《Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (Arjuhi Fiction)》Part 7


As Arjun walked down the stairs he looked down at Arohi who was deep in conversation with his sister. He saw that beautiful smile of hers that lit up her whole face and it made his breath catch. She looked so innocent. But as he took another step and felt the ever present stabbing pain in his foot he was reminded that Ms. Alluwalia was anything but innocent. SHEDEVIL he thought. As Arjun got to the bottom of the stairs he saw Sid Uncle coming towards him. "How are you Arjun?" 'Are you okay you seem to be walking funny he said." At that Arjun heard a giggle and then another louder giggle. He didn't need to even look to know that it was Arohi. "Oh this uncle, I'm fine, I just came across a vicious cat who scratches. He said this looking at Arohi who was glaring at him. Seeing uncle's worried expression Arjun assured him he was fine, and he took care of that cat and that she wouldn't be scratching anyone now. "Good I'm glad, come and meet my daughter Arohi, you two used to play together when you were little," laughing Uncle Sid said more then play you two used to fight. By this time Arjun was standing infront of Arohi, Arjun spoke first, "actually we already met at Shefali's wedding uncle." "Oh good good, okay why don't you two chat, and get to know eachother better" he said. Arohi looked at her dad with a confused look on her face. "get to know eachother better" why would she get to know Arjun better? Infact she wanted to distance herself from him as much as possible. Come to think of it her dad had been acting funny for a few days now, just a couple of things he had said and one day during the wedding ceremonies she had seen her dad and Rudra uncle deep in conversation with her dad looking worried. When she had walked over both men had stopped talking and had looked at her with guilty expressions. Both ushering her away and saying everything was fine. Arohi made a mental note to talk to her dad, maybe something was up with the business. She felt bad she had been so focused on other things she hadn't even stopped to think that her dad might need her.

"Alright everyone dinner is ready" Arjun heard his mother say. Arjun was looking at Arohi, she had some many emotions playing on her face, confusion, then sadness, then determination. He smiled thinking this girl could never hide her emotions what you see is what you get. Grudgingly he admired that quality of hers. Seeing Arjun's smile Arohi glared at him, seeing her glare Arjun gave her a bigger smile. Arohi brushed past him to the dining room.


Dinner was very enjoyable, the food was delicious, conversation flowed, there was lots of laughter. Aunty and Uncle kept Arohi talking by asking her questions about her dance theatre group, what she had done in university, her plans for the future. Arohi being the chatter box that she is kept everyone entertained with her stories. Arjun found himself listening closely to everything about Arohi. He found himself laughing countless amounts of time like everyone else. He couldn't even believe how much his serious no nonsense dad was laughing, Arjun had almost choked on his drink when Arohi had teased Arjun's dad and his dad had laughed like a school boy! After dinner, dessert and coffee were served in the living room . Everyone was full and happy, feeling mellow. Even looking at Arjun's face wasn't making Arohi mad, which was a rarity in itself. Talking about her future plans had gotten her excited. Joining her familiy business, Alluwalia Developers was going to be the next step in her life. Her older brother Ishaan was already so involved in the business, he would be so excited to have her finally a part of things. She knew things were so busy he hadn't even been able to come down for Shefali's wedding.

As they say this was the calm before the storm. Neither Arjun nor Arohi saw it coming, they had been lured into a false sense of peace. "Rashi, Sara why don't you two go upstairs, we want to talk to Arjun and Arohi about something" rudra uncle said. Rashi and Sara both got up saying bye to Arohi and left the room. Arohi and Arjun looked first at their parents with confused expressions and then at eachother. : What's up dad" Arohi spoke first. Her dad looked at her with a worried expression and then at Rudra uncle who patted his shoulder as if to say everything will be alright. Right away Arohi got worried. "Dad what's wrong? " "Something's wrong I knew it." " Is it your health?" " Are you sick?" she said with tears already forming in her eyes. Arohi's mom came and put her arm around her. "No beta it's nothing like that" her mom answered "Then what is it?" "I've caught dad and uncle exchanging these weird glances more then once." "If it's not health then is it the business?" "No Arohi beta it's none of those." Nothing is wrong Arohi's dad reassured her. 'Your mom and I and Rudra and Kumud bhabhi just have something important to talk to you and Arjun about, something about your future.' 'About our future?" "What are you talking about Sid uncle?" Arjun asked with a confused look on his face. That's when Arjun's dad spoke up, "Siddharth let me do this.. Arohi, Arjun we wanted to talk to you about your future together. " Arohi and Arjun looked at eachother more confused then ever...FUTURE...TOGETHER...WHAT???? "When you two were younger Siddarth and I had both decided you two will get married to eachother. " "We had given eachother our word and you two had been engaged." " Now the time has come to take the next step and get you two married." Arjun and Arohi stood there with their mouths open not saying a word, just completely dumbfounded. Arohi finally spoke,"we're engaged, how can that even be?" "How could you hide something like that from me mom? dad? "How could you make one of the biggest decisions of my life for me she asked falling to the sofa. " "Arohi beta we did what we thought best." "Rudra and I know this will be a perfect alliance. Arjun is great guy, you'll be so happy with him" her dad tried to reassure her. Arohi just shook her head, "NO dad this was and is my decision to make. "You had no right to try to force this relationship on me." "What if I had already fallen in love with someone." "But you didn't" her dad tried to reason. "But I could have! " That's when Arjun interrupted. "You know dad I've always listened to whatever you've said and done what you wanted even when I didn't agree. You know why because I respect you and have trust and faith in your decisions. I just wish you could have shown me some of that same respect and trust to make one of the most important decisions of my life. Arjun, I did what I know and trust is best for you, his dad responded. Arjun shook his bead and gave a mocking laugh. "When did you know this, how old was I when you made this decision" he questioned. When there was no answer Arjun asked again..how old were we?? Sid Uncle finally responded "Arjun was 10, Arohi was 8." Arohi gave a cold laugh," 8 I was 8!" Is this some sort of joke?! Now that the disbelief was wearing off Arohi was getting very angry. "Dad I would never marry Arjun". " For all you know he's an ax murderer!" Arjun saw red, "you wouldn't marry me, I wouldn't marry you," you you...shrew! "How dare you, you arrogant, stubborn ulloo ka patha" Arohi screamed. "See dad" Arjun joined in "she's calling you an Ulloo", "and you want me to marry this disrespectful shedevil". Rudra tried to shush Arjun but Arjun could not be quieted. "She's crazy dad, she'll turn our house upside down, there's no way I would spend the rest of my life with her." I don't want to end up in a mental asylum. Arohi was livid, she launched herself at Arjun ready to claw his face off. Her mom and dad had to physically hold her back kicking and screaming. "dad I'm going to kill him" " let me go, I hate him so much what does he think of himself?"f she screached. "I know I know the whole speal Arjun spoke up, doesn't he know who I am, I'm Arohi Aluwalia the biggest spoiled brat, I'm always righ,t everyone wants to be just like me" Arjun said mimicking Arohi. And so it went with the 2 going back and forth until Rudra was able to forciably take Arjun out of the room. Arohi was being calmed down by her mom when Sid went to Rudra and said "maybe we were wrong." "Maybe we shouldn't have done this." "They hate eachother." But Rudra shook his head "no Siddharth those two will get married even if I have to take them kicking and screaming to the mandip." " I will make sure this wedding takes place even if it's the last thing I do." If they think they're stubborn then they've met their match because no one is as stubborn as I am.

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