《Affair With JXDN》Chapter 2


As the door widened and I cought my first glimpse inside, I lost all sense of professionalism and honestly felt my jaw relax and my mouth open without me having any control. The house was beautiful, spacious, modern and loud. My last thought snapped me back in to reality. I wasn't at all used to homes like this but even I was sure they weren't usually as loud as this. I could hear laughter, and yelling but couldn't make out anything specific.Just chaotic noise.

I followed Michael down stairs, and out into the back yard. Pool, hot tub, breathtaking view of LA. Check, check, check, he led me to what looked like a separate quarters that came off the back pool yard.

'Take a seat' the young man smiled. 'ill just go and get Jaden and we will start'

Taking a seat in one of the single arm chairs, I gathered my thoughts. I was starting to get nervous. This was The Sway house, Jaden was one of the extremely famous kids that had seemed to come up in Hollywood overnight, making their fame as content creators on various social media platforms, such as Tiktok and Instagram. He was a really really big deal. The house was a regular subject on all the gossip pages, and had even made it into the New York Times, with a special mention from the LA mayor after the boys had a massive party mid covid pandemic. They had had their water and power switched off as punishment. I knew all this already, there wasn't many people in the world that didn't. Only now though was my nerves starting to kick in.

I pulled out my laptop and opened my portfolio, hearing a noise I automatically looked up over the screen and out into the pool yard. There he was. 19 years old, medium height, smaller build but seen as though he didn't have a shirt on, I could see he was gorgeously defined, his hair was cut into the fashion that all the young guys had, short at the back and big at the front, hanging down into their eyes, he had blonde highlights through the front. Elegant butterfly's were tattooed from his wrist to his shoulder on one of his arms. But the feature that had me blushing, embarrassed, that took me right back to being a teenage girl was the biggest whitest smile from ear to ear and just to make me question what I was seeing right in front of me, the most beautiful sparkling blue eyes. Pull yourself together Dylan, this is a job, this is how you pay your bills, he is off limits, even for the involuntary fantasy your mind was trying to have with him right now. I took as deep breath as he walked into the room, stood up and held out my hand

'nice to meet you Jaden, I'm Dylan Sosa'

Our eyes met and something inside me snapped, something id never felt before in my 28 years of life. I sware he felt he could tell, his eyes gazed into mine for what felt like an absurd amount of time for a hand shake. We sat down opposite each other and as Michael began to talk, our eyes still had not broken off of each others. Their was the smallest part of my brain telling me to focus, listen, look away. But I couldn't, and neither did he. What on earth was going on. I had to do something, I had to focus. I somehow managed to hand my portfolio over to Michael, still mute, still staring at Jaden who also had not said a word. I had to do something, with all my inner strength I ripped my eyes away from Jaden's and took out my phone, I set up the meeting record feature so I didn't miss anything else. Did I hit my head this morning? Did we smoke too much weed last night? Why was I fantasizing about this kid staring deep into my soul? I blinked, once, twice, three times as hard as I could. I looked back up at Jaden, he was still staring. I wasn't imagining this, I had to pull this meeting back to where it should be.


I focused with everything I had on what Michael was saying.

'So, in saying all that, we need to bring Jaden to a new audience, YouTube is the way every one is heading and with his music career as well, we need him to be on the platform. your portfolio in filming is extensive and good. To be honest, I always go through the company you work for and if they sent you here I know you will be more then capable to film and edit Jaden's Vlogging. We would like to suggest you start ASAP, with a two week trial to be sure you are a good fit. If so it would be permanent work from there on out, following Jaden where ever his professional life takes him, branding him to the world in a unique way. We want the best for him, we demand it'

I managed to look Michael in the eye and smile. This was so much to take in, but all I could manage to say was

'of course' and nod my head.

Michael handed me my laptop back and nodded also.

'right then, you ill leave you two to discuss anything you need to discuss and confirm a day and time for this trial to commence'

Jaden stood up. Still looking at me. I sat there, like a dumb ass.

'you coming?' he motioned towards the door.

Again I could only manage to smile and nod. Rise to my feet and follow him.

'come up stairs' he said and lead me back into the house from the pool yard and up two flights of a wooden spiral stair case. The house was still noisy but from what I could tell we were walking away from the commotion which must have been coming from one of the downstairs living spaces.

