《Volturi imagines...》Jane x OC
Jamie was a tourist in Rome... minding his own business when she approached...she said her name was Heidi. The first thing that Jamie noticed was how gorgeous she was.Almost inhumanly so. Jamie had a gut feeling not to go with her but as he began to tell her no. She starts to talk,'' Come on you won't regret it...I have an exclusive tour of an old castle in a small city. I just need one more person for the tour''.She says with a smile while gesturing to the small group of people there had to be 25 people in the group. Jamie tried to say no but there was something about her he couldn't say no. After pausing for a second he reluctantly agrees which Heidi seems to take notice of. Heidi smiles as she leads him to the end of the line however as she does she thinks about how strange it is how difficult it was to convince this human. That would be something to bring up to the masters. Especially since it could be intriguing to discover if this human had a gift.
Jamie reluctantly followed the beautiful woman and the tour group. Heidi on the way back home (with the location unknown to the group).While on the way Heidi's curiosity grew as she tried to talk to Jamie like she had been doing in order to keep them with the group. But Jamie seemed annoyed and disinterested. Finally bluntly told her ''No offense I don't know why I'm here I don't want to be here''.Heidi looked at the young man in surprise even though she has seen some concern through human victims in the past no one has ever been vocal about it. Heidi was slightly concerned yet intrigued she thought this human must have a powerful gift that is manifesting even as a human. Master aro will be pleased to hear that she found someone while out fishing. Heidi thought of something,'' Well if you are that greatly displeased with the tour once we get to our location my employer will compensate you for your time and arrange for you to be brought back. Heidi said this because they had already traveled from Rome to just outside Volterra which is 3 hours by car. They had a bus that they used to bring in tourists from nearby while others are flown in via their private jets over the centuries they had accumulated a small fortune allowing them to do so.
Heidi smiled as the young man she learned was named Jamie, she had also gotten small fragments of his life much to his reluctance. He was both an art and classic literature student studying in Rome sketching some of the buildings. Which impressed Heidi because it's rare nowadays for young people to be so interested in such things. The tour had finally made it to outside Volterra which Jamie seemed to have a change of mood once he saw the ancient architecture. Heidi leads the group through a different entrance to the city which was through a series of tunnels lit with lanterns. Jamie was so caught up he didn't notice as the tour lead it from the ancient tunnels to a doorway that leads into a more modern reception area. A beautiful young woman gets up to greet Heidi in Italian which Heidi simply nods. A large and intimidating man wearing dark yet formal clothing is standing there. Jamie is to caught up admiring the stonework while Heidi brief halts the tour group to whisper to Felix who raises a brow in surprise but nods. Heidi then says,'' Alright everyone lets get moving we are going to see something you won't ever forget''.Jamie perks up then moves to follow before Heidi glances back telling Jamie,'' You stay here with Felix until after the tour Jamie now sits''.She is firm while staying this and Jamie feels his body stop in its tracks before he reluctantly complies. Jamie nods and hesitantly sits down in one of the chairs by the reception.
Jamie watches the tour group move down the hallway disappears. He could hear what sounded like a set of large heavy doors being opened and shut. Jamie sighed and looked down in disappointment unable to continue on the tour he had become interested in once he saw the building. This disappointment was short-lived when to his horror he heard screams. He shot his head up towards the end of the hallway. His eyes going wide as he shots up out of his seat and attempts to move but Felix quickly is in his way. Felix just gives Jamie a stern look which causes Jamie to go back to his seat. Felix stands by casually watching the young man Heidi brought in. Heidi had whispered to him to watch the young man until after the feast. And not to harm the young man because master would be interested in him. Felix was a bit caught off guard but was fascinated why this one was spared. At least for now ...
Jamie sat in the chair terrified now the screams had slowly died down now. Jamie was clutching the sides of the chair. He glanced at Felix who was still watching him curiously. Jamies' gaze shifted to the young woman in the receptionist seat. She seemed unaffected by the screams she was doing work at the desk. Jamie looked at the woman in shock how could she be unaffected by the screams. A look of disdain crossed Jamie's face briefly before falling into a deadpan when he glanced at Felix. Jamie shifted uncomfortably in his seat especially as he hears the sound of heels which he recognized as Heidi's coming down the hallways. He hadn't realized the large sounding doors had been opened. Heidi soon appeared with bright red eyes she had almost violet eyes which Jamie quickly realized weren't real they were contacts. She smiled as she walked up to Felix and Jamie,'' Masters will see Jamie now...we decided to wait to clean up''.She paused then looked at Jamie,'' You know just in case they decide against him''.She said mainly to her coven mate. Felix smiled and nodded with a knowing look. Jamie was confused as he is lead by Heidi with Felix following close behind. Heidi casually mentions as they are nearing the end of the hallways towards a large set of ancient doors,'' Oh by the way it got a little messy so careful''.
Felix chuckled from behind Jamie leaving him briefly confused until the large doors swung open. Jamie gasped as he is lead into a large beautiful throne room but it was the bodies flung in the corner of the room piled up a small pool of blood from all the bodies slowly draining down an ancient grate in the center of the room. Jamie's eyes go wide at the site terrifying him further. He then sees three men in the center of the room all with the same bright red eyes the one in the center with long dark hair smiles at Jamie. Who is frozen in place he gulps as the man moves towards him.
