《Volturi imagines...》Invisible[felix x Plus sized oc]
Face claim:Nicola Coughlan aka Penelope Featherington from bridgerton
Miranda was a quiet person who tended to read quietly by herself. Her terrible family ignored her most of the time. Which she was fine with as long as she got to read and they left her alone that was fine. Unfortunately, they didn't leave her alone all of the time, when they didn't they could be extremely cruel. Her stepmother belittled her mostly for her weight, while her father neglected her emotionally. It was mostly because she looked too much like her mother. It was difficult for him to even look at her.
Miranda's Step siblings on the other hand were worse. Her stepbrother was the worse especially as the years went by. He physically would harm her but not very often. Luckily she was able to avoid him most of the time. Over the last year, he started making other physical threats which turned to threats of sexual assault. She just needs to buy her time she's 21 and just finished college. She just needs to wait out until they got back then she could get the trust fund her mom left for her. Something her dad or stepfamily can't touch. She thought to herself. Miranda winces as her step-brother flicks her ear,'' Mom said let's go we need to keep up!''.Her stepbrother Jacob yelled. Miranda flinches at the sound of his voice. And gently rub her ear, Miranda doesn't say anything just nods her head. Miranda hears laughing behind her. Then I'm shoved by one then two shoulders,'' Watch it freak''.They say at the same time.
Her stepsisters...Viola and Maxine, they were like stepmother Denise made fun of her weight. But they also did everything in their power to physically humiliate her. Jabbing at her flaws and making comments,'' Oh look at how your thighs jiggle your barely moving'' or there was ''Omg guys look at toadface's ass it's the size of Jupiter. And those were the tame ones.Miranda sighed softly to herself as she glanced between looking in front of her back to her book which was far more interesting than this tour.
She was currently was on an ''exclusive'' tour in Italy, Her family won a free trip to Italy on a private jet. Which of course they took without hesitation. She knew better this was a walking red flag but did she say anything.No...she knew better than that. So off to Italy they went, Miranda of course was shoved to the back with the bags. Which I didn't protest more time for reading. Our tour guide was busy talking to my family and a few other guests who had won a similar contest. Her name was Heidi, Miranda wasn't gonna lie, serious girl crush she was stunning. She had unusual violet eyes and mahogany colored hair. She wore a tight dress that was made with velvet it was a burgundy red with a silk scarf to match. She tried to avoid looking at her to keep from staring. But it was hard not to.
When they eventually arrived in Italy, They were all placed on a tour bus which picked up a few more people. This is when Miranda noticed a few seemed to be backpackers, she thought this was an ''exclusive'' tour.No offense but they didn't seem like they had prepared for a contest tour. One young woman in sports gear sat next to her. Miranda mostly sat through the long bus ride reading but eventually decided to chat to her seat buddy.
''Hi ..''.Miranda began which caught the young woman's attention. She turns to look at Miranda just noticing her for the first time,'' Oh hello I'm Helena'', She says a possibly french accent creeping out. She then adds,'' Sorry I didn't notice you sitting by me''.Helena apologizes. Miranda chuckles and shakes her head then sighs a little,'' It's fine'', she replies. Then adds,'' I'm used to not being noticed...it can come in handy''.She says after pausing a moment before adding the last part. Helena smiles and nods in agreement. Miranda then continues by asking,'' So how you feel about winning''.Miranda began then pauses as a look of confusion crosses Helena's face.'' Win?''.She asks confused.''What do you mean'', she prompts.
''Um, the contest...all exclusive trip to Italy hotel and everything after the tour that's 'exclusive', apparently that one''.Miranda tells her as if she was supposed to already know this information. But Helena frowns and looks confused before stating,'' I didn't win whatever you won. I got an opportunity to study at a medieval castle after the introduction tour''.She begins to say but then looks like she thinks about it a moment. Then shrugs,'' Oh well they must be doing multiple things at once. You know like combine tours probably save them time''.She suggests to Miranda who looks alarmed then goes to think about it. Helena looks at Miranda a moment before shrugging and pulling out her guide book of Italy. Meanwhile, Miranda is still thinking about what she was just informed about. She continues to think during the bus trip until.
They are lead through a tunnel entrance which the bus stopped at.''And this was created back in...''.Heidi spoke towards the group including her dad and stepfamily who were engrossed with the information Heidi was saying. Miranda shook her head as she walked along. She was the last one in line. No one seemed to care or noticed she had slowed down as they finally entered the castle. Miranda sighed while glancing around rather bored, Her eyes then rest on a comfortable spot in the corner. She bit her lip then glanced up ahead,'' No one will notice''.She thought to Herself. Miranda noticed the guide hadn't paid attention to her that much. She smiled then slow down then creak to hide behind a pillar. Miranda heard the tour walk on ahead, She peeked to see if they noticed, Which they hadn't as they walked past reception .''Yes!''.She thought as she grabbed her stuff and sneaked to the comfortable spot she found. A bench in the corner Miranda plop herself down and go to open her bag, she pulls out her headphones. Then put them on turning on some music, Soon Miranda nestled with her nose in a good book. As music drowns out the world around her, oh how lucky she was to do this.
