《wrong number ' karl jacobs》eight


do you consider yourself a good or a bad

kind of vegetable

what would a bad kind be

idk like fennel

a good one then

i see myself as mushroom

i do see that, yeah

i have no idea about myself though

pick for me

ohh hard one

maybe an onion

why tf am i an onion

idk you asked


why onion

you just are

i can't explain it

pick another one


a sweet potato


at least a sweet one

so thank you

you wanna know why


because you have the same skin tone and

dry energy as a sweet potato

i did not expect that answer and i did not

need to hear that

dry energy???

i don't wanna talk about this anymore


you have discord right

i do

my friends want me to invite you to our server



maybe later idk i don't know them

that'll be hella awkward

it won't

it's just me and my closest friends, the ones

i've told you about

there are also servers with more friends

but that one's our little secret server

i'm not a vip

they still wanna meet you

ask again in a few weeks


my i ask your twitter and twitch username

i wanna follow you :)


that's a cool username

thanks i made it at like 15

xdd still cool and creative

i mean

not really

but if you wanna call it that

i do

down to call later?


i'll get my work done til 7 and then i'm

gonna be all yours

thought you were already

hey hey hey mister

we're not married yet

okay miss, we'll talk about that later then

thank you very much

you've never told me what you work as

i'm a freelance photographer

mostly nature content for magazines, weddings, babyshowers, birthday parties etcetera

i also edit the pictures myself

oh my god

that's so cool what

thank you, thank you

so we're both basically independent

that's so cool

yeah, even though you get to choose

your streaming times

my clients book me and if i say yes to an event

or anything i can't say no later

can't really call in sick or anything

yeah that sucks

but i love photography

same same, it's really great

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