《Simple Man(Jensen Ackles X reader)》Chapter 22


I loved the guest room at Jared and Gen's place. The wall was a cool grey, covered in different pieces of decor that really made me feel as if I was in Texas. One wall had a large window overlooking the yard that was covered in little lights for outdoor parties or just for the kids to relax.

I laid in the large antique bathtub that was in the guest bedroom and relaxed in my bath that smelled of roses. I heard a small knock at the door causing me to open my eyes, and smile softly seeing it was Jensen.

"Hey, how you feeling?" He asks, sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

"Honestly.....great. I haven't felt this way in such a long time." I respond. He smiles and takes my hand, kissing my knuckles. "You excited to see JJ?" I ask him. His eyes seem to lighten up and his smile widens.

"Yeah, I have all these things planned to do with the kids, maybe take them to get ice cream the night she arrives, and then the next day take her to the zoo or maybe to a huge park nearby." He speaks with so much excitement it's hard to keep up with what he's saying, but I smile and admire him. We've both been through so much stress, I haven't seen him like this in such a long time. I guess he noticed I was really listening even though I was trying and he let out a small chuckle, before blushing.

"Sorry I didn't mean to ramble." He says.

"Don't apologize, I enjoy it. I haven't seen you this happy in a long time babe." I respond, taking my hand from his and cupping his cheek. He leans forward and gently kisses my lips, slowly deepening it. A playful smirk comes across my lips as I use my other hand to cup his available cheek, and begin to slowly pull him towards me. Eventually he lets out a small gasp as he falls into the tub with me. I laugh as he pouts, now wet before he begins to laugh as well. He pulls me into his lap, and reconnects our lips while wrapping his arms around my waist, holding me close against him.

I woke up that morning to the sound of our bedroom door creeping open, the sound of giggles and two little feet thudding across the floor. Before I knew it, there was added weight to the bed and squeals of laughter as Tom and Shep jumped up and down on our bed attempting to wake Jensen and I up. Jensen groaned before letting out a low laugh, and scooping the two little ones in his arms. I rolled off of my stomach onto my back, admiring how Jensen was with the kids.

"Mommy says it's pancake time!" Shep announces. I chuckle and ruffle his hair as I sit up.

"We'll be right down. Let us get ready okay?" I smile at them. They nod, and jump off the bed running out of the room downstairs. Jensen sits up and lets out a loud yawn before climbing out of the bed.

"What time are you meeting Daneel?" He asks as he walks into the bathroom.

"Mmm 12:30, at the Green Garden cafè." I respond sitting up and running my hand through my hair.


"Nice. So then I'll pick you up, and we follow Daneel back to her place to girl birdy." He says in a mumbles voice, as he comes out to lean on the doorframe of the bathroom with his tooth brush in his mouth.

"Sounds like a plan." I smile, climbing out of the bed. I make my way over to my suit case in the corner of the room, and begin to pull out my outfit for the day.

I sit on a stool in the bathroom finishing up my hair. I did small loose curls and very natural looking makeup. I did one last swipe of my pale red gloss before standing up and adjusting my dress. I wore a f/c (favorite color) dress that stopped above my knees, it had small sleeves that stopped above my elbow, with a plunging neckline that showed just enough to feel flattering but not too slutty. It had buttons going down the front and it wasn't too tight, it was form flattering but loose and elegant. After making sure I had an appropriate amount of jewelry on like 3 bracelets, and one long necklace; I walked back into the bedroom and slipped on a rustic brown wedge heels.

I made my way downstairs and saw that everyone was at the table beginning to enjoy the amazing spread Gen made.

"Goodmorning." I smile, giving Gen a small hug as I take a seat next to her.

"Goodmorning, I love that dress!! I love your entire outfit matter of fact. You look like you belong in Texas." She smiles, handing me a plate.

"Awe thank you, honestly I got my outfit inspiration from your blog and Instagram page. I love everything you post." I respond as I begin to place food on my plate.

"You should defiantly join me for a vlog video!! Be my next guest!! It'll be so much fun, what do you say?" She asks in excitement.

"Id love to!" I reply with a large smile.

Breakfast was amazing which was no surprise, Jensen spent a lot of time with the kids with Jared while Gen and I talked about vlog ideas.

After breakfast, we took the boys to the local park and allowed them to burn off some energy. As we watched Jared and Jensen run around with the boys and play with the football for a little, I looked over at Gen and noticed something about her.

"Gen.....what's up? Your acting normally but like somethings up I can feel it. What are you hiding?" I ask her, turning as much as I can to face her as we sat on the bench. She looked at me and gave me a smile before turning to face me, and took my hand.

"I haven't told Jared yet but.....I'm pregnant." She says in a hushed tone as if they could possibly here us. My eyes widen and I can help but smile widely.