''Ahh, this must be Jamie the young man Heidi saved from the...tour.My name is aro''.The dark-haired man says.
The blonde-haired man on the right stands up from sitting on what Jamie realized was sitting on a throne. He seemed a little annoyed yet eyed Jamie curiously .''I don't understand why this human was spared however I'm willing to let it slide. Since Heidi has suspicions this one is possibly useful''.He looked at a terrified Jamie up and down. Caius didn't see anything special but looks can be deceiving. Aro nodded agreeing with his brother. Aro walked up to Jamie further terrifying him. Jamie is caught off guard when aro gently grabs his hand. Jamie is confused about what he is doing.
Aro took in the young man's mind with only some difficulty. Which aro was alarmed yet pleased about Heidi was correct in separating this human from the rest. He had too much potential as an immortal than to be a meal. Aro looked deep into Jamie's mind he was a very talented young artist and literature academic he held a deep love and appreciation for all things ancient particularly art and literature which pleased aro very much to find. Jamie grew up in Canada near Alaska in a small town. No close family he was estranged from his family after his grandparents left all their money to him. His mother died when Jamie was five while his father remarried to a vile woman who hated Jamie .Especially after learning that her husband would receive no money from his parents who detested their son and her. Recently the grandparents both died leaving all their money to Jamie who put it towards his college and traveling since he graduated early at 15. He loved art from a young age because of his mother.
Eventually, the stepmother gave up after Jamie moved away to study in Europe. Jamie heard a year later after graduating that his father divorced her because she cheated on him. Jamie hasn't had contact with the rest of his family since.
Jamie seemed to have a rather interesting life overall. Aro could tell he didn't know what was going on. He had no idea what they were ...
Aro let go of Jamie's hand who was looking at him terrified and still very confused. Aro smiled then turned his head slightly towards Caius.''It seems Heidi's suspicions were correct this one does have promise...even as a human much like the twins had''.Aro says with a smile. Caius had a small smirk usual for him to do yet terrifying to observe. Aro and Caius soon began an exchange on what to do with this young human. The third Volturi leader Marcus had been quite which wasn't usual. During this entire scene, he had looked on in disinterest however as his eyes scanned the room he felt something. A bond is formed he could tell it was strong and romantic. His eyes first went to Jamie he had been standing there terrified as aro and Caius discuss what to do next. But soon Marcus notices his attention changes his eyes look around the room stopping and freezing in one place. Marcus's eyes wander to where Jamie's gaze was. It was rare for Marcus to show any emotion. However, his face changed to a rare emotion... which was a delight. He saw the person Jamie was looking at was ...jane.Jane has a surprised expression on her face as she stared at Jamie. A faint rare smile crossed her lips. Her red eyes were wide with a mixture of confused and surprise. Marcus turned to his brothers who were both still caught up in their discussion.''Aro ...cauis...look''.Marcus said slightly raising his voice which he had never done not since his beloved wife died. Both of his brothers looked over slightly startled by their brothers' behavior and change of tone. Aro and cauis 's faces were priceless the two ancient Volturi leaders had seen something they hadn't seen in a long time. A happy jane with a genuine smile, not a smirk or sadistic grin a normal smile. They stared between jane and Jamie in disbelief.
''Well, I'll be damned''.Felix muttered in the corner of the room.
Other mutters of surprise and disbelief filled the room. Alec looked on in delight but surprised at his sister he was surprised but very happy his sister had finally found her mate. The entire guard including Demetri and Felix was surprised out of all people jane had found a mate. They were happy for her mainly because this means most of her attention would be on her mate and not making their lives miserable with her outbursts.
Aro was delighted his favorite guard had found her mate besides part of him was also relieved Jamie seemed to have some sort of gift as well as a personality that could counteract jane's moods.
Caius on the other hand wouldn't stop staring in disbelief. Jane getting a mate was something he thought he'd never see.
Aro walked over to Marcus to double-check and smiled as he confirmed the bond. He let go of Marcus's hand and walked down the throne steps clasping his hands together exclaiming which snapped both Jamie and jane out of their trance.''Well, that seems to settle things. And what a delightful surprise as well. Not only have we found a solution to our problem of what to do with young Jamie. But it seems Jane has found her mate as well how wonderful''.Aro said with a grin on his face. Aro was genuinely happy for jane. Not only finding a mate but adding another promising member to the Volturi as well.
Jamie looked to aro not noticing when jane sped over to him. To be by his side she gently placed a hand on his shoulder briefly frightening him only to relax when he saw it was her. Jane's expression softened as she gazed lovingly at him. Aro was mesmerized at the sight while the cauis had a small smirk a look of content and satisfaction crossed his face. Marcus had a ghost of a small on his face which remained neutral for the most part. The rest of the guard was utterly speechless but mostly relieved that jane may finally found a permanent distraction.
