《LACUNA || R.A.B》6. Life threats and crowded infirmaries


Her eyes fluttered open to the warmth of sunlight falling on her eyelids. Squinching her eyes, she slowly sat up on her bed. A surge of pain rushed through her skull, moving towards her neck.

Paige let out a cry of pain, holding her head with her hands. Never had she experienced such pain before. She tried looking around. Black spots danced around her vision as she painfully tried to blink them away. Everything felt hazy and the room seemed to be spinning slowly; clockwise and anti-clockwise.

Her vision slowly adjusted to see Alexis sitting beside her bed, face cupped in her hands and a lazy grin on her face. A book lay nearby on the sheets as well.

"Goood moorning Paigee!" She said in a tone chirpier than ever, as if excited to ask a lot of questions. "How are you feeling on this fine Sunday morning— although not exactly morning now really,"

“Why does my head hurt so bad?” Paige groaned. “You must’ve had a lot of fun last night, right?” Alexis said with a mischievous smile. “Well, yeaah, I did! You should’ve come too Lexi, It was fun.” Paige forgot the pain for a second as she got excited to spill the details. “There was so much food and I hung out with the Quidditch team. Davies was with me too. We played a game of charades, and then the penalty was to drink and一”

Paige stopped mid-sentence. The pain in her head, the teasing look on Alexis’ face, an array of vague memories from the night before coming to her mind. Blurred, hazy memories; but enough to tell Paige what a mess she was in.

The dormitory door opened to Maria coming in with a bunch of stuff in her hands. “Oh thank goodness you’re awake Paige. I was worried sick,” she said, putting the stuff down on the bed-side table. “Okay I got you a bunch of stuff that could help with a hangover. I know it must be hurting a lot right now. I didn’t really know anything myself so I had to ask some older students on what they do to cure it.” Maria opened a water bottle and handed it to Paige, who was just sitting there, wide eyed. “Here, drink it, you need to stay hydrated at all times to help it go away easier. I’m sorry the effects are going to last for as long as it takes them to go away, but we can at least try to make it less painful for you. Considering it's your first one too.” Maria spoke fast.

Paige reluctantly took the water bottle. “And also take these ginseng drops. I had to wait in quite a line to get this for you. Some hufflepuffs got it from the Greenhouse. They said they grew the roots during herbology class and extracted the drops. They were handing it out for free, but it took a while to get it because there were a lot of students. It's a good remedy for hangovers.” Maria opened the bottle in Paige’s hand and added in some drops.

“And eat this banana too. I heard bananas help too. They have potassium or something. I don’t really know, but just take it.” she peeled it off and handed that to Paige too.

“Come on, why do you look so lifeless? Does it hurt a lot?” Maria asked worriedly sitting by the foot of her bed. “Yes, it does hurt a lot but I don’t think she’s worried about that.” Alexis said with the teasing tone.


“Oh, are you worried about your parents finding out? Don’t worry we’ve sealed our lips. We are not going to tell this to anyone, alright?” Maria tried reassuring Paige. “Just relax and get some more rest to kill off time for the hangover to go away. Your mum won’t kill you so stop worrying about that.”

“My mum’s gonna kill me when she finds me alive.” Paige said in a weary tone. “Ivy’s going to kill me first! Oh God, I’m in such trouble. She told me not to drink but I’m so stupid I gave in for the adventure.”

Alexis and Maria looked at each other. “Yeah, you did cause a bit of a trouble for her. She had to carry you alone to the dorms and well, it didn’t really go very pretty.” Maria pursed her lips. “But don’t worry about that right now.”

“Where is she right now?” Paige asked as Alexis forced the banana in her mouth. “I think she went to the library to study. Her usual sunday routine.”

“She’s probably sitting in the library plotting ways on how to kill me.”


Ivy sat in the library plotting ways on how to kill Paige.