At the moment Miranda did the tour had made it to the door of the throneroom, What Miranda was too distracted to notice was the sound of heavy giant doors opening then closing. Followed by screams which were being drowned out by her music. She was ignorant of the world no one even initially noticed that they were one short. Not even the secretary who walked by noticed despite the music. She had glanced briefly noticing her walk by completely ignoring her. Miranda smiled to herself,'' I guess I'm truly invisible even to strangers''.Miranda thought to herself. A few minutes go by, Miranda only notices as she checks her watch. Miranda frowns closing her book before putting it away in her bag. Miranda had a small backpack and a messager bag with her. They held the few things Miranda had in the world like mentioned before Miranda wasn't treated very nicely by her dad and stepfamily.
She turned off her music and gently pulled her headphones down before looking around. Confused Miranda grabs her stuff and quietly walks down the hallway past reception which is now empty. Miranda peeks down the hallway which she sees leads to a throne room. The door is open and in the corner. To Miranda's horror, she sees a small pool of blood in corner of the room. She then looks around only to see a pile ...of bodies.
Including, Her father and my stepfamily. And Helena oh poor Helena is laying on the ground eyes wide open. A handsome blonde man his hair is short and spiky, he's going through Helena's backpack. He seems to find a unisex sports jacket he seems to like.
Miranda watches some other people in there, looking through the bodies while others are going through bags. Miranda sees that one of her stepsisters' bags is in the hands of a young girl who smiles as she pulls out one step-sister viola's shoes.
Miranda looks on in horror as she notices their eyes, Their red eyes...including a pair of formally violet color eyes. Heidi who now has red eyes is counting the bodies when she stops frowning then she begins again. Oh shit, Miranda thinks she needs to go. She turns to leave and sneaks past reception and back down the hallway which leads to an elevator. Miranda presses the button frantically looking behind her. She doesn't see anyone as the doors open. Miranda turns to hop inside when a wall hits her chest. She is about to fall when a large set of arms lock me into a death grip. Miranda hears someone breathe in sharply,'' It couldn't be?'', Miranda hears, which made her turn to see a large man with dark hair and a large frame staring at her in disbelief.
She gasps at the red eyes and tries to pull herself from the death grip.''Please let me go''.She whimpers out, But the tall man shakes his head before sternly saying,'' I'm never gonna let you go mi amour. Now that I found you''.He coos a soft loving smile appears on his face. Confused and terrified Miranda looks at him, As Miranda goes to say something as she hears footsteps behind me, she glances only to Heidi who looks relieved to see her but confused at Felix.'' Um, Felix nice to see you back from your patrol and I'm glad to see you found the missing human. But um what the hell are you doing with it?''.She asks a look of concern and confusion as she reaches towards her. The man hisses. Which Miranda quivers in fear at, he shushes Miranda as he hugs her close to him.'' Don't be afraid mi amour''.He whispers to her.
Heidi raises her eyebrows first in confusion than her face morphs to realization. She gasped and gains a smile before squealing like a schoolgirl,'' Omg Congratulations Felix! You found your mate!! Omg wait here I'll head back to the throne room, the masters and everyone are gonna freak out. Then bring in your mate''.She clasps her hands together with a look of delight. To my horror, Heidi then speeds aways with inhuman sped.
Miranda then pauses before she realizes,'' Wait A minute!! did she say mate?'', Miranda mentally screams. She glances at the man which Heidi called Felix. He looks down lovingly at then says ''I can't wait to introduce you to the others.''.He eagerly says before he scoops her up and like Heidi speeds away. Miranda notices they are back to the throne room which is now free of bodies and the blood has been cleaned up. Felix enters carrying me, She frantically looks around only to see Heidi talking to three men who are sitting on thrones. The one in the middle gets up before exclaiming,'' Felix my dear Heidi just informed us of the wonderful news!''.The Man had black hair that fell to his shoulders. He was dressed in a rather expensive looking suit. Felix gently sets her down, Miranda moves away only for him to wrap his arms around her. Miranda gulps as she looks at the man who smiles down at her. As he approaches us. He reaches out his hand before turning to Felix,'' Don't worry Felix I will not harm her''.He reassures him. Felix relaxes before letting her go.
Before she knew it the man grabs her hand gently before staring off into space. She looks at him in confusion.He then gasps then exclaims,'' Ahh so it is true you are his mate. Oh, how wonderful. And with a gift, it seems ''.He looks at Miranda with fascination as he says this. He still is holding her hand for a moment before gently releasing her.
