《Falling for the Hothead!- Paul Lahote》Close Call and Final Goodbyes
It has only been a few days since Bella found out about the pack and me and Paul and of course as soon as she got home she told Charlie about me and Paul. Uncle Billy got a nasty visit, basically saying that I wouldn't have gotten married under his roof at the age of 18. The only good thing was that Jacob was home to hear what lies Bella told him. Today Bella is coming to the La Push to see Jacob.
"Aleera, I know you don't want to talk to her and I see where you are coming from. She made up lies about you getting married and lied about my dad. I would like you to be there for me when I confront her about it." Jacob says looking at me with sad eyes.
I know he doesn't want to fight with her. "Fine I will be there." I say giving him my support in the matter. About an hour later we are sitting at the beach waiting for Bella. Once she pulls into the parking lot she is all smiles.
"Hey Jake, Aleera! How is the hunt for Victoria?" She asks all happy walking to us. Yeah happy that she has my family to protect her.
"Hey Bella, we need to talk..." Jake says with sadness in his voice. Bella looks confused. "Why did you lie to Charlie about Aleera and my dad?"
"I didn't lie about Aleera, she is getting married and your dad is letting it happen." She says with a hint of anger in her voice.
"Billy didn't let anything happen. Me and Paul are in love and want to be together. We are engaged, not married" I say with venom in my voice.
"My dad didn't let them get married, they are engaged. You told Charlie that my dad knew that they were having unprotected sex in his house and the only reason they are getting married is because Aleera's pregnant. You started a shit storm for my family. And I want to know why?" Jake says as his body starts to shake. Bella takes a step back as I place my hand on Jake's shoulder calming him down.
"OK! Look... I thought if I told Charlie that Billy let Aleera get pregnant then he would have her move back in with him and things would go back to the way there were. I didn't really think it all the way through. I just want my cousin back." She starts to cry.
"So for your own selfish reasons you caused a huge fight for our family, for our tribe and for our pack?" Jake yells pointing between me and him. "I can't believe you!" Jake yells even loader. Bella really starts to cry.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted things to go back to the way they were. I didn't think...." She says but I cut her off
"Clearly you didn't think. Because you only think about yourself. You lied about me being pregnant causing me and Paul to get a huge fight and I can tell you this, I will not be moving back in with you. I will be staying with my fiancé and my family here in La Push and if you ever do this shit again I will come after you and bet the living shit out of you. Do I make myself clear." I yell and she nods her head. "I'm going to the pack house! I can't be here anymore!" I say standing up and walking over to Paul's jeep.
As I watch Aleera get into Paul's jeep and drive off. I start to see what she has been talking about. Bella has hurt her more time than she should have and I have helped quite a bit. I need to make it right with Aleera. I look at Bella and shake my head at her.
"Jake... I am sorry, but I just need my cousin and she wants nothing to do with me anymore and I thought if I got her to move back with me she would be happy and that things would go back like after her parents die." Bella says while crying.
"What do you mean after her parents die?" I question with a little anger.
"We were best friends. We told each other everything. But once she moved down to Arizona, She slowly pulled away from me. Started hiding things from me. Had your dad cut off the money that was sent to my mom and put into her own account and she would pay my mom..." She tells me when I cut her off
"So you and your mom are after her money. That's what this is about." I yell at her. "You are selfish." I say shaking my head at her as she cries. "And she was right there is nothing stopping you from telling the world about me and the pack. If that is how you treat your family." I say looking at Bella nothing but anger in me. Bella looks down at the ground. "I have partol you should go home!" I say as I head into the woods leaving Bella on the beach. I walk for a few minutes trying to clear my head of what just happened. I love Bella but the things she is doing to Aleera are not good for her. A howl rips throw the woods pulling me from my thoughts. I shift to connect with the pack. Hoping Aleera made it to the pack house ok.
'Sam what's going on?' I ask with a whine hoping my cousin is safe.
'Red headed leech is back' Sam growls out.
