《Visions from Volterra》Chapter 2:A mate revealed and a new mission...[Edited:9/12/20]


Song: Landscape by Florence and the machine.

Song 2: Mumford and sons -Broken crown


''A human ...and a newborn army that's double the treason''.Exclaimed Caius with a furious expression.''Aro is there more to this ''.Marcus added. Which surprised aro and Caius since Marcus usually remained silent.And usually retained a dull unimpressed expression most of the time.

Aro's grinned changed to a softer smile,'' yes brother there is''.

''Besides Mira being not only gifted. And excitedly A seer at that... it seems ... she also has a mate in the guard''.Says aro with a grin on his face.He was rather pleased with this .Mira could easily join the volturi.Especially having a member in the guard.

Caius and Marcus both cocked a brow,'' who?''.speaking at the same time.

Aro glanced around at most of the guard who had now come in to see what was going on. Before finally resting his eyes on the very guard he saw her mutter at.


''Demetri'' .He said towards the direction of the handsome tracker. He had a shocked expression on his face as he was not expecting to be the one to ever get a mate. He was an infamous Casanova. A smile creaks on to his face at the thought of being gifted with something precious like a mate.Caius and marcus looked on in surpise.They were both not expecting demetri to be the one that mira was mated too.But both caius and marcus smiled faintly at the idea.They were both happy for demetri.Caius was pleased that not only did that secure their prized tracker to remain within the guard but mira would have to stay now since demetri was her mate.Marcus on the other hand was just happy that demetri found his ''the one''.

Demetri looks in awe at his master aro,'' Really master?''.He said almost questioning it if it was a mistake .Which he hoped wasn't...Aro smiled at his favorite tracker then replied,'' yes dear one ''.Aro was pleased that demetri seemed relieved and excited he had a thoughtful expression grace his face.

Demetri smiles to himself, he never thought he'd get a mate. He had built a reputation of being happily single and carefree. He had stolen the heart of both mortal and immortal people for centuries. But he had to admit the idea of having a mate was extremely appealing. Demetri's expression shifted into a serious one suddenly as he looked to his master,'' What do we do next masters?''.He asked his tone direct and serious with a hint of concern laced in it.Demetri was concerned about having his mate in danger.Despite never meeting her,Demetri felt protective just from simply hearing about her.He could smell the faint trace of her if he was alive his heart would of skipped a beat.He looked to his masters for an answer.


Aro had a small smile on his face he was a little surprised but still delighted that his top guard's member has found his mate. Especially a mate that was so gifted, with a gift that he had wanted to add to his guard since the creation of the Volturi.The things they could know when mira is added.They could know things before they happen.They could crush actions before they extend to possible exposure.Not only that they could better know person's future.It was always difficult to judge not knowing if that person truly would cause trouble.Which is why they tended to dispose of those that could threaten them.Having Mira could change all that ...more fair trials and less trouble of possible exposure.

Aro knew the situation with the newborns would only create more tension especially considering that one of his guards had a mate who was at the center of this. Aro thought to himself briefly before turning his attention to his brothers.Who were in deep thought about it.They turned to look to him as he says,''It seems we must prepare to go to America brothers. Not only to correct this newborn problem but to bring home a new addition to our coven''.Aro says with a cheery smile. Marcus looks at aro thoughtfully as if he was thinking over what he said with great interest but did not respond. He simply nodded to aro. While Caius had a sinister smile on his face he was delighted over the fact the Volturi would soon get a seer.It was something they all had wanted especially aro as well as himself.

And admittedly he was happy for Demetri who was one of his favorite members of the guards next to jane and alec. Though he was a bit angry that there was a human involved but he was willing to overlook that for the time being. Unlike the Cullen situation, Caius knew the Volturi would follow through with transforming the human at a planned time.''I agree we must take care of the newborns and their creator then we can safely bring the human back to Volterra. We will discuss details on the human's transformation later''.He said in a monotone voice laced with his normal disdain. A scowl appearing when mentioning the word newborns.

