《LACUNA || R.A.B》4. Quidditch and Quaffles


Weeks passed in a blur at Hogwarts and the calendar turned its pages to October. Chilly air started taking its rounds around the school, spreading the scent of dampen earth and sweet, growing pumpkins all around. The trees dressed themselves in hues of orange and yellow and red indicating that Fall had begun.

The students enjoyed the new pumpkin flavoured delicacies served during meal times along with warm drinks to fill up their chests. Fall seemed to have brought a good aura with itself, and had given the students pleasure during their tiresome studious lives. Fifth year had not gone easy on them one bit. The students took classes till the evenings, then retired to their common rooms or libraries for further studies and loads of homework. And by the end of the day, they would be too tired to enjoy anything else and tended to get some rest. Fall seemed to have brought a little bit of relaxation.

Ivy had grown to like Fall more than Winters now. She didn’t see the point in having any fun in winters anyways now. The thing she loved best about winters was the snow, and—thanks to Regulus— she couldn’t even enjoy that anymore. But as winters faded from her life, she was able to see the beauty that the other seasons carried. For the first time, she had really noticed all the flamboyant flowers that bloomed around her, beautiful birds singing melodious tunes. She realized the taste pulpy mangoes and peaches left on her tongue during Summers, and how she missed eating them as Summers turned to sleep. She realized how fun it was to walk on the crisp leaves that adorned the ground, the sound they produced as she crushed them with her favourite pair of boots, how amazing the smell of earth and pumpkin spice was.

She had learnt to appreciate nature more and be grateful.

Along the hectic days of school, everybody had turned their attention towards Quidditch; the sport being the only source of entertainment for them. Ivy still didn’t go to any matches— or even if the girls forced her to come along, she’d barely pay any attention. But it was Ravenclaw’s first match against Hufflepuff this weekend, and Ivy was bound to go to support her sister.

“Do you have everything with you?” Ivy asked worriedly, as her and Paige stood outside the changing rooms. “I do, Ives.” Paige responded. “Your helmet?” “Yes,” “And gloves— and your knee pad? Make sure to wear your chest gear as well, alright? Honestly, I’m so scared for you, just be very careful and—”

“—Ivy, I have everything with me, and I promise I’ll be careful,” Paige said, taking her sister's hands in hers. “Please stop worrying about me and go eat something. You didn’t even have breakfast because you were too busy being nervous instead of me.” Ivy sighed, then nodded. “I’ll be fine, I swear.” Paige said again, reassuringly.

“Ladies, sorry for interrupting your conversation, but we’re running a little late,” Michael Davies said as he came to stand beside the girls. “We need to get Miss Binns ready.”

“I’ll go now, wish me luck,” Paige said excitedly. Unlike other students, she was quite excited for her first match and showed absolutely no symptoms of nervousness. She even ate more than she usually did, whereas Ivy was the one getting restless and didn’t eat anything at all.


“Alright, just don’t break open your head or something.” Ivy said. “Can’t make any promises,” Paige joked with a wink and then laughed as Davies and her went inside the changing rooms.

“Calm down Ivy, she’ll be alright,” Ivy muttered to herself as she made her way back towards the strands where Alexis and Maria had saved her a seat. “Here, eat this,” Maria said, handing her a sandwich wrapped in some paper. Ivy thanked her gratefully with a smile, then slowly unwrapped it. Alexis sat on her right, immersed in her third book of this week.

“No, no, no!” she suddenly said aloud in distress. “What happened?” Ivy asked. “He’s walking straight into the trap! Straight into it! He’s the hero, how can he be this dumb!?” she said, aggressively turning her page. She spoke in frustration, moving her hands around to explain. It was starting to attract attention from people, but Ivy and Maria stayed calm, used to Alexis’ behaviour.

The sound of a whistle from Madam Hooch indicated the game had started, and they all shifted their attention to the game. The team captains shook hands, and Paige quickly waved at Ivy who gave her a thumbs up in return. The match was about to start.


The match ended with Hufflepuff winning by 50 points. The Ravenclaws looked disappointed at the loss, but Ivy was just glad Paige was in one piece. The teams came out of the pitch, where their friends and housemates waited for them. A cheer erupted in the Hufflepuff team as they praised their team captain.

“Paige!” Ivy said as she tackled her sister in a hug. “You played so well!” she complimented. Paige smiled back enthusiastically. She wasn't the person to get disheartened easily by losing. “You all did so well, and I’m so proud of my team,” said Michael Davies, addressing the team members. “It was our first match with the new team, and I think we did a pretty great job. Well done everybody.”

The Ravenclaws cheered, boosting their team’s confidence. They weren’t going to back away by a single defeat. Maria patted Paige on her back, and handed her a bottle of water to drink. The girls then headed back into the Hogwarts castle.

"Lord, I'm so tired," said Paige as she collapsed onto her bed. "It was fun, but so tiring. I could sleep for a whole day."

"Alright, but go take a shower first." Ivy said. Paige mumbled back in unwillingness, her face in the pillow.

"Go on, you're reeking of sweat and mud." Alexis commented from her bed. "By the way, I heard the Hufflepuffs are arranging a party today." Maria said as she watered her potted plants placed on the window sill.

