《Simple Man(Jensen Ackles X reader)》Chapter 17


That night, I couldn't get any rest. It was like one thing after another, constantly being hit with something. I tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable. Eventually I climbed out of bed, not wanting to disturb Jensen's sleep so I went into the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea. I curled up on the sofa, wrapping myself in a throw blanket that I found on the couch, and tried to relax as I drank my tea.

So much has been happening, first Jensen and I were dealing with Daneel, and when that finally clears up a stalker begins to terrorize me. I couldn't help but keep getting flash backs of the apartment all torn up, the words being painted on the walls while my belongings were trashed.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating on my lap indicating I got a text. I unlocked my phone and read the texts I received from an unknown number.

I began to panic as I jumped off the couch, and looked at the large window in front of me facing the yard. I took my phone and sprinted to Jensen and I's room where we were staying.

"Jensen wake up!!! He's here he's here!!" I shout, flicking on the lights as I rushed onto the bed. He sits up quickly, his expression showing confusion considering he just woke up and concern.

"Who's here baby?" He asks, cupping my face trying to calm me down. It felt like I was burning as if I had a fever, I was sweating, I was shaking, I didn't know how to function. I held up my phone and he released my face, taking my phone and read the texts. His eyes widen, as his expression changes from concern to anger. "Wait here. Call 911." Jensen instructs me.


I watch him leave the room, assuming he was going to get Jared and check out the backyard. I dial 911, chewing on my bottom lip as it rang a couple times before someone finally answered. I gave them Jared's address and told them of the situation, as I waited for Jensen or Jared to come back. After about 15 minutes, Jared came into the room while Jensen answered a knock at the door.

"Hey we couldn't find anyone but the police are here now. Are you alright?" Jared asks me, taking a seat on the bed besides me. Tears brim my eyes as I look down at my shaking hands that were in my lap.

"What do they want?" I mumble. Jared doesn't respond, he jut lets out a heavy sigh and wraps his arm around me pulling me close.

That night we were all interviewed with police, they made me give them my phone for a couple hours so they could retrieve the texts and possibly track the phone before majority of the police officers left. 4 stayed to stand guard and keep an eye on me, if anything were to happen. Now I really couldn't sleep......neither could Jensen or Jared. We all sat in the living room, my head in Jensen's lap as he played with my hair and Jared sat in a reclining chair watching some random show on tv trying to distract himself.

Jensen's phone began to ring, but I couldn't see who was calling so late. He answered the phone letting out a small sigh.

"Hey Daneel........no the situation hasn't gotten better......Tell JJ I'll see her soon....." He went silent for a minute and I couldn't help but feel my stomach curl and twist. He couldn't see his daughter because of me....this is all my fault. "Well break is coming up soon maybe I can fly down to Texas......yeah we can talk more about it later.....okay goodnight." He hangs up and places his phone down. I sit up and look at Jensen, he was tired. I felt terrible, he shouldn't have to deal with my crazy shit.


"Jensen go to bed." I instruct him in a gentle tone, rubbing his arm. He shakes his head and takes my hand, brushing his lips against my knuckles.

"I need to stay awake with you...." He mumbles against my skin. I smile weakly and stand up, continuing to hold his hand.

"Let's go to bed.....Jared you too..." I say, causing to Jared to flinch out of his trance from the tv. He nods and rubs his face as he stands up.

"You sure you'll be alright?" Jared asks. I nod and hug his side.

"Yeah I'll be okay...goodnight Jared." I smile. He kisses the top of my head before lugging him large sleepy body upstairs. Jensen sighs and eventually stands up as I begin to lead him to our room.

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