"Oh my gosh Gen! Congratulations that's amazing." I give her a hug and we begin to talk about baby ideas. What if it's a girl, what if it's a boy, nursery theme ideas, baby names, and so much more. I can't help but feel a little jealous, I've dreamed about having kids for such a long time even acouple times with Jensen but it's still really early in the relationship. But I can't help but think about how cute they'd be.


Before I knew it, it was 12:20 and I had 10 mins to meet Daneel. I held Jensen's hand as he drove me to the café I was meeting her at, I couldn't stop bouncing my leg nervously as we drove closer and closer to the destination.

"Hey it's gonna be alright." Jensen said as he glanced over at me, assuming her saw my nervous state.

"I know....It's just.....I don't wanna mess this up cause that can mess with you and JJ and she was your wife and-" I ramble stops me mid-sentence.

"Woah woah woah relax baby. Nothing will happen that'll mess JJ and I visitation time up and so what she was my wife? I'm with you now, that's all that matters okay?" His voice was firm yet soothing, calming down almost instantly. He pulled my hand towards his lips and scattered kisses on my knuckles causing my lips to slowly curl into a smile.

He was right, everything was going to be alright.....I hope.

I give Jensen one last kiss before I jump out of the car, and make my way into the cafe. It was rustic but also elegant, soft piano music played over the speakers that were hidden all over the cafe, servers smiled as I came inside, and I returned a smile back; Even though it was a shy nervous smile. Before I could inform the hostess anything I heard someone calling out my name. I looked over the hostess's shoulder and saw Daneel at a table waving at me. She was even more stunning in person. She wore a black sun dress, that hugged her body perfectly. Here goes nothing...

I made my way over to her as she stood up, she embraced me in a small hug and then we took our seats.

"I'm so glad you could make it! How was your flight?" She asks, beaming at me with a smile.

"Long but good, you look stunning by the way." I smile at her, my nerves beginning to slowly go away.

"I was just about to say the same about you, you have to tell me where you got the adorable dress it's breath taking." She responds.

After a little chit chat, we ordered glasses of wine and our lunches. She spoke to me as if I was an old friend, and I was beginning to feel comfortable around her.

"I just want to say how happy I am that we can both move on from what happened before and become friends. I know it means a lot to Jensen as well." Daneel says after she takes a sip of her wine. I nod and smile.

"I couldn't agree more, I just hope JJ feels the same way." I smile slightly. Daneel reaches across the table and takes my hand gently.

"She's going to love you! Knowing her if her daddy loves you then she'll love you. She is 100% a daddy's girl....which is what I wanted to talk to you about." She then clears her throat and scoots her chair closer to the table, releasing my hand. "When you and Jensen have time off, after filming where will you two be staying?" She asks me. I looked at her for a bit, a little taken off guard by the question. I didn't even think of that really. Since we're together now, where will we stay?

"Well my family is in California but I know Jensen would like to be where JJ is. So I guess we'd find an in-between spot but honestly I wouldn't mind living in Texas. I already love it here plus it isn't too far from California." I reply to her. She smiles and leans back in her chair with a sigh of relief.

"I'm so happy to hear that...I recently had taken on a acting job and I begin filming when Jensen usually is done for the season. So I was wondering while I was in New York could you both watch JJ? Of course filming won't start for another year so that'll give you two time to find a house here and everything." She smiles taking a sip of her wine. Before I could even process what she had said her phone rang and she excused herself from the table to answer.

Jensen and I getting a house together in Texas?!?! Already?!? We still had the stalker issue going I couldn't put JJ through that if it was still happening after a year.....I took a deep breath and drank my wine. I need to sit down with everyone when I get home...maybe they'll have some suggestions....Or maybe I should mention it to Jensen first and get a feel for his opinion

Once we finished lunch, Jensen was waiting out front for me just as planned. Daneel and Jensen shared a small hug before she went into her car. Jensen and I followed her, the car ride was silent and I could sense Jensen glancing at me occasionally.

"Soooo how was it?" He eventually asks.

"It was...good. Something interesting came up though..." I respond not looking at him still.

"Oh? And what would that be?" Jensen asks curiously.

"Um Daneel got an acting job." I say.

"That's great. Good for her."

"Mhm. And she has to go to New York."

"She loves New York so that's a bonus."

"Yep...And she's filming in a year...during our off season."

"So we get more time with JJ?" He asks in excitement

"Well....Yes defiantly, like 24/7."

"I'm lost now. 24/7 time with JJ? That means....."

"She wants us to buy a house in Texas, watch JJ while she films in New York during our off season and we have a year till we get a house and get everything settled." I babble out. Jensen was quiet for the rest of the car ride which wasn't too long. We pulled up to Daneel's house and he looked at me.

"We'll talk about this later.." he didn't sound mad but he didn't sound thrilled either. I took a deep breath as I watched him get out of the car and make is way inside with Daneel to get JJ.

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