《Alex Ernst Imagines!》Don't mind us.


"Alex we can't just walk in there." You smile as he walks up to the door. "Why? He's not home." He grins, finding the spare key and unlocking the door. "Come on." He motions for you to come inside. You look around to make sure no one is looking before you walk into the apartment. "He's so....clean." You laugh looking around the well cleaned room. "I know. I think he's a girl on the inside." Alex smiles as you punch his arm lightly. "Don't say that." A small grin appears on your face as you watch Alex make his way into David's kitchen. "I'm hungry let's see what he's got in the fridge." Alex opens the door. "Leftovers." He groans. You sit at the table and watch him. "What time will he be home?" You ask. "Tomorrow night." Alex says, walking towards you. "Really? Then what can we do to occupy you?" You smirk as he leans close to you across the table. "I have a few things in mind." He winks, pressing his lips to yours.

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