Well, not exactly kill her, but a punishment of some sort. She had tried following her same Sunday routine. Study in the library after breakfast, then try to find something else to do for the whole day. But her mind was barely coping with the homework. She was still stuck in thoughts from the night before, thinking of ways to make Paige pay for her mistake a little. She was definitely going to get an earful the minute Ivy sees her, so Ivy had made sure to stay away from the dorm for a bit. Regardless of how angry she was, she knew Paige would currently be experiencing the after effects of the drinking, and she didn’t want to cause more pain for the time being at least.

“Oh but after she’s all healed up from the hangover…” Ivy thought with gritted teeth, eyes narrowed at the Transfiguration homework in front of her.

“Plotting another murder?” a cheerful voice met her ears. Sirius Black sat down across from her, a charming smile playing on his lips. Ivy felt her breath hitch.

“Something like that,” she said with a smile. “I’m trying to work here but can’t seem to get my head out of thoughts.” “I didn’t know you were left-handed.” he said pointing towards the quill in her left hand.

“Ambidextrous, actually.” Ivy smiled. “I prefer using my right hand but..” she put her right hand on the table, which was clearly swollen around her wrist. “What happened?” Sirius asked, taking a look at her wrist, concern lacing his voice. Ivy ignored the tingly feeling in her stomach. “Oh, nothing. Just a little accident.” she replied in a careless tone.

“Well you better get that checked. It’ll only take a minute with Madam Pomfrey. Believe me, I’m telling you from experience.” he chuckled. Ivy laughed at his joke too.

“Soo..” Ivy said. “What are you doing in the library?” “I was hiding from Remus. He's been nagging us to study.” Sirius made a face.

“But the library is the exact place to go to when you want to study?" Ivy replied in confusion. "Why would you hide here?"

"It is also the place Remus would least expect me to find in." Sirius replied smugly. "Honestly the best place to hide is where your enemy least expects you to."


"Well, padfoot, you clearly didn't think through enough that your enemy actually knows your predictable strategies." Sirus' eyes went wide in shock as Remus came in view, arms folded. "You are too smart, Remus, Too smart to be a Gryffindor." Sirius replied in shock. Ivy just enjoyed the encounter.

"Come on, now. McGonagall gave a lot of work to do." Remus forced Sirius to follow him who reluctantly followed because Miss Pince was glaring them both down.


Ivy was definitely left in a good mood after the incident. She finished her school work, then went to the Hospital Wing to get her wrist checked. “If you would’ve come to me sooner, it would’ve been fixed in seconds.” Madam Pomfrey said, taking a look at her wrist. “But it's been hours, so it's going to take more time to heal.”

She casted a spell over Ivy’s wrist, and Ivy could feel her ligaments healing. It was a weird feeling. But the swelling and redness of the wrist didn’t go down. Madam Pomfrey headed to the big cabinet in the room, which was filled with all sorts of medicines and took out an ointment and some bandage.

She gently applied the ointment on Ivy’s wrist, then proceeded to bandage it. “Rest your hand for a while. It’s going to interfere with your lessons, so I’ll write you a note. Change your bandage at least once a day. You can just come here if you can't do it yourself.” The matron said softly and gave the roll of bandage and the ointment to Ivy.

Ivy thanked Madam Pomfrey who fetched out a piece of parchment and wrote a signed note to excuse Ivy from physical lessons. Wand lessons required specific hand movements that Ivy might have trouble with. Although she could use her left hand for the time being but it was better to have a permission note just in case.

Just then a few students entered the hospital wing, diverting the Matron’s attention. Michael Davies came in with the support of two ravenclaws. But before Ivy or Madam Pomfrey could ask what had happened, some slytherins rushed in as well, Regulus Black being one of them. Thomas Nott was supporting him to walk and moved towards the nearest bed.

“Oh my, what happened?!” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed worriedly. “They both got into an accident while practising for Quidditch.” Thomas Nott explained pointing towards Michael and Regulus who were both currently lying down on the hospital beds.

“Good Lord,” the matron said as she went behind the curtains to fetch her stuff. “Davies? Are you alright?” Ivy asked worriedly, standing beside his bed. Davies smiled warily. But shook his head in yes although he seemed to be in pain.