'And we have a hunting party looking for us as well. Thanks to Bella' Jared growls at me.
'Great. Just what we need!' I say venom lace in my voice.
I arrive at Sam and Emily's place, to see Sam and Paul coming outside. Hoping out of the jeep, Paul comes over to me and pulls me into his arms and kisses me. "Stay inside with Emily until we get back ok!" He says concerned as he looks at me.
"Oh! Ok! Everything ok?" I ask, grabbing his hand making him stop.
"The redhead is back and we have a human hunting party looking for us." He says, pulling me into a hug. I couldn't help but gasp for air.
"Please be safe all of you!" I say giving him a kiss before walking in the house. It feels like forever since they left as me and Emily and Kim bake cookies and prep for dinner. When my phone rings. It's my uncle Billy.
"Hello!" I say putting it on speaker phone.
"Aleera, I need you and the girls to get to Harry's place." He says almost like he has been crying.
"Is everything ok?" I ask concerned for my family friend and tribal elder.
"Just come now! Please!" He says through a sob.
"We are on our way." I say grabbing my bag and heading to the door.
Once we arrive at The Clearwater's house, I know it is something big. Most of the tribal councils are here, most of the pack is here and my uncle Charlie is here. I see Sue sitting in a chair crying my uncles next to her holding her. I have seen this before, when my parents passed a way that was me, Paul and Jared laying on my bed. They held me until I cried myself to sleep, I walked up to them.
"Uncle Billy?" I ask tears running down my face. Sue looks up at me as she stands pulling me into a hug. "I am so sorry auntie Sue!" as I cry even harder.
"I know baby!" she says, pulling away from me wiping away my tears. "Leah and Seth phased. I know they could use a shoulder to cry on." She whispers in my ear. I nod my head and turn to find Leah and Seth. This is going to make things a whole lot crazier now. I walk out to the back yard and am stopped by Jared.
"I know you want to help. But I can't let you get any closer. Leah is still in wolf form and really pissed off." He says with concern in his voice.
"I know! Can I talk to Seth?" I ask Jared. He nods his head and walks me over to Seth. Seth is sitting on the ground when we come up to him. I sit down next to him and pull him into a hug and whisper, "I know how you feel and if you ever need to talk or to cry without judgement I am here for you." I say as he nods his head.
Paul comes walking out of the wood looking like he went ten rounds with a bear. Walking over to Seth and pulling him up and into a hug as Jared helps me up. "You're not alone, kid. We will always be here for you." Paul says, Seth just nods his head. I can't help the small smile that creeps on my face. He will make a great dad one day soon. About 30 minutes later Sam, Embry and Leah come out of the woods. Leah walks over to me and pulls me into a hug and starts to cry.
"I miss him so much! Aleera!" She sobs out. I lightly rub her back.
"I know Leah! I know!" I say holding her tight. "Wait....Where is Jake?" I ask looking around. Sam rubs his face with his hands letting out a breath.
"He had to take Bella home!" He says, I raise my eyebrow at me as he pulls me away from Leah. "We think she tried to kill herself. She jumped off the cliffs. But he should have been here by now." Sam says looking around as I stand there shocked.
"I'm sorry what....?" I ask, Sam just nods his head. Not even 20 minutes later Jake comes walking out of the woods pacing back and forth. "Jake are you ok?" I ask concerned for my cousin. He shakes his head no as he paces.
"She left... For him?" He says, I start to walk to him but stop as soon as I see how bad his body is shaking.
"What do you mean Jake?" Embry asks, pulling me back behind him as Jared steps up next to me. Since Paul and Sam are helping with Leah and Seth, they are not out here right now.
"When we got to her house there was a leech and she jumped out of the truck and ran inside. She left to go save him." he says his body shaking even more walking up to us. "I begged her to stay, but she would listen." he says as he phases I scream as Jared pulls me to the ground and covers me with his body as Embry steps in front of us, just as Leah walks outside. She sees the whole thing and phases and goes after Jake.
