes ...they were blood red. River gasped then felt their body begin to tremble.''Your your..no man your eyes your not human''.River exclaimed causing a brow to raise on the man but then he smiled then looked at river curiously then said,'' Well that settles it you definitely will do nicely...''.The man smiled a little bigger as he crept closer,'' Hi by the way I'm Raphael ...and warning this is gonna hurt ...well a ton''.He says with a now more sinister smile. River screams as Raphael ran up grabbing river before harshly biting down.


No one's pov:

River finished partially telling their story. Before pausing then explaining to Felix,'' Anyway that most of it...if you don't mind I think it best to leave it there for now''.River faintly smiled towards Felix. Felix had originally smiled when river was first explaining their story but that soon dropped to a sorrowful expression.

Felix looks at river before softly saying,'' I'm sorry river''.River glanced over with a sad expression then the pout turns to a small smile as river say,'' Thanks Felix ''.River simply said but their eyes held a sadness. Awkwardly twiddling their fingers river then sighed then seemed to snap to a more peppy demeanor,''Ugh anyway we can talk about that another time no more sad talk!''.River jumps up startling Felix with their change of behavior his eyebrows raised. Felix grows concerned river seems to be supressing somethings.River walks up to Felix stating,'' We need to focus on stopping Raphael and destroying the newborns ...I've seen first hand what they both can do. Mira is in danger ...we have to make sure she is safe''.River's expression turns to a more stern-serious demanor. Felix looks at river nodding slowly listening to what they just said. River cocks an eyebrow realizing Felix was giving them a strange expression,'' What?!''.River asks. Felix looks at river then bluntly says,'' Your a little umm..different but um I like it''.River deadpans before smiling then hardly laughs nodding ''Um yeah I've always been different ...but being different isn't a bad thing''.Felix's strange looks falls to a more neutral expression with a faint smile on his lips.

''Anyway, we need a game plan...to save Mira and kick some newborn ass''.River says with a Confident smile. Felix smiles then said,'' Sounds like war to me...''.River grins,'' Oh yeah and Raphael won't know what hit him...I just know it...''.

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