《Alex Ernst Imagines!》I can trust him, right?


"I'll be home soon, if you're tired don't wait for me." Were his last words he spoke before hanging up, not even letting me speak. I sigh in disbelief. Did he really just hang up on me? That's the first time he's ever done that. A billion thoughts run through my mind all at once; 'Is he okay?, where is he?, Is he alone?, Is he safe?' But the thought I dread to think about.....is he cheating on me?

I'm sure he's not, he's just busy with work, I can trust him, right? I take a deep breath, I'm sure it's nothing. I'll just go to sleep, I'm pretty tired. I drift over to Alex and I's shared bedroom, I get in bed and tuck myself in. 'It's all okay' I think before I close my heavy eyes and fall into a peaceful sleep.

-3 hours later-

I jolt awake to the sound of the front door slamming then followed by small whispers of what sounds like a female. I can't make out what she's saying but I hear her giggling.

Should I go see what's happening? Too dangerous? Screw it, what's the worst that can happen? I get out of bed and quietly sneak behind a wall that's looking into the living room. "You have a lot of pictures of you and a girl. I thought you said you were single?" The female says. "I am baby, she's just a friend." He finally speaks. He's drunk, completely wrecked. You know when I said 'what's the worst that can happen?' Yeah well funny story, THIS IS THE WORST!

"What the fuck is this?" I walk out from behind the wall. "Oh- uh, it's not what it looks like..." He stops dead in his track. "I'm not an idiot Alex, I can't believe you! How could you do such a thing?! I don't even wanna hear it, just get out." I start to feel a lump in my throat and tears swelling in my eyes.


"Please babe..." He stutters. "Maybe I should go?" Said the once giggly girl now turned dull and blunt. "Good idea." I scowl at her and with that she leaves, slamming the door behind her. Alex begins to walk toward me. "Don't even.." I sniffle. "You've ruined everything, do you know that? Obviously not." "We weren't going to do anything! I promise that!" He try's to save himself. "You're full of shit! I heard everything! 'She's just a friend'. Yeah good one! I bet you don't even know." I back up against the nearest wall and let my back slide down until my bum reaches the floor. "Know what?" He dreadfully asks. "You're pathetic seriously." I say with pure bitterness. "I wouldn't of asked if you were just going to insult me!!" He shouts. "It's our anniversary tomorrow!" I shout back even louder. Silence fills the heated room.

I'm ragging at this point. If he won't leave, I will. I quickly get up and run to our shared room, locking the door firmly behind me. I pull out my suitcase and begin to stuff all my things in. Tears uncontrollably rolling down my cheeks. I pull out the box of gifts I had bought him for tomorrow and places them gently on the bed along with a hand written letter that told him how much he meant to me. I took it out of its envelope and began writing more.

Grabbing my coat and putting my shoes on, I dial my best friend, Gabbie's number. "Hello?" She answered with a grizzly tone to her voice. "Hello. Sorry to ring you this late, something has come up and I was wondering if I could stay with you tonight?" I sniffled into the phone. "What's happened? Are you okay?" She asked concerned. "I'll tell you when I get there, see you in 5." I hang up and get everything together and head outside using our balcony door. It's safe don't worry, we have steps. I had no intention using the front door as that means I'll have to try and go past Alex, he will definitely try and stop me. Not this time, he's made to many stupid mistakes, this one by far being the most stupidest.


~Alex POV~

She's been in there for too long I've got to check on her, even though she doesn't want to see me right now I have too. I find the spare key and unlock our bedroom door. She's not here? All I see is a box with an opened letter on top. I sit down and pick it up, it reads;


I need you, but you need her.

She's the one you prefer.

She's the one you hold dear.

She's the one I wish would disappear.

Thank you for everything you've done for me~

I wish not to see you ever again.


I've completely fucked up, I've lost her.

I'm so sorry (Y/N)! So so sorry.

I just sit there feeling like a selfish idiot, just knowing that'll I'll never see her again because of my drunken moves.

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