We stopped at a large door on the top floor. He turned to me.

'i know it's not very professional, its my bedroom, but it's the only place we will be able to talk with no noise, and to be honest, I'm pretty casual so I guess this is just how I roll'

Me again with the nodding and smiling.

He opened the door and gestured for me to walk through first.

'ladies first' he said. Trying his hardest to catch my eyes, while I tried my hardest to look away.

His room was undecorated, a twin air mattress on one wall, a couch on another, a massive walk in wardrobe more then half full with clothes, although messily sought and the door was left open. I sat on the couch and took a second to have a hard talk to myself. I could not entertain any thoughts with this kid other then business, not even the slightest hint of thought of anything else. I didn't trust my self around him, I was acting in a way I'd never had before and I didn't no how to control myself.

'So Dylan' he broke my thought pattern. 'that's a really nice name. unusual for a girl'


He was sitting next to me, so close, i hadn't noticed while I was having words with myself. Our eyes were glued again, no matter how much I begged myself not to I didn't say a word or move a muscle when he gently placed his hand on my upper thigh.

'can I kiss you?' no kid you can't. No. No NO! Tell him no Dylan, I demanded myself.

Instead I just nodded, as he gently brushed his lips against mine, slowly licked the inside of my mouth, and eventually made his way deeper as our tongues intertwined. It felt so natural, more then that. It felt like we had been doing it our whole life. It definitely didn't feel like we had met half an hour before.

His hand that was on my upper thigh had gracefully and professionally made its way high in-between my legs, where I'm sure he could feel how wet I was. His fingers lingered on the outside of my panties, and just seemed to be holding on to my woman hood as he kissed me. The harder he pressed the deeper I kissed, and the better it felt.

here we were, he was making me feel better then I ever had and we both still had our pants on. But I was the adult here, I was the one with life experience. He was 19. A woman my age should not even be thinking about this. I had to stop this.

'jaden' I wisperd inbetween our lips brushing together.

'shhh' he wisperd back. He put his arm around my waste and pulled me on to his lap. 'you will get the job, trust me' his big blue eyes looking up at me. 'we both felt that downstairs just now when we met. Don't deny what we both want for the sake of thinking you have to'.

I started grinding on him as he reached back out to kiss me. Things were picking up pace. The kissing was faster, deeper, harder and more needy. Our hands were doing whatever they had to do to get the other naked without interfering with the kissing and grinding .

He broke the kissing to look seriously at me.

'can I fuck you raw'?

I started kissing down his face to his neck, sucking hard, biting, leaving marks. I could tell it turned him on.

He pulled away from me again.

'Dylan. Can I fuck you raw. Please'

my breath was heavy, I was wet and there was no going back.


He kissed me hard, then broke away again.

'can I come in you. All these little girls around me are lame. I need a woman to feel like a man. I know you are smart, I know you would be on birth control. Let me fuck you raw and come deep inside you'

I didn't verbally answer. I slowly guided the tip of his dick into my tight waiting hole. We both gasped as the tip eventually slid inside me. I was still sitting in his lap, facing him, he guided me to lean back.

'let me watch it baby, I wanna watch my dick slide into you for the first time ever'

I lent back and slowly moved up and down on him until his entire length was inside me. He lunged at my neck and started sucking hard as I built speed moving up and down on him. I started to get into a nice rhythm, it felt good, I know he felt good to. Now I was banging my pelvis down into his lap, over and over again, after only 3 minutes he suddenly pulled away. I was confused for a second and then memories from my young days came flooding right back.

'did you just come' I asked him, softly, non judgmental and with a smile on my face.

'yea' he nodded

He looked fucked, to be honest. Sweaty, messy, drained and not able to hold my eye contact anymore.

'good' I smiled, and gently got up out of his lap. 'Can I use the bathroom? To freshen up' I was being as calm and acting like it was no big deal as I could, hoping he would feel comfortable enough to feel the same.

'of course', he smiled nervously, jumped to his feet and pushed the door to our left open. 'There's towels, hair dryer, straightener, everything you might need. He politely added.

'Thank you Jaden. Just so we are clear though, did I get the job?' I asked smiling.

Our eyes finally met again.

'Of course' he smiled back.

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