《Falling for the Hothead!- Paul Lahote》Cliffs and Woods
Bella has been hanging out with Jacob more and more. He has become her life line. Everyone has tried to get me and Bella to talk, but I won't budge on the subject. If she really wants to talk with me then she needs to apologize to me for all she has done.
"Hey Jake, your dad wants..." I stopped talking once I walked into the garage and saw Bella.
"What did my dad want Aleera?" Jake says with anger in his voice as he glares at me, his body shaking slightly.
"Keep glaring at me and I will come over there and wipe that look of your face Jacob Black." I say with a growl, Jake looks down almost at once. "Your dad wants you home by 7pm tonight, something about big news. And no Bella can't come. Tribal members only." Venom laced in my voice as I stared at him. I turn and leave the garage. Bella comes running after me.
"Aleera... Wait... Can we Talk?" She asks looking at the ground.
"What do you want?" venom still laced in my voice. I see Jake watching from the garage door.
"I wanted to apologize for what I said to you. You were right it wasn't your fault that h-he left, and you were right I was being selfish when asked him to stay over every night. But I still don't understand why you don't like him. I mean he never did anything to you." She says looking at me with sad eyes.
"I'm sorry what did you just say?! He never did anything to me?! He didn't slam me against my car, giving me a bruise on more than half of my back, because you lied to me." I scream at her as I step closer to her, she flinches back from me. "Because of you, and your need to be the center of everything." I scream, Jake comes up and pulls me away from her.
"Is that true Bella? Did he do that to her? "Jake asks her, looking her right in the eyes.
"Yes it did, and I'm sorry." She says starting to cry. "But..." she starts to say but I cut her off
"Save your water works for someone who gives a shit." I growl out, Jake looks at me shocked as my body starts to shake. I turn and get in Paul's jeep and drive off.
Sam, Jared, Embry and I are all at the cliff, having a great time. Me and Embry are pulling Jared over to the edge to throw him off. When I see Bella's truck, she pulls over once we throw Jared off. Then Jake hops out of her truck. As I look over the edge I see my jeep pulling up to the beach. Time to show off for my girl!! "There goes Paul showing off for Aleera." Embry says with a laugh.
"You know it!" I say back to him, I flip off the cliff and land in the water. When I come back, I see Jared chasing Aleera around the beach. I hurry up and swim to shore, once I'm out of the water running up to my Fiancé picking her up. "Hey pup, what brought you here?" I ask, pulling her into my arms.
"Had a run in with the leech lover and needed to cool off and Jared took it as I wanted to swim!! She says, turning to face me, playfully glaring at Jared.
"Hmm.. And what happened?" I question my Fiancé looking up at the road above to see Bella and Jake looking down at us. Aleera notices and turns to see what I am looking at. she sighs at her cousins.
"Nothing that I couldn't handle." she says, still looking at her cousins. I kiss her head.
I'm in my garage with Bella putting the final touches on the bikes we have been working on, when Aleera comes. Things between us have not been the best. I don't see her all that much anymore.
"Hey Jake, your dad wants..." Aleera stopped talking once she walked into the garage and saw Bella.
"What did my dad want Aleera?" I said with a little more anger in my voice then I meant to have as I glared at her, My body shaking slightly.
"Keep glaring at me and I will come over there and wipe that look of your face Jacob Black." Aleera says with a growl, I looks down almost at once. Why am I so mad at her? "Your dad wants you home by 7pm tonight, something about big news. And no Bella can't come. Tribal members only." Venom laced in her voice as she stare at me. She turn and leave the garage. Bella goes running after her. I follow to make sure Aleera doesn't hurt Bella.
"Aleera... Wait... Can we Talk?" Bella asks looking at the ground.
"What do you want?" venom still laced in Aleera's voice. Aleera looks at me watching from the garage door.
"I wanted to apologize for what I said to you. You were right it wasn't your fault that h-he left, and you were right I was being selfish when asked him to stay over every night. But I still don't understand why you don't like him. I mean he never did anything to you." Bella says, looking at Aleera. Whatever Bella said has Aleera seeing red.
"I'm sorry what did you just say?! He never did anything to me?! He didn't slam me against my car, giving me a bruise on more than half of my back, because you lied to me." Aleera screamed at her as she stepped closer to her, Bella flinched back from her. "Because of you, and your need to be the center of everything." Aleera screams, I walk up and pull Aleera away from Bella.