"A party? But they just won a regular match. It isn't like they won the Quidditch Cup or something." Ivy said. Maria shrugged. "I don't know, but honestly I think it's just an excuse to have a bit of a fun. These days have been very tiring for all of us with the O.W.Ls preparation."

"Who's invited?" Alexis asked. "Anybody can come. The Hufflepuffs welcome everybody." Maria answered.


"Will we go?" Alexis asked. "Should we go," corrected Ivy. "We lost against them, I don't think the team members will like us to celebrate Hufflepuff's victory."

"I'm totally fine with a party," Paige said as she came out of the shower and did a hair drying charm. "And I don't think the rest will mind. Davies seemed quite content with our performance."

"Still," Ivy said. "I don't want to be disrespectful."

"You're right," Maria said. "We should ask Davies if it's okay."

"Good idea," said Paige. Then she grabbed Ivy by her wrist and led her out of the room. "Come with me."

Paige looked around the common room, then started heading towards the boys' dormitories.

"Paige! What are you doing?!" Ivy hissed. Why was she suddenly heading towards the boys' dorms? And knowing Paige, Ivy knew it must be for some very crazy reason.

"Well Davies isn't in the common room so he might be in here," Paige replied. "Can't we just wait until he comes out?" Ivy said again, trying to stop her sister.

"Why not just ask him right now?" Paige replied, then knocked on the respective door. Before Ivy could convince Paige to head back, and not just go to the boys’ dorms like that, the door opened to reveal Michael Davies himself. He had a white shirt on and rubbed his hair with a towel that was slung across his shoulders. The smell of mint shampoo and the damp hair suggested he had just come back from a shower.

“Hello Binns,” he said looking at Paige. “And Binns,” he said to Ivy with a smile. “What brings you to the boys’ dorms?”

“Davies, Are you sad that we lost the match?” Paige inquired without wasting a second. “Sad? Nop, not at all,” Michael replied. “Disappointed, a little, yes but definitely not sad. It was our first match with the new team and I think we did an incredible job.”

“Okay so not like drown myself in the shower level sad?” Michael chuckled. “No, not at all. But why do you ask?”

Ivy pulled Paige’s sleeve so that they could leave before she mentions the party, but too late. “Well we wanted to go to the party that the Hufflepuff are hosting tonight. But Ivy didn’t think it was alright to go.”

Michael laughed again. “Girls, you seriously did not need my confirmation to go to the party. You do you, enjoy yourselves. In fact,” he said, opening the door a little wider. “We were going to the party ourselves. Right boys?” The other guys in the room answered with yea’s and a thumbs up.

Ivy let out a relieved breath. Thank God Michael didn’t consider them weird for asking this. Or maybe he did. In his mind. But Paige seemed quite content. “Brilliant!” she said. She waved goodbye and then she and Ivy turned to go back. “See you there!” Michael said to their back, sounding a bit expectant.

“Get ready Ladies! We have a party to attend!” Paige said loudly as both blondes entered their dormitory. “I’m not going,” Alexis said from the top of her bed as she flipped the page of her book.

“Weren’t you the one asking if we were going?” Ivy said as she sat back down on her bed. “Yes, so that I could refuse.” Alexis replied with a shrug. “What’s the point of going to a party anyways? Sounds so boring.”

“I have good enough reasons,” Paige was throwing stuff out of the closet. “A, for the food. B, for the booze and C, to get a cute guy.” She threw in a wink.

“Paige, you're underage. You can’t drink alcohol.” Maria said. “I can drink at any age as long as I don’t get caught.” A shirt came flying on the floor as Paige rummaged further.

“You will not touch alcohol Paige Adele Binns.” Ivy said in a stern voice. “None of us will.” Paige scowled. “I was looking forward to that part. It’s only some times you get access to it.”

“I don’t want to hear another word. No underage drinking.” Ivy made herself clear and Paige knew there were no winning arguments with her sister so she continued searching for clothes.

“So are you coming Lexi?” Maria asked. “Nope.” Alexis shook her head. “I’m fully sorted for the food,” she said, pointing towards her stash of snacks in the cupboard. “You’re not going to let me drink and I’m not interested in real guys. So no point in me going to the party. I already know I won’t like it.”

“You should try it once though.” Ivy said. “They’re good for socializing.”

“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to Lexi, but we’re just saying it would be good. Even if you don’t want to socialize, let’s just have fun together.” Maria added.

“I’d rather stay in my bed and read.” Alexis replied with a smile. “Alright, whatever you like.” Ivy replied with a smile. She hadn’t been to a lot of parties either but still wanted to try it out. “I have a feeling you’re gonna have more fun than us.”

“Do I have anything good to wear?” Paige interrupted them with a complaint “We can worry about that later. You should get some sleep first.” Maria said as she picked up the clothes all around the room. “Maria’s right. You’ve been playing quidditch for hours. You should rest a little or you’ll collapse before we even make it out of our dorm.” Ivy agreed, grabbing a tee from the table lamp.

“You’re right. I do feel tired. Besides, I can't say no to a nap.” Paige said, slipping inside her covers, yawning almost immediately. “Wake me up when it's time.” she snuggled closer to her pillow, her voice getting sleepy already.

The other girls also decided to rest up a little before they went to the party.

─── ϟ ───

↦ A/N: I'm sorry I can't write Quidditch scenes lol

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