“I’m fine, really. All of this is a package deal with Quidditch. I’m used to this, don’t worry.” he said, wincing as he tried to sit up. Ivy quickly supported him with her good hand.

“What about you though? Why are you here?” he asked, then spotted the bandage around her wrist. “Well, apparently, I underestimated. Drunk Paige is not easy to handle by one person.” Ivy said with a laugh.

“I feel bad, I should’ve insisted more to help.” “No, it’s alright,” Ivy replied. “No offense, but you did look a bit tipsy yourself.” They both laughed but then were interrupted by Madam Pomfrey who came to check Michael.

Ivy excused herself and got out of the hospital wing, throwing one last cursory glance at Regulus. He looked worn out, clutching his stomach with one arm, but his eyes were pointed straight at Michael, giving him a cold stare. Ivy rolled her eyes as she came out, but bumped into somebody who came running inside. The girl— Portia Parkinson, a fellow Slytherin— pushed Ivy out of the way. And without so much as a word of Sorry, she went towards Regulus’ bed.

Regulus winced at her sight and glanced at Thomas with a pleading look on his face. "I came as soon as I heard!" Portia exclaimed with worry. "These stupid dunk-head ravenclaws." She glared at Michael and his team mates who were standing beside his bed. "I don't even know why they play when they clearly don't know how to!" She grumbled. "Even now the matron is attending him first."

Regulus sighed. "It was a mutual mistake, not just his fault. I'm equally responsible. Besides, he's much more hurt than I am."

Ivy was taken aback at his words. She had never imagined Regulus to be speaking fair like this. Then why was he glaring at Michael earlier?

But she shook all her thoughts away. She didn't have that much time to understand his actions.

"You're hurt too though!" Portia cried, creating a lot of noise. "Alright now Parkinson. Let's let Regulus rest." Thomas Nott said, making an excuse to take the girl away.

Their words faded as Ivy stepped out of the infirmary and went back to her dorm


Ivy could hear Paige practicing apologies from outside the dorm. She opened the door a little to see Paige pacing around the room, looking extremely terrified as she practiced what to say. Ivy couldn't help but laugh to see her like that.

But she removed all signs of humor from her face and formed a straight face, the one who you would once look at and know you're doomed. She opened the door and came inside, quietly sitting at her bed.

Paige gulped at her sight. But Ivy didn't pay attention to her. She took her sweet time taking out all her books from her knitted satchel and placing them on the desk. She knew Paige was growing anxious with every minute of silence and Ivy was enjoying her time. Serves her right for driving me crazy.

"Um.. Ives.." Paige started. Ivy looked back with a deadly glare. Paige cowered, taking a few steps back, keeping a safe distance between the two.

"I am.. I want to.." Paige fumbled with the words trying to form an apology. "I just.."

She sighed, taking a deep breath. "IvyIamextremelysorryforwhatIdidIswearonmylifeitwillnevereverhappenagainIwillneverdrinkeverinmylifeevenwhenImofage." She closed her eyes and let everything out fast.

"First and last time." Ivy warned.

Paige eyes went wide in shock. What? It was this easy?

"What? That's it?" Alexis exclaimed from her bed. "Come on, I was ready for a fun fight." She pouted.

"Well it's good Ivy forgave Paige quickly." Maria intervened. "Paige even gave you her favourite chocolates and her light up shoes." Maria pointed towards the chocolate bars on Ivy's bedside table and the shoebox beside it.

"It feels like a boulder has been lifted off my shoulders." Paige said with a relieved sigh as she sunk down in her bed. She eyed her neon shoes glossily. "Please accept the offering." She bowed her head as of she was offering things to a goddess.

Ivy opened the chocolate bar and took a big bite. She slid the shoebox back to her sister. "You can keep the shoes." She said. "Really?!" Paige asked, instantly lighting up. "You're the one who likes them. Not me. They'll be a waste." Ivy answered. "Plus you keep making those wistful eyes at them."

Paige grinned sheepishly wearing her shoes and clicking the heels together. "You're the best sister Ivy!"

Ivy just rolled her eyes and continued to tell them about Davies and Black at the hospital wing.

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