''A gift you say aro and what might it be?''.A voice says. Miranda turns to see a young man with blonde hair who looked angry but that expression changed to a similar expression much like the dark-haired man( now apparently named aro) had.
Aro smiled then turns back look at the man,'' Oh yes Caius, she is gifted indeed. And she's projecting it even while she is still human''.He says with a look of awe.
Caius looks intrigued but remains silent. Aro continues before turning back to stare at her,'' isn't that right my dear. You have a wonderful gift of remaining undetected. It wasn't until after the feeding when Heidi was counting when we realized we were one short''.He pauses before glances from Miranda to Felix,'' And of course, if it wasn't for dear Felix here's run-in with you who knows how far your could have gotten''.
Miranda turns to Felix who smiles before glanced down at her, he smiles when he sees her looking at him. She felt her cheeks turn red before turning away. She let her hair fall onto her face. Felix chuckles before speaking towards aro,'' Master what should I do now. Should I turn her right away?''.
Aro smiled then glanced to Miranda,'' Go ahead my dear ''.Felix smiles at his master then turn to bit Miranda on her neck. She screams as the venom begins to take effect. Felix is distress as he pulls away from his mate,'' Shush it will pass soon my dear''.Miranda's vision goes dark as they pass out.
The last thing she hears is aro reassuring a distraught Felix. The brunette man soon comes by to rest a hand on Felix's shoulder. And the blonde Caius comes over to observe. As everything turns dark...
Miranda felt the burning, it was like someone was burning them alive. Internally she was screaming. Her veins were being burned her heart raced like a jackrabbit. Then that was when she began to change. Felix and the others could see this happening while she was unconscious. Her blonde hair changed from a dull dirty blonde to a vibrant honey with warm golden blonde highlights. Her baby blue eyes changed to a bright red as all newborns have. Miranda's skin changed to an almost glassy tone it was perfect any blemish she had before was gone now. She was already pale before but that changed to an unearthly tone. She looked like a ghost. Miranda had always been curvy but now her curves were more defined. Things had softened her body tone where she was still big but her muscle tone was perfected. Miranda's eyes flew open and she shoots up into a seated position gasping. Her hand goes for her throat burning in her throat is the first thing she notices. And she realizes turning to Felix,'' What the hell did you do''.She sobbed but no tears came. Felix looked at her apologetically. He quickly helps her up,'' Well looks like I am gonna be in the dog house for a while''.He thought to himself.
Epilogue :
Felix was right he spends a month in the doghouse. Much to his dismay, he quickly understood why he rushed turning her. Even though aro said it was fine he should have asked to give her space for at least a month. But her blood would have tortured him, not only was Miranda his mate but his blood singer. Miranda was understandably furious she was turned against her will. She even threw a shoe at him after he called her my love after asking her to calm down.'' That's not my f-ing name! It's Miranda not that anyone asked''.She screamed at him. Which Felix, as well as the rest of the Volturi, cringed at. They didn't ask her name.
After a month Miranda slowly came around, she feeds much to her dismay on the receptionist. She had been starving herself for a month. Aro, Marcus, and Caius were rather impressed she had such self control for a vampire. Miranda felt guilty about feeding on a human being but her thirst was too great. Besides as aro pointed out they needed to punish the receptionist for literally doing nothing to stop Miranda. She could have escaped which would have been bad. Miranda did point out to aro,'' well I did go past a lot of other people too''.Aro nodded in agreement. But Caius scolded her by saying,'' That she failed in other duties before you came, we were planning on getting rid of her anyway''.
Miranda grimaced at the receptionist's screams but drained her quickly. She smiled and felt better, her throat no longer burned. Felix smiles and wraps his arm around her,'' see Miranda that wasn't too ba-''.He began but stopped when Miranda's smile dropped and she crossed her arms at him with an annoyed look on her face.''Oh, crap still on probation''.He asked with a guilty expression. Miranda nodded then replied,'' Yes...'', She began which made Felix look sad for a moment. But then she added with a small smile,'' But..you'll be out by next week''.She chuckled a bit. Felix looked relieved and chuckled a little. Miranda thought to herself,'' Despite still being angry that I was turned against my will. At least I'm finally being noticed for the first time. I'm not invisible anymore''.
Miranda eventually excepts Felix despite her initial anger. She comes to first care the truly loves him as her mate. Miranda is given a rather high position among the guard. With help, Miranda discovers her ability to camouflage her to make her appear if she isn't there. With practice, she begins to learn first to use her gift on herself than to others. Which became handy in missions. And finally, after time, she's able to help conceal the Volturi itself. So only the supernatural now could know where they were. To the outside world, they would appear to be a private building that came private tours. So to the outside world the volturi didn't exist.
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