《Hiraeth | Regulus Black》Chapter One


Parties were very much the social normality of upper class, elite pureblood families. It was a very tight knit community of only a select few families devout enough to the supremacist beliefs. And of course where there were rich wizards, there were extravagant parties.

This was certainly behind the question as to why Esmerelda Avery was sat on a cold stone step outside the Lestrange home, staring out into the dark night. Consumed by shadows, the garden was unidentifiable, leaving Esmerelda alone with her thoughts.

Inside the Lestrange home, behind the door, was a wondrous party. The faint hum of music and occasional buzz of laughter would draw Esmeralda back to reality - reminding her of where she was.

The anniversary of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange's marriage.

A peculiar pair to say the least. There was no affection between them even though both of their families acted otherwise. The partnership was purely to keep pureblood running and avoid inbreeding. Despite no love in the relationship, that didn't mean both families didn't insist on covering this up with the most lavish party of the year.

Many of the scared twenty-eight families had been invited (of course only the non-traitorous ones). Nobody other than purebloods and house elves had stepped foot on the grounds in many, many years. A time where mudbloods would have been here, was a time thoroughly ignored.

Behind Esmerelda the patio door opened, allowing the sound of music and small talk to burst out of the house and into the night. She didn't glance over her shoulder to see who had walked out until they spoke from behind her.

"What are you doing?"

Esmerelda turned to see Regulus Black, of all people, leaning against the door frame with his arms folded as he looked down at her.

"Actually speaking to me now? That's a first." She rolled her eyes before turning back around.

"Don't make it seem like coming out here was my choice. Your parents practically forced me to come and check on you." He retorted.

Esmeralda scoffed, "Like they care either. You haven't spoken to me in nearly four years."

Regulus shook his head and looked at the girl with an expression of almost sadness, though Esmeralda didn't see this.

"Fine." He replied shortly, closing the door behind him once again as he made a quick exit.

She wasn't quite sure how long she spent sat out in the night, thinking and staring, before a small crack beside her almost caused the girl to shriek. Esmeralda fell back on her hands, panting and feeling the blood drain from her face as she turned to see a rather crooked house elf stood before her.


Of course she recognised this house elf all too well.

"Kreacher?" Esmeralda squinted as she sat back upright.

"Mistress sent Kreacher to invite Miss Avery back into the party." Kreacher spoke with a tentative tone.

Esmeralda sighed, her facial expression softening as she looked up at the creature. She vividly remembered the years where she would visit the Black family home and Kreacher would always bring her three chocolate biscuits as they were her favourite. Now Kreacher looked at her almost fearfully. Not that this was entirely Esmeralda's fault.

"Kreacher, what was your order for tonight?" Esmeralda asked, forming an idea in the back of her mind.

"To make sure all the guests are well tended to." Kreacher bowed his head slightly.

"And what would happen if I said I would only be well tended to if I had some chocolate biscuits and you sat next to me?"

Kreacher faltered for a second, unsure of what to do. Whilst it would be following the command he'd been given by Walburga Black, it would also most certainly displease her. He couldn't go against the needs of a guest, but he couldn't disappoint his mistress.

"Mistress has asked Kreacher to invite Miss Avery back inside." Kreacher repeated.

"Do you remember what happened at my house in the summer of 1967?" Esmeralda questioned. Kreacher looked up; of course he remembered.

"Yes, Miss. Kreacher is still grateful but Kreacher did deserve the punishment." He responded a little sheepishly.

"Do you think I deserved it?" Esmeralda turned around full now so that she was facing the house elf straight on.

"Miss?" Kreacher asked quizzically.

"Do you think I deserved to be sorted into the Hogwarts house I was?"

"It is not the best of houses." Kreacher stated as though it were a fact. Of course, it was a fact in his mind - it had been ingrained over so many years of service to the Black family.

"Do you think I deserve the way I'm treated because of it?"

Truth was, Esmeralda didn't really want an answer. She didn't care for anyone else's opinion on the matter other than her own. She was simply testing how the house elf would act.