"Is that true Bella? Did he do that to her? "I asked her, looking her right in the eyes.
"Yes it did, and I'm sorry." She says starting to cry. "But... " she starts to say but Aleera cuts her off.
"Save your water works for someone who gives a shit." Aleera growls out. I look at her shocked as her body starts to shake. Aleera turns and gets in Paul's jeep and drives off.
"Bella! I know there is more to the story, and I know you don't want to talk about it but Aleera is my family and if he hurt her because of you. Then she is right it is your fault. You need to make it up to her." I say with sadness. I didn't want what Aleera said about Bella to be true, but it looks like everything has been so far.
"I know you're right. I just don't know how to do it." Bella says looking at the ground.
"Will let's take these bikes out for a test ride and maybe something will come to us." I say with a bright smile. I load the bikes into her truck. We are driving through La Push almost to the beach. "If I told you I couldn't fix these bikes. What would you have said?" I question Bella as she is driving.
"Are you doubting your mad skill?" She questions back looking over at me.
"NO! Definitely not they'll run fine" I say with a little mock hurt "It's just a maybe if I was smart I would have dragged out the rebuild a bit." I say with sadness in my voice.
"If you told me you couldn't fix these bikes, I would say that's.... Really too bad but that we're just going to have to find something else to do." She says to me. "Is that Sam Uley?" She asks me pointing over to the cliffs.
"Yeah! Him and his cult." I say with a little hurt as I see Embry with them. As Embry and Paul Push Jared off the cliff.
"Oh my god!" she says as she pulls her truck over "Did you see that?" she questions as she hops out of the truck running to the other side of the road. I laugh at her as I hop out of her truck.
"Their not really fighting Bella, their cliff diving. Scary as Hell but a told rush." I say as Paul Jumps off.
"A rush?" She says looking back at me.
"Most of us jump from lower down, we leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples." I say with disgust in my voice.
"You have some kind of beef with him or something?" She was turning around and walking back over to me.
"I don't know, they just think they run this place. Embry used to call them Hall monitors on steroids. Now look at him." I say nodding my head back to the cliff.
"That's Embry?" she says as Embry jumps off the cliff. She looks at me confused.
"Yea!" I say back to her as I look over the side and see Paul and Aleera. Bella follows my gaze.
"What happened to him?" she questions me.
"He missed some school, then all of a sudden he started following Sam around like a puppy. Same thing happened with Paul and Jared. Sam keeps giving me this look, like he is waiting for me or something it's kind of starting to freak me out." I say with a hint of fear.
"Will you should just avoid him then." She says glaring at Aleera and Paul kiss.
"I try!" I say back. "But it's hard when Aleera is dating one of them and her best friend is another one." I say with hurt in my voice that my cousin hangs out with them.
"Wait, is Aleera part of this cult or whatever it is" Bella asks with concern. I shake my head no.
8:45pm The pack is standing outside Billy's house waiting for Jake and I am pissed. Finally Bella and Jake pull up. "You're late!!" I yell as I walk up to him glaring at Bella.
"What's the big deal so I am late!" He says without a care in the world.
"Do you not care at all about your cousin? She wanted you to be her and the only person you care about is her." I growl at him as I point at Bells. I turn to her. "You need to leave. NOW!" I snarl at her.
"What is your problem Paul." Jake yells back at me, shaking. Jared steps up next to me growling at him.
"You are my problem!" I growl at him "Get your head out your ass Black, and think about someone other than her." I yell at him walking away before I phase and kill them both. Aleera comes walking out of the house. "Come on my wife lets get back inside." I say placing my hands on her hips and kissing her forehead. We watch as Jake unloads the bikes and Bella gets back in her truck and leaves. Jake comes walking up to us.
"Aleera, I'm sorry I am late. Bella hurt herself. I was just making sure she was ok before I let her leave." Jake says looking at Aleera with sad eyes. Aleera looks at me and nods her head. I turn and walk inside with the rest of the pack.
I stand there glaring at my cousin. "I don't understand what you see in her? She will never give you what you want or what you deserve! She will only hurt you Jake or use you." I say shaking my head at him.
"What was so important that it couldn't wait an hour and 45 minutes Aleera?" He yells at me.
