《Nowhere》Chapter 10


Chapter song: Shades of Cool by Lana Del Rey

(Val's pov)


I take a break from dancing and stripping for horny guys.

"Here, you don't have to pay me back."

Nicole sets a basket of cheese fries in front of me.

"Thank you."

I smile gratefully at her. The food here isn't the best, but it's sufficient.

"You deserve it."

She smiles back then walks away. I eat what I can then rest my head on the table. I hate crying. I never cry. My eyes well with tears, and I try to preclude it before I ruin my cheap makeup.


I mutter to myself and wipe my eye to see mascara.

"You ok?"

A pleasant, familiar voice is heard beside me. It's Justin.

"Of course."

I sigh sarcastically to myself.

"Val, what's wrong?"

Justin sits beside me, his hands already on my body.


I try to fix my mascara, but it's unfixable.

"I'm not stupid, Val."

He sounds concerned, but he's a good liar.

"It's personal. I don't want to talk about it."

I secretly beg him to leave it alone.

"Ok, but I'm here if you need me."

Justin offers and moves close to me. I hide my face in my arms as I lay my head on the table.

"Hey, let's get out of here. C'mon."

He takes my hand and pulls me out of the strip club.

"Where are we going?"

I clumsily stumble in my heels.

"I've got something for you."

He slows down and leads me into a flower shop.

"What's your favorite color, love?"

Justin's such a joke. I'm sure he's given flowers to every girl.


I answer, knowing he's gonna buy me flowers.

"That's a little too clean. Don't you think, babe?"

Justin hands me a white lily with a wink.

"Oh, like you're any different."

I shoot back with a wink.

"It's yours."

He pays for the flower then pulls me out, dropping the subject.

"Ice cream sounds good."

We enter an ice cream shop. I haven't had ice cream in forever! Omigod, I used to eat it all the time!

"What flavor, baby?"

Justin bountifully asks when we stand at the counter.

"Uhm, cookies and creme."

I gaze at the flavors in awe. Justin orders cotton candy; then we sit at a table.


"Thank you, Justin."

I lick my ice cream cone, noticing his eyes on my mouth. I can only imagine what's going on in his head, dirty things.

"Anytime beautiful."

He smiles, shifting his eyes off my mouth, and eats his ice cream.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch. I'm not normally like this."

I hate to apologize, but it has to be done. He's being so generous to me, and I'm acting so bitchy to him. I don't mean to. It's just difficult to stay stable when I just lost my place.

"It's fine."

He chuckles softly.

"It's just been a bad day."

I sigh and enjoy my ice cream, not wanting to rethink last night.

"It happens."

He affirmatively shrugs and finishes his ice cream. I finish mine too; then we walk back outside.

"So why are you a stripper, just curious?"

Justin asks as we walk on the sidewalk.

"It's all I can get, but it's fun."

I shrug honestly.

"All you can get?"

He furrows his dark eyebrows.

"There's no other job for me."

I hate the truth, but he wanted the answer.

"So...you don't wanna do this?"

He asks eagerly. I shake my head with my bottom lip trapped in my teeth.

"I can help you with that."

Justin offers with a sincere voice.

"And watch you fuck girls everyday? No thanks."

I push him playfully and turn down his offer.

"Baby, it's not like that."

He chuckles and stops me from walking by drawing my waist to his body.

"It's exactly like that."

I mumble under my breath, messing around with him.

"Hey, I'm trying to help you here."

Justin gently holds my shoulders with an amused grin on his face.

"And I'm trying to tell you that I don't care. Fuck all the girls you want. I don't hate you."

I don't move his hands off me. I like it.

"Damn, you're so cute."

He smiles flirtatiously at me.

"I'm good at that too."

I smile back at him, sinking my teeth into my lip.

"You're beautiful."

He chuckles and stares at me, hard. Something weird happens. My face grows warm. Justin's smile grows bigger; then he slowly leans in. He kisses me, deeply, and I kiss back. It feels different this time. My heart is violently racing, and it's like I'm nervous all of a sudden.