Aro nodded in agreement at both of his brothers. Aro had a calm expression as he spoke next,'' Yes ,we will need to take to this Raphel...and deal with the newborns. We will bring more of the guards including some of the lower guards for back up since it seems this leader has created so many''.Aro made a mental note to leave a few of the lower guards at home to watch over the castle.And he would need to find a place for the wives to stay.


Aro gestured to some of the lower guards who quickly left the room to prepare. Aro then said,'' Alec, jane, Demetri of course, Felix, Santiago, and Chelsea will come on the mission''.All of the guards nodding in agreement. Jane and Alec had shown up when they heard the commotion their interest peaked when they heard Demetri's name being used. Only to find out it was because of the revelation that Demetri not only had a mate that was human at that but was a seer. Not too many exciting things tend to happen in Volterra so this was an exciting revelation.The twins looked on in curiousity.As they listened to their master.


Aro smiled which lessened when he turned his attention to the newborn in front of him. His brothers quickly followed suit.''Hmm now in the meantime what do we do with this young one ''.He looked thoughtfully at the young vampire he hadn't done a search for powers that the newborn could be hiding. He had searched for anything else. River looked nervously at the ancient vampire. Caius scowled at the newborn normally he'd suggest that they dispose of the newborn especially since they came from a newborn army. However, Caius wasn't stupid he knew this Mira would be very displeased if they destroyed this newborn who had told them mira was their friend. Caius glanced at the newborn in disdain while stating,'' Normally I'd suggest execution, however the seer would be most distressed if we were to do that. And...also the fact even with the seer's suggestion you could have ignored it and simply ran away. But you listened and followed the law by reporting this newborn army. I vote to Pardon the newborn...brothers''.Caius said the last bit with an annoyed look on his face. He didn't like it but knew it was necessary.

Marcus quickly spoke,'' I second the parton''.Aro nodded in agreement.''I agree so it's decided''. He then went to take river's hand again. Which river reluctantly did letting aro see deeper into their thoughts. River allowed aro to see their ability.Aro searched then his eyes widened. Caius and Marcus interest peaking at aro's expression. A large smile crossed his face,'' Magnifico ...another wonder gift''.He said to himself as he stared at the young vampire. Aro gently withdrew his hand from river then said to the Felix and ...''You may unrestraint river dear ones''.Which they did as their master had ordered. Caius spoke,'' What gift does this one have aro''.Caius had dropped the disdain he had toward river as soon as he heard that the newborn had a useful gift. He was interested in what river had to offer.Aro smiled thoughtfully and was pleased with his luck,'' It seems we have another Eleazar. Isn't it wonderful!''.Caius face morphed to have a pleased smile while Marcus's expression remained neutral but did seem somewhat intrigued.Caius was pleased he was glad they all agreed to let this newborn live.Have someone with a gift similar to eleazar would be useful.He also took mental note to have river check the receptionist from now on it would save time determining if they were useful or not.

Aro then turned to river,'' River, dear one would you like to join us?The Volturi would be more than happy to have you here''.River looked surprised though a little cautious. Then thought of Mira. Mira was the closest thing river had to family. And since it seems Mira will be joining the Volturi mainly because of her mate. It seems the best way to make sure Mira is safe. River then looked to the three ancient vampires.''I will join the Volturi '', River simply said with a faint smile. Aro smiled pleased with river's decision and clasped his hands together in an excited manner.''Wonderful ,Felix please escort river to their new quarters let them settle in while we go over the plan of what to do and prepare for the newborns''.Felix gently grasped rivers arms as he began to escort them out.The large throne room door opening and shut quickly.

As they left aro mentally noted to himself to assign river to Mira when she is brought back to Volterra since they have seemed close. It would be easier since they seem to be close friends almost family. From searching river's thoughts, Mira and river seemed like they have a sibling-like relationship.River seems to be very protective over Mira which aro was very pleased with. That would come in handy it was always better if people assigned together were at least friendly.Aro then glanced back to the rest of the guard including his prized tracker Demetri then lastly his brothers.

''Now, where do we begin...''.He said with slight sinister intention in his voice. They did have an army and creator to eliminate. And aro wanted his prize. He wanted Mira.

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