《Simple Man(Jensen Ackles X reader)》Chapter 24


I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of the bedroom door creaking open. I held my breath, my heart pounding as I tried to see through the darkness to who or what was at the door. I was preparing myself to come face to face with the man behind the recent chaos. He has finally found me, this was it I told myself. But instead of a large, dark, and tall shadow; Instead it was a short, small shadow of a little girl. JJ.

"Momo" She calls out in a small, tired filled voiced. I reach out my hand for hers, and then gently grip it hers guiding her towards the bed.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask her in a hushed tone, not wanting to wake Jensen.

"I can't sleep, can I sleep with you and daddy?" She asks me before letting out a small sniffle. Before I could answer, I could hear Jensen shift in the bed and let out a groan before turning on a small lamp besides the bed.

"What's wrong? Are you girls okay? "Jensen asks, concern obvious in his tone. I can now see Jj's face, seeing how tired she was as she held onto her pink blanket. I sit up and pull Jj gently into the bed and lay her between Jensen and I.

"She couldn't sleep, She is going to sleep with us tonight." I tell Jensen. Jensen lets out a small sigh of relief as he nods, leans over and kisses my cheek before kissing Jj's forehead. He turns over to turn off the light but Jj lets out a small whine of protest stopping Jensen. He turns back over and look's at Jj with concern.

"Can we sleep with the lights on daddy?" She asks him in a weak voice. I look over at Jensen, as he smiles at Jj and nods. I run my fingers through her hair as I watch her slowly drift off to sleep, wanting to make sure she was okay. I look over at the sleepy Jensen who was also watching Jj drift off to sleep, his eye's slowly beginning to close before he clears his throat as quietly as he can to avoid the now sleeping little princess between us.


"You can sleep Jensen she's okay." I whisper to him as I reach over and cup his cheek. He closes his eyes as soon as I place my hand on cheek, then turns his head slightly in my palm so his lips were pressed against it. He scattered kisses on my palm and let out a low hum as a response. I couldn't help but smile as I watched his sleep behavior.

"Will you be though?" He mumbles against my palm. I nod and pull my hand away from his cheek causing him to have a small pout.

I guess we both eventually fell asleep because I was suddenly being awoken by squeals of laughter and then 3 forces jumping onto the bed. When I was finally able to open my eyes, I see it was Shep, Tom, and Jj jumping up and down on the bed trying to wake Jensen and I up. I chuckle as I prop myself up on one elbow and catch Tom with my free arm pulling him towards me. This causes them all to laugh more as I tickle his ribs. Jensen was now awake, and laughing as well as he scooped the other two into his lap.

"What do you minions want?" Jensen asks them as he tickles their ribs as well.

"WE'RE GOING TO THE ZOO REMEMBER!?" Tom shouts through his fits of laughter.

"Zoo? what zoo I don't remember any zoo." I respond chuckling.

"Yeah I have no clue what ya'll are talking about." Jensen adds on. All the kids go silent as they hear our response. They try to process it as they look at us both in confusion. I try my best to keep a straight face as I watch, once I look over at Jensen I can't help but let out a small giggle; I could tell he was struggling to stay serious as well. JJ caught my giggle, and a smile spread across her face.



"YEAH!!" Tom and Shep agreed in sync. I laughed and kissed the top of Tom's head, who was still in my arms.

"Fine you caught us! But you guys need to get out so we can get ready ok?" Jensen tells them. They out let out a small whine before 1 by 1 they exit out room.

I watch Jensen as he lets out a huff before climbing out of bed and stretching. I couldn't help but admire him as he walked around the room, I honestly didn't even know if he was talking to me I was so zoned out. He body was well toned, his skin slightly brown from being out constantly, his hair was ruffled and messy from the night before, and his lips....

"Y/n?" Jensen asks loudly snapping me out of my daze.

"Yeah yeah what were you saying?" I ask rubbing my thigh to calm myself as I tried to focus.

"What do you think of my idea?" He asks, making me confused. Idea? How zoned out was I?

"Which iiissss?" I ask dragging the end of my question to emphasize how confused I was. He lets out a sigh, and chuckles.

"Bringing Jj to California. So we can kill two birds with one stone, we both meet your family." He suggests.

"I think that's a great idea." I respond smiling. But deep down I was nervous, my family was very loving but the I know the idea of being with a divorced man with children bothers my mother. Hopefully she'll love them as much as I do.

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