"Me and Paul are getting married! That is what was so important!!" I scream at him. Jake looks shocked at what I said.
"What?" he questions me.
"You heard me! Me and Paul are getting married." I scream at him "But all you care about is her. Mark my words Jacob Black, Bella will only bring you pain. She will never love you the way you want." I yell pushing past him leaving him outside in the rain.
It has been a few days since we announced that Aleera and I got engaged. Jake has been trying to make up for missing the announcement, but Aleera wants nothing from him as long as he is still all about Bella. He is currently at the movies with her. I'm on patrol with Embry when....
'What the hell just happened to me' we hear.
'Jake?' Embry asks a little confused and I smile
'Embry? What is going on?' Jake asks, more confused than before. I howl to get Sam and Jared out here.
'Paul what's going on?' Sam asks as he meets up with us.
'Jake just phased!' I growl out, Jared laughs.
'Paul don't..... Jake where are you?' Embry says with fear in his voice. Good he should be scared for his best friend.
'In the woods behind the movie theater in Port Angeles.' Jake whines out.
'We'll be there in a few minutes, just wait there.' Sam says to him. Me and Jared give each other a look. We run to Port Angeles which only takes about 10 minutes. Me and Jared run in front...'Paul, Jared don't do it. He is now your pack brother.' Sam says, but it wasn't an order. Jared and I wait for him to phase back, as soon as he does, I punch him.
"What the hell was that for?" He asks standing back up. Then Jared punches him. "What the fuck." he yells this time.
"For all the shit you talked about us to Aleera." Jared says venom laced in his voice.
"And for how you have been treating her. All because of the bitch Bella." I growled out stepping closer to him.
"Enough!!!" Sam orders we all bow our heads. "Let's get back so we can talk." He says shaking his head at me and Jared knows all too well we are not done with him yet.
It has been a week since Jake shifted, Paul keeps a close eye on Aleera when Jake is around. I can't help but do the same. She is after all like a baby sister to me. We are currently walking through the pouring down rain to go get Jake. We stop at the edge of the woods because Bella is talking with Jake.
"Do you think he will be able to tell her?" Embry asks as we shake our heads no.
"Jacob!!!" Sam yells waving him over. Paul is shaking because Bella is there.
"Dude calm down!" I say as Jacob is running to us. Paul is still glaring at Bella. As soon as Jake gets to us Paul turns to walk away. We need to get him to Aleera like now. Walking back to the Pack house Paul doesn't say a word. Walking straight into the house and right up to Aleera picking her up and kissing her, walking outside with her in his arms.
"What did you say to her Jake?" I ask looking at him.
"I told her we could no longer be friends." He says looking at the floor. He gets up and walks outside
Jared and I are on patrol when we smell a leech. Jared howls to alert the rest of the pack. I know Aleera, Kim and Emily are at our house with my dad fixing up a few things.
'What's going on?' Sam asks through the mind link.
'Leech and it's fresh.' Jared says with a growl.
'Let go!' Sam orders as we follow the leeches scent. It soon mixes in with another scent. 'Human! A human is close. Be careful.' Sam says with a whine.
'It smells like Aleera, but not Aleera. Does that make sense to anyone?' Embry asks with a whine.
'It's Bella! She has been wearing one of Aleera's perfumes that she left at her house.' Jake says with a growl. As we came up to a field, we saw Bella and a leech with dreads. He is so close to her. I don't like this girl but she doesn't deserve this. Sam walks out from the trees getting the leeches to attend. Embry and I on Sam's right side and Jared and Jake on his left come out of the woods. Sam growls and the leech takes off running. We chase after him.
By the time we rip the leech apart and get back to the field Bella is gone, Good!! Jake is thinking about Bella again. 'God would you please stop. you did not imprint on her. You can't tell her anything about the pack, imprinting or anything to do with us.' I growl at him.
'I know it would just make it easier if I could. I love her like you love Aleera.' Jake growls back at me.
'No you think you love her, and if you hurt Aleera again I will kill you Jake. You and that leech lover have hurt her enough for one lifetime.' I snarl at him as Jared growls.
'Enough!! Jake you can't tell her anything about us! That includes imprinting and who the imprints are. And since we are already there anything about Aleera and Paul it's not your place.' Sam orders making us all bow our heads.
'I know!' was all Jake said as he phases.
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