Kreacher remained silent and Esmerelda took this as the perfect opportunity to share her newfound knowledge.

"Do you know where the surname Avery comes from?" She smiled warmly now.


"The line of pureblood witches and wizards who have passed it on." Kreacher replied, slumping his shoulders slightly almost as though he wasn't so tense in her company anymore.

"Avery comes from the name Alfred." Esmeralda recalled.

Kreacher didn't respond, instead choosing to cock his head to the side in slight confusion.

"Alfred comes from the old English words aelf and raed. They mean 'elf' and 'counsel'." She further explained, "Our pureblood family name comes from 'elf counsel', yet we treat house elves so terribly."

Maybe it was the dark of the night, or Esmeralda's own exhaustion, but she almost thought she saw Kreacher smile. This was before the house elf balled his hands into fists and resumed his usual, cold, stern demeanour.

"Okay, okay I'll come inside before you spontaneously combust." Esmeralda laughed to herself as she stood up and adjusted her dress. She hated it. She hated that she was forced to wear green and silver by her parents when they knew full well she wasn't in Slytherin. It was clearly their way of distracting from that fact and showing their pureblood community that Esmeralda could still fit in with everyone else.

She passed by, still rubbing the green silk between her fingers as she entered back into the party. Esmerelda spied her parents gathered by the edge of the dance floor, chatting quite happily with the Mulcibers and Rosiers. Across the dance floor stood her older brother - Ignatius - awkwardly leaning against one of the tables lined with food as he talked with the famously beautiful daughter of the Zabini family. Esmeralda tried to stifle her scoff as her brother ran his hand through his hair and flashed his signature, stupid smirk.

"Esme?" A familiar voice called out from behind her.

Esmeralda turned to see Narcissa Malfoy stood with her arms outstretched as if waiting for a hug.

"Narcissa." Esmeralda responded curtly, making no movements towards the girl.

"It's been an age since we last saw each other. How is Hogwarts?" Narcissa smiled, taking the hint and lowering her arms slowly.

"Hogwarts isn't home. That's for sure." She stared quizzically at the slim, blonde girl.

Narcissa laughed and linked her arm with her husband's - Lucius Malfoy.

"You remember Lucius, right?"

"Hard to forget." Esmeralda nodded towards the older boy. Although, now she supposed they were official adults.

"Have you spoken to your brother about the Dark Lord? Is he going to join?" Lucius asked, straightening out the front of his suit. It wasn't a secret that many of the people in the room not only supported Lord Voldemort but had agreed to serve him and were imprinted with the dark mark. Lucius Malfoy was among them.

"Lucius! Not here." Narcissa elbowed him and flashed a glare.

"Ask him yourself." Esmeralda narrowed her eyes at him.

Narcissa laughed, unthreading her arm from her husband and discretely encouraging him to leave. "Witty as always." She grinned.

"Is there any reason why you came to talk to me?" Esmeralda sighed tiredly and folded her arms.

Narcissa glanced over her shoulder before taking a small step towards Esmerelda.

"Have your parents said anything about marriage arrangements?"

The girl tried not to roll her eyes, "No. I think it will be a challenge to find a family here willing to accept me."

Narcissa grinned even more widely at this, "The Black family has a son that used to be one of your best friends - as did I. I also happen to know that he's been watching you all night."

"Oh get over it, Narcissa. Regulus is only moping about because his brother ran away. He probably suspects I know something about Sirius leaving." Esmeralda glanced past Narcissa to see Regulus stood alone, apparently staring rather intently down at his shoes.

Narcissa leaned closer, "Do you know something?"

"Of course I don't. I barely know the boy. I barely know any of you anymore." Esmeralda snapped now.

"Esme, you've got to understand the things people have said." Narcissa was practically whispering now.

"Well then I'd leave. Wouldn't want people to see you stood with me for too long, would you?" Esmeralda snarled before storming last Narcissa and over towards her parents.

Esmeralda's parents were definitely going to be much worse company, but then again they had the ability to take her home.

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