《Our Secret Affairs》chapter 1: Party


Dear Adrien,

"Dear Adrien what!!!" The bluenette said falling onto the bed. She sighed, " why am I even writing you letters Adrien? I have a boyfriend! Wait, why am I even talking to myself! " she sighed once again.

She had been sending the boy letters every week. And had the same 'conversation' with herself every time she sent or wrote a letter. Somehow she had gained the courage to send him those letters, but he most likely never saw them she to his girlfriend Chloe Bourgeois.

Her heart was broken, and she tried to heal by dating the boy they call, Nathaniel. But she never came to a decision on whether or not she loved him. He was always begging for sex. It's not like he was her first time though, her first time was when she was Ladybug, and she was with cat noir.

She blushed at the thought, as memories, or flashbacks crossed through her mind.

"M'lady, we defeated hawkmoth. What else do we have to do? C-can we maybe... Be a thing? R-reveal our identities and-"

She cut him off and turned around, facing him with a frown. "Chat... You know that we cannot do that. Even if hawking is defeated." Little did she know, Adrien was in total heartbreak. Not only did he just find out his father was the dangerous criminal hawkmoth.

But he wanted to embrace lady bug and become one with her. It was for sure the girl had stolen his heart, but she never gave him the chance. He walked closer to her, "please m'lady? We won't see each other after this."

" I-i know... You've become a great friend to me chat but-"

"A friend?!" The cat yelled slamming her against the wall. His eyes were glossy, "You don't know the heartbreak I've been through Ladybug! Please don't leave me too..."


Tears streamed down his cheeks, and eventually the bug felt so bad tears ran down her face. She smiled sympathetically. "C-chat..."

"Please Ladybug... Please don't leave me!" He cried, lady bug cupped his cheeks, and without thinking kissed him. She kissed him passionately. Her lips fit his perfectly, and the taste was incredible.

Once they parted, they wanted more. Ladybug herself, and that's how it happened. But she was full of regret. Why did she ever leave him? Why did she ever let him go.

A tear escaped the bluenette's eye, why did I ever leave him? Why didn't I ever love him? Marinette had never thought her first time would be with her partner chat noir. But she regret leaving him. Because after they defeated hawkmoth, and did what they did, Ladybug had left due to her detransformation once cat noir had fell asleep.

And ever since then her life was horrible. Ad rien has asked out Chloe, they started dating. But she could see it in his eyes, that he was sympathetic towards her. They had the same situation, he was just trying to get over heart break. As she was with Nathaniel.

And Chloe had forbid Adrien to talk to any girls besides her, and of course the teachers and things like that. But she would send him a secret admirer letter every single week. They were most likely ripped to shreds by Chloe, he knew what could happen right?

The girl sighed, of course, Chloe was throwing an end of the year senior party, and everyone was going. Ann's Alya had practically forced her to come. She bought her a dress and everything. It was a simple pink gown that stopped at her knees. She had a lady bra that had no straps, since the dress had no straps either.


And lacy underwear with tights, she applied mascara, eyeliner, a light pink lipstick, and a little shimmer on her nose.Right as she was about to walk out of the door, 'he ' showed up. "Hey beautiful."

Marinette wanted to roll her eyes and walk away, but she faked a smile and tilted her head. "Hey Nath, ready to go to the party?" He leaned in, "Wanna have some real fun first?"

Marinette shook her head no, "N-nath, sorry but you'll ruin my makeup. And I just put on my dress. " she said, and before he could say anything walked outside and got in her car.

The red-haired boy got inside the car, rolling his eyes at her and she looked away driving to the bourgeois hotel.


"Adrikins!" The girl said running up to the poor boy and tried to kiss him, he dodged it and she ended up kissing his cheek. She frowned putting her hands on her hips, "Before everyone gets here, we could do a quicky in the bathroom. "

He shivered in horror, Chloe was not good at all. He'd done it once, and regretted the decision the moment her first started. He backed away, the doorbell rang and thank god!!!!!! She ran to the door inviting the people in, disgusted by their outfits.

More and more people arrived, and Chloe walked cover to him. "We can still make it Adrikins-" she was cut off by a red-haired boy arriving. "Jk! Not while the guests are here! Brb!" She ran to the boy, grabbing his arms and the bluenette was left alone. As well as the golden-haired boy.

She sighed, really? Chloe was gonna take him too? "Woah!" Said a girl splashing juice all over the girl's dress. Marinette gasped. The evil girl laughed hysterically. "Have fun getting that off." Marinette clenched her fists. If course Lila would ruin her dress too! She walked over to the rooms, a girl bumping into her on the way.

"Watch it clutz!" And when she bumped into her she bumped into another person. "Get out of the way bitch!"


"Watch it!!!!" And before she bumped into anyone else ran and ran. She ran towards a room. Locked, another room, locked! Where was there any empty room with one bathroom . She noticed a slightly opened door, and walked in. The room was ridiculously fancy. A huge chandelier hanging from the roof. She walked into the large bathroom.

She sighed, there was juice all over her dress. And there was no way she was going back out there. She started to cry, bringing the attention of a boy down the hall. He heard the faint cry, as Marinette sat on the closed lid of the toilet. She huffed, how much worse could tonight get?

She re-applied her makeup. And say down again on the toilet, trying not to cry. She would leave once the party was over. If only her kitty was there to comfort her, there was no doubt she hadn't developed feeling for cat who stole her virginity. But she would never see him again.

At least that's what she thought, the boy down the hall walked inside the room. He slowly peeked through the crack of the bathroom door. He opened it. And Marinette looked at him, oh no.

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