《The Villainess's Great Revenge》6


After a day full of classes Angelina went back to her room, by this time it was already in the evening.

After having manners class with countess Elvrod, Angelina was taught by sir Abbensten.

Ben Abbensten was a 23 year old scholar. He was only He had dark brown hair and green eyes. and now he is Angelina's tutor.

When Angelina entered her room, Marie was waiting for her with some tea.

"How was your studies miss? Did miss's tutors give miss a hard time?"

Marie was excited to hear what Angelina had to say but she was also worried since Angelina had just recovered from her illness.

"Everything went well Marie, you don't need to worry"

Angelina took a sip of the tea Marie had prepared and immediately recognized the tea.

"Is this... Chamomile tea..?"

"Mhmm! Miss seems to like it!"

"..thank you Marie.."

"Oh right! Miss there was a gift sent to you just this morning!"

" A gift..? Who's it from?"

"Umm..it doesn't say.."

Marie handed Angelina the gift. It was a black box, attached with a golden decorative ribbon.

Angelina opened the box and found a pair of elegant blue sapphire earings with a note.

"Oh my!" Marie was delightfully suprised and shrieked in excitement.


"Perhaps someone fancies our miss~"

".. Marie I just came back.. there's no way.."

Many questions ran through my head, such as Who sent this..? Why is it for me..? Why are they giving me such an expensive gift..?

After a while Marie left the room as I wanted to rest. After a moment of fighting my curiosity, I gave in and read the note that came along with the earings.

[ Blood is red and bruises are blue, after being apart for so long, I've finally found you.]

'What the heck...'

The hell would write such a thing..!? What do they mean by "finally found you"...


I was confused. I didn't meet anyone, who would give me this...

I put the note back in the box before placing the box inside the closet.

I laid down on my bed and covered my face with a pillow in frustration.

What a strange day...

I knew I wouldn't be able to have easy days for any longer. Evelina was definitely not the annoying and dumb girl, I always thought she was.


It was a sunny morning. The sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly, inside the mansion there were maids running around preparing for an event that will take place in the garden.

Marie was brushing Angelina's hair. Her soft, long and beautiful silver hair looked very elegant, Marie seemed to have a pleasure of brushing Angelina's soft hair.

"Marie what's going on? Is an event taking place in the mansion?" Angelina asked in a soft tone.

"Oh..well I don't know the details but I heard miss Evelina is hosting a tea party for some of the noble ladies!"

"Is that so...."

I don't remember Evelina being the type to host events...well at least not in my past life...

After Marie was done brushing Angelina's hair, Marie tied it up in a low side ponytail. Angelina was wearing a soft pink dress that made her look like a gentle and delicate young lady.

Marie stepped back to admire her work. Angelina also looked quite pleased when she saw herself in the vanity mirror.

In her previous life as Lilith Bailey, she had black hair and green eyes. Although she looked beautiful, she also looked quite fierce and not to mention her arrogant, willful, and bratty personality.

But now she looked like an elegant and delicate flower that could shatter even with the slightest touch.

"Aww....miss looks so beautiful!" Marie was very proud of herself and began to think that she was the best maid ever.

Angelina smiled gently " it's all thanks too you Marie"


Marie felt her heart flutter and she vowed to herself that she would serve Angelina devotedly till the day she died.

'ahh! Miss is so beautiful! Honestly who could ever hate anyone like her! From now on whoever tries to hurt miss must come through me first!' Marie thought to herself.

Angelina could tell Marie was happy and smiled at marie.


Angelina was walking back from the library when she saw two familiar ladies walking with some servants to the garden.

One lady had light brown hair and blue eyes. The other lady had dark green hair and yellow eyes.

'...hey.. isn't that lady Emily Mason and lady Adelle Zenna...'

Angelina met them before in her past life as Lilith, they were both daughters of counts. They would always try to get close to other nobles that has a higher status than them, including Lilith.

'were they here for that tea party Evelina was hosting..?'

Lady Mason and Lady Zenna was about to pass Angelina so she hid behind a tall, big tree. As they were passing Angelina, she heard them talking.

"I heard Lady Evelina's sister just came back, they say she just recovered from a deadly illness"

"I heard she was hideous! They say she looks like a dead person! Pale skin and sickly face!"

"Ugh...how disgusting..."

"I know right! No wonder they say Lady Evelina was the better daughter! Haha!"


Angelina stayed silent as they walked away.

'Pfft....I thought those only know how to be annoying...turns out they also know how to gossip huh..'


"Greetings Lady Evelina!"

There were four ladies invited to the tea party hosted by Evelina.

There was lady Mason, lady Zenna, lady Illia, and lady Oakcrook.

"Thank you for coming everybody!"

Evelina greeted them back with a smile. She was wearing a light yellow dress and was topped of with a matching necklace.

"Oh my! lady Evelina is just as beautiful as ever!" Said lady Mason

"Where did you get that dress lady Evelina? It looks stunning on you!" Said lady Oakcrook

"I'm so jealous...I can never be as beautiful as lady Evelina.." said lady Zenna

"Lady Evelina is indeed preety..."

Said lady Illia

They all started to flood Evelina with compliments, this was to butter Evelina up so they could be "friends"

"Oh my! Stop it... your making me flustered!"

Evelina purposely invited lady Mason, lady Zenna and lady Oakcrook as they liked to gossip. And she also purposely invited Lady Illia since she was known to be naive and a doormat.

"I heard your sister has finally returned, her name is Angelina..right?" Lady Mason asks

"Oh...yes I'm very happy!.." Evelina forced herself to smile

"However she is still quite sickly....she is still very weak and pale..so don't bother her.." Evelina says in a pityful and caring tone

"Lady Evelina sure is a caring sister!" Said lady Oakcrook

"Well I heard she's hideous.." said lady Zenna in a sarcastic voice

"Well..." Evelina tried her best act like she was trying to defend her sister, however she was actually very satisfied of what the ladies said

"Your sister can't hold a candle to lady Evelina's beauty!"

All the other noble ladies nodded in agreement, exept for lady Illia who seems to be uncomfortable

The handmaid's of the ladies were looking at each other and noticed two people walking to them

"It looks like you all are having fun"

All the ladies and handmaids turned to look at the source of the voice.

It was a beautiful girl, her silver hair that is tied in a low side ponytail is shining in the sunlight, her golden eyes seemed that they can bewitch people. She was wearing a soft pink dress and a pair of white diamond earrings.

"Sister..I'm so hurt...why didn't you invite me.." Angelina said with tears in her eyes

The word "sister" made everyone identify her as the youngest daughter of duke Skyler and Evelina's younger sister.

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