"I should get back to work."

I run a hand through my hair and turn away, breaking the kiss.

"You don't have to."

He wraps his arm around my waist, overwhelmingly.

"Yea, I do."

I head to the strip club, but he trails right behind me.

"Fine, but you owe me a lap dance."

We enter the club and head to the back. I notice that a few girls are eyeing us, eyeing Justin. I feel superior as Justin sits down.

I place my leg on his shoulder then attractively pop my hips and twerk for him. His hands are placed on my waist, and he moves in to get a closer look. I move on top of his lap and feel him stroke my body down to my thighs. I let him continue to touch me until I stand and lean close to his ear.

"Pay up."

I whisper and stay close. Justin chuckles, digs in his pocket, then places a few $100 dollar bills in my hand.


I whisper then move away from him. He gives me fucking $400! Maybe I can get a place to stay! I smile as I walk away. Maybe Justin isn't as bad as I think.

I stuff the money in my bag then hear a whistle behind me. It's a guy, a customer. I sigh then go over to him and give him a quick lap dance. He keeps complimenting me and mumbling dirty things. I get $10 from him and turn around. Suddenly, I feel him play with my bottoms, trying to take them off.


I willfully push his hand away and glare at him.

"But you're so sexy."

The guy pulls me close and grabs my ass.

"Don't fucking touch me."

I forcefully shove him away.

"How 'bout for-"

"Hey, leave her alone, man."

Justin cuts between us, ready to start a fight.

"Are you her dad?"

The guy smirks tauntingly.

"Don't make me punch that stupid mouth of yours."

Justin threatens with his fists clenched.


The guy mutters irritably then leaves. I stand frozen, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"You're welcome."

Justin turns to me and stands close.


I mumble with an appreciative smile.

"He doesn't touch what's mine."

Justin adds and pulls me in.

"Oh, quit it, babe."

I giggle and give Justin a playful push.

"Are you busy tonight?"

He holds my waist and pulls me close again.

"I don't know."

My phone hasn't buzzed all day, besides this morning.

"You have any plans?"

He rephrases the question.

"Let me check."

I don't wanna skip another night and get robbed again. It's not like I care. I don't have anything important. There are no messages on my phone.

This is really worrying me. I usually get calls or messages everyday. I haven't gotten anything in 2 days.

"I don't think I'm busy."

I tell Justin, who's fixing his expensive looking, white shirt.

"Sweet. Let's go."

He hands me my bag then leads me out of the club. It's lightly raining outside, so Justin hurries me into his red Maserati.

"Show off."

I mutter and smile to myself.


Justin smirks at me.


I shake my head, still smiling.

"You obviously like my cars."

He starts driving, testing the engine by making it purr. I roll my eyes again and grin.

"I hope you like pizza."

He smiles cutely. I don't eat pizza very often. I used to eat it when I lived in a car, because I lived near a pizza place and stole it a lot.

"I do."

I put on my tank top and jean shorts. We park then walk inside a restaurant called Pizza Lounge. Justin and I sit down at a cushioned booth.

"Valerie, uhm, there's a girl that works here. She might...you know?"

Justin whispers awkwardly in my ear.

"Let me guess. You fucked her too."

I speak knowingly.

"How come you think I fuck everyone?"

He grins and hands me a menu.

"Because you do."

I know it's true. We both do.

"Hey, I don't fuck guys."

He replies obviously.

"I hope not."

I giggle at his lame, yet repulsive, response.

"Oh, hi Juju."

A girl, our waitress, walks up to Justin and gets super close to him.

"Hey baby."

Justin's words make me roll my eyes. I keep myself busy by scanning through the menu. Justin and our waitress are whispering something to each other. I nonchalantly ignore them. They're probably gonna fuck later. I wouldn't be surprised.

(A/N: Bad news: I have to go to a stupid retreat camp this weekend. They're REQUIRING us to go or we don't get service hours😒😒😁😡😷 So I'll post on Thursday but not Saturday. I'll give you more details on Thursday☺️)


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