Sam, Paul and Seth come running outside to see Leah and Jake fighting, Jared covering me and Embry bleeding. "What the hell Happened." Sam yells as Paul runs over to Aleera making sure she is ok.
"Bella left for her Leech, he got to close the Aleera when he phased Embry stepped in front of us and I covered her with my body. Leah must have seen how close he was and it must have triggered her phase." Jared says, looking at Aleera who is watching the two wolves fight in shock.
Sam, Seth and I run outside to check on Leah, to see her and Jake fighting, Embry on the ground bleeding and Jared covering Aleera with his body. I run over to Aleera as Sam yells "What the hell happened?" Jared is the one to answer as Aleera is in shock. Seth runs inside to grab the first aid kit
"Bella left for her Leech, he got to close the Aleera when he phased Embry stepped in front of us and I covered her with my body. Leah must have seen how close he was and it must have triggered her phase." Jared says, looking at Aleera.
"Pup are you Ok?" I ask trying to get her attention. She nods her head and looks at me tears running down her face. "Come here baby! You are ok! Both of you" I say pulling her into my arms. I know she is scared, she has never been close when one of us is angry. Sam and Jared phase to go break up the fight. Aleera wiggles out of my hold and crawls over to Embry and helps Seth clean him up. Most of his cuts are already closed.
"Embry are you ok?" She asks with a shaky voice. He nods his head looking at her.
"Are you ok?" He asks, she nods her head as tears run down her face. "Aleera don't cry. Please! I am fine. But more importantly you are ok." He says, wiping away her tears. After he is all cleaned up we move him to a chair in the backyard. Just as we do the pack comes walking out of the wood.
You could tell Jake was taking everything really hard. Almost hurting his cousin and hurting his best friend. Walking up to us Seth steps in front of Aleera as I pull her closer to me.. "I'm not going to hurt her Seth. I didn't mean to loose control that close to her." Jake says, trying not to cry. "Embry I am so sorry. I didn't mean...." He starts to say
"It's all good Jake. Better me then Aleera!" Embry says with a small laugh. I growl at him.
It has been two days since Harry passed away and Bella ran away. Today was Harry's funeral. Charlie has been going out of his mind with Bella missing and I don't blame him. "Aleera how are you feeling?" Uncle Billy asks as I get out of Paul's jeep.
"I'm ok uncle Billy." I say, giving him a small smile. As Paul put an arm around me, kissing my head. Walking inside I go straight over to Emily and Kim helping them with the food.
"Aleera? Can we talk?" Charlie asks, my head snaps up to him. He hasn't said a word to me since he found out I was engaged.
"Sure uncle Charlie." I say walking over to him.
"I know things haven't been the best between us and I want to say I'm sorry. Jake told me Bella lied to me about a lot of things, to get what she wanted and to hurt you in the process and I am so sorry." He says looking down at the ground.
"It's ok uncle Charlie. I should have been the one to tell you about the engagement." I say
"Yes you should have! But if you are happy then I am happy for you. Your mom and dad always said that you two would get married one day!" He says with a laugh. I smile at him. "God I miss them!!" He says rubbing his face with his hands. I give him a sad smile.
