《Star Wars: Downfall》Star Wars: Downfall Part 7



Anakin came out of his vision at the council meeting, "Skywalker?" Master Windu asked.

"Chancellor Palpatine," Anakin stood straight up from his chair, "he's the dark lord of the sith!" The whole Jedi Council stared at Anakin in shock, "I had a vision Masters! Chancellor Palpatine IS the Sith Lord!"

Yoda gave a concerned sigh and rubbed his head, "This vision, it's power I felt, through the force. Sensed something was wrong, I did."

Mace Windu directed his fiery gaze to Yoda, "You felt Skywalker having a vision?"

Yoda began nodding his head, "Skywalker's vision, strong with the force, just as he, it was. If sensed it, I did, one with a connection to him, sensed it they did." Yoda then looked to Obi-Wan, as did the rest of the council.

"You mean me?" Obi-Wan asked, "I sensed only fear and anger from Anakin, but then again, when don't I?"

Anakin turned to Obi-Wan, "Master-"

"You can't hide your emotions very well from me I'm afraid." He replied with a blank stare. Anakin lowered his head and began to think about Ahsoka.

Yoda then rubbed his chin, "If sensed it, you did not Master Kenobi, then who did?"

"Only one with a strong bond to Skywalker could have sensed the vision as well." Windu rest his elbows on his knees and out his hands together.

"Who has a stronger bond to Skywalker than Master Kenobi?" Mundi questioned as he directed his stare to Anakin.

The chamber fell silent for a moment. Obi-Wan looked at the ground then around at the rest of the council with a shocked expression on his face, "Ahsoka..."

Anakin POV:

I turned to the council, their eyes on me with blank, disappointed expressions sprawled across their faces. I suddenly spoke up, "I don't understand," I tried to keep us a secret, "What do you mean?"

Obi-Wan stood up, "Anakin, it seems that ever since you took Ahsoka as your padawan, your connection with me faded, whereas with her, it grew."


I internally sighed with relief, I thought maybe he knew about Ahsoka and I. That wouldn't have looked so good, especially not in front of the whole council. "Summon Ahsoka at once, we must," Yoda stood as he spoke.

I felt Ahsoka's presence nearby, "We won't have to." I said as she burst through the door. I smiled nervously at her as she rushed in and stood next to me.

"Masters," she bowed but wasted no time, "I had a vision. Chancellor Palpatine is the Dark Lord of the Sith. In the vision he kills Master Windu, Master Fisto, Obi-Wan, Anakin and all of us here! The only one who makes it, is Master Yoda." As she ended her quick summary I looked to Master Yoda in fright.

"Hmm. Act on this, we must." Yoda began to pace back and forth.

"Padawan, you mentioned the Chancellor kills the council, why? Why give himself away like that?" Master Windu stood up and stared Ahsoka and down.

"Because, Anakin found out that he was the The Sith Lord and told you all after refusing to join him and become his apprentice!" She rushed through her words so fast, even I could barely understand her.

"So, we go in abundance?" He asked quickly with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Master Yoda goes to Kashyyyk-" Windu interrupted her, "As we just discussed."

"Yes," he replied, "he goes to Kashyyyk, but only after that does Anakin inform you of the Chancellor's real identity. The council tells Anakin to stay here and takes me with them..."

"And then?" Windu interrogated.

"Does it matter?" I asked. The room grew silent, "The longer we wait here, the stronger he gets."

Obi-Wan chimed in, "We'll need a plan."

Ahsoka POV:

As the Council formed a plan, Anakin and I sat by to answer their questions about our shared vision. We didn't give out any information of our relationship or anything that happened in direct relation to it. Anakin told them a clever lie of our death, saying, "I saw him go for Ahsoka once I enter his office, so I jumped in front of her and took the saber for her... But it went through us both". Seeing him explain that to Master Yoda the way he did, only made me love him more. To think he'd actually do something like that for me, it's unreal, even if he always tells me he'd die for me. The thought of it made my lekku darker, and I immediately felt embarrassed by it, hoping no one would notice, I bowed my head.


3rd Person POV:

The council planned and planned, but Anakin feared this would not be enough. He felt Palpatine's power growing and an unusual disturbance in the force, a disturbance that felt, unbalanced, and not in the light's favor. Darkness shrouded the force, and everyone sensitive to it. Master Yoda noticed this and began to clutch his chest as if the force in him, was joining him, making him one with the force. He stumble back a few steps and grabbed his chair. The council looked towards him in shock, "Are you ok Master Yoda?" Obi-Wan asked.

"The dark side," he began to lose his breath, "taking over it is."

Obi-Wan creased his forehead, "Master Yoda, I-"

Yoda cut him off, "Hurry, we must, if to survive, we are."

"What would you have us do?" Mundi asked.

"Go, young Skywalker and his Padawan will, to the Chancellor's office. Distract him they must. Meditate, we will. Bring light into the darkness of the force, for a moment, will we. Then strike, they MUST, when Palpatine at his weakest, he is."

The Council Members then formed a circle and began to meditate, trying to sway the balance of the force in their favor. It seemed a Sith thing to do, but what hope would they have if they didn't?

Anakin POV:

The end of the war was near. As the Masters began to meditate, I took Ahsoka's hand, being as this may be the last time I do, kissed her, pouring all of my love and fear into her, and we walked out of the door.

We quickly made our way to the chancellors office, one foot after the other, in a synchronized manner. All the way there I tried to focus, I tried to connect to all of the strength inside of me to fight Palpatine, but I couldn't. My heart was racing too fast, thinking of what might happen to Ahsoka. I couldn't lose her, so I need a plan of my own.

[Queue the music at the top]

Ahsoka POV:

I'm ready. If this is what will bring peace to the Galaxy, balance to the force, and finally let Anakin and I be together... I'm ready. Making our way there, I thought of the things I normally think of before a fight: my family, not that I remember much about them, Anakin, and what the fight is for. This is for us.

Anakin POV:

Once we reached the door of his office I stopped Ahsoka, "Snips," I kissed her again, "I love you."

She looked into my eyes, her's swelling with tears and her face drew a smile, "I love you too Skyguy."

I smiled back, "Whatever happens in there," I stroked her Lek, "I want you to know, I'm going to be ok."

"I know, we both will." She replied.

"Not this time snips." I kissed her once more and pushed her away from the door, entering it and sealing it shut with my lightsaber, I then turned on the hidden ray-shield the chancellor had once told me about.

Ahsoka POV:

"ANAKIN NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I shouted and pounded on the door. I tried using my light sabers but they were stopped by a force from the inside. "NO!"


Buh-da duhduhduhDAHHHH


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