《Belle》Chapter 22


"Mommy mommy!" I turn around to see a little girl running towards me. Her long chestnut brown hair waved in the wind with a smile that could light up a whole room. She looked at me with her chocolate brown eyes, identical to James's eyes. I picked up the little girl, resting her on my hip as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "The monster is going to get me, mommy!"

"Roar!" I look over to see James running towards us, a playful smirk on his face. He began tickling the little girl in my arms, making her scream playfully. "I'm going to eat you up, little princess." The little girl screamed playfully, hiding her face in my neck for protection.

"Don't eat me! Save me mommy!" I smile at how cute she was.

"Okay, here's my game plan. We're going to run over to the jungle gym and once your inside, you'll be safe." I whisper into her ear, making her nod with a smile. "Ready? Set...go!" I yell, dropping her onto her feet and I grab her hand, running towards the jungle gym that was a few feet away from us. The little girl was screaming playfully as we ran, the smile never leaving her face. Once we reach the jungle gym, I lift her up and place her in the tower. James slows down once he reaches us, panting for air.

"Haha, now you can't get me!" She teased, sticking her tongue out at James. He smiled at her, his eyes shining with happiness.

"You win this time, princess Zara ." He smirked, his eyes lighting up even more as he looks at me. "All thanks to queen Belle." I smiled as he took my hand and pulled me closer to him, pressing his lips softly against mine. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my skin tingle where he touched me. After all this time, he still had the same effect on me.

"Ewe, that's gross." The little girl said, making a disgusted look on her face. James and I chuckled as we pulled away, my arms wrapped around his neck and his hands resting on my waist.

"Let's go home and get ready for your party, how about that princess?" James asked. The little girl's face lit up, and her smile grew wider.


"Yay!" She cheered, jumping up and down.

"How old are you turning, baby? I keep forgetting." I play, smiling at her innocently.

"Mommy! I'm turning four, I told you this five times already."

"Right, I forgot. Forgive me, princess."

"It's okay, mommy. I still love you." She said, leaning down to hug me. I pick her up and hold her in my arms as she plants a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"What about me? What am I, chopped liver?" James said, looking at us with fake hurt.

"I love you too, daddy!" The little girl reassured him, reaching out to be held by him. He took her in his arms and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, princess." James whispered, rubbing her back gently.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping, making me jump. I rub my head, trying to clear my mind.

That was just a dream. But it felt so...real.

That's the last time I'm drinking a whole chocolate milkshake right before bed. I shake the dream out of my head and get up, trying to find clothes to wear. I decided on wearing a cinnamon color sweater with light washed ripped jeans and Ugg boots. The sweater was larger on me, so it hid my bump well. Although the whole school already knew I was pregnant, I still felt uncomfortable with showing my bump. I put on some lip gloss and a little mascara. I hate wearing makeup so I try to use as little as possible whenever I can. I pull my hair out of the messy bun and brush through it, leaving the natural waves in. I'm too lazy to straighten it today. I take one last look in the mirror before running downstairs.

I enter the kitchen and see my grandmother sitting at the table, sipping on a cup of coffee with a newspaper in her hand. I walk over to the fridge and grab the carton of chocolate milk and a cup from the cabinet before pouring myself a glass.

"Nan, you know there is something called the Internet, right? You don't need a newspaper anymore." I tease, sitting across from her at the table and grabbing an apple from the bowl in the center. She lowers the newspaper a little so she could see me.


"Honey, I never learned how to use the Internet and I don't want to start now." She said before continuing to read the newspaper.

"Alright, whatever you say." I chuckle, taking a bite of the apple.

"Is that all you're eating for breakfast?" I shrug. She sets the newspaper down and gives me a stern look. "Honey, you're eating for two now, you need to be eating three meals a day."

"Okay okay, I'll buy some breakfast at school." I raise my hands up in surrender.

"What time do you need to be at school, anyways?" She asked, checking the watch on her wrist. I roll my eyes, she's so old-school.

"Well, James usually drives me to school but we kind of got into a fight after the ultrasound." I say shyly, taking a sip of my chocolate milk.

"What happened, sweetheart?" She asks worryingly.

"He said that he 'doesn't feel comfortable with me dating while I'm pregnant.' even though he has a girlfriend." I snort, leaning back in my chair. I felt my blood begin to boil again just thinking about his hypocritical comment.

"He likes you." She says out of the blue, making me choke on my chocolate milk. I wipe my face and swallow it, taking a gasp for air.

"Excuse me?" I look at her in shock.

Did she suddenly become a drug user?

"It's obvious that he's jealous of Kyle. That's why he said that." She said in a casual tone, taking her reading glasses off.

"Nan, he has a girlfriend."

"But he slept with you."

"He was drunk." She raises an eyebrow and looked at me like I was stupid.

"You know what they say: a drunk mind speaks a sober heart."

"Yeah, whatever you say Nan." I stand up, suddenly uncomfortable with this conversation. James does not like me. He was drunk and made a mistake he now regrets. Plus, he likes Michelle. I'm just his best friend...and baby mama. "Can you just drive me to school? Please?" My grandmother nods her head before standing up and grabbing her keys.


I open my locker and throw my useless books inside. The usual whispers fly around me.




I was used to it at this point. It's become apart of my usual life. I'm just going to have to deal with it. I grab the books I need for my first three classes before closing my locker door. I jump when I notice James standing there.

"Hey." He said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Jesus, Jay. Don't scare a pregnant lady like that." He chuckled

and I smiled. The familiar butterflies in my stomach came back when he laughed.

Stop, Bella.

"Look, I'm really sorry for what I said the other day." He said with a sad face. He pleaded me with his chocolate-brown eyes, they were filled with sorrow and guilt.

"You really made me mad, Jay-"

"I know, but I'm sincerely sorry for everything I said. I have no

right to tell you what you can or cannot do." I bit my lip as he pleaded me with his eyes for me to forgive him. I was really mad about what he said, but the second I looked into his eyes, all my anger washed away. It was almost like magic.

"Okay, you're forgiven." A huge smile spreads across his face at my words, which causes me to smile back.

"Will you come over to my house after school? I missed you all weekend." He smiled at me hopefully as he grabbed my wrist to plead. My skin tingle where his hand was, causing goosebumps to erupt through me.

"What about Michelle? Don't you want to hang out with her?" I say, never breaking eye contact with him.

"I hung out with her all weekend, but it wasn't the same. I want my best friend." I felt my heart sink.

Best friend. That's all you are Bella. You're his best friend that he accidentally knocked up while he was drunk.

It doesn't matter. You have Kyle. You like Kyle.

"Yeah, sure I'll come over." I force a smile towards him and he beams just as the bells rings.

"Great. I'll see you at lunch." He said before dropping my hand

and walking towards his class. I stand there awkwardly, many thoughts rushing through my mind.

What's happening to me?


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