- In Serial96 Chapters
No More Respawns
Synopsis: The first time Allen died, he was forced back into a living hell where death is temporary, and power is all that matters. With evil and depravity as the rule, tragedy becomes comedy and life becomes an act. Only a deal with a shady god can get him back to his old life, but what happens if there’s nothing left to save? Maybe hell isn’t so bad if you have infinite lives… until you don’t. Needless to say, it’s all fun and games until there’s no more respawns. Foreword: This story is meant primarily as an action adventure and secondarily as a dark and nihilistic comedy. It may not be readily apparent in the beginning, but that's what I have planned (I feel the need to emphasize the dark; don’t rage at me if it gets too ‘traumatizing’ or something). I’m going to take my time with this, so it won’t immediately inundate you with doom and gloom. This is also a comedy, remember? On that note, if for some cursed reason you just can't handle either the references or the jokes, I am willing to battle in the comments. Anyway, I still put a significant amount of effort into the system, so I hope you enjoy that part. It is a little bulky, I'll admit to that, but I wanted to try something new and its more fun when there's more depth to it. Regardless, I still have a lot of fun doing math in the middle of writing a fictional story (/s). I also want to see if I can keep from messing up the pacing. Many times, I end up going too fast because I'm afraid of the story getting boring, which tends to ironically have the opposite effect. I'm still learning I suppose; we'll see how things go. Lastly, please leave reviews and comments, they really mean a lot to me and (usually) help me improve considerably. I'll be asking for feedback in the polls and I do still check the old ones from time to time. Notes: The story takes a bit of time to develop; give it time if you're here for drama, grimdark, or antihero. The system is all blue boxes and I'm not half-assing the numbers. Chapters will be between 1k and 2k words usually. I always use the oxford coma, fight me. Might drop if rating falls below 4 stars, idk. It depends on how my life is going. Cover drawn by yours truly in MS paint. (I have skill, I know)
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Kitsune in Rockford
Kit is an anomaly. The only male kitsune around. I mean sure there's beastkin with some fox traits around but nothing like him. How does having a power above your class affect your thinking? where do you go if you are the only one who thinks differently? (Some notes: will update irregularly, sugestions welcome, and I appologize now for deplorable grammar. ) Also I have the first two arcs planned in general, but sugestions welcome. (Please be civil about it though) Mature tag considering negative culture traits and ideas. No sex in this series. Light swearing. Violence. picture from: Kouan Kitsune by Claparo-Sans on deviantART
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Player Glitch *paused*
Quod Venetus or QV for short, the greatest virtual reality game ever created and funnily enough also the name of the company. With a realism of 99% you can really start a new life in a land of swords and magic, and with its unique point shop system that can buy you anything if you have gathered enough points it's won many game mechanic awards.Just imagine if one player had advantage over this system. What a disaster that would be!??(Will write chapters of varying lengths)
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Never Say Never (Taekook)
What will happen when a vampire falls in love with a werewolf considering their rivalry.Cover by @believeroftaekook#No translation #2 Topkook 20/12/2019 - 22/12/2019#1 Taekook 22/12/2019 - 25/12/2019#7 Topkook 31/12/2019 - 04/01/2020#1 bottomtae 07/01/202- 09/01/2020#2 Fanfiction 28/01/2020 - 30/01/2020#3 Vkook 05/03/2020 - 09/03/2020#4 Taekook 13/03/2020- #5 Topkook 11/03/2020- 13/03/2020#5 bottomtae 11/03/2020- 13/03/2020#1 omegaverse 18/04/2020- 20/04/2020#3 Kooktae#3 Topkook#2 Namjin#1 kookV
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Law of God (Book 1)
Ryan Morgan and his little brother Jacob, had always grew up in a church, worshiping God, going to youth groups and more. Until a moment of time happens to be that Ryan and Jacobs parents are arrested for a crime. Now as of a few years later after the arrest, Ryan is now raising Jacob until he moves out for college. Ryan is the legal guardian to Jacob. ..........Until it all seem like a normal day, until one day Jacob finds his dead girlfriend Izza in the woods. Ryan who is a public attorney, then finds out that Jacob is arrested for the murder of Izza. ...........But then, the truth shall set you free, right? Why was Izza murdered? Could God be the reason why Izza had lost her life? During an interrogation, Jacob explains why, and what happened.Cover designed by me!
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Dungeon Academy
Ethan Russell has always been poor, but up into now it hasn’t made him stand out. That changes when he wins a financial scholarship to the elite Hinan Academy in the small coastal town of Misty Oaks. While the school is amazing not everything in town is as it seems. Strange creatures are appearing all around town while rumors of missing people run rampant and deep beneath the school is something that will change Ethan forever …if he can survive long enough. Thanks for checking out my young adult school-life fantasy: Dungeon Academy. Please leave any feedback you have as I do read your opinions and ultimately they help make my books better.
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