Aro and jane's mood changed rather quickly as they looked to each other nodding. They both knew this needed to be done now. Everyone in the room seemed to know except Jamie. Jane then looked with a pained expression as said,'' Sorry love but this is gonna hurt a little''.Jamie began to look to jane confused but she grabbed his neck pulling down part of his shirt and jacket exposing more of his neck and shoulder before biting down. Jamie gasped in surprise then as she bites down... he felt it the venom. He screamed from the agony jane quickly pulled away she restrained herself from going back for more of his blood as she had to let the venom do its job. Jamie collapsed gasping from the pain his vision blurred because of the pain. Jane moved to his side concern on her face. Alec soon joined them as he looked on with concern at what he considered his future brother in law. Alec asked,'' Should I use my powers to make it easier''.Jane looked to her brother nodding. And soon all Jamie felt was darkness.
Venom surged through Jamie's veins it burned through his body changing it forever. Any imperfections including old scars fading. His skin and hair changed ...his skin tone paled slightly a shade lighter because now all the warm including blood was now gone replaced by the venom. His hair changed his hair became richer and deeper. The same happened with his brows and eyelashes. The way to describe what Jamie became...perfection.Utter physical perfection...Jane smiled and gazed down at Jamie as the transformation took effect.
She gently put a hand on his chest while observing. She could hear the last breaths of Jamie fade and his heartbeat fade. The room was silent for a moment...Jamie then shot open his eyes. The brownish-black eyes replaced with red. A crimson red normal for a newborn...The first thing Jamie looked at with his new eyes were jane.''Jane''.Jamie said with a smile sitting up straight. His eyes dart around the throne room alec and jane help Jamie up as he takes in his new surroundings. He could see so much more...
Jamie then felt the burning in his throat. He places his hand on his throat,'' Ahh I think young Jamie needs to feed''.Aro says with a sickly sweet smile and tone. He turns to Felix and Demetri,'' dear ones go fetch Kendra it seems we will no longer be requiring her services. Which reminds me ...it looks like we will be needing a new secretary''.He says this while his expression changes to a sad expression with a frown but Jamie could tell it was clearly fake. The two guards leave the room ...a moment later Jamie hears a panic voice then a scream which grows louder. Soon the secretary appears being dragged in by the two guards only Felix seems a bit said though he had briefly had flirted with her. The young woman is thrown to Jamie who grabs her the thirst burning his throat. Before the young woman could scream any more Jamie tilts her neck to the side exposing her neck and sinkings his teeth into the young woman silencing her. The blood instantly smoothed the burning in her throat the pain that had been in his throat calmed considerably. Once Jamie had finished draining the secretary he let her body gently fall to the floor. Jamie wiped his mouth and turned to jane smiling. Jane smiled back to Jamie,'' Better''.She asked. He smiled and nodded ,'' Much better''.
Jamie gently put an arm around janes' shoulder in a comforting manner. Smiling at her, jane smiled back for the first time in her life since being a vampire she felt a genuine feeling of...happiness.
Jamie is...Tyler Posey
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I was sent back in time to fulfill my wish of living peacefully. I returned to the day it all started; the day the humans first entered the tower of hope. I was the chosen one; the only human with the knowledge of the upcoming events. And yet, I chose a different path. I am tired have no intention of joining the frontline. I earned my retirement and shall live peacefully in the cities as a healer. But first, I need to get through this tutorial and shall squeeze out all the benefits I can from the zeroth floor. [Also, first time writing in first person]
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Rise Of The Heavenly King
At the start of the 20th Century, 10 meteorites fell all over the world carrying within it boundless power that would shake the entire planet. From that moment, some people started to gain abilities and use them for good and evil, waging wars all over the world. With this event, 10 kings would rise and rule the entire world. These kings were the strongest of all, each carrying massive amounts of power. One day, a war that affected the whole world had erupted. Because of it, countless people died both weak and strong. New people arose, taking over the old rule. After the worldwide massacre, all people who wielded these magical abilities disappeared. This century was secretly known as the "Battle Of The Kings" and was regarded as a highly classified information. Now, the old century has passed and a new one came with the power of technology. Living in this era was a 30 years' old man, Lucas Riel. He was commuting to home when suddenly, a meteorite fell over close to his location and since he was a curious person, he went ahead to check it out. When he got close, he accidentally inhaled the smoke coming out from the meteorite, started hearing whispers then passed out. One day, he discovered that he gained an ability after hearing those silent whispers. With his new ability acquired, watch as he slowly rises and becomes feared all over the world. He is known as the Heavenly King. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: I HAVE ALSO POSTED THIS STORY FROM OTHER WEBSITES UNDER THE SAME AUTHOR/TITLE. HERE ARE THE CURRENT WEBSITES YOU CAN READ FROM: - RoyalRoad- ScribbleHub Author's Note: This is the first novel that I have posted EVER. Atleast try out the first 3 chapters and see if it's to your liking. Sorry if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes that I might have made as English is not my first language and I am only writing this novel to relieve my boredom. - This story will have some R-18 scenes but there will be only a few of them as the story is not focused on sexual content. - Lastly, feel free to leave a review and your suggestions so that I could see if you like the story or if there are any mistakes that I have made. That's all